
The new Studenti now online with even more useful study content

Studenti, the web site by Banzai Media (Mondadori Group) market leader in the student segment 4.7 million unique users per month (Audiweb, May 2016), is now online in an innovative version completely dedicated to study support: with improved functionality and a new look, the new Studenti is characterised by  mobile first usability.

The new release was conceived to make it easier to use and easier to find the most useful and relevant content for study topics: the offer has been divided by areas of interest and, in turn, rigorously split into subjects and topics, with special attention to the most frequently searched items.

“The mission of Studenti has always been to help students with their school work and to pass their exams, as well as orient themselves in their post-diploma choices. Thanks to this new release, Studenti strengthens its value proposition, becoming even more useful and focusing on innovative content and services,” declared Andrea Santagata, the Mondadori Group’s deputy general manager of Magazines Italy.

“The world of young people and millennials is a premium target for our advertisers and in the publishing context Studenti is a natural choice for them. With this new release we will also increase users’ participation and involvement; in fact native formats and engagement are among the property’s driving elements in its aim to be mobile first in terms of day to day use,” underlined Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond.

An update and re-invigorated editorial offer

Within each subject, students can identify the most relevant didactic issues. The new organisation of the content also makes it possible to  look at the subjects in different levels of detail: advanced filters and related allow users to highlight a range of important conceptual connections.

In addition to the didactic content of Studenti, traditionally made up of notes, thousands of previously prepared mini-dissertations, a rich selection of video-lessons and a series of interactive modules specifically for the teaching of mathematics for high school students, is a range of new quality content. In fact the editorial content of Studenti has been enhanced with contributions from graduate students and university professors with the aim of providing students with exhaustive and accurate materials: background notes by teachers have been gathered together in structured and indexed files including summaries, glossaries and margin notes, in order to give an even better study experience.

The offer is completed with study guides and a range of interactive tests: those for orientation and matriculation, as well as simulations of multiple choice tests and exams in various subjects.

Thanks to responsive graphics, the new Studenti is easy to use on both a PC or a mobile device, effectively supporting students in a range of different situations. is online at:

Link :

The exhibition BOOM 60! at the Museo del Novecento

The Museo del Novecento with Electa presents BOOM 60! That was Modern Art, an exhibition sponsored by the City of Milan – Culture, and dedicated to art from the early fifties to the early sixties and its reflection in the popular mass media.

The exhibition at the Museo del Novecento will run from October 18, 2016–March 12, 2017, curated by Mariella Milan and Desdemona Ventroni with Maria Grazia Messina and Antonello Negri. It inaugurates the new exhibition spaces with a complex layout between the Arengario and Piazzetta Reale with an exhibit design by Atelier Mendini.

The exhibition, thanks to the extension of the museum layout into the new galleries assigned to the museum, seeks to explore the themes of Italian art in the 20th century while enriching the permanent museum layout. In the conception and choice of artworks, as well as loans from museums and public and private collections, it proved possible to draw on the rich collection of the Museo del Novecento: paintings and sculptures of the city’s heritage from the Boschi di Stefano collection, which is not on permanent display, and so makes a fascinating discovery.

BOOM 60! explores modern art as it was recounted from the early fifties to early sixties in the weekly and monthly illustrated press, the popular newsmagazines. 

These were the boom years, when not only the economy and consumption were soaring, but also the sales of illustrated weeklies and monthlies: Epoca, Tempo, Le Ore, Oggi, Gente, L’Europeo, Abc, Oggi, L’Espresso, Vie Nuove, La Domenica del Corriere, La Tribuna Illustrata, Successo, Panorama, L’Illustrazione Italiana, Settimana Incom Illustrata, Lo Specchio, Settimo Giorno. Their readership peaked in this period, with a circulation far greater than that of the newspapers, making them an important means of entertainment, as well as a faithful mirror of the collective outlook and aspirations. 

What emerges from the pages of these popular magazines is an alternative picture of modern art and its protagonists, contrasting with the evaluations of cultivated critics. Artistic innovations clashed with the expectations of the general public, who were highly suspicious of them. The magazines often fomented their readers’ prejudices, and at others sought to “educate” them by relating the art world to the forms of mass culture.

The exhibition, with a spectacular exhibit design by the Atelier Mendini, reflects these varied aspects of Italian visual culture in its decisive phase, drawing widely on the Milanese context, as the center of the major commercial publishing houses and much of the most advanced artistic research.

Some 140 works of painting, sculpture and graphic design – chosen in relation to their particular success in the mass media – create a dialogue in four sections: “Major Exhibitions and Controversies”, “Artists in the Magazines”, “Artists and Celebrities”, “The Market and Collecting”,  with the most popular photographic and TV illustrations of artworks and artists. A rich documentary section, like a great ‘’newsstand’’ from the past organized in  the Sala Archivi of the Museo, presents the public with the magazines and their different ways of recounting modern art, from the covers to feature articles, from criticism to advertising columns, from illustration to photojournalistic images, together with a selection of eight works from which the Dino Buzzati’s Piazza Duomo di Milano.

Our publishing houses at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Our publishing houses are at the 68th Frankfurt Book Fair , scheduled from 19 to 23 October.

This is the most important European event and among the most prestigious in the world.

Mondadori, Rizzoli, Einaudi, Sperling & Kupfer and Piemme are in Hall 5.0, Stand D25: a new space, designed to enhance all of our editorial brands, together at the Fair for the first time.

Big buzz at the Frankfurt Book Fair for the new book on Pope Francis by Andrea Tornielli

After the international bestseller The Name od God is Mercy, published in 100 countries and translated in 34 languages, expert of Vatican affairs Andrea Tornielli offers an extraordinary travel tale from the very voice of Pope Francis, plus an exclusive interview to the Holy Father.

The book, entitled Journeying (Piemme), will hit bookstores in Italy starting from January 2017 and it is already catching the attention of the publishers worldwide.

“Panorama d’Italia” arrives in Milan

A super 7-day stage with 54 events around the city
From Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 October a calendar of free events open to everyone

  • From the greetings of President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to an encounter with Ken Follett, and from “art lessons” to stars from the world of music
  • Showcooking and food experiences with star chefs, and meetings with ministers entrepreneurs and managers
  • Inaugurating the stage on Sunday 16 October at 4.30 pm Mayor Giuseppe Sala and the Fanfare of the Carabinieri

Milan is the stage of stages for Milano “Panorama d’Italia”, the tour that the newsmagazine Panorama has made over the last three years around the country taking in information, culture, food, wine and entertainment. From Sunday 16 until Saturday 22 October Lombardy’s capital will host a special stage of the tour with a calendar of 54 events open to everyone.

“Milan is undergoing a phase of great change,” writes the Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, in an article in the magazine welcoming the arrival of the tour to the city.  “Thanks also to the extraordinary experience of the Expo, Milan has become a model. The city is also a point of reference around the world for fashion, art, design, food, voluntary service, care for the environment: a desirable tourist destination, an example of the efficiency and quality  that this country is capable of. The events organised by the “Panorama d’Italia” initiative will reflect the spirit of this Milan, as well as the originality and enterprise of its citizens.”

The editor of Panorama, Giorgio Mulè, explained the sense of this stage: “During this week we will talk to the people of Milan of all ages and we will offer opportunities to meet and exchange ideas, attempting to enrich the prospects and culture of everyone: work, food and wine, theatre, cinema and music with testimonials worthy of this great city and its international vocation.”
With lots of guests and over 30 different locations, the Milan stage of the Panorama d’Italia tour, now in its third year, after visiting 27 towns and cities and engaging thousands of people with the best of the country, arrives in the Italian city with the most international outlook.

Politics and institutions

The greetings of President Mattarella, the presence of government ministers Giannini, Galletti and Calenda; the Governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni with the councillor of economic development Mauro Parolini and other members of the council, the Mayor Giuseppe Sala, deputy-minister Enrico Zanetti: are just some of the guests form the world of politics and institutions participating in the meetings organised by Panorama d’Italia. An opportunity to meet and exchange ideas face to face on issues of direct relevance to national development: from education to economic growth, social as well as and labour policies. Conferences, exclusive interviews and talk shows: and on each occasion a direct relationship with the public will be fundamental as participants interact with the speakers and follow the debates live.

Training, business and jobs

Central to the whole event  will be a discussion on “The schools of the future”, on Thursday 20 October at the headquarters of the Mondadori Group in Segrate: the meeting with high school students involved in the competition “Il bello di Milano” will begin with an introduction by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in the presence of education minster Stefania Giannini. During the week of Panorama d’Italia, young job seekers will have the chance to meet HR specialists from some of Italy’s leading companies and will be able to follow debates between some of the prime examples of business excellence  in the city.


Culture and entertainment

A parade of stars, from the worlds of music, cinema and literature will be a feature of the Panorama d’Italia marathon in Milan, with open interviews, showcases, concerts, readings and exclusive presentations. Some of the names include: Alessandra Amoroso, Nek, Emis Killa, Fabio Rovazzi, Niccolò Agliardi, Benji and Fede, Alfonso Signorini, Dan Peterson, Geronimo Stilton, Antonio Casanova, Sofia Viscardi, and many more; as well as the presentation, in collaboration with the Festival del Cinema di Roma, of the film, “Florence” starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. There will also be space for DJ sets and fashion events, thanks to the collaboration of the magazine Icon.

Panorama d’Italia will also offer an opportunity to meet prestigious authors and discover the city’s artistic delights with exceptional guides. Starting on Sunday 16 October with Ken Follett, an author who in Italy has sold over 14 million copies of his novels. The Welsh writer has chosen Milan to meet his Italian readers and talk about his future plans. Interviewed by Panorama editor Giorgio Mulè, the author will talk about his books, but also about his private life, politics and current affairs.

Also during the week will be events featuring Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Vittorio Sgarbi, Maurizio De Giovanni, Stefano Zecchi, Davide Rampello, Massimiliano Locatelli, Roberto Giacobbo and many more. The Milan stage of the tour will also give space to meetings with Focus, among the most appreciated new features of Panorama d’Italia 2016: the astronaut Umberto Guidoni, the editor of Focus Jacopo Loredan and many other guests from the world of science will accompany participants “around space” with meetings and ad hoc events, including live coverage of the arrival of the space probe Exomars on Mars.


Haute cuisine

In an anthology of excellence, it is impossible not to involve the stars of Italian cooking, one of the jewels in the crown of Made in Italy food and wine around the world. So space will be given to star chefs such as Andrea Berton, Giovanni Bon, Bobo and Chicco Cerea, Carlo Cracco, Filippo La Mantia, Davide Oldani, the famous faces of TV chefs such as Benedetta Parodi and Antonio Martino, and, exceptionally, heading the list the great maestro Gualtiero Marchesi, the cornerstone of a generation of outstanding chefs now working around the world and representing the very best of Italy’s food and wine culture.


All of the “Panorama d’Italia” events are free and the programme is available from or To take part, all you need to do is register and book your place on and following the instructions (any programme changes will be announced on the site). All of the events can be followed in live streaming on the site and on social networks.. At all of the “Panorama d’Italia” event locations it will be possible to buy the bracelets produced especially for the tour by Cruciani: the proceeds will contribute to the creation of a new national centre for the Lega del Filo d’Oro, the charity that assists people with aural, visual and other sensory impairments, in Osimo (Ancona).
Tour figures

Last year alone 4 million people were reached by the tour through physical events, the printed weekly magazine, its sites, social channels, television, radio and other media that used the content. The audience directly involved in the events in the various towns and cities totalled more than 110,000 with 375 guests and speakers (including 6 minsters, 8 regional presidents and 8 mayors), 500 media outlets, 191 business people in round tables and the involvement of over 600 companies, including 180 innovative start-ups.
Panorama d’Italia enjoys the support of high level partners who share a commitment to enhancing Italian excellence around the country. They include: Autostrade per l’Italia, Banca Mediolanum, Cobat, Cruciani, Eicma, Enel, Eni, IBM, Invitalia, Poste Italiane, Sicily by Car, Università Telematica Pegaso, and TgCom24 Mediaset. The charity partnership with the Lega del Filo d’Oro will be present throughout the tour.
In addition, at every town and city on the tour, media partnerships have been established with the leading local TV and radio stations and newspapers.

“Panorama d’Italia” has been organised in collaboration with Triumph Group International, for executive production, organisation and logistics.



Grazia and The Blonde Salad present YOU – THE DIGITAL FASHION REVOLUTION

The Mondadori magazine edited by Silvia Grilli and the web site created by Chiara Ferragni examine in the global digital revolution that has transformed media and fashion

  • At the Milan Triennale from 7- 13 October 2016
  • Organised with the support of the City of Milan

Grazia, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, and The Blonde Salad, the web site created by digital icon Chiara Ferragni, with the support of the City of Milan, present at the Triennale in Milan YOU  – THE DIGITAL FASHION REVOLUTION.

The exhibition, which is free and open to the public from 7 to 13 October, will for the first time illustrate the revolution that the leading players in digital and web influencers have brought about in the world of media, fashion, luxury and photography.

An authentic digital fashion revolution that Grazia, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, and interpreter of fashion and Italian style around the world with a global multi-channel system magazine-web-social network-TV, and The Blonde Salad by Chiara Ferragni, catalyser of followers on digital platforms, have decided to examine in collaboration with Tiffany&Co, the renowned New York jewellery brand.

From the birth of street style photography at the end of the twentieth century up to the consecration of digital influencers (who interpret styles and trends, spreading tastes and modifying the language) YOU illustrates what has changed and what will change in virtual worlds that have become more real than reality.

The real protagonist at the centre of the exhibition is TU: all of us who act and react on the web and also become a part of the content of the exhibition.

The location of the event is the Museo della Triennale in Milan, in the majestic Salone d’Onore where visitors will be immersed in the phenomenon that has revolutionised the media.

The exhibition YOU will also engage visitors with activities and workshops, making them an active part of the show. In addition to images and words, easy to follow and captivating interactive paths accompany the public on a virtual journey. Free workshops will also allow visitors to learn the secrets of the trade that enable certain personalities to become influencers. At the end of the exhibition, visitors come to a Mirror Box, an environment with counter posing mirrors and lights that represent the great stage that is the web.

The exhibition YOU – THE DIGITAL FASHION REVOLUTION by Grazia and The Blonde Salad is organised in collaboration with Tiffany & Co. For the occasion, the renowned New York jewellery brand will have a dedicated space with a photowall with a thematic  background.

The other partners of the exhibition are: American Express, Maserati and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Cocktail dînatorie prepared by chef Andrea Berton.

The exhibition catalogue YOU – THE DIGITAL FASHION REVOLUTION was conceived produced and published by Electa and is on sale at the Triennale and all good bookshops.

Interni presents its first editorial initiative dedicated to Mexico City: a monographic issue “United Mexican Design” and the “Design Guide Mexico City/Milano”

Both publications, which are in Spanish and English, will have a special print run of 10,000 copies each, and be distributed in Mexico City

The official presentation of the monograph and guide will take place on 4 October at the Italian Embassy and on 7 October at the Soumaya Museum

INTERNI, the interiors and contemporary design magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi, has been transformed from a printed title to an international integrated communication system that this month will launch its first editorial initiatives dedicated to Mexico City: a monographic issue  entitled “United Mexican Design” and a “Design Guide Mexico City/Milano”, with the aim of helping foreign visitors find their way around a megalopolis of around 21 million inhabitants with the aid of design-oriented itineraries.

The publications, both of which are in Spanish and English, will have a special print run of 10,000 copies and will be distributed around Mexico City  at bookstores, museums, schools, galleries, showrooms and hotels. The official presentation of the monograph and guide will take place on 4 October at the Italian Embassy in the presence of authorities, and on 7 October at the Soumaya Museum, with architects, operators and the organisers of the project.

Both publications look at issues related to the current situation of Mexico City/CDMX, with regard to architecture, design and art, also in terms of multiple and interweaving linguistic expressions.

INTERNI United Mexican Design

The monographic issue of INTERNI with over 260 pages, is introduced with  the institutional voice of Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, head of the capital’s government, who underlines the dynamism of Mexico in the design field and Giovanni Anzani, chairman of Assarredo, who highlights how a dialogue between Italian design and the local reality offers new and significant opportunities for exchange. Pino Cacucci, the Italian writer of fiction and non-fiction, looks ate the colours of Mexico, the atmosphere and personalities, while a discussion of the leading figures in contemporary Mexican architecture is left to Fernando Romero, Javier Sordo Madaleno, Tatiana Bilbao, Victor Legorreta, Pedro Reyes and Carla Fernandez, and Mauricio Rocha.

Art, meanwhile, is examined the an emblematic overview by Pedro Friedeberg, Pedro Reyes and Raymundo Sesma/Advento Art Design, as well as authoritative testimony by the likes of Juan A. Gaitán for museums; Ricardo Salas Moreno for graphics and the design schools (Universidades Anahuac) and many more – as well as a look at the designers that represent Mexico in Italy and around the world. Finally, two studios created in Milan by the editorial team of INTERNI interpret “suggestions from Mexico”, where Italian design encounters the siesta and the idea of “relax”.

Guida “Design Guide Mexico City/Milano”

The first edition of the Mexico City/Milano Guide (which joins the other International Guides to Milan, New York, Paris, Moscow) meanwhile is a companion in the discovery of places and areas of the city through design itineraries: art and design galleries, museums, hotels, restaurants, specialised bookstores, schools, as well as flagship stores, monobrand and multistores where the best product of the companies that represent Italian design can be found.

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini with the support of Rizzoli Education rewards creativity and talent

The launch of new competitions for first and second level secondary schools

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini entra nelle scuole con due concorsi nazionali messi a punto grazie al prezioso supporto di Rizzoli Education: parte così la prima edizione assoluta del PREMIO LYRA – MAIMERI dedicato agli studenti delle secondarie di secondo grado e PREMIO LYRA, giunto al suo settimo anno e rivolto alle secondarie di primo grado.

Due concorsi uniti dalla volontà di avvicinare i ragazzi all’espressione artistica, proponendo tematiche sempre nuove in linea con i programmi didattici, due iniziative che metteno in palio premi importanti e che portano la firma dei brand di casa F.I.L.A. specializzati nel mondo del disegno artistico e delle belle arti: Lyra e Maimeri.



Il nuovo PREMIO LYRA – MAIMERI nasce per offrire ai ragazzi una grande esperienza formativa nel mondo della professionalità creativa, una proposta che viaggia all’unisono con le nuove direttive scolastiche. I più talentuosi potranno infatti vincere cinque master estivi di sei giorni in formula all-inclusive presso la prestigiosa scuola di illustrazione Ars In Fabula di Macerata e certificato di frequenza con valore di due crediti formativi.

Il titolo proposto per l’elaborazione della tavola in gara è “REFASHION ART”: guidati dai loro insegnanti di arte o di disegno tecnico e da un’ampia dose di fantasia e creatività, i ragazzi sono invitati a modificare un’opera d’arte (quadro, fotografia, veduta o scorcio) o una struttura architettonica, che amano o che li affascina e che desiderano reinterpretare, cambiare, arricchire, rendere diversa. Potranno quindi ridisegnarla, ridipingerla, ripensarla in chiave personale, rivederla proiettata nel futuro, nel passato o in qualsiasi dimensione stilistica: trasformarla esprimendo il proprio talento.

Tutti gli elaborati caricati dai partecipanti entro il 28 febbraio 2017 sul sito ufficiale all’interno di una delle due categorie di appartenenza – arte o architettura potranno così essere visionati e votati online dal 15 al 30 marzo 2017 dalla giuria popolare.

I più votati rispettivamente nella sezione arte e architettura si aggiudicheranno i primi due master mentre gli altri tre in palio saranno assegnati direttamente da una giuria di qualità indistintamente dalla categoria di appartenenza.


F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini con il supporto di Rizzoli Education premia la creatività e il talento


Giving a voice to first level secondary school pupils meanwhile, this year’s PREMIO LYRA has the title ANIMAL’ARTE”, an invitation to produce an original self-portrait inspired by the animal kingdom, choosing the animal that best represents them or with which they have the greatest affinity in a work through which they can discover something new about themselves.

The prizes, for the most voted top two classes le prime (one by a popular and the other a qualified jury), two trips to an Italian city of culture with a museum visit and, for the best work in each of the three categories of merit (one for each level), three workshops led by an illustrator for the Associazione Autori di Immagini (a partner of the project), a supply of Lyra products and a collection of 20 art books provided by Rizzoli Education for the school library.

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini con il supporto di Rizzoli Education premia la creatività e il talento


And to stimulate participation with ideas, suggestions and information on how to take part in the competitions, FILA and Rizzoli Education invite teachers and their classes across Italy to two exciting workshops on the themes of the competitions via an interactive webinar presented by Mariagrazia Rocchetti, curator of the project and the educational content of the prizes. The date is fixed for Wednesday 5 October:

Animal’arte at 11 am; Animal’arte  at 3 pm

Refashion Art at 12 midday; Refashion Art at 4 pm


Additional ideas, suggestions and details about all FILA competitions for schools are available on the blogzine

Bruce Springsteen doubles down for his fans

Published and released simultaneously around the world the autobiography “Born to Run” and the album “Chapter and Verse”, with 5 unheard tracks

To celebrate this double bonanza, 5 events around Italy and a Mondadori Store competition to win a guitar signed by Bruce Springsteen

Mondadori Libri is proud to announce the publication – simultaneously around the world – of the autobiography by Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run, on 27 September 2016. It will be preceded by the album Chapter and Verse, released by Columbia Records/Sony Music, on 23 September.

Mondadori Store is celebrating this double bonanza with an unmissable competition, organised in collaboration with Sony Music Italy and Mondadori Libri, with as the prize Fender Telecaster American Standard guitar, tested and signed by Bruce Springsteen. For full details please go to

Finally, to celebrate along with all Bruce Springsteen fans the arrival of the autobiography, Born to Run, and the album, Chapter and Verse, 5 events are planned in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Padua e Turin, with exceptional guest appearances, shows and lots of music. For full details please go to

The autobiography Born to Run


In 2009, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band performed at the Super Bowl: the experience was so exciting that Bruce decided to put it down on paper. This was how the extraordinary autobiography started, a book that Bruce has spent the past seven years preparing and in which we rediscover the sincerity, the irony and originality that we have come to know through his songs.

He tells us about his childhood in Freehold, New Jersey, a place full of poetry but also of potential risks, destined to feed his imagination, until the moment that Bruce calls the “Big Bang”: Elvis Presley’s debut on the “Ed Sullivan Show”. He describes his unbridled desire to become a musician, his beginnings as the king of the bar bands in Asbury Park and the birth of the E Street Band. With disarming candour, for the first time Bruce Springsteen talks about the inner torments that inspired his greatest songs, beginning from Born to Run, a track that turns out to be even more complex than we imagined.

It is an enlightening read for anyone who loves Bruce Springsteen, but it is much more that the memoir of a legendary rock star: it is a book for practical spirits and incurable dreamers, for parents and children, couples in love and lonely hearts, for artists, hippies and anyone who wants to be baptized in the sacred river of rock. It is rare that an artist tells their story in such an intensely detailed way. As in many of his songs (Thunder Road, Badlands, Darkness on the Edge of Town, The River, Born in the USA, The Rising and The Ghost of Tom Joad, to name just a few), the autobiography of Bruce Springsteen outlines the inspiration of a unique artist and the wisdom of a man who has thought deeply about his own experience.



The album Chapter and Verse

Chapter and Verse, is the album that accompanies the autobiography, released on 23 September by Columbia Records/Sony Music four-days ahead of the publication of Born to Run. The collection, which spans the artist’s entire career, includes six songs that have never been heard before. It is available on CD, double LP, digital download and streaming. The CD and double LP contain the lyrics of the songs and some rare photos.

The songs on in Chapter and Verse, 18 in total, reflect the themes and sections of the book Born to Run. The collection begins with two tracks by the Castiles, with the teenaged Springsteen on vocals and guitar, and closes with the title track from 2012’s “Wrecking Ball”. The track list of the album traces Bruce’s musical history, from its beginnings and tell a story that runs in parallel with the narrative of the book.

The recordings by the Steel Mill and the Bruce Springsteen Band feature musicians who would later enter the ranks of the E Street Band. The solo demos “Henry Boy” and “Growin’ Up” were made in 1972, shortly before Springsteen began recording his debut album, Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.


The Mondadori Store competition

Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive chain of bookstores, in collaboration with Mondadori Libri and Sony Music Italy, has organised a competition for which the prize is a Fender Telecaster American Standard tested and signed by Bruce Springsteen himself. Fans can take part in the competition by pre-ordering or buying the book along with the CD or LP) exclusively at participating Mondadori Stores or on the web site,

All you have to do then is to got to the web site before 20 October 2016 and follow the instructions to participate in the draw. The prize will be presented to the fortunate winner along with a certificate of authenticity.

The guitar, on display from today at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo, will also travel to the Mondadori Stores in Bologna, Padua and Turin as part of three events dedicated to Bruce Springsteen, and finally it will remain on show at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan until the end of the competition.

For full details please go to


The events

A total of 5 events have been organised to celebrate the publication of the autobiography Born to Run and the release of the album Chapter and Verse, starting with Eataly and two exceptional events. The first, in Milan, on Thursday 29 September at Eataly Smeraldo from 8 pm and the second in Rome, on Sunday 2 October at Eataly Ostiense from 6 pm. Two unique occasions, with special guests. At the heart of th event will be a reading from the autobiography Born to Run by the great Giuseppe Battiston. Taking part in Milan will be the journalist Marina Petrillo and I Rome Gino Castaldo.

But that’s not all, because from 3 to 6 October the Fender Telecaster American Standard signed by Bruce Springsteen will tour the Mondadori Stores in Bologna, Padua and Turin, where it will be on display for a whole day. In each city a special event dedicated to the autobiography Born to Run and the album Chapter and Verse, has been organised and the protagonists of these three events will be the comic actor Antonio Ornano, authors, artists and special fans. For full details. please go to

Flair goes online with the launch of

Covering female fashion and beauty with a focus on image quality and texts in Italian and English, the Panorama system’s upscale women’s lifestyle web site of, is online, completing the editorial offer.

Flair brings to the web all of its research, innovation and analysis of trends, with a rich online platform of news, photos and videos, created ad hoc and produced daily for the site, and enriched with content derived from the magazine’s print version.

An account of fashion, the great personalities of the fashion world and the star system, the icons and stories that every day inspire the most loved styles in the digital version of Flair, while retaining the spirit, attention to detail and editorial line of the its printed counterpart. The dominant feature is the images, which reflect with a strong visual impact the contamination of creativity, fashion, beauty, art and lifestyle. All through a linear and clean graphic design – in line with what we see on the newsstands, and perfectly accessible on your PC, mobile and tablet – which enhances the content and photographic section.

The site is divided into four sections, inspired by the editorial approach of the print version of the magazine: “Hotspot”, a catalogue of suggestions and trends that gravitate around the fashion system, a think-tank of art and culture, personalities and stories; “Fashion”, with the latest trends from the catwalks and the streets and interviews with the biggest names in fashion, enriched by fashion editorial content in pure Flair style; “Beauty”, presenting innovations in makeup and body care, new makeup trends and hairstyles as the essence of style; “Things”, a collection of iconic products that make the difference, accessories and objects that represent style and an attitude of life.

Central to the whole idea is also the international and cosmopolitan vocation that is part of the brand’s DNA: proudly Italian, the site is available in two languages, Italian and English, making it increasingly a landmark of made in Italy luxury in the world.

Along with the launch of, Flair is also joining social networks: Facebook ( and Instagram (@flairitalia).

“Chiedete. Le mie risposte alle vostre domande”: the first social book by Pope Francis

An international book-event to be published soon

During the meeting between Pope Francis and Scholas Occurrentes, held today in the Synod Hall in Rome, a new Mondadori publishing project was presented developed in collaboration with Scholas Occurrentes and the start up eFanswer: Chiedete. Le mie risposte alle vostre domande, a book that will be published later in the year, both in Italy and abroad.

Chiedete. Le mie risposte alle vostre domande is not just a book but an international “social event”, in which Pope Francis invites young people from around the world to ask him questions on the site, developed together with the start-up eFanswer and available in five languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can ask anything, there are no predefined arguments or issues, the important thing is that what you want to know comes from the heart. The questions will be collected and selected by Mondadori and Scholas Occurrentes on the basis of two main criteria: variety and originality, in order to allow Pope Francis to share his thoughts on topics never so far addressed. The Holy Father’s answers will be published in a book to be released in the coming months and for which the rights will be sold worldwide. Edited by Tiziana Lupi, a journalist, who wrote Our Pope, an illustrated biography of Pope Francis published by Mondadori in 2014, and edited My Idea of ​​Art, a book published last year, also by Mondadori, in which, for the first time, Pope Francis expressed his thoughts on art.

Chiedete. Le mie risposte alle vostre domande is an authentic social book, which uses new forms of communication to put the Holy Father in contact with people from every corner of the planet. A sort of collective book interview, a new concept, a great virtual dialogue between Pope Francis and young people from around the world, of any social class and religion who, thanks to the internet, can ask their questions just as if they had him in front of them.

During the meeting Pope Francis underlined how important it is to learn to enter into a dialogue, because in a dialogue everybody wins and nobody loses; because dialogue means building bridges. Tiziana Lupi, who presented the project, focused on just this concept to describe it: “With this book, together with Scholas Occurrentes and Mondadori, we have tried to open a door to this dialogue. Unfiltered, so that young people can ask their questions directly on the web platform. The aim is to be open to listening and dialogue, two key tools, as Pope Francis himself claims, for the creation of a different world.” The first two questions were asked by two of the 12 YouTubers present at the meeting. The answers, which the Holy Father gave immediately, will be the first to be included in the book.

This project has been developed in collaboration with Scholas Occurrentes, an international organisation of pontifical law created by Pope Francis and concerned with young people and education with the aim of promoting social integration and a culture of encounters for peace, and thanks to a technological and publishing platform developed by the start-up eFanswer.