
Mediamond: a mobile advertising campaign of iPad applications by Edizioni Piemme

The mobile advertising campaign of iPad applications by Edizioni Piemme, whose catalogue of titles available from Apple’s Appstore will reach eleven titles by Christmas, has been launched on Mediamond websites. In details the campaign has been planned on the Mondadori web and mobile sites held by the advertising sales agency, accessible on the iPad.

The focus of the initiative will be on some of the most successful titles of Edizioni Piemme, such as Storie da ridere and the bestseller Nel Regno della Fantasia of the popular children’s character Geronimo Stilton’s; Il cacciatore di acquiloni by Khaled Hosseini and the autobiographical A un passo dal baratro by Paolo Brosio.

“We are delighted to be able to promote our applications on the Mediamond network,” declared Laura Donnini managing director of Edizioni Piemme.
“It is the first campaign for our mobile applications and we believe that the launch of the applications of our books will certainly benefit in terms of visibility and downloads,” she concluded.

Satisfaction was also expressed by Davide Mondo, managing director of Mediamond, who said, “Our product portfolio is clearly the ideal platform for the realisation of an application advertising campaign. With the tools we have available we have designed an immediate communication campaign that focuses on the interests of the users that visit Mondadori’s digital properties,” he concluded.

Edizioni Piemme has a consolidated leadership in children’s book publishing, with a market share of 18% (Source: Nielsen November 2010), thanks to the success of the “Il Battello a Vapore” and “Geronimo Stilton” brands, as well as its successes in the fiction, non-fiction and religion sectors for general readers.

Mediamond, the joint venture between Mondadori Pubblicità and Publitalia ’80, was set up in 2009 for the sale of advertising on the web. Mediamond’s portfolio is made up of a network of 30 titles that every month reach more than 8.4 million users and 710 million page views, which represents a 35% coverage of internet users.

Geronimo Stilton on the iPad: interactive apps now available

Edizioni Piemme is the first publisher in Italy to create and market interactive applications for the iPad for its most popular children’s books, which have as their main characters Geronimo Stilton and the cast of the Battello a Vapore

In addition to e-books, a series of interactive applications for the iPad are now available for some of the titles in the children’s catalogue. These apps area exclusively available from Apple’s App Store, starting on 11 November. Geronimo Stilton is the first protagonist of this operation, which involves some of the most popular titles.

Funny stories

Some of the titles in the series will be sold in a digital format containing the full text as well as extra content. The digital version of the books include a complete audio version of the stories, with the voice of Geronimo Stilton and the other characters from the world of Topazia. The application’s main menu also offers the following functions: write, underline, highlight, make brief notes on the page, write on notepaper, cancel, place bookmark, record brief audio tracks.

But above all it is the extra content that makes the app so much fun and engaging for younger users.

Character profiles. Every time a new character appears in the story, an icon on the side of the text indicates that there is a profile of the character.

Games. At the beginning of each book there are 4 games, such as “find the hidden detail”, “identify the differences”, “find the right shadow” and “find the intruder”.

Outline images to be coloured. In the text, on the side of some images an icon indicates the same image in a black and white outline form that the reader can enlarge and colour, using a palette of colours that appears on the screen.

From the menu it is also possible to access the online catalogue of Geronimo Stilton apps available for the iPad and to send an email to friends, inviting them to join the fun with the range of Geronimo Stilton interactive applications.

The application, developed by Enhanced Press, can be used on the iPad and is downloadable from the App Store. Follow this link: http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/id398491904?mt=8. New titles will be available for sale every two weeks.

In the Realm of Imagination

The bestsellers of Geronimo Stilton come to the iPad, in a version to be read, listened to and …touched! The application provides the complete text of the book that can be flicked through, page by page, or listened to by activating the audio with the voices of Geronimo and his friends.

The pages, that are already full of exciting words, will surprise young readers with the numerous animated images, that provide sound effects and the possibility of interacting by dragging certain objects on the screen.

Over 300 pages of full-colour illustrated text as well as 50 pages with a glossary of imaginative words; more than 150 multi-touch animated images with sound effects; animated presentations profiles of all the characters of the Compagnia della Fantasia and partial audio of the story.

The application, developed by Simplicissimus, can be used on the iPad and is downloadable from the App Store. Follow this link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id400428205?mt=8.

The Geronimo Stilton cartoons

Finally, an application has also been created to read the cartoons of Geronimo Stilton in a digital format: cartoons can be viewed in their entirety in the portrait mode (vertical) or enlarged in the landscape mode (horizontal).

The main menu of the application allows users to write, underline, highlight, make brief notes on the page, write on notepaper, cancel, place bookmark and record brief audio tracks.

From the menu it is also possible to access the online catalogue of Geronimo Stilton apps available for the iPad and to send an email to friends, inviting them to join the fun with the range of Geronimo Stilton interactive applications.

Soon there will also be an interactive iPhone application for the cartoons of the popular editor of the Eco del Roditore.

The application, developed by Enhanced Press, can be used on the iPad and is downloadable from the App Store. Follow this link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id400088098?mt=8. New titles will be available for sale every two weeks.

Mondadori acquires 70% of Edizioni Piemme

Following due diligence: price fixed at €14.107 million

Following legal authorisation and the positive results of duediligence, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today exercised the contract as per thepreliminary agreement stipulated on 16 July – and already communicated to the market– forthe acquisition of 70% of the share capital of Edizioni Piemme S.p.A.

The definitive price, fixed on the basis of the results of due diligence, is of €14.107 million.

This operation will allow Mondadori to significantly strengthen its position in thechildren’s books segment and also acquire a portfolio of established authors in the fictionand non-fiction area.