Corporate events

Mondadori: notification on share buy back

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 8 and 12 February 2010, the company bought a total of 845,000 shares (corresponding to 0.32571% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of €2.63538 per share, for a total of €2,226,900.15, in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 29 April 2009 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

Date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 08/02/2010 80,000 2.63072 09/02/2010 175,000 2.63247 10/02/2010 185,000 2.60498 11/02/2010 200,000 2.66217 12/02/2010 205,000 2.64100

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 16,425,101 of the company’s shares (or 6.33123% of the share capital).

The subsidiary Mondadori International S.A. helds a further 4,517,486 shares (corresponding to 1.7413% of the share capital).

Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 20,942,587 (or 8.07254% of the share capital).


It should be noted that the authorisation issued by the Shareholders 2009 limits the purchase of the company’s own shares to a maximum of 10% of the share capital, taking account of the shares already held in the portfolio by both the company and its subsidiaries. Given that 10% of the company’s share capital amounts to 25,942,983 ordinary shares and that the company, on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM already held, either directly or indirectly through the subsidiary Mondadori International S.A., a total of 20,097,587 shares, the Shareholders consequently authorised the eventual buy back of an additional maximum of 5,845,396 ordinary shares, corresponding to 2.253% of the share capital.

The authorisation will expire on the approval by the AGM of the company’s accounts for the year to 31 December 2009.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree of 24 February 1998 n. 58 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which, does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Mondadori to increase to 100% its stake in Mondolibri S.p.A.

Preliminary contract agreed for the acquisition of the 50%held by the DirectGroup Bertelsmann

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today stipulated a preliminary contract with Società Holding Industriale di Grafica S.p.A. for the acquisition of 50% of the share capital of Mondolibri S.p.A., of which Mondadori already holds 50% as part of a joint venture with DirectGroup Bertelsmann.

The transaction value of this deal is €6.75 million.

With this acquisition Mondadori will increase its stake in the company to 100%.

Mondolibri, a leading player in the mail order book market and one of Italy’s most important online retailers, is comprised of two divisions: Book Clubs, which is in the mail order sale of editorial and multimedia products through book clubs alongside more than 70 retail outlets and a web platform, and, an on-line shop for editorial and multimedia products.

In 2008, Mondolibri generated total revenues of €82 million, of which €19 million deriving from e-commerce.

The operation will give the Mondadori Group complete control of Mondolibri, offering, on the one hand, significant opportunities for synergies with the Mondadori bookshop chain; and, on the other hand, the autonomous management of, an important, strategic and fast-growing channel for online sales.

The effective completion of the operation is subject to necessary approval by the relevant competition and media authorities.

Mondadori: corporate calendar 2010

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced, as per Art. 2.6.2 of the regulations governing markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., its calendar of corporate events for the current year:

  • Tuesday 23 March 2010: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2009;
  • Tuesday 11 May 2010: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 1st Quarter Report to 31 March 2010;
  • Thursday 29 July 2010: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Report to 30 June 2010;
  • Thursday 11 November 2010: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 3rd Quarter Report to 30 September 2010.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2009 will be held on Tuesday 27 April 2010, on first calling, or Wednesday 28 April 2010, on an eventual second calling.

Analysts’ presentations of the results for the full year to 31 December 2009, the interim report to 30 June 2010 and the reports on the first and third quarters of 2010 will be held on the dates, as indicated above, of the respective meetings of the Board of Directors.

Any eventual changes will be promptly communicated to the market.

Documentation filed: merger by incorporation into Mondadori of Fied

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that, as per Art. 70 para 5 of the Consob regulation n. 11971/1999 and in addition to documentation already filed on last 11th September, is available at the company’s headquarters, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the web site (Investor Relations section) the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting hold on 15th October 2009 for the plan to merge approval.

Information document prepared in accordance with article 84 bis, paragraph 5, of Consob regulation 11971/1999 and subsequent amendments

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. resolved to assign the options related to the stock option plan set up for the year 2009 by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 29 april 2009

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. passed a resolution today at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee to assign the options related to the Stock Option Plan set up for the year 2009 by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 29 April 2009, with a duration covering the three years 2009/2010/2011. In particular, the Board decided on allocation of a total of 2,300,000 options relating to 47 total beneficiaries.

The Plan is set up on annually assigning to beneficiaries personal and non-transferrable options for purchase of ordinary Mondadori shares held by the company as treasury shares – in the ratio of one share (regular dividend rights) for every option exercised – at an Exercise price corresponding to the arithmetic average of the reference prices of the Mondadori share recorded during the period starting from the assignment date of the options to the same day of the previous calendar month. Exercise of the options is allowed exclusively all together and at once, in the strike periods subsequent to the start date of the thirty-six month vesting periods.

With specific reference to the option assignments resolved today by the Board of Directors for the year 2009, below is the information required under Article 84 bis, paragraph 5 of the CONSOB Regulation no. 11971/1999 as amended (the “Issuers Regulation”).

Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori: Giacomo Moletto appointed new Chief Executive

Rolf Heinz is appointed Chief Executive of Prisma Presse, the Gruner+Jahr company in France

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. and Gruner+Jahr AG, the joint owners of Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori S.p.A., have appointed Giacomo Moletto, currently the head of digital activities at the Mondadori Group’s Magazine Division, as chief executive and general manager of Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori S.p.A with a three-year contract.

Moletto will succeed Rolf Henz on Thursday 1 October, aAfter the relevant corporate boards have discussed and approved the proposal.

On the same day Heinz will be appointed as chief executive of Prisma Presse, the French arm of Gruner+Jahr.

Giacomo Moletto, 40, was born in Milan and has a degree in business administration from Milan’s Bocconi University. He began his professional life at the The Walt Disney Company Italia.

From 1998 to 2000 Moletto worked for the Mondadori Magazine Division as marketing manager in the news area, before moving to Bain & Company where he remained until 2001, when he returned to Mondadori, first as the publisher of news titles, and then as the director of the business unit for male-oriented titles and, subsequently, the business unit for women’s titles.

At the end of 2006 Moletto moved to Mondadori France as managing director of operations. Since December 2008 he has been director of digital activities for the Magazine Division in Italy and in France.

The Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori joint venture, which was established in 1990, publishes Focus, Italy’s biggest selling monthly, and its brand extensions Focus Storia, Focus Extra, Focus Junior, Focus Domande e Risposte, Focus Brain Trainer and Focus Pico. The company’s portfolio is completed with the monthlies Jack and Topgirl, the Italian edition of the international title Geo and the portal for families

Documentation filed: merger by incorporation into Mondadori of the wholly-owned subsidiary Fied

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that, as per Art. 70 para 5 of the Consob regulation n. 11971/1999, information is available at the company’s headquarters, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the web site, outlining the plan to merge, by incorporation into Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., the wholly-owned subsidiary Fied S.p.A. together with other documentation foreseen by Art. 2501 septies n. 3) of the civil code.

In fact the activities of Fied S.p.A. are exclusively limited to the management of a 7.99% stake in Società Europea di Edizioni S.p.A., the publisher of the daily newspaper ‘il Giornale’, of which Mondadori has an overall stake, held either directly and indirectly, of 39.27% of the share capital (including the Fied stake).

Consequently, the aim of the operation is the organisational and administrative rationalisation and the simplification of the corporate structure through the elimination of the company to be incorporated, with a consequent reduction in administrative costs.

As per Art. 2505 para. 2 of the civil code, resolutions concerning the merger by the incorporating company Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. will be adopted, within the terms established by law, by the board of directors.

Mondadori AGM approves 2008 results

Board of directors reappointed: Marina Berlusconi Chairman, Maurizio Costa deputy Chairman and Chief Executive
Share buy-back authorisation renewed

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., which met today under the Chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, approved the company’s balance sheet for the year ended 31 December 2008 and deliberated, in line with a proposal resolved by the board of directors on 25th March, to allocate the entire net profit for the year, amounting to €66,197,031.51 to the company’s extraordinary reserve.

The decision not to distribute a dividend for 2008 was taken with a view to allowing Mondadori to maintain its financial solidity, maintain investment levels in its core business, finance the process of reorganisation and leave the company in a position to be able to seize eventual opportunities emerging from a recovery in the economic cycle.

In his report to the shareholders, the deputy chairman and chief executive Maurizio Costa outlines the highlights of the group’s performance, already announced on 25 March.

The Shareholders also passed resolution on the following:


The shareholders confirmed the re-nomination of the entire board of directors, which comprises Marina Berlusconi (chairman), Maurizio Costa, Piersilvio Berlusconi, Pasquale Cannatelli, Bruno Ermolli, Martina Mondadori, Roberto Poli, Mario Resca, Marco Spadacini, Umberto Veronesi and Carlo Maria Vismara.

The entire board of directors was elected on the basis of the only list submitted to the AGM and presented by the major shareholder Fininvest S.p.A.

The board will remain in office for three years until the approval of the annual report for the year ending 31 December 2011.

In the context of the directors nominated by the Shareholders, as per art. 148, para. 3 of legislative decree 58/1998, the following qualify as independent directors: Martina Mondadori, Mario Resca, Marco Spadacini and Umberto Veronesi.

Subsequent to the AGM, the board met also to verify that the aforementioned directors Martina Mondadori, Mario Resca, Marco Spadacini and Umberto Veronesi are also in possession of the requisites of independence laid down by the Corporate Governance regulations for listed companies.

The board of directors confirmed Maurizio Costa in his role as deputy chairman and chief executive, attributing to him all the relative executive powers.

The board also confirmed Mario Resca, Bruno Ermolli and Marco Spadacini as members of the Internal Control Committee, and Bruno Ermolli, Roberto Poli and Marco Spadacini as members of the Remuneration Committee. Carlo Maria Vismara was also confirmed in his role as the executive responsible for overseeing the preparation of the company’s accounts and financial statements.


The board of statutory auditors nominated by the AGM for the three-year period 2009-2011 is made up of Ferdinando Superti Furga (chairman), Francesco Antonio Giampaolo e Franco Carlo Papa (acting statutory auditors), and Ezio Maria Simonelli and Francesco Vittadini (substitute statutory auditors).

The entire board of statutory auditors was elected on the basis of the only list submitted to the AGM and presented by the major shareholder Fininvest S.p.A.


Following the expiry of the term fixed for the authorisation issued at the Annual General Meeting of 22 April 2008, the shareholders renewed authorisation to effect share buy-backs, up to the limit of 10% of the share capital. The shareholders also authorised, as per Art. 2357 of the Civil Code, the use of shares involved in such buy back operations or already in the company’s portfolio.

On the basis of the authorisation that has now expired, Mondadori made no acquisitions of company shares, no did it conduct any transactions involving treasury stock, given that the conditions foreseen by the previous buy-back programme were not satisfied.

By taking account of the shares previously in the portfolio, the total number of shares comprising treasury stock is 20,097,587 (7,747% of the share capital), of which 15,580,101 are held directly in the Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. portfolio and 4,517,486 are held by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.A.

In line with the provisions of art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999, what follows is an outline of the buy-back programme authorised by the Shareholders:

1. aims and underlying motivation

– use company shares for the exercise of options for the purchase of shares assigned to participants in the stock option plans put in place by the shareholders;

– use company shares, either bought or in the portfolio, for the exercise of rights, including conversion rights, deriving from financial instruments issued by the company, its subsidiaries or third parties;

– use company shares, either bought or in the portfolio, as part or whole payment in any eventual acquisitions or equity investments that fall within the company’s stated investment policy;

– take advantage, where and when considered strategic for the company, of investment opportunities, also in relation to available liquidity.

2. Cap on the number of shares that may be bought

The authorisation requested applies to the limit of 10% of the company’s share capital, corresponding to 25,942,983 shares.

Given that the company currently holds a total of 15,580,101 shares and that a further 4,517,486 shares are held by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.A. – making a total of 20,097,587 shares, or 7.747% of the share capital – the new authorisation gives to the board the faculty to buy a back a further 5,845,396 ordinary shares, corresponding to 2.253% of teh share capital.

3. Method of acquisition and the price range

Buy backs would be effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree of 24 February 1998 n. 58 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99, according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which, does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

The corresponding minimum and maximum price of sale will therefore be determined at the same conditions that applied to previous authorisations agreed by the Shareholders, i.e. at a unit price not less than the official market price on the day prior to any operation, less 20%, and not more than the official market price on the day prior to any operation, plus 10%.

In terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations will in any case be conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2005, in particular:

– the company will not buy shares at a price greater that the highest price of the last independent operation and the price of the highest current independent offer on the regulated market where the acquisition is made.

– in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Any operations that are effected will be communicated to the market as per the terms of art. 87bis, of Consob regulation 11971/1999.

4. Duration

This authorisation will remain valid until the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2009, and in any case for a period of not more than 18 months from the date of the shareholders’ approval.


Following the expiry of the Stock Option plan for the previous three-year period 2006-2008, the shareholders approved a Stock Option Plan for the three-year period 2009-2011, in conformity with the conditions communicated to the market on 9 April, as per art 84 bis, para. 1 of Consob regulation 11971/1999.


In extraordinary session, the shareholders approved, following the expiry of the powers to the board of directors attributed for a period of five years by the shareholders at the AGM of 2004, to renew such powers to the board, with the faculty to resolve capital increases and the issue of convertible bonds, as per artt. 2443 and 2420 of the Civil Code.

Such powers, in line with those previously attributed and now expiring, will be for a period (of the legal limit of five years) and for total maximum amounts (respectively of a nominal €78 million for capital increases and a nominal €260 million for convertible bonds).


The company’s balance sheet for the year ending 31 December 2008 approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders, the consolidated balance sheet for the year ending 31 December 2008, along with other documentation supplied in conformity with art. 77 of Consob regulation 11971/1999, will be made available from today at the company’s headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the web site The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be available by 13 May.

Mondadori: minority shareholders fail to present lists for the nomination of the Board of Statutory Auditors during the AGM of 29/30 April 2009

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced, as per Art. 144 octies, para. 2 of Consob Regulation 11971/1999, that at the expiry of the term for the presentation of lists for the nomination of the Board of Statutory Auditors (14 April 2009) the only list presented was that by the majority shareholder Fininvest S.p.A.

As a result, in line with the provisions of Art. 144 sexies, para. 5 of Consob Regulation 11971/1999, the term within which other lists for the nomination of the Board of Statutory Auditors may be presented at the corporate offices of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (via Bianca di Savoia 12, Milan) has been extended to 19 April 2009; the percentage for the presentation of lists has been reduced from 2.5% to 1.25% of the share capital.

Information document prepared in accordance with article 84 bis, paragraph 1, of Consob regulations 11971/1999 and subsequent amendments

Regarding the 2009/2010/2011 stock option plan for submission to the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 29/30 April 2009


After the expiry of the stock option plan for the previous three-year period, 2006/2007/2008, on 25 March 2009 the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. resolved, at the suggestion of the Remuneration Committee, to submit the creation of a Stock Option Plan for the three-year period 2009-2011 (the “Plan”) to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval.

The new three-year Plan submitted to the Meeting for approval takes the form of the assignment to the recipients, during each year in its life, of personal and non-transferable option rights that can be exercised in the ratio of one share for each option exercised in order to buy the Company’s own ordinary shares.

This Information Document is drawn up in accordance with Article 84 bis, paragraph 1, of Consob Regulations 11971/1999 as subsequently amended (the “Issuer Regulations”).

This information is provided, where applicable, in accordance with model 7 of Annex 3A to the Issuer Regulations. As fully specified in the Information Document, some aspects related to the implementation of the Plan will be defined by the Board of Directors in the performance of the delegated powers that the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting is called upon to vest in it.

After the decisions that the Board of Directors takes in order to put the Plan in hand, provided that the resolution creating it is approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting and in conformity to the general criteria laid down in the said resolution, the consequent information will be provided in the manner and within the times prescribed in Article 84 bis, paragraph 5, of the Issuer Regulations. Specifically, Table 1 to the said model 7 of Annex 3A of the Issuer Regulations will be published when the resolutions regarding the actual assignment of the Options to the beneficiaries of the Plan are adopted.

The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to approve the creation of the Stock Option Plan is convened on 29 April 2009 in first call and on 30 April 2009 in second call.


The following terms used in this Information Document will have the meanings set out below:

“Assignments”: the allocations of Options for the Beneficiaries to be resolved by the Board of Directors in the performance of the delegated powers vested in it by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting;

“Treasury Shares”: ordinary Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. shares with a value of 0.26 euro each, traded in the blue chip segment of the On-Line Stock Market, held as Treasury Shares by the Company as per Article 2357 of the Italian Civil Code;

“Beneficiaries”: persons to be selected as assignees of the Options by the Board of Directors from the categories specified in the Shareholders’ Meeting that creates the Plan;

“Options”: personal, non-transferable rights that the Board of Directors is to assign to the Beneficiaries, which may be exercised to buy Treasury Shares in the ratio of one share with normal dividend rights for each Option exercised;

“Periods of Exercise”: the periods starting from the expiry of the vesting period after the Assignments of the Options during which the exercise of the Options is allowed;

“Plan”: The Stock Option Plan lasting over the three-year period 2009/2010/2011, submitted for the approval of the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting called on 29/30 April 2009 in accordance with Article 114 of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998;

“Exercise Price”: the price at which the Beneficiaries pay for Treasury Shares exercising each Option that has been allocated to them. The Exercise Price is set by the Board of Directors having regard to the arithmetic mean of the reference prices of Mondadori shares recorded during the period starting from the date on which the Options are assigned back to the same day of the previous calendar month.

“Company”: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., with registered office at Via Bianca di Savoia 12, Milan.

  1. 1. Beneficiaries

1.1 Names of the beneficiaries who are members of the board of directors or of the managing committee of the issuer of the financial instruments, the issuer’s controlling companies and the companies directly or indirectly controlled by the issue

1.2 Categories of employees or collaborators of the issuer of the financial instruments and of the companies controlling or controlled by the issuer

The Plan is intended for persons to be selected from the following categories by the Company’s Board of Directors at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee:

– executives of the Company and its subsidiaries that have key roles in the attainment of the Mondadori Group’s strategic objectives;

– Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries;

– journalists employed by the Company and its subsidiaries who are editors and co-editors of newspapers and periodicals;

– executives of the parent company in managerial positions carrying out functions on behalf of the Company.

The Plan is such as to be considered “on a particularly large scale” in accordance with Article 114 bis, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 58/1998 and Article 84 bis, paragraph 2, of the Issuer Regulations, inasmuch as “relevant persons” may consequently also be selected that fall under the categories specified in Article 152 sexies, paragraph 1, sections (c) (1) and (c) 2 of the Issuer Regulations, namely:

a) members of the Company’s Board of Directors;

b) Company executives with regular access to inside information with the power to take management decisions that can influence the Company’s progress and future prospects.

1.3 Names of beneficiaries of the plans belonging to the following groups:

1.3 a) Beneficiaries with management functions specified in Article 152 sexies, paragraph 1, section (c) (2), in the issuing company

To be established after the Board of Directors’ resolution regarding the implementation of the Plan.

1.3 b) Persons with management functions in a company that is a direct or indirect subsidiary of the issuer if the carrying value of the investment in the said subsidiary represents more than 50% of the issuer’s assets as shown in the last approved financial statements, as per Article 152 sexies, paragraph 1, section (c) (3)

1.3 c) Natural persons that control the issuer who are employees or work as collaborators for the issuer

This is not applicable, as no such persons are considered in the framework of the Plan.

1.4 a) Description and numbers of the all executives with regular access to inside information with the power to take management decisions that can influence the issuer’s progress and future prospects, as per 152 sexies, paragraph 1, section (c) (2)

To be established after the Board of Directors’ resolution regarding the implementation of the Plan.

These executives will be selected by the Board of Directors from the managers of the Company’s Business and Head Office Departments, who are bound under Article 114, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree 58/1998, to disclose transactions involving shares issued by the Company or other financial instruments linked to them.

1.4 b) Description and numbers of the all executives with regular access to inside information with the power to take management decisions that can influence the progress and future prospects of a direct or indirect subsidiary of the issuer if the carrying value of the investment in the said subsidiary represents more than 50% of the issuer’s assets as shown in the last approved financial statements, as per Article 152 sexies, paragraph 1, section (c) (3)

Not applicable.

1.4 c) Description and numbers of any other categories of employees or collaborators for whom different characteristics of the plans are envisaged

Not applicable.

1.4 d) Should exercise prices that differ according to the persons belonging to the two categories be envisaged for the stock option plans, such persons falling under sections (a) and/or (b) should be specified by name separately

No different characteristics of the Plan are envisaged for the categories of its Beneficiaries, and, specifically, the Exercise Prices of the Options, to be set in accordance with the criteria laid down in paragraph 4.19 below, will be the same for all the Beneficiaries.

2. Reasons for the adoption of the Plan

2.1 Objectives that it is intended to attain by implementing the plans

The reasons for the proposal to adopt the Plan, as those specified with reference to the Stock Option Plans for the previous three-year periods, are substantially related to the following objectives:

– to provide the Company and its subsidiaries with a tool to build up its management’s loyalty that will encourage managers to commit themselves to attaining strategic goals and will give them a share in the Company’s results;

– to enable the management, and thus the Company, to improve its approach to value creation.

The number of Options to assign each Beneficiary will be decided by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee.

The Plan has a three-year time span (2009/2010/2011) with Periods of Exercise following each Plan reference year. These Periods of Exercise will start after the end of a 36-month vesting period from the dates on which the Options are allocated. This length of time is considered appropriate in order to attain the objectives of encouraging and building up the loyalty of the management that are those contemplated in the Plan.

2.2 Key variables, also in the form of performance indicators, considered for the purposes of implementing plans based on financial instruments

The implementation of the Plan, in terms of the Beneficiaries’ actual possibility of exercising the Options allocated to them – as specified in paragraph 4.5 below – will be subject to the attainment of annual economic and/or financial performance targets to be set by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee.

The terms and conditions for the exercise of the Options will be applicable to all the Beneficiaries of the Plan and there are thus no different or special conditions for the various categories of Beneficiary.

2.3 Elements forming the basis of the calculation of the amount of the share-based payments, or the criteria for their calculation

The Board of Directors will decide the number of Options to be assigned to individual Beneficiaries at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee and within the limits laid down in paragraph 4 below, assessing the effective capacity of each Beneficiary to have a practical effect on the attainment of the results, progress and future prospects of the Company and the Group on the basis of their experience and ability and the function that they perform within the Company.

2.4 Reasons for any decision to allocate payment plans based on financial instruments not issued by the issuer itself, such as financial instruments issued by subsidiaries or controlling companies of the group in question, or third party companies; if the said instruments are not traded on regulated markets, information regarding the criteria adopted to measure their value

Not applicable.

2.5 Considerations regarding material tax and accounting implications that had an effect on the decision regarding the plans

No material tax or accounting implications had any effect on the proposal to adopt the Plan.

2.6 Support of the plans, if any, from the special fund for encouraging worker participation in enterprises in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 112, of Law 350 of 24 December 2003

2.7 The Plan receives no support from the special fund for encouraging worker participation in enterprises in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 112, of Law 350 of 24 December 2003.

3. Formalities for approval and timing of the Assignment of the financial instruments

3.1 / 3.2 Scope of the powers and functions that the shareholders’ meeting delegates to the board of directors for the implementation of the plans / names of the persons instructed to administer the plans, with their functions and responsibilities

In accordance with the provisions of Article 114 bis of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, the creation of the Plan will be submitted for the approval of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A. that has been convened on 29 April 2009 in first call and on 30 April 2009 in second call.

The proposal to the Shareholders’ Meeting will be that the Board of Directors be delegated the functions necessary for the implementation of the Plan – in compliance with the basic features of the Plan as described in this Information Document – in terms of the selection of the Beneficiaries, setting their performance targets, assigning the Option rights and drawing up regulations to carry out the Plan in all its aspects.

Subject to the adoption of this Shareholders’ Meeting resolution, the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Remuneration Committee, will then adopt the resolutions related to the implementation of the Plan, which will cover the following points in particular:

a) approval of the regulations for the implementation of the Plan and any amendments thereto;

b) selection of the Beneficiaries from the categories specified by the Shareholders’ Meeting, referred to above;

c) assignment of the Options to the Beneficiaries that have been selected;

d) calculation of the Option Exercise Price in conformity to the principles laid down in paragraph 4 below;

e) selecting and setting the performance targets to which the assignment of the Options is subject in every year of the duration of the Plan and verifying that these targets have been attained.

3.3 Any procedures in place to review the plans, also in relation to possible variations in the basic targets

The procedures for the review of the Plan, also in relation to possible variations in the basic targets, will be determined by the Board of Directors when it approves the Plan regulations.

3.4 Description of the methods for the determination of the availability and assignment of the financial instruments on which the plans are based

The Options to allocate in the framework of the Plan embody the rights to acquire – in a ratio of one share with normal dividend rights for each Option exercised – ordinary Mondadori Treasury Shares already held by the Company either directly or through subsidiaries, or to be bought in accordance with permission resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting in accordance with Article 2357 of the Italian Civil Code and Article 144 bis of the Issuer Regulations.

3.5 Role played by each director in deciding the characteristics of the said plans: any situations of conflict of interests arising among the Directors involved

The Plan’s characteristics and guidelines were prepared by the Remuneration Committee and submitted for collective appraisal by the Board of Directors so that it could draw up the necessary proposals for the creation of the Plan for submission to the Shareholders’ Meeting. The subsequent resolutions of the Board of Directors were adopted in conformity to the proposals made by the Remuneration Committee, composed of three non-executive Directors who are not Beneficiaries of the Plan.

3.6 Date of the decision taken by the competent body to propose the plans to the shareholders’ meeting and of the proposal, if applicable, of the remuneration committee

The creation of the 2009/2010/2011 Plan is submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting for approval on 29/30 April 2009, after a decision taken by the Board of Directors on 25 March 2009, at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee on 19 March 2009.

3.7 Date of the decision taken by the competent body with regard to the assignment of the financial instruments and any proposal submitted by the remuneration committee, if applicable, to the said body

This will be the date of the Board of Directors’ resolution to implement the Plan and the relative Remuneration Committee proposal.

3.8 Market prices of the financial instruments on which the plans are based as recorded on the dates specified above, if traded on regulated markets

The market prices (reference prices) of Mondadori shares recorded on the dates mentioned in paragraph 3.6 above were:

Date Reference price 19 March 2009 2.315 25 March 2009 2.5425

For plans based on financial instruments traded on regulated markets, the terms in which and the methods according to which the issuer takes into account the possible concomitance between the following events in determining the timing for the assignment of the instruments in the implementation of the plans:

(i) the assignment and any decisions taken with regard to the matter by the remuneration committee; and

(ii) any relevant information as per Article 114, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998; for example, if such information is:

  1. a. not already in the public domain and likely to have a favourable effect on market prices; or
  2. b. already in the public domain and likely to have an unfavourable effect on market prices.

The Options will be allocated on the date of the Option Exercise Price of the Options and allocate the Options to the persons selected as Beneficiaries.

As regards the need to avoid any significant interference between the effect on the price of the Shares of relevant information disseminated in accordance with Article 114, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998 and the setting of the Option Exercise Price, when the Options are allocated their Exercise Price is in any event set on the basis of the mean market price recorded over a relevant period of time, as fully specified in paragraph 4.19 below, thus diluting the effect of any sudden rises or falls in the price of the Shares.

4. Characteristics of the financial instruments allocated

4.1 Description of the forms in which the share-based payment plans are structured

For each year of its duration, the Plan is structured on the allocation of personal, non-transferable Option rights to the Beneficiaries, which they may subsequently purchase, settling their price at the time of their physical delivery, for ordinary Mondadori Treasury Shares in the ratio of one Share for each Option exercised. They are therefore stock options.

4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 period of actual implementation of the plan, specifying any different cycles involved / termination of the plan / maximum number of financial instruments, also in the form of options, assigned in each tax year with respect to the persons specified by name or the categories specified

The Plan lasts for the three-year period 2009/2010/2011.

The Options allocated to the Beneficiaries may be exercised, in every year of the duration of the Plan, at the end of the 36-month vesting period from the date of assignment during pre-determined Periods of Exercise falling between the first day of the thirty-seventh month and the last day of the seventy-second month after the said Option assignment dates.

The maximum total number of Options to be assigned throughout the duration of the Plan will be decided in such a way that the Shares underlying the Options – in a ratio of 1 Share for each Option exercised – do not exceed 3% of the Company’s share capital, which corresponds to 7,782,895 shares.

The Exercise Period of the Plan and the number of Options assigned in each year of its duration to the persons falling under the categories of Beneficiaries as specified in paragraph 1.2 above will be determined after the Board of Directors’ resolutions regarding the implementation of the Plan.

4.5 Methods and implementation clauses of the plan, stating whether the actual allocation of the financial instruments is subject to meeting conditions or attaining certain results, including performance results; description of such conditions and results

The methods and the implementation clauses of the Plan are set out in paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 above.

The Board of Directors, at the proposal of the Remuneration Committee, will establish and decide the conditions on which the Options allocated to the Beneficiaries may be actually exercised, on the basis of the attainment of economic and/or financial performance targets on an annual basis.

The satisfaction of the conditions for the exercise of the Options will be verified by the Board of Directors in each year of the duration of the Plan within the first six months of the financial period after that in which the Options have been allocated.

The conditions for the exercise of the Options will apply to all the Beneficiaries and there are therefore no different conditions for different categories of Beneficiary.

4.6 Any restrictions on the availability of the financial instruments allocated, or on the instruments given when the options are exercised, particularly as regards the periods of time during which it is allowed or forbidden to transfer the instruments to the Company itself or to third parties

The Options to allocate in the framework of the Plan are personal and non-transferable, and they are not available inter vivos; they cannot be pledged or guaranteed in favour of the Company or third parties.

There are no restrictions on the availability of the Shares to be distributed when the Options are exercised.

4.7 Description of any conditions subsequent related to the allocation of the plans if the beneficiaries carry out any hedging transactions that allow them to neutralise any prohibitions on the sale of the financial instruments assigned, also in the form of options, or of the financial instruments received after the exercise of such options

Any conditions subsequent related to the allocation of the Plan should the Beneficiaries carry out hedging transactions that enable them to neutralise any prohibitions on the sale of the Options allocated will be determined in the Plan regulations to be drawn up by the Board of Directors.

4.8 Description of the effects of termination of employment /4.9 other possible causes of the cancellation of the plans

The effects of the various ways in which a Beneficiary may leave his position as a Director and/or terminate his employment, and the indication of other possible causes of cancellation of the Plan, will be determined in the Plan regulations to be approved by the Board of Directors.

4.10 Justification for any provision for the company’s redemption of the financial instruments in the plans envisaged under Article 2357 ff of the Italian Civil Code; the beneficiaries of the redemption should specify whether the provision is only intended for special categories of employee; the effects of termination of employment on this redemption

Not applicable.

4.11 Any loans or other facilitations intended to grant for the purchase of the stock as per Article 2358, paragraph 3, of the Italian Civil Code

Not applicable.

4.12 Assessments of the expected cost to the company on the date the stock is assigned, as measurable on the basis of terms and conditions that have already been decided, by total amount and with regard to each instrument in the plan

The expected cost to the Company is not measurable at present because it depends on the amount of Options that are allocated on their respective assignment dates and on the Exercise Price. The total economic charge of the Plan will be measured in accordance with IFRS 2 accounting principles, according to which stock options are measured at fair value at the time of assignment. Fair value is determined using a binomial method, having regard to the Plan regulations.

These benefits are recognised as staff costs through profit and loss during the period of service, consistently with the vesting period, starting from the assignment date, with a contra-entry in equity under “Stock option reserve”.

The benefits awarded to employees/Directors of subsidiaries by parent company Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. are recognised as increases in the cost of the investment, with a contra-entry in equity under “Stock option reserve”.

After the assignment date, a change in the number of Options will entail an adjustment to the total cost of the Plan, which will be recognised according to the method described above. At the end of each financial period, the fair value amount of each Option previously measured is neither reviewed nor adjusted, but remains finally in the balance sheet; on this date, on the other hand, the estimate of the number of Options that will accrue up to expiry (and thus of the number of employees that will be entitled to exercise the Options) is adjusted. The variation in the estimate is taken away from the “Stock option reserve” item with a contra-entry in profit and loss among staff costs, or reducing “Equity investments” if they are benefits awarded to employees/Directors of subsidiaries.

When Options are exercised, the portion of “Stock option reserve” related to the options exercised is reclassified under “Equity premium reserve”; the portion of “Stock option reserve” related to Options cancelled or that have not been exercised when they expire is reclassified under “Other reserves”.

4.13 Any dilution effects on capital caused by payment plans

Not applicable, since the Plan does not entail any increase in the Company’s share capital.

4.14 Any limits envisaged on the exercise of voting rights and the allocation of ownership rights

No limits are envisaged on the exercise of voting rights or the allocation of ownership rights on the Shares purchased after the Options have been exercised

4.15 In the event of the shares not being traded on a regulated market, all necessary information regarding a reliable assessment of their value

Not applicable.

4.16 Number of financial instruments underlying each option

Each Option allocated entitles the Beneficiary to purchase one Share.

4.17 Expiry of the options

The Options expire on the first day after the end of the relative Exercise Period. Options not exercised before they expire are forfeited and consequently do not give the Beneficiaries any rights.

4.18 Methods and timing of exercise, special conditions

As already stated in paragraph 4.2 above, the Options may be exercised, in each year of the duration of the Plan, only during the Periods of Exercise that start from the end of the specific 36-month vesting period from the date on which they are allocated.

4.19 Exercise price of the options, or the methods and criteria for its calculation, particularly as regards:

a) the formula for the calculation of the exercise price in relation to a determinate market price (fair market value); and

b) the methods for the calculation of the market price adopted to determine the exercise price

The Option Exercise Price will be set by the Board of Directors – when it resolves the Assignment of the Options – having regard to the arithmetical mean of the reference prices of the Shares recorded by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. during the period starting from the date on which the Options are assigned back to the same day of the previous calendar month.

4.20 If the exercise price is not the same as the market price calculated as specified in paragraph 4.19 (b) (fair market value), the justification for the difference

Not applicable.

4.21 Criteria for providing for different exercise prices for different beneficiary or different categories of beneficiary

Not applicable.

4.22 If the financial instruments underlying the options are not traded on a regulated market, the value attributable to the underlying instruments or the criteria for calculating this value

Not applicable.

4.23 Criteria for the adjustments made necessary as a result of extraordinary capital transactions and other transactions entailing a change in the number of underlying instruments (capital increases, extraordinary dividends, grouping and splitting of underlying shares, mergers and demergers, conversions into other classes of share, etc.)

The criteria for the adjustments made necessary as a result of extraordinary capital transactions and other transactions entailing a change in the number of underlying instruments will be determined in the Plan regulations that are to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Segrate, 9th April 2009