Francesca Rigolio
Chief Sustainability Officer

Francesca Rigolio has been Chief Sustainability Officer of the Mondadori Group since May 2024 and Head of Human Resources of the Books area since March 2018.
She is also a board member of Mondadori Education, Rizzoli Education and Electa Editore.
Born in Varese in 1968, Rigolio graduated in Economics and Business at Bocconi University of Milan. She started her professional career in 1993 in the edutainment sector, before joining the Mondadori Group in 1998 as marketing manager for the start-up project on the opening of the first Mondadori Multicenters in Italy.
In September 2001, she moved to the Human Resources department, initially as head of selection, training and development of the Retail area, then, from 2006, as Head of Human Resources of the Educational area, comprising school textbooks publishing and museum activities. In 2016, following the acquisition of Rizzoli Libri by the Mondadori Group, she added human resources management of Rizzoli Education and Rizzoli International Publications in New York to her responsibilities. In 2018, with all book activities combined into a single business area, Francesca Rigolio took on the position of Head of Human Resources of Books, adding the Group’s Trade publishing houses to her previous responsibilities.
In May 2021, following the creation of the Diversity & Inclusion function, she was appointed Chief Diversity Officer of the Mondadori Group.