
Frankfurt Book Fair 2019

This year again we will attend the Frankfurt Book Fair, at its 71st edition from 16 to 20 October with our publishing houses and imprints.

It is the most prestigious European event in the field of book publishing.

Mondadori, Rizzoli, Einaudi, Sperling&Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Piemme will be in Hall 5.0, stand C56.

Dio è giovane: a new book by Pope Francis

Dio è giovane (God is Young) is the title of the new book-long interview with Pope Francis that will be published with a big international launch on 20 March 2018. Two years after Il nome di Dio è Misericordia (The Name of God is Mercy), which was published in over 100 countries, an important new publishing project characterises the papacy of Pope Francis: the Holy Father has dedicated 2018 to the young generations, ahead of the Youth Synod to be held at the Vatican in October. Dio è giovane will be published around the world on the occasion of the World Youth Day which, falling on Palm Sunday, will be celebrated in the Vatican and in dioceses in the five continents.
The Pope wanted to handwrite the title of the book on the covers of the six main languages.
In Italy it will be published by Piemme, a publishing house of the Mondadori Group, which manages the worldwide rights.
The book can already be pre-ordered from online stores.

Pope Francis
Dio è giovane (God is Young)
A conversation with Thomas Leoncini

In a book form interview, Pope Francis addresses young people all over the world, both inside and outside the Church, in a courageous, intimate, memorable dialogue. A message of liberation that crosses the present and outlines the future, building a bridge between generations for a profound renewal of our societies. In conversation with Thomas Leoncini, Pope Francis, with great force and passion, analyses the great issues of modernity, taking the new generations, the great overlooked of our restless age, away from the margins to which they have been relegated and showing that they are, in fact, the protagonists of our common story. The book anticipates and prepares the great Youth Synod that will be celebrated in the Vatican in October 2018.

The following publishers are involved in the launch of the book in Europe, the United States and Latin America:

Italy                                       Piemme
USA & Canada                      Random House
France                                   Robert Laffont
Germany                               Herder
Spain & South America     Editorial Planeta
Portugal                                Planeta Manuscrito
Brazil                                     Editora Planeta
Poland                                   Znak
Croatia                                   Verbum
Slovakia                                Fortuna Libri
Slovenia                                Druzina
Czech Republic                   Omega  

Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
Born in Buenos Aires on 17 December 1936, since 13 March 2013 he has been the Bishop of Rome and the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
On 13 March 2015 he decided to mark his pontificate by indicating a Holy Year of Mercy. On that occasion he published the international bestseller Il nome di Dio è Misericordia (The Name of God is Mercy): A conversation with Andrea Tornielli (2016). On 6 October 2016, he called the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to discuss the issue of “Youth, faith and vocational discernment”, which will be held in the Vatican from 3 to 28 October 2018, putting the issue of young people at the centre of its pastoral action and teaching.

Thomas Leoncini was born in 1985. A journalist and writer, engaged in the study of psychological and social models, he conversed with Zygmunt Bauman for Born Liquid (Sperling & Kupfer, 2017), the last work of the great sociologist who died and has been translated into 12 languages.

Millennial Editor: the publishing houses of the Mondadori Group are looking for the editors of the future

A project aimed at young talents with a passion for books

The publishing houses of the Mondadori Group are launching the Millennial Editor project for talented under 30s who dream of becoming  book editors.
An innovative and unprecedented programme, aimed at graduates in the humanities and economics, through which the Mondadori Group offers millennials with a consuming passion for books and reading a unique opportunity to enter the publishing world.

Einaudi, Electa, Mondadori, Piemme, Rizzoli, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Education and Rizzoli Education, through a selection process in various stages, will identify eight young talents who will be guaranteed a period of two years of work and training as an editor with an apprenticeship contract.

The candidates selected will pursue a path during which they will be required to measure themselves against the activities of the various publishing areas and participate in training sessions with highly experienced professionals of the Group’s various publishing houses.
An all-round opportunity to learn the profession of editor, not only the specific aspects of publishing, but also the institutional, technical and managerial sides, interacting and collaborating with all of the protagonists involved in the book chain, starting from authors and senior editors. Each participant will develop the key skills necessary to face the challenges of a continuously evolving market.

The Millennial Editor project is developed in collaboration with Monster Italia, a highly specialised company in personnel research, and the technical partner in the recruitment phase.
You can submit your application from today, to this link.
After an initial selection based on qualifications and experience, in the second half of March suitable candidates will take part in an Edithon, a one-day event at Palazzo Mondadori during which they will meet the leading figures involved in the  project and, after being divided into work groups, will have the opportunity to put themselves to the test.
By the end of April, the eight young talents selected will be allocated, according to their characteristics and inclinations, to one of the areas, i.e. non-fiction, miscellaneous, fiction or educational of the publishing houses involved: Einaudi, Electa, Mondadori, Piemme, Rizzoli, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Education and Rizzoli Education.

Frankfurt Book Fair 2017

Our publishing houses are at the 69th Frankfurt Book Fair , scheduled from 11 to 15 October.

This is the most important European event and among the most prestigious in the world.

Mondadori, Rizzoli, Einaudi, Sperling & Kupfer and Piemme are in Hall 5.0, Stand C56.

Fiera del libro di Francoforte 2017

Mondadori Libri: birth of the new Business Unit Ragazzi

Today sees the launch, within the Trade Books Area of the Mondadori Group, managed by Enrico Selva Coddè, of the Children’s Books Business Unit, which includes the publishing houses Mondadori, Rizzoli, Fabbri and Piemme with the Battello a Vapore and Geronimo Stilton brands.
The aim of the new structure is to consolidate, as well as further expand, the company’s leadership in children’s publishing.

The Children’s Books Business Unit, which will be headed up by Lorenzo Garavaldi, aims to enhance the various imprints in response to the challenges of a strategic and continuously changing market.

The new organisational structure, while maintaining the different positioning and characteristics of the individual publishing houses, will facilitate a more complete and coherent articulation of the offer. The skills, creativity and passion of the people of the publishing houses will guarantee the essential quality and innovation necessary to reach excellent results

The Editorial Director of the new Children’s Books Business Unit will be Enrico Racca and the heads of the various publishing houses – Patrizia Puricelli for Piemme Geronimo Stilton, Alessandro Gelso for Rizzoli and Fabbri Ragazzi, Marta Mazza for Mondadori Ragazzi and Enrico Racca (ad interim) for Piemme Battello a Vapore – will report directly to him.
Lorenzo Garavaldi will remain in charge of marketing.
Rights for the whole area will be managed by Laura Casonato, who is already in charge of rights for Edizioni Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer.
Press and Communications for the Children’s Books Business Unit will be overseen by Paola Caviggioli, who remains as head of Communications for Edizioni Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer.

In 2017 Piemme will publish the new novel by Paula Hawkins

Piemme has announced the publication of Into the Water, the highly anticipated novel by Paula Hawkins, author of The Girl on the Train, an extraordinary worldwide phenomenon and one of the biggest international best-sellers ever.

Into the Water is a story of psychological suspense concerning the many faces of truth and a family that risks drowning in its secrets.

Don’t trust a surface that is too calm: you never know what it conceals. With the same narrative force that has captured millions of readers around the world with The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins gives us a multifaceted novel that is rich in emotions. When the river of a small town gives up the bodies, within a few weeks of each other, of a single mother and her teenage daughter, what also comes to the surface is a much more complicated and surprising affair than expected. As in The Girl on the Train, INTO THE WATER  comes from a deep and powerful understanding of human instincts and the damage they can cause.

INTO THE WATER offers surprises on every page,” said the American editor Sarah McGrath. “As in The Girl on the Train, also here the murders are part of a bigger story. INTO THE WATER shows us what the tricks of memory can do and the ways in which the past creeps dangerously into the present and the future.”

“Once again Paula explores the fascinating depths of our mind,” says the British editor Sarah Adams, “reminding us that things are rarely as they seem, and prompting us to investigate the reality around us.”

“An original and courageous book,” said Paula Hawkins’ agent, Lizzy Kremer.

The novel will be published in the United States and in Great Britain on 2 May 2017.

Paula Hawkins is the author of the worldwide bestseller The Girl on the Train, which has sold over 18 million copies around the world. The novel spent 79 weeks on the New York Times bestsellers list, and more than three months in the number one spot. In Italy it has sold over 600,000 copies, and has never left the bestsellers list since it was published in June 2015, and remains in the top ten best-selling books. The Girl on the Train was recently adapted for the cinema starring Emily Blunt.

The Blue Scarab Hunt

In the book by Tea Stilton titled The Blue Scarab Hunt (Edizioni Piemme) for the purpose of explaining the history of the ancient city of Thebes – currently Luxor – a map of the Nile Valley was published with no indication of the State of Israel.

This was never meant to be a geographic and/or political depiction of Egypt and/or its borders, but simply an identification of the place where the new fictional story of the leading character occurred.

Geronimo Stilton, with his book titled Il mio primo atlante (My First Atlas), has undertaken to describe the geographic layout of the area in a page with a political map where all sovereign states are clearly indicated.

We regret the error and we proceeded to stop the distribution of the book and pulped all the copies while in its next reprint, a new map will be attached.

Geronimo Stilton and Edizioni Piemme support the research grants of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation with a book for young readers.

The Umberto Veronesi Foundation and Geronimo Stilton are sharing a project of great ethical and educational value, aimed at building an awareness in children of the importance that scientific research has for all of us.

The initiative is being realised with the support of the publishing house Piemme, a leader in children’s fiction thanks to the ability to dialogue with children that distinguishes its catalogue, and which has enables it to become a reference point for parents attentive to the needs their children and teachers involved in stimulating a love of reading.

Thanks to his ability to handle even delicate and complex topics with charm and humour, bringing them within the reach of a child, Geronimo Stilton has written a book, The Strange Case of the Blue Pimples, which recounts a very special adventure, set in Topazia, where a strange outbreak of blue pimples pushes grandfather Torquato to turn to the famous doctor and researcher Prof. Toponesi, the Island of Mice’s alter ego of the eminent Professor Umberto Veronesi!

The story continues with the family Stilton on a visit to Professor’s highly modern scientific laboratories: this gives them an opportunity to explain to young readers the importance of safety rules, of how a team of researchers is composed and the significance of research protocols, with the help of explanatory boxes accompanying the text. And all of this with a view to popularizing science in a way that can be assimilated in the early years of life and which is crucial for the training of aware future adults, and using a language and approach suitable for the ages to which they are addressed.

With this book Geronimo Stilton and Edizioni Piemme support the research grants of the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.

Geronimo Stilton opens house in Piazza Duomo in Milan!

In the centre of Milan, in Piazza Duomo, inside the Libreria Mondadori Multicenter, for a number of days Geronimo Stilton, the popular editor of the The Rodent’s Gazette, has been preparing a cheddarific (surprise for his young readers: in fact it will be possible to visit the house where he stays on his frequent visits to the city!

The space features the characteristic screaming yellow walls, which recall the house in New Mouse City and, as you enter on the left, you’ll find the relax corner, in which the fireplace stands out, and beside which is an armchair that invites you to take a seat and read from the pages of an exciting book …
In the study there is a desk, where you will see the typewriter that Grandpa William gave to Geronimo when he turned over the management of The Rodent’s Gazette to him.

On the walls there are maps of New Mouse City and Mouse Island, as well as the most important prizes won.
Continuing the tour, the young visitors will come to the kitchen with a wonderful stove.
And of course, a house like this wouldn’t be complete without a big bookcase!
The Geronimo Stilton house can be visited for free by everyone during the Multicenter Mondadori’s normal opening hours (every day, including Sundays, from 9am to 11pm).

Geronimo Stilton is an extraordinary publishing phenomenon that since 2000, the year in which the first books were published by Piemme, has spread from Italy across the world. Indeed, the character can now rightly be considered and authentic “classic” that is destined to live on and become increasingly popular.
Born in New Mouse City (Mouse Island), Geronimo Stilton is the Rattus Emeritus of Mousomorphic Literature and Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. He is the editor of The Rodent’s Gazette, Mouse Island’s leading and most popular newspaper. His book, which have been translated into 36 languages, have sold more than 23 million copies in Italy alone, and 74 million around the world.
His web site is: www.geronimostilton.com

NumeriPrimi°: a new brand for bestsellers published by Mondadori, Einaudi, Sperling & Kupfer, Piemme and Frassinelli

NumeriPrimi° is the new brand, launched on 25 March 2011 for the bestselling titles published by Mondadori, Einaudi, Sperling & Kupfer, Piemme and Frassinelli.
This innovative project brings to bookstores, under a single brand, quality paperback editions of all of the bestselling titles of the Mondadori Group’s five publishing houses just a few months after their publication in hardcover, at advantageous prices and ahead of the paperback editions of the single imprints.

NumeriPrimi° will feature only successful titles published around 12 months for their first appearance in hardcover and is expected to produce 30-40 titles a year grouped in three different moments; with a single format, but different covers reflecting the original and at competitive prices of between €12 and €15; each title will be available under the new brand for around 18 months, before being definitively reallocated in the paperback catalogue of the original publishing house.

The new NumeriPrimi° brand is the result of collaboration between Mondadori and RobilantAssociati, Italy’s top brand design and strategy consultants, with a range of leading Italian companies among its clients.

With the definition of NumeriPrimi°, RobilantAssociati has identified, for the publishing sector, a response to a phenomenon already underway in other sectors: a demand for upscale products at more affordable prices, creating, along with the Group’s publishing houses, a new offer to add to the the market. Through its name and logo the new NumeriPrimi° brand will stand out and attract attention, exemplifying the values of success and accessibility that characterise the brand, while using an expressive and highly innovative and identifiable language.

The first 13 NumeriPrimi° titles, in bookstores from 25 March 2011 are:

John Grisham Ritorno a Ford County
Anne Holt La porta chiusa
Paolo Brosio A un passo dal baratro
Madeleine Wickham La compagna di scuola
Nicholas Sparks L’ultima canzone
Fabio Volo Il tempo che vorrei
Giancarlo De Cataldo Romanzo criminale
Dan Brown Il simbolo perduto
Mauro Corona Il canto delle manere
Fred Vargas Prima di morire addio
Clarissa Pinkola Estés Donne che corrono coi lupi
Alessandro D’Avenia Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue
Niccolò Ammaniti Che la festa cominci.