
GialloZafferano is the “Top of Mind” brand for the Italian online audience

  • The only digital native brand among the best known in Italy
  • For 39% of internet users it is the most useful and unmissable in the kitchen

The first edition of the “Food media brands” survey, by Human Highway, is now available. The research examines two segments of the population – online e offline – a total of 2,200 adults, representative of 52.4 million Italians.

The survey provide a panorama of the sector’s most popular elements, ranging from the TV programmes and personalities to the editorial brands that Italians feel most attached to.
Among the standout results is the positioning of GialloZafferano: Italy’s most popular cooking website with 6 million unique users, and which is also available on newsstands as a monthly magazine and in bookshops with a book of recipes by foodbloggers. All of which make it the only top ranking digital native brand in the Human Highway survey.

The awareness of GialloZafferano emerges particularly strongly among the online audience: for 21% of the segment it is the first cooking brand that comes spontaneously to mind, giving it the “Top of Mind” title in the listing.
GialloZafferano is also one of the most well-known brands in both segments of the survey’s sample: spontaneously mentioned by 19% of the respondents (representing 10 million Italians), coming immediately after two much-loved TV programmes, La Prova del Cuoco and Masterchef.

According to the Human Highway survey, within the online segment, GialloZafferano is identified as the brand most used by Italians for cooking, thanks to the possibility of serving users in different ways across the whole day: it has become a “never again without”, unmissable in the kitchen brand for 39% of Italian Internet users (corresponding to 12 million people).

The analysis highlights how digital brands, and firstly GialloZafferano, are closely identified by their usefulness and are considered a valuable source of recipes, while the perception of the TV shows is mainly related to their entertainment value: with 71% of the respondents declaring that they have seen or consulted GialloZafferano in the last year, qualifying it as the brand the most effectively converts knowledge into utility.
GialloZafferano is the point of reference for internet users also in terms of  its influence on buying behaviour: with twice as many respondents declaring that they follow the advice indicated in the featured recipes, compared with those on the TV programmes.
In this context, based on the indications regarding the spontaneous awareness of all of the Mondadori Group’s food brands in the survey – GialloZafferano along with Cookaround, Sale&Pepe and Cucina Moderna – reach a total of 23.4% of the population.

The Mondadori Group’s digital brands make their debut on Google Play Edicola

The digital  brands of the Mondadori Group are making their debut on Google Play Edicola, the Google app that makes it possible to access free and paid subscriptions to magazines, blogs and newspapers and read the content optimised for use on smartphones and tablets.

The sites already available and enhancing the Google Play Edicola include: Casabella, CasaFacile, Donna Moderna, Focus, Focus Junior, GialloZafferano, Grazia, Icon, Icon Design, Il mio Papa, Interni, Nostrofiglio, Panorama, Panorama Auto, Sale&Pepe, Starbene, Tustyle, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

Users will have access to a portfolio of brands that are reference points in key sectors such as women’s titles, cooking, health and wellbeing, with an offer of news ranging from interiors to fashion, news and entertainment, on an advanced technological platform that makes it even easier and quicker to read the content. Among the various functions, users can keep up to date using a combination of leading titles on local news and personal interests, access articles also offline or save them to read later. The sites can be added to a list of favourites that are constantly updated and the content can be easily shared.

Inclusion on  Google Play Edicola further expands the distribution of the content of the Mondadori Group content, Italy’s biggest traditional publisher and leader also in digital, with a multibrand and multichannel offer that can count on around 16 million unique users every month (Audiweb View unique total audience, August 2017) and a community of 30 million users of Facebook and  14 million on Instagram every month.


GialloZafferano Day

An event marking the launch of the first book of recipes by food bloggers will take place at the same time in 13 different italian locations

On 25 November 2017 for the first time 20 leading food bloggers from Italy’s biggest community will take part in a showcooking event in collaboration with Mondadori Store

In bookshops now Le ricette dei nostri food blogger, the new book by GialloZafferano (published by Mondadori) brings together 180 recipes, conceived and realised by 20 of the best food bloggers on Italy’s most popular cooking site.

The protagonist will be the brand’s food blogging community – Italy’s largest – which, up and running since 2009, now boasts over 1,000 blogs, 320 new recipes every day and 9 million fans on Facebook.

The publication of this book is another element that testifies to the strength of the Mondadori Group brand, leader in the online coking segment – with 6 million unique users on the web (Source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, September 2017) and 5.4 million fans on Facebook – which in April this year also made its first appearance on newsstands with the monthly Giallo Zafferano.

To celebrate the publication of the book a Giallo Zafferano Day has been organised in collaboration with Mondadori Store, il Giallo Zafferano Day. It will take place on 25 November, at 13 locations across Italy, and the 20 food bloggers will participate in showcooking event during which they will prepare one of the featured recipes and sign copies of the book.

The event will take place at the following locations:

Forlì with Antonella Vergari (Noce Moscata food blog), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Grosseto with Valentina Donati (Cinque quarti d’arancia) and Maurizio Vanni (Piatti pronti in un attimo), at the il Caffè Carducci di Corso Carducci 18;

Imperia with Luisa Orizio (Allacciate il grembiule), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Marsala with Elena Laudicina (Cucina facile con Elena), at the Trattoria il Gallo Innamorato;

Milano with Sara Bonaccorsi (Cucina con Sara), Rossella Cosentino (Rossella in padella) and Ivana Ester Marra (Studenti ai fornelli), at the Mondadori Megastore in Via San Pietro all’Orto;

Modica with Stephanie Cabibbo (Mastercheffa), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Monselice with Francesca Del Vecchio (Dolci creazioni…e non solo…tatam), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Pinerolo with Rosella Errante (Nel tegame sul fuoco) at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Roma with Valeria Ciccotti (Vale Cucina e fantasia), at the Mondadori Bookstore in Via Tuscolana;

Salerno with Rossella Maraio (Rossella… Pane e cioccolato) and Tina Vinciguerra (Le ricette di Tina), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Taranto with Marisa Malomo (Il mio saper fare), Loredana Cavotta (La cucina di Loredana), Pasquale Schiavone (Forno e fornelli) at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Trento with Leyla Farella (Dulcisss in forno), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Velletri with Vanessa Gizzi (La cucina di Vane) at the Mondadori Bookstore.

The official hashtag for the event is: #GZDay17.

For more information:

Giallo Zafferano and Pianeta Mamma win as “Best Food Site” and “Best Site for Parents and Children” at the Macchianera Internet Awards 2017

The Mondadori Group brands Giallo Zafferano and Pianeta Mamma have received the top prizes at the Macchianera Internet Awards 2017, that recognise Italy’s best sites and influencers, as well as the most creative and interesting social pages according to the assessment of internet experts who expressed their preferences in an online vote.

With 42,040 votes Giallo Zafferano, the site that since 2006 has got Italians cooking, took first place in the “Best Food Site” category. A further recognition of the success story of a brand that has 5-6 million unique users on the web (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, average January-July 2017) and 5.4 million fans on Facebook, and that this year alos brought its strengths to newsstands with the launch of the monthly Giallo Zafferano, the cookery magazine in Italy and Europe born from a web site.
The top 5 cooking sites close with two other Group brands, Cook Around and Sale&Pepe.

The Macchianera Internet Awards 2017 also highlighted Pianeta Mamma – the favourite site for expectant mothers or those looking to become pregnant – which was judged the “Best Site for Parents and Children” with 20,189 votes. Also on the podium was another Mondadori site,
Launched in 2008, every month Pianeta Mamma reaches 605,000 unique users (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, average January-July 2017) and has a fan base on Facebook of 362,000, thanks to services and content that help and accompany women through the experience of maternity: expert advice, stories from other mothers, video-tutorials and useful suggestions for the whole family.

This year’s winners also included, in the “Best Film Site Category” i400Calci, the site hosted by Altervista, the Mondadori Group platform leader in the creation of blogs and web sites, which has hosted over 2.5 million sites and blogs since its launch and with 600 new web sites created every day.

Meanwhile, Zingarate, the web site that talks about the best of travel, with words and images  of those who do the travelling, was among the 10 best travel sites thanks to the votes of users.


Video to take an increasingly central role in audience development for the digital brands

Accordo con Wochit per potenziare la produzione di contenuti video originali sui social network

L’audience dei brand digitali del Gruppo Mondadori cresce sui social network. Con un’offerta d’eccellenza che conta un portafoglio di brand leader nei settori chiave – quali femminili, cucina, salute e benessere – e una strategia che mette al centro contenuti originali e una curation editoriale innovativa, oggi le fan base dei brand del Gruppo Mondadori giungono a quota 13 milioni di fan complessivi attraverso 38 pagine attive su Facebook.

In particolare è il video il contenuto di punta sui canali social, in grado di creare engagement e garantire elevati tassi di reach: nel mese di aprile sono 90 milioni le video views totalizzate dai brand Mondadori su Facebook, specialmente su Giallo Zafferano, Cookaround, Donna Moderna,, Focus, Pianeta Donna, Pianeta Mamma. Tra i casi di successo quello di GialloZafferano, che raccoglie quasi 3 milioni di visualizzazioni e 30.000 condivisioni con il video tutorial della ricetta dei biscotti girandola e 2 milioni di visualizzazioni e oltre 27.000 condivisioni per quello della cheesecake alla Nutella.

Risultati raggiunti grazie a video brevi e accattivanti girati ad hoc per i canali social, privilegiando tecniche come il jumpcut e lo stop motion, e a un rapporto costante e attento con i propri utenti, che riconoscono e premiano la qualità di GialloZafferano anche nei contenuti video, realizzati con lo stesso criterio di preparazione delle ricette, testate più volte prima di essere girate. Un rapporto confermato dal numero di interazioni: una media di 4.000 per video, tra like, condivisioni e commenti degli utenti che inviano le foto delle loro realizzazioni culinarie.

In quest’ottica è stata siglata una partnership con Wochit, piattaforma internazionale di creazione video, che consente di potenziare la produzione di contenuti video originali. Wochit offre un tool di editing per gestire la personalizzazione grafica delle diverse linee di produzione dei brand: viene utilizzato dal team di content editor di Mondadori, mettendo a frutto l’esperienza nella content curation per la creazione di video efficaci e in linea con il tone of voice del brand.

Durata breve, formato quadrato che si adatta a tutti i tipi di device, immagini selezionate e d’effetto con anteprime a tutto schermo immediatamente visibili nei feed e testi capaci di catturare gli spettatori amplificano l’impatto dei video sui canali social.

I video realizzati dai brand del Gruppo Mondadori con Wotchit hanno ottenuto oltre 30 milioni di visualizzazioni. Tra i più apprezzati, il video di Focus, Come berremo l’acqua nel futuro , con più di 4 milioni di visualizzazioni e 70.000 condivisioni; quello di Donna Moderna, Rapporto tra zia e nipote, con 2,7 milioni di visualizzazioni e 60.000 condivisioni; e quello di Pianeta Mamma, Un papà non è solo un papà, con oltre 2 milioni di visualizzazioni e quasi 60.000 condivisioni.

The Mondadori Group strengthens its leadership in food: a unique portfolio of brands for variety and range

• A total audience of 9 monthly contacts, between readers and users
• A growing market share that reaches 70% in terms of circulation
• Advertising: +30% also thanks to the success of Giallo Zafferano

On the strength of a range of consolidated brands, covering all segments in the food area and reaching varied and loyal targets, over the years the Mondadori Group has been able to innovate and enrich the offer of its food system, while reinforcing its leadership in both magazines and digital.

Among the brands in the portfolio are thee historic titles that this year are celebrating important anniversaries: Sale&Pepe, for 30 years a refined, gourmet; Cucina Moderna, the market leader that for 20 years has offered useful and practical recipes; and Cucina no problem, for 15 years a simple, but never banal ally in the kitchen.

The offer is completed by Guida cucina, a source of everyday recipes for the family, and two recent arrivals: the web site Cookaround, a point of entry into the world of cooking and everything that surrounds it, and Giallo Zafferano, a young and “social” crossover brand, Italy’s leading cooking site, now also available on newsstands.

A continuously growing system of brands that, in addition to print and digital, also promotes events and courses led by professional chefs at the Scuola di cucina di Sale&Pepe, launched in the heart of  Milan from the experience of the upscale monthly.

The launch of the new magazine Giallo Zafferano – an operation that for the first time has seen the creation of a print magazine from an already leading web brand – will also strengthen the market share of the Mondadori Group in the food area, taking it from 54% to around 70% in terms of circulation.

The first issue of Giallo Zafferano, with a launch campaign that can count on an initial fan-base that is already strong on social media , sold around 450,000 copies separately or in combinations with some of the Mondadori Group’s other magazines.

A multi-brand e multi-channel offer that enables the food system to reach a combined total audience of almost 9 million contacts every month between readers and users (source: Audipress 2016-III and Audiweb, February 2017).

This success with the public has also been accompanied by an excellent response from advertisers, allowing the food system managed by Mediamond to record, in the first 4 months of 2017, an increase of 30% in sales compared with the same period of 2016, thanks also to the launch of Giallo Zafferano.

Fuorisalone is inside CasaFacile

At the CasaFacile Design Lab trends, labs and showcooking, events with foodbloggers and outstanding chefs curated by GialloZafferano


  • From 4 to 9 April, in Via Solferino 14 in Milan
  • Seventeen companies are involved in the events at the CasaFacile Design Lab

During the 2017 Fuorisalone, the ideal home proposed by CasaFacile, during the celebrations for the twentieth anniversary of the magazine, comes to life in Via Solferino 14 in the heart of the Brera Design District.

This will be the launch of the CasaFacile Design Lab, a space designed by the Mondadori Group brand, in collaboration with designers of Studiopepe, and made up of a living area, a cosy kitchen and two outdoor spaces in perfect CF style.

“For twenty years we have been coming into your homes every month with the magazine’s ideas and suggestions and together (readers and editorial staff) we have reshaped the geography of living. Now we are inviting you to really get into ‘our’ ideal home, nice to see and easy to live in, to meet us in person and create new things together during the workshops … because CasaFacile is always in action!” announced Giusi Silighini, editor of CasaFacile.

The CasaFacile Design Lab will host all the magazine’s activities and will be open from Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8 April, from 10 am until 9 pm, and on Sunday 9 April ​​until at 5 pm. Trends and styles to enjoy the home of your dreams, labs and workshops organised by Scavolini and Whirlpool, with MT masking tape, with Fujifilm Instax and Sistem Air, just some of the proposals that will animate the events at the CasaFacile Design Lab. There will also opportunities to meet and share the passion that unites both the editorial team and readers. On Friday 7 April  from 10 am to 11:30 am, there will be a community breakfast, a special breakfast with the editor Giusi Silighini (for information on how to participate go to

Every day, from 6 to 9 pm, the evenings at the CasaFacile Design Lab will continue with a number of initiatives organised by GialloZafferano. The first will be on Tuesday 14 April 4 at 6 pm with the chef Andrea Berton who will be interviewed by the editor of the magazine Laura Maragliano. Every evening there will also be show cooking events with food bloggers offering both classic and international recipes. On Saturday 8 April 8 at 7 pm, there will be a performance by the barlady Carmen Clemente.

The CasaFacile Design Lab has also been chosen as the location for the presentation of the first gift box set dedicated to the house created by CasaFacile with Mondadori Store. By buying  Facciamo casa, la professionalità al tuo servizio, you will be able to choose between the architectural service at home, a shopping assistant or a mini course in interior design.

CasaFacile is now much more than a magazine. After seven active years in the web, the title now has a team of 24 creative bloggers who share the style and participate actively in the magazine’s events and initiatives, but mainly cultivate a dynamic and passionate community which includes 257,000 fans on Facebook and 82,200 followers on Instagram, who meet every day online to exchange tips, little discoveries and big projects.

CasaFacile has also confirmed its role as a strategic brand for advertisers, not just in the furniture sector: in fact, after closing 2016 with an increase of +6% in advertising revenues, the positive trend continues and has led CasaFacile leads to a +19% increase in terms of value in the first four months of 2017, an increase that reaches +40% if we include the additional revenues generated by the event.

A complete programme of the Design Lab CasaFacile is available at, on the magazine’s Facebook page and the Brera Design District circuit.

The co-producers of the initiative are Scavolini and Whirpool. Sponsors: Agridè, Arquati, Barilla, Cavit, Ortoromi, Fuji Instax, MT Masking Tape, Nardi, O bag, Saba, Sistem Air, Gruppo Gabel with the Vallesusa brand, Caffè Vergnano, Wilson & Morris. Partner: R101.

The Mondadori Group launches the magazine Giallo Zafferano: leader on the web and new on newsstands

Print run for the first issue: 1 million copies

From Italy’s number one cooking web site comes a new magazine Giallo Zafferano. The Mondadori Group’s new monthly, on newsstands from Saturday 18 March, can already boast of two firsts: it has the same name as a brand leader in the digital world and is the first cooking magazine, in Italy and in Europe, to have been born from a web site.

Giallo Zafferano offers readers the opportunity of enjoying an experience that begins on the site and is completed with the magazine, with a distinctive offer compared to others on the market, thanks to continuous interaction between the web, social networks and the magazine, giving the brand an increasingly wide total audience.

The starting point is the 6.8 million unique users per month (source: Audiweb view total digital audience, December 2016) and a strong presence on social networks, where Giallo Zafferano already has a total of  4.6 million fans on Facebook.

The magazine, edited by Laura Maragliano, is an ideal bridge to “bring the kitchen into the hands of the reader” and enjoy an even richer experience. “This is the first time a cooking title has been born from a site: Giallo Zafferano is the result of two worlds and two experiences that meet and merge. Our team is made up of long-established professionals working alongside experts under 30, to share ideas and skills. We have begun to build a magazine with a unique, positive and interactive character. And we are confident that readers will welcome it with the same enthusiasm we have brought to this new project,” said the editor Laura Maragliano.

Giallo Zafferano has five distinctive features:

  • 100 new recipes every month, created and tested by the editorial staff;
  • a innovative square format and a layout that plays with white space and with all the dishes photographed from above;
  • the creation of a community that includes the three much-loved faces of the Giallo Zafferano web site, as well as the magazine’s bloggers and journalists: in each issue three teams will face a new culinary challenge;
  • the augmented reality app “Gruppo Mondadori AR+”, available for iOS and Android, to access filmed recipes, videos and extra content, and to interact with other users who are looking through the magazine;
  • interaction with readers, who can vote on the site or using the app for their favourite dish from the monthly challenge and take part in the final contest by proposing a recipe that the editorial team will select for publication in the next issue, in a continuous online and offline dialogue.

The first issue of the magazine will be available on newsstands and at all the major retail chains both as a stand-alone product, at the special introductory price of €1, or in combination with the leading Italian weeklies, Donna Moderna, Chi, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Grazia, Tustyle, Starbene and Confidenze (at €0.50, plus the price of the weekly), with a total print run of 1 million copies.

Giallo Zafferano makes its debut on newsstands with good numbers, also from the point of view of advertising sales with a total of 47 pages and out of the total 136 pages of the first issue.

The launch of this new magazine enhances the food system of the Mondadori Group, an offer able to cover, with its online and offline brand, all segments of the food sector: from historical publications such as Sale & Pepe, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary, to Cucina Moderna, the current market leader with sales of 249,000 copies (source: Ads December 2016), which celebrates its 20th anniversary, as well as Cucina no problem, launched 15 years ago, and the more recent Guida Cucina and the newcomers CookAround and Giallo Zafferano and the Sale & Cucina School.

A brand portfolio which, with 96 issues per year, already has a circulation market share of over 60%, and a total overall audience of more than 9 million contacts, of which 7.4 million unique users per month and around 2 million readers per month (source: Audiweb view total digital audience, December 2016 + Audipress 2016 /III).


The magazine opens with the presentation of what’s new inside, a calendar of significant dates during the month, the products of the season and an extensive feature on a popular ingredient, easily found in our kitchens, with 30 new recipes quick and easy to prepare recipes, one for each day of the month.

The centre of the magazine gives space to the three teams, each headed by a well-known face from the web site – Manuel, for fast ethnic cuisine; Giovanni, for traditional cooking; Aurora, for vegetarian food – while bloggers and staff journalists each month will propose a new dish, with video-recipes available using the augmented reality app, a menu and 8 themed dishes. The three team leaders will also compete in a culinary challenge that will change every month and that readers can vote for on both the website or app.

Supporting each section readers will find fact sheets on food, both fresh and packaged, practical advice on the what and how to buy and at the centre of the magazine a poster to remove and keep.

The final pages are given over to the cooking school: sweet and savoury specialties meticulously explained with step by step, in pure Giallo Zafferano style, with technical information on cuts of meat and fish, advice on etiquette and do-it-yourself, a list of wines and a focus on kitchen items, from utensils to the latest electrical appliances.

For the launch of Giallo Zafferano a communication campaign has been planned on print media, the web and large-scale retail outlets, with creativity managed by Hi! Communication.

To mark the publication of the first issue, Giallo Zafferano will also be the protagonist of a series of meetings during the Milan Design Week, with show cooking and themed evenings that will take place in the exclusive location of the Casa Facile Design Lab in Via Solferino 14, in Milan, form 4 to 9 April from 7 to 9 pm.