French brands

Grazia presents a special issue: Viaggio in Italia

Grazia, a key reference for the latest in the fashion industry and current issues, is presenting Viaggio in Italia – Exploring Italy – a special issue on the most popular locations in the country, recounted by personalities from the worlds of cinema, music and culture.

“This special issue devoted to Italy looks at people’s love of our country. I wanted this passion to be told by the nation’s protagonists: leading names in entertainment and culture. Readers will find features on fashion and beauty that reflect the soul and extraordinary diversity of our country. Enjoy reading Grazia,” said the magazine’s editor Silvia Grilli.

The special edition offers accounts from three top authors, who describe their Italy. Luca Bianchini describes the country in the belief that its real treasure are its people, about whom not enough is said. Gianluca Carofiglio provides snapshots of Bari and Chiara Gamberale, who has been travelling round Italy to present her latest novel, tells Grazia about the emotions and dreams of a country that always has the power to astonish.
Home towns, squares and unexpected corners will also be described by popular figures like Stefano Accorsi, who takes us on a tour of his Bologna, and Luciana Littizzetto, who describes the working-class district in Turin where she grew up, while Mahmood talks about his childhood in Milan’s Gratosoglio district.
The Viaggio in Italia issue is packed with items on must-visit locations in Italy, from the Dolomites to the seas of the southern regions, from hilltop hamlets to enchanting beaches.

The cover story features Paola Di Benedetto, a TV presenter and social media star with more than 2 million followers, who poses for an exclusive photoshoot and recounts her childhood in a provincial town, the unplanned audition, her work on TV and radio.

Readers will find two fashion stories in the magazine: a special feature photographed the among residents of Naples and a shoot in Paraggi on the Ligurian coast. Cool colourful clothes, beachwear, and essential accessories for an all-Italian summer.

Grazia Viaggio in Italia was presented on Monday evening at an exclusive event in the courtyard of Milan State University during the Interni “Design Re-generation” exhibition. The guests were entertained by young singer-songwriter Emma Nolde and the La Rappresentante di Lista pop rock duo. The partner for the evening was the Gattinoni Groupone of Italy’s leading Travel, Business Travel, Incentives and Events operators.

With 21 editions worldwide, Grazia is a constantly evolving brand with 3 million users (source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, September 2021), and more than 1.6 million fans (source: Shareablee plus Tik Tok and Pinterest).

Grazia presents the special issue at the Design Week: Here, where dreams come true

Elena Salmistraro, guest editor of the magazine directed by Silvia Grilli

Grazia, fashion point of reference and advocate of current affairs, presents a special issue edited by the talented designer, Elena Salmistraro, at the Design Week. 

Here, where dreams come true is the title of this magazine issue, which will be on the news stands for two weeks.

“Dreams and reality are the themes of this special issue, for which I wanted the visionary designer, Elena Salmistraro, as guest editor. And while I welcome Elena, I invite you to cultivate dreams and to fight for them, because it’s the only way to respect ourselves and to be useful in this world,” writes Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia, who tells readers about her dreams in her editorial: “I’ve always dreamt of society moving towards progress. In some ways, it’s already happening, as demonstrated the renewed female awareness towards their body and needs, by the achievements of the anti-racist Black Lives Matter movement or even by the LGBTQI+ communities. The pressure against regression we are witnessing worldwide makes us understand that nothing lasts forever. On a bad day, any Vladimir Putin, or fanatic fundamentalist or conservative judge could take over and decide to safeguard their view of tradition, which in reality would be the end of freedom.”

“What have we become today, how do we interact with the world and others, with what is essentially a material reality? How do creativity, dreams, infinite and unattainable illusions affect us? I’m only certain about one thing: I know dreams can help us reinvent our reality, perhaps even to the point of overlapping it, up to the point of not being able to distinguish one from the other,” said Elena Salmistraro.

Today, we are in the era in which the physical and virtual worlds have blended to help us fulfil any desire: flying without leaving the ground, visiting boutiques in New York without leaving our home, inventing the unimaginable. All such experiences, which Grazia unveils through great reporting, are made possible thanks to digital technology and pages of this issue.

This special issue includes many interviews with renowned personalities from the world of entertainment, culture and design who reveal their views on dreams. From Elisa, the cover star, to Alessio Boni, from Myss Keta to Laura Morante and her daughter Eugenia Costantini. And even Tananai, Victoria Cabello, Michela Giraud and Ilenia Pastorelli.

The fashion shoots readers will discover throughout the magazine will feature “purely poetic” clothing embellished with Elena Salmistraro’s handmade designs. Dreamlike worlds is the photo shoot dedicated to design with iconic items bound to last over time.

During Milan’s Design Week, Grazia will be present in the area with a special digital Gazette-like issue to cover the main events and appointments of the behind the scene stories on its Instagram profile and website.

Since 2021, design has entered the magazine’s editorial calendar with ten appointments throughout the year.

With 21 editions worldwide, Grazia is a reference for 3 million users and readers, establishing itself as a constantly evolving brand (source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, September 2021), as well as for over 1.6 million fans (source: Shareablee plus Tik Tok and Pinterest).


To coincide with the Venice Film Festival, a special issue of Grazia entitled “Io sono il cinema”

This extraordinary issue of the magazine is developed on the brand’s website and social media channels to celebrate the rebirth of the cinema features Grazia Gazette, a section dedicated to the Venice Film Festival with stories about all the protagonists, the looks and the events surrounding this edition of the festival

To coincide with the Venice Film Festival, Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world, presents “Io sono il Cinema” (I am cinema).

A special issue of the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli dedicated to the rebirth of the world of cinema: from the stories of the most popular actresses and actors al who talk about their burning passion for the set to the mythical red carpet and the most glamorous fashion.

“Today Oggi Grazia is out with an extraordinary issue dedicated to a vibrant passion for the cinema. The 16 personalities involved in the putting together of this issue talk about their love for the set and how it has given an added dimension to their lives. All of them also remind us that art is freedom. Among the 16 is Sahraa Karimi, the only Afghan woman with a degree in film-making. In her piece she talks about how the Taliban, with their medieval cruelty and cultural vandalism, are against art, against the cinema and against women. Indeed, they consider educated and independent people like Sahraa a threat. I hope that in these pages you can identify with the passion that animates the protagonists of the issue. Let’s all appreciate the infinite value of freedom. I invite you all to become a threat” declared the editor Silvia Grilli.

Accompanying the readers and followers of Grazia through the pages of this issue is the actress Serena Rossi, the ‘godmother’ of this year’s Venice Festival and featured by Grazia on the cover.

Among the many personalities who have contributed to the pages of this special issue are: Stefano Accorsi, Cristiana Capotondi, Luca Zingaretti, Claudia Gerini, Valeria Solarino, Sergio Rubini, Claudio Santamaria and Gianmarco Tognazzi. As well as the directors Gabriele Salvatores and Elisa Amoruso and international stars Ester Acebo and Thimothée Chalamet. 16 protagonists that will allow readers and users to discover the relationship that each of them has with the cinema. Plus, the issue also includes testimonies by previous ‘godfathers’ and ‘godmothers’ of the festival, from Vittoria Puccini to Alessandro Borghi.

There is also extensive coverage of fashion and beauty, with a focus on diva styles as well as columns on jewellery, the look of various celebrities, and, of course, the red carpet clothes and make-up. Enriching the issue even more is a feature on the style of the stars, with all the looks of the actresses arriving on the Venetian lagoon.

This storytelling about the world of cinema and the Venice Film Festival is developed from the magazine on to the website, as well as the brand’s social media channels, where the content of the issue is expanded and enhanced.

And, new with this issue, the launch of a special Venice edition of Grazia Gazette, a dedicated section on to keep up with everything that’s happening during the Venice Film Festival. From fashion, with the most exclusive looks, from the red carpet and special events, to beauty, with looks, trends and hairstyles. There is also an unmissable column on people, with curiosities, tips & tricks about the Festival’s locations and events, and the Grazia film club, a closer daily discussion of the films selected by our cinema expert @julietvampire.
A special on the site that Grazia readers can access directly, using the QR code on the cover of the issue of on the homepage of

An extensive daily selection of live coverage and news from Venice will also animate the Instagram profile of @Grazia_it where, each day, the protagonists of the Festival will talk to our correspondents with the hashtags: #iosonoilcinema, #graziawalkstheredcarpet.

An exhaustive range of content that confirms the capacity of Grazia to engage the brand’s 3.7 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, March 2021) with a circular, complete and multichannel offer.

The initiative has two main partners: Lexus, confirming its presence with Grazia at the Venice Film Festival for the second year, and Xiaomi that will be present with its smartphones to immortalise the looks of Venice in real time.
On the advertising front, there has been double-digit growth across the entire Grazia system compared with 2020.

Mondadori Group: licensing agreement signed to launch the Grazia brand in the US


The Mondadori Group has announced the signing of a licensing agreement with Pantheon Media Group LLC (PMG), a New York-based media company, to launch Grazia in the United States.

Thanks to this deal, Grazia, the first 100% Italian fashion brand with over 20 international editions, strengthens its global presence and lands in one of the most important countries for the luxury and fashion industry.

Grazia USA will introduce a new business model in the American media landscape, with strong growth potential on other markets too: innovative and strongly identity-driven, it will develop through a global multi-channel platform comprising digital, video and social content, complemented by print editions starting from September 2021.

“The arrival of Grazia in the United States is a highly significant event, the first time an all-Italian fashion magazine lands on the US market with a formula that gives a perfect answer to the new needs of readers, users and businesses. In today’s historical juncture, it bears witness to the strength of a brand that has always stood at the forefront, becoming an icon of international renown, leveraging on its authoritative content and incomparable identity,” said Ernesto Mauri, CEO of the Mondadori Group.

These are the main strengths that have allowed the Mondadori Group’s magazine to chart a course of international expansion that has led it to establish a foothold in 23 countries worldwide, in all the major fashion and luxury markets.

“The arrival of Grazia USA is a transformative event that significantly reshapes the fashion and beauty landscape in the United States with a bold type of next generation media organization. The USA edition of Grazia aims to establish itself as the most prominent and influential guide to fashion, with a mission of crafting impactful visual storytelling and thought-provoking and top-tier journalism to empower and inspire readers”, said Dylan Howard, CEO of Pantheon Media Group LLC and Publisher of Grazia USA.

Grazia USA is online on the new platform with a stellar presence: Kim Kardashian-West, who takes on the lead role in an exclusive international project on the brand’s channels.

The new Grazia USA platform will further strengthen the global multi-channel system of the Grazia International Network. With an audience that currently reaches every month a total of 15 million readers, 35 million unique users and over 20 million followers on social media worldwide, the new platform developed by Grazia will become an exclusive global reference point in the fashion industry for an increasingly wide audience of readers, users and businesses.

Grazia: on the cover top model Stella Maxwell wearing a face mask


Grazia is the first in Italy to feature a model with a face mask

The magazine is supporting women who, during the health and economic crisis, are more than ever on the front line and risking to be ignored while what they want is to be heard

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, is the first Italian title to feature a model on the cover wearing a face mask.  The model Stella Maxwell, well-known for her anti-conformist lifestyle, is the protagonist of a real and highly relevant shot. “Fashion,” says Stella, “has always helped to overcome difficulties and also in this health emergency it can do so again.”

Grazia, Italy’s leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 20 international editions, and the voice of style and news, in the issue on newsstands from tomorrow has given space to a journalistic investigation and campaign aimed at ensuring that the emergency does not become a pretext for setting aside the freedoms that women have gained. The investigation explores the forced return of women to the home in a period when schools are closed, with interviews with the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Emma Bonetti, the mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, the mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala, the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, the economist, Paola Profeta, and many others.

In her editorial, Silvia Grilli writes: “Visible in public places, such as hospitals and scientific laboratories, making the sacrifices of researchers, doctors and nurses. Invisible within families as they try to reconcile remote working with the duties of mother, cook, cleaner, carer of elderly relatives and teacher of children working online during school closures. In a fair world, family management would be shared equally between husbands and wives, given that it takes two to make children just as it should take two to put on the washing machine. But we know that a fairer world cannot be realised in two months, it takes years of education to achieve gender equality. From 4 May Italy will gradually reopen, while schools, kindergartens and nurseries will certainly remain closed until September. Consequently, women will remain the only social service available to deal with children and the elderly. But the problem is that nine million Italian women Italian also work outside the home. Many of us wonder how and if we can go back to work. Who will take care of the children left at home? Who will care for the elderly in the family? How many of us will be forced to resign to take on the totalizing role of the housewife?” Silvia Grilli concludes, as she launches a campaign.

Readers can share their experiences with the magazine and Grazia’s social media profiles, as well as making proposals to present to government and politicians to resolve the issues.

The issue on newsstands from tomorrow also addresses the topic of love and sex in a time of coronavirus. The government has decreed that from 4 May it will be possible to visit relatives or ‘kin’, and, apparently this refers also to “stable relationships”. But there is a certain vagueness about the term “stable relationship”, what does the decree really mean? Who decides whether a relationship is stable or not? The lockdown has obliged many of the undecideds and on-off couples to make a choice: fragile links can break, while, on the other hand, more solid ones can become stronger. The magazine has brought together a range of opinions: from the actress Bianca Nappi, to the actor and writer Paolo Stella, as well as the writer Federica Bosco and actress Federica Fracassi.

Plus: what will be the medium and long-term impact on relationships? “History shows us that, after an emergency, we tend to go back to our old habits,” observes the sexologist Gaia Polloni. “But, it’s also true that we are discovering that the online world works. The change could be quite significant.” In fact, Facebook has lost no time in launching Tuned, an app developed especially for couples living remotely.

Following the measures introduced by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte for dealing with the so-called Phase 2, Grazia also examines how we are going to deal with things such holidays, weddings and the reopening of restaurants.

But there is also space for entertainment, with interviews with the actress Cate Blanchett in lockdown, the singers Benji and Fede who are splitting, and Coco Rebecca Edogamhe, protagonist of the original new Italian series on  Netflix, Summertime, based on the book by Federico Moccia.

Cross Generational Festival: Grazia devotes a day to an encounter between different generations

On 25 October protagonists from the worlds of music, cinema and fashion - including Martina Colombari, Serena Rossi, Aurora Ramazzotti, Cristina and Benedetta Parodi, Elisa Maino, Arisa, Melissa Satta, Francesco Facchinetti, Malika Ayane – will meet to discuss issues such as bullying, inter-generational dialogue, the future, the environment, and social media

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand that is present around the world with over 20 international editions, opens the doors of Palazzo Serbelloni in the heart of Milan, for a great event, the Cross Generational Festival.

On 25 October, leading figures from the worlds of music, cinema and fashion, together with the magazine’s editor, Silvia Grilli,  will discuss a range of issues, including the environment, social media, the future, cyber-bullying, well-being, the sisterhood, meritocracy. Present will be the actors Martina Colombari, Serena Rossi, Madalina Ghenea and Miriam Candurro, TV presenter Aurora Ramazzotti, YV presenter and writer Benedetta Parodi, the digital entrepreneur Francesco Facchinetti, and the singer and X Factor judge Malika Ayane.

“I like to define Grazia as a crossroads, where you can stop, look right, look left, look ahead and also behind, and discover unexplored perspectives. A mix of cultures, age, opinions and passions; a magazine that looks at the world  and rejects unilateral thought,” declared Silvia Grilli.

The Cross Generational Festival is an event created to bring together and draw comparisons with different generations for which Grazia has always borne witness: the magazine has existed in Italy for 80 years and was first read by our grandmothers, then our mothers and then by their daughters. Also because today it is no longer age that women have in common, but rather their passions. Differences do not divide but rather offer an opportunity for exchange and enrichment.

The rapper Shade, the TV presenters Filippa Lagerback and Melissa Satta, the model Marica Pellegrinelli, the chef Andrea Berton, the journalist Cristina Parodi, Johanna Maggy a Pilates instructor and health & life coach, the singers Nina Zilli and Arisa, and the web stars Elisa Maino, Rosalba and Ludovica Valli, are among the other personalities that will participate during the talks which will run from 10 am until  8 pm at Palazzo Serbelloni.

The Cross Generational Festival talks are open to the public and entrance is free. Games have been organised in the afternoon for children as well as Kikolle Labs. The programme also includes a lesson in Sapopa Body Consciousness, the discipline that teaches us to get into harmony with our mind and body.

Partners of the event are: Lancia Ypsilon wit the new Lancia Ypsilon Monogram –  the Fashion City Car will be on public display in the new dual-colour Gold and Noir and Clinique.

The official radio station will be Radio Monte Carlo.

Places are limited, so to ensure your place, readers can sign up on:



Grazia extends its network to Colombia, Perù and Panama

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, is expanding its reach in Latin America. Thanks to a new licensing agreement signed between the Mondadori Group and Menta Comunicación, the publisher of the magazine in Mexico, from this month Grazia’s international network will have a new edition which will be distributed in Colombia, Perù and Panama.

The new monthly in spanish language, edited by Toni Salamanca, will offer readers in the three countries the unmistakeable mix of fashion, news and current affairs that has made the historic brand the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy.

Grazia will now reach a total audience in Latin America of over 4 million readers in the 18 and 34 age range. Through the magazine, the web site and social media it will be a platform dedicated to luxury, fashion, beauty and lifestyle, able to respond to the needs and tastes of the public at all times.

Every month, the global multichannel system Grazia International Network, which operates in 23 countries, reaches an overall community of 15 million readers, with a monthly circulation of more than 10 million copies, and 35 million unique users and around 20 million followers on social media.

Grazia presents “Infinity Hub_a wandering place”

An installation designed by Diego Grandi to clebrate the magazine’s 80th anniversary

The space is organised in thematic areas - Infinite Power, Infinite Movement and Infinite Beauty - and during the Design Week will host activities and events open to the public

Grazia celebrates 80 years of the magazine at the Milan design week, as part of the exhibition event House in Motion, with Infinity Hub_a wandering place, an installation designed by Diego Grandi that will host readers, visitors and exclusive events with big names from the worlds of cinema, entertainment and business.

The celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of Grazia continue. In fact, on the occasion of the Milan Design Week and as part, the Mondadori Group magazine, that is an international point of reference, presents

Grazia’s Infinity Hub is inspired by the succession of arches along the portico of Largo Richini at the University of Milan, and suggests an evolving path where experience becomes a fundamental element of a journey that celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Mondadori Group magazine, an international point of reference for the world of fashion and a voice in current affairs.

The installation, in perfect harmony with the existing architecture, gives life to a free and open space that is connected to the outside, in which the materials, colours and furnishings create a pathway that is full of suggestions related to the idea of infinity, developed across three modular structures: Infinite Movement, an installation that doesn’t just look at glam, but also at sustainability, thanks to the collaboration of Pinko X Treedom, made up of rotating geometric shapes, suggesting a timeless dance; Infinite Power, developed with the lingerie brand Triumph, a potentially infinite interlocking structure that takes over the Largo Richini portico with a series of high-impact graphic elements: slogans, images and icons, that intertwine to represent women’s strength and cohesion; and Infinite Beauty, conceived in collaboration with the vegetable cosmetic brand Yves Rocher, which thanks to two circular rooms that provide a repeating and always different  image of the individual, invites us to look at ourselves from a multitude of different points of view and to ask ourselves what perception and image we have of our bodies.

Grazia’s Infinity Hub also has an area dedicated to talk and, starting on Tuesday 17 April between 6 and 7pm with a debate on the concept of empowerment with the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli, the actress Carolina Crescentini and singer Noemi; followed on Friday 20 April between 6 and 7pm with a meeting focusing on sustainability during which the editor of Grazia will discuss with the chief executive and founder of Pinko Pietro Negra, the TV presenter Filippa Lagerback and radio presenter Paola Maugeri.

For more information:

Grazia and Salvatore Ferragamo Parfums together for the launch of the new fragrance Amo Ferragamo

English model Suki Waterhouse and four cosmopolitan influencers are the protagonists of a special project to celebrate the passions of contemporary women

Grazia and Salvatore Ferragamo Parfums have developed a special project to mark the magazine’s 80th anniversary and the launch of the new fragrance Amo Ferragamo.

Travel, fashion, self-awareness and independence are the passions of contemporary women that Grazia and Salvatore Ferragamo Parfums jointly celebrate by talking about what women love. Because the Mondadori Group brand describes the contemporary world and fashion, talks to women and shares their greatest passions, the same passions to which Ferragamo has dedicated Amo Ferragamo.

The face of the new fragrance and featuring on the cover of this week’s edition of Grazia is Suki Waterhouse, the British model who symbolises the mil­lennials generation. In addition, to enhance this event, Grazia has involved four international influencers – Tatjana Catic, the London-based German fashion, fitness and beauty icon; Kristina Bazan, influencer and artist with over two million followers; Xenia Van Der Woodsen, who travels the world and lives between  Hamburg and Paris; and Marta Lozano, the Spanish socialite and fashion enthusiast, who is also enormously successful on YouTube – who will interpret on social media and other platforms the themes of the Amo Ferragamo campaign.

For this occasion, Grazia and Salvatore Ferragamo Parfums have also organised a special event involving the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli, the chief executive of Ferragamo Parfums Luciano Bertinelli, the influencers  who are part of the project, as well as a number of personalities from the world of entertainment, including Fabio Volo and Johanna Maggy Hauksdottir, Filippa Lagerback and Daniele Bossari, Camilla Raznovich, and the actresess Giulia Bevilacqua and Benedetta Porcaroli.

For its unmistakeable style, Grazia has become a point of reference for the most dynamic readers and digital communities, as well as the preferred advertising vehicle for companies in the up-scale fashion and cosmetics sectors. These strong points have enabled Grazia to evolve into an international multi-channel print-digital-social-events system with over 20 editions around the world.

Grazia “Young since 1938”

The magazine starts 2018 with an issue entirely dedicated to younger generations

Francesca Michielin is the first protagonist of a series of events celebrating the 8oth anniversary of the Mondadori brand

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine that is the interpreter of Italian fashion and style and the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy, this year celebrates its 80th anniversary. In order to mark this important milestone a series of events and projects will take place during 2018 to engage loyal readers, celebrities, the world of fashion and beauty that revolves around the title, and the advertising clients who have always believed in this historic brand.

“We have been young, curious and cosmopolitan since 1938. We have never lost confidence in the power of the printed page,” declared editor-in-chief Silvia Grilli. “We have never thought of the internet and social media as enemies. On the contrary, we have always believed that a combination of print and the web can achieve bigger and cross-generational objectives. The strength of Grazia has been its capacity to be handed down from mother to daughter, from fathers to sons, adding freshness and vitality every week, every day, every moment, “ Grilli concluded.

Young since 1938, with the figure 8 turned to represent the infinite loop, is the slogan chosen to celebrate Grazia’s 8oth birthday. An iconic cross-generational brand, that is both completely Italian and cosmopolitan, with 24 editions around the world.

The first event marking the beginning of the celebrations features Francesca Michielin as the protagonist in an exclusive showcase. The singer-songwriter, born in 1995, who is setting of on tour on 17 March from Fabrique in Milan, will open an evening entitled The Millennials’ Night, on Thursday 11 January, the eve of the release of her new album “2640”.

At the same time, a special issue of Grazia will hit the newsstands entirely dedicated to generations Y and Z, those born between the end of the 198os and the beginning of 2000s: those who are always connected, without borders and that consider diversity an strength. Like the young people who have put together this issue, which begins with an interview with Francesca Michielin and features contributions from Aurora Ramazzotti; Valentina Ferragni, fashion influencer and sister of Chiara; Benji&Fede; Italian champion skier Sofia Goggia; Danish blogger Sophia Roe; YouTuber Sofia Viscardi; and it-girl Luna Bonaccorsi. Plus a behind-the-scenes look at the dancers of Maria De Filippi’s Amici, dressed and photographed by the Grazia editorial team. In the fashion section readers will find the style trends of the fashion influencers and it-girls, .while the beauty pages will outline the beauty trends that appeal to the new generations: sparkling masks, pink hair, crystal manicures and fitness disciplines that mix different specialities.

The freshness, contemporary feel and strength of Grazia are confirmed by the magazines circulation figures (over 164,000 copies), an increase of 7.6% (ADS January-October 2017 compared with January-October 2016); readership data (702.000 readers) up by 2% (Audipress 2017-II compared with 2017-I) and web traffic (1,284,000 unique users) which recorded an increase of 48% (Audiweb TDA October 2017  compared with October 2016).

This enables the brand to reach a total monthly net audience of 3.2 million contacts (Mediamond calculation based on data from Audipress 2017-2 and Audiweb TDA October 2017).