Corporate events

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_6

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, with reference to the last seven trading days, on October 4, 2011 the company bought a total of 50,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.020% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.51872 per share, for a total of € 75,936.00 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

Following this operation and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 7,128,609 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 11,646,095 corresponding to 4.72% of the share capital.


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

“FIPP World Magazine Congress”: the 39th edition in 2013 in Italy with Mondadori

The next “World Magazine Congress” will be organised in Italy in partnership with Mondadori by FIPP (International Federation of the Periodical Press).
The meeting, which brings magazine publishers from around the world together every two years, will be held in Rome from 23 to 25 September 2013. The announcement was made at the end of two intense days of discussions in New Delhi, the location for this year’s 38th edition of the congress

Maurizio Costa, deputy chairman and chief executive of the Mondadori Group, was given the task by the chairman of the board of FIPP, Chris Llewellyn during the closing ceremony.
Costa had led the Mondadori delegation during the two days of the congress where it had participated in debates and panels on the most relevant issues facing magazine publishers: from the increasing importance of brands and the quality of editorial content, to the challenge of digital and the fast-growing emerging markets.

“We are proud to have the responsibility of hosting such a prestigious conference in Italy, an event that brings together delegations and representatives from the whole of the international publishing industry,” underlined Costa. “The process of transformation that is taking place in the media world is so rapid that being able to host in our country an occasion for discussion and exchange of such relevance is a great privilege. The decision by FIPP to hold its next congress in Italy is also an honour as it is a recognition of Mondadori’s position as one of the world’s leading players in the magazine business,” Costa added. “Until just a few years ago we had only a marginal international role. We now operate in 22 countries and Grazia, our leading brand, has 18 editions around the world, nine of which are weeklies. This rapid and successful development is a confirmation of the validity of a strategy for international growth through partnerships with leading publishers in other countries,” concluded Costa.

With 700 associated companies and branches in 61 countries, FIPP (International Federation of the Periodical Press) today represents more than 5,000 magazines, including leading brands around the world.
The last time that Italy was chosen to host the FIPP World Magazine Congress, which is held every two years, was in 1977. Prior to New Delhi, the last four meetings were held in London, Beijing, New York and Paris.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_5

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 23 and 30 September 2011, the company bought a total of 200,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.0811% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.5606 per share, for a total of € 312,131.02 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.
The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 23/09/2011 100,000 1.50598 26/09/2011 12,000 1.55980 28/09/2011 20,000 1.63280 29/09/2011 14,000 1.61938 30/09/2011 54,000 1.62015

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 7,078,609 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 11,596,095 corresponding to 4.70% of the share capital.
It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.
In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.
It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_4

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 14 and 21 September 2011, the company bought a total of 600,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.2434% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.7442 per share, for a total of € 1,046,520.13 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 14/09/2011 105,000 1.72227 15/09/2011 105,000 1.78463 16/09/2011 110,000 1.78953 19/09/2011 100,000 1.71385 20/09/2011 99,000 1.73079 21/09/2011 81.000 1.71252

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 6,878,609 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 11,396,095 corresponding to 4.62% of the share capital.

It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi nominated as new managing director of Edizioni Piemme and general manager of Sperling & Kupfer

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore today announced that it will propose to the next meeting of the board of directors of Edizioni Piemme Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi for the position of managing director of the company.

At the same time, Eugenio Trombetta Panigadi will also be proposed to the board of directors of Sperling & Kupfer as general manager of the publishing house led by managing director Giuseppe Baroffio.

The position of deputy general manager add-on products, currently held by Trombetta, will be held ad interim by Stefano De Alessandri, general manager of magazines Italy of the Mondadori Group.

Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi, 50, was born in Milan and has a degree in law. He began his professional life at the Class group and joined Mondadori in the 1990s where he has held a series of positions of growing responsibility inside the Group.

Mondadori deposits documentation for the merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned subsidiary AME Editoriale Wellness

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore has announced that, under the terms of Art. 70 para. 5 of the Consob Regulation n.11971/1999, the plan for the merger, by incorporation with Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. of the wholly-owned subsidiary AME Editoriale Wellness S.r.l., previously Mondadori-Rodale S.r.l., is available for inspection at the company’s headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and in the Governance section of the company’s web site (, along with an illustrative report and other documentation foreseen by Art. 2501 septies n.3) of the Civil Code.

As per Art. 2505 para. 2 of the Civil Code, resolutions regarding the merger by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. will be made, within the terms of the law, by the board of directors.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_3

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 2 and 5 August 2011, the company bought a total of 400,000 shares (corresponding to 0.162% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 2.12411 per share, for a total of € 849,645.30 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.
The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 02/08/2011 90,000 2.15207 03/08/2011 110,000 2.16762 04/08/2011 110,000 2.09511 05/08/2011 90,000 2.07843

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 6,278,609 of the company’s shares. A further 4,517,486 shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 10,796,095 (or 4.38% of the share capital). This figure refers to the share capital after the capital reduction, effected by the cancellation of 12,971,492 treasury shares, carried out in line with the shareholders’ resolution of 21 April 2011, previously communicated to the market.
It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 15% of the share capital on the date of the shareholders’ meeting and 10.52% after the aforementioned capital reduction.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.
In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.
It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Mondadori: publication of the report on the first half of the year to 30 June 2011

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that the report for the period to 30 June 2011 is available, together with the independent auditor’s report, at the company’s corporate offices and Borsa Italiana S.p.A.
The documents are also available on the Mondadori web site (in the “Investor Relations” section).

Mondadori: share capital reduction completed

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced that, in compliance with art. 2445 para. 3 of the Civil Code, it had enacted the resolution of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, held on 21 April 2011 (deposited with the Company Records Office on 3 May 2011), regarding the reduction of the company’s share capital from €67,451,756.32 to €64,079,168.40 through the cancellation of 12,971,492 shares held in treasury stock with a par value of €0.26 each.
Following this reduction, the share capital of di Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now amounts to €64,079,168.40, divided into 246,458.340 ordinary shares with a par value of €0.26 each.

In attachment: “Model for the communication of changes in share capital” (Model 1) pursuant to Art. IA.2.3.4 of the “Instructions for the Regulation of Organised Markets Managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.”.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_2

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 18 and 22 July 2011, the company bought a total of 459,000 shares (corresponding to 0.1769% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of €2.32612 per share, for a total of €1,067,691.86, in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21st April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 18/07/2011 105,000 2.26996 19/07/2011 100,000 2.30395 20/07/2011 125,000 2.32025 21/07/2011 60,000 2.37453 22/07/2011 69,000 2.41229

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 18,850,101 of the company’s shares (or 7,2660% of the share capital). A further 4,517,486 shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori Internarional S.A.
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 23,367,587 (or 9.0073% of the share capital).


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21st April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to a total of 22,367,587 shares, already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, permitting the attainment of the 15% limit on the existing share capital established by the Shareholders.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.
In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree of 24 February 1998 n. 58 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.
It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.