Federico Angrisano
Director of Communications and Media Relations

Federico Angrisano has been Director of Communications and Media Relations of the Mondadori Group since June 2013.
Born in Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) in 1968 and a graduate in political science at the Univerisity of Milan, Angrisano acquires his initial experience in the world of communications at the beginning of the 1990s.
In 1997, he joins the Communications Department of McDonald’s Italia, where he is involved, among other things, in external relations, the press office and internal communications. After covering roles of growing responsibility at McDonald’s, in 2000 he joins Pirelli’s External Relations Department. Working in the Group’s press office, he is initially involved with products, from tires to real estate, and later moves on to the corporate function.
He joins Mondadori in September 2002 as Head of Press Relations. In 2005, he is appointed Head of Institutional Communications, coordinating the activities of the press office, corporate image, corporate events and internal communications.
Angrisano is also a director of FIEG (Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali), the Italian newspaper and magazine publishers association, vice-president of the media, communications, and entertainment group and a member of the General Council of Assolombarda and a member of the board of Mediafriends, a non-profit charitable association.