Media predictions on graduate examination 2023. Graduate students bet on Manzoni, Calvino and D’Annunzio

Nearly 8 out of 10 students think one topic could be artificial intelligence

The argumentative essay is the most popular

With the exam, feelings about the most awaited test also return. The most common ones are anxiety and panic, but also growth and achievement.

With the 2023 graduate exam, 470,000 students will return to the traditional pre-pandemic exam, with the first and second national written exams and an oral interview. On the other hand, there’s an ad-hoc exam for students from the flooded areas of Emilia-Romagna and Marche.


WHO WILL BE THE AUTHORS FOR THE ITALIAN TOPIC? – a leader for Gen-Z at school – asked this in a survey of 5,600 girls and boys who responded by making predictions based on the 2023 anniversaries, including the 150 years since the death of Alessandro Manzoni, the 100 years since the birth of Italo Calvino and the 160 years since the birth of Gabriele D’Annunzio.

The anniversaries for these three authors and their importance in the literary landscape put them on top of being the “most likely” topic for the first test for 33% of respondents. 27% expect it to be on Manzoni, 18% on Calvino, while 17% predict D’Annunzio. For the remaining 5% a track will come out on another literary great author, like Italo Svevo (100 years after the publication of Zeno’s Conscience), but there are also chances for Primo Levi, Giuseppe Ungaretti and Luigi Pirandello.



Among the students’ other predictions there is a possible track on artificial intelligence. 76% of respondents consider it very likely against 24% who believe it may be unlikely, because it’s too obvious.



Among the different types of tracks that students will find in the first test, the one that is currently receiving the highest rating (39%) is type B: the artistic, literary, historical, philosophical, scientific, technological, economic or social argumentative essay. However, 36% of the graduates are opting for the type C, an essay on a current topic, while analysing the text of poems or prose – type A – has been chosen by 25% of the graduates.


The graduate exam is… also asked the 5,600 students in the survey to describe their feelings about the exam in one word. The most cited ones were: anxiety, stressful, panic, hell, liberating, impossible, complicated…but, fortunately, they also cited…growth, goal, important, exciting, beautiful
Studenti is the Mondadori Group brand leader in Italy for the digital market in the education category, with 4 million users (source Audiweb). It is a leader for Gen-Z at school, thanks to a dynamic and constantly evolving editorial offer, characterised by innovative languages and content and a team of young creators: a formula that has allowed Studenti to reach over 1.3 million followers on social media (Source Shareablee and social insights), on TikTok – where it is followed by 640 thousand users – Facebook, Telegram and on YouTube (StudentiTV) where students access guides and tutorials to prepare for exams.

Let’s help Emilia-Romagna together

Mondadori Media and Banca Mediolanum together for Emilia-Romagna

The torrent of water and mud that recently struck Emilia-Romagna, a region that calls to mind laughter and friendship, drives us to help the people who have lost everything, the businesses that will have to leave after this tragedy, and the region itself.

This is why Mondadori Media and Banca Mediolanum have launched the fundraising initiative “Let’s Help Emilia Romagna TOGETHER”, involving readers, followers, customers and friends.

The dedicated current account is:
IBAN IT54O0306234210000002727272

Together, thanks to everyone’s generosity, we can help Emilia-Romagna to recover, donating every Euro to the official Emilia-Romagna Region fundraiser, to support people and communities affected by recent disasters such as floods and landslides.

Fuorisalone 2023: 400,000 visitors for the “Interni Design Re-Evolution” exhibition

It's been a great success with public at the University of Milan, at Eni Space in the Botanical Garden of Brera, at the Audi House of Progress at the Portrait Milano, at Eataly Milano Smeraldo and in De Castillia 23 of Urban Up | Unipol

The first digital installation at the Torre Velasca was viewed by more than 150,000 users

With this appointment, INTERNI confirms its outright leadership in the living sector, both professional and beyond, and in design system communication for fans of the beautiful project.

INTERNI DESIGN RE-EVOLUTION confirmed and exceeded expectations at FuoriSalone 2023 that gave the design project community a great gift in terms of research, sustainability and the future.

From 17 to 26 April, the event, created and coordinated by the Mondadori Group magazine directed by Gilda Bojardi, has produced record numbers, recording an audience presence of 400,000 people in the three institutional venues: the University of Milan, Eni Space in the Botanical Garden of Brera, and the Audi House of Progress at the Portrait Milano. It’s also been a great public success in its two satellite locations:  Eataly Milano Smeraldo and De Castillia 23 by Urban Up | Unipol. In addition, more than 150,000 users viewed the first fully digital installation at the Torre Velasca.

This edition of the exhibition has translated the concept of Evolutionary Thought into experimental installations, intended as a design tool for new known and unknown territories: physical and digital, multimedia, present and future.

With the contribution of the 3 co-producers (Audi, Eni and Whirpool) and in collaboration with companies and institutions, INTERNI has gathered more than 40 famous and young Italian and international designers and architects and some artists, in a fusion between Architecture, Design and Art.  For the exhibition, 40 installations, micro-architectures and macro-objects have been created, all site-specific that – together with conferences, talks, live performances and showcases – have created a varied mosaic of styles and visions, as well as time for discussion, attracting thousands of people. Visitors included large numbers of Italian and international journalists, who provided excellent coverage for INTERNI Design Re-Evolution in the daily papers, on radio and TV, in the trade press and in popular magazines, and ensured a continuous presence for the exhibition on the main social channels and the web.

The INTERNI exhibition confirms its place as the iconic event of the FuoriSalone, created as an initiative of the magazine’s editor, Gilda Bojardi. The foundation of its success is the outstanding design and cultural content of the installations, the internationally famous brands involved, flanked by smaller operations who also offered exhibits of great interest.

The exceptional response from both the public and the media reflects the absolute leadership of INTERNI in the professional living sector and in design system communication.

We thank the co-producers Audi with Gabriele Chiave and Controvento, Eni with Italo Rota and CRA Carlo Ratti Associati, Whirlpool with Odile Decq Studio, and all the companies, designers and architects who participated: Mirage with Andrea Boschetti and Metrogramma, It’s Natural, Centrorochas and ApexBrasil with Vivian Coser, Annaka with Annabel Karim Kassar Architects, Felis with Intro and FMG Shapes with Massimo Iosa Ghini, AXA IM Alts with Ma Yansong and Andrea D’Antrassi MAD Architects, Mapei and ICA Group with One Works, ApexBrasil with Bruno Simões, Roca with Benedetta Tagliabue EMBT Architects, Landscape Festival with Topotek 1, Sanlorenzo with Piero Lissoni, Galleria De Ambrogi with Gianluigi Colin, Amazon with Stefano Boeri Interiors, Simone Micheli, DotGallina with Jacopo Foggini, Artemide with MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects, Missoni with Alberto Caliri, Tile of Spain with Tomás Alonso Studio, Itelyum with Roberto Banfi/Studeo Group, Caparol, Build-Up with Silvio De Ponte Architects, Labo.Art with Ludovica Diligu, Studio Gum with Sergio Fiorentino, Besenzoni with Francesco Forcellini, Halo Edition with Mandalaki, Ever In Art with Marco Nereo Rotelli, Embassy of Italy in Madrid with Carmelo Zappulla External Reference, Levi’s with Ian Berry, Giannoni & Santoni with Gianni Lucchesi, Fidenza Village with Urbansolid, Pedrali, Zambaiti Parati, Concreta with CaberlonCaroppi, Boero with Francesca Grassi/Italo Rota Studio, Cimento with Parisotto + Formenton Architects, Atelier Biagetti, Eataly with Paola Navone/Otto Studio, Urban Up | Unipol De Castillia 23 with Maria Cristina Finucci, Hines with Elena Salmistraro.

Focus launches a special issue dedicated to cancer research

The magazine contains a report on the latest news of Italian excellence in the fight against cancer: from gene therapies to Artificial Intelligence

Focus, the Mondadori Group brand that’s the leader in popular science, is on the newsstands this month with a special issue dedicated to the latest advances in cancer research.

An updated guide full of insights to let readers discover the latest innovations and therapies, including experimental and anti-cancer: from the analysis of DNA alterations to vaccines, from proton therapy to targeted treatments that are more customised and effective, as well as the tools and perspectives that Artificial Intelligence can offer in this field.

A report – created with the collaboration of specialists from the most important Italian universities and centres of excellence at the forefront of cancer research worldwide – which underlines the role of Focus as a leading magazine for an audience of readers and users who are passionate about the great scientific and technological issues, including in the field of medical information.
Thanks to a clear and direct style and a careful and dynamic look at everything that is innovation, the brand reaches an audience of 5.5 million readers and users and 3.6 million followers on social networks every month.

“What emerges today with increasing evidence from oncological research,” says Raffaele Leone, Director of Focus, “is the variety of treatments and therapeutic approaches”. Cancer is a disease that has always been with us, a ‘malignant natural error’ that is nevertheless facilitated by harmful habits (smoking being the most typical) and pollution in the surrounding environment. It is a cellular mutation that often has the ability to camouflage itself so as not to be intercepted and neutralised. Today we are able to invent increasingly customised and targeted cures against the various types of mutation, to unmask them and attack them”, concludes Leone.

In the new issue of Focus we will talk about projects with an international scope, such as Palm (Pediatric Acute Leukemia of Myeloid origin), but also Italian projects such as the Molecular Tumor Board, a national network to standardise procedures and create a network of consultancies throughout the country.

Through numerous fact sheets – which have also been created thanks to the contribution of scientists and experts – the most widely read monthly magazine in Italy sheds light on the importance of prevention through vaccines against Hepatitis B and HPV, and the possibility for smokers to get free lung scans with the aim of raising awareness and giving hope.

The creation of such a rich and in-depth report has been possible thanks to constant contact with research institutes, universities, hospitals and foundations, which Focus has always collaborated with to keep its readers informed and updated.

This issue made use of the valuable collaboration of:
IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas [Humanitas Clinical Institute Research Hospital]
San Raffaele Hospital
National Cancer Institute
European Institute of Oncology
Umberto Veronesi Foundation
Airc Foundation
RevoLuTion_Innovation in Cancer Care 

And it involved:
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Italian Association of Medical Oncology
Centro di riferimento oncologico (CRO) di°Aviano [Aviano Oncology Referral Centre]
Centro di Senologia del Policlinico San Martino di Genova [Centre for Senology of Hospital Policlinico San Martino of Genoa]
Oncohematology Clinic of Padua
MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston
Bambino Gesù Children’s Research Hospital
Italian Pulmonary Screening Network
Italian Society of Oncological Urology
University of Milan
University of Palermo
University of Turin
University of Melanoma, Oncological Immunotherapy and Innovative Therapies IRCCS INT-Pascale Foundation of Naples


“Good luck to the graduating seniors” – Studenti and Webboh together for graduation 2023

The new initiative of the Mondadori Media brand, the GenZ target leader, with new branded content formats and the most popular creators

For graduation 2023, Studenti, the digital point of reference of the Educational segment, and Webboh, the first community dedicated to Generation Z, offer their partners a one-of-a-kind opportunity to speak to the 470 thousand graduating seniors taking their exams throughout Italy.

Throughout May and June, the two brands’ editorial plan includes a vast range of contents on both Studenti, via its cross-topic expert creators, and Webboh, to speak of the upcoming graduation of GenZ’s most popular idols: a unique offer aimed at reaching the vast range of graduating seniors on their favourite channels, especially on Tik Tok and Instagram, and at supporting them educationally and psychologically in an entertaining way.

Both Studenti and Webboh take advantage of this opportunity to renew their graphic contents and logos: via a restyling of the website and a “special graduation section” for and optimized navigation on, so as to ensure more interactiveness between the website and social communities.

For the brands interested in communicating with the target audience at this specific stage of their life, Studenti and Webboh – together with Brand On Solutions, the Mediamond branch focused on special initiatives – planned original and engaging branded contents for all customers interested:

  • the Graduation diary: a series of selfie video contents on Instagram through which GenZ’s most popular young creators will detail their study period by speaking of the most intense moments and emotions preceding their exams;
  • POV, I’m graduating: a social video format in partnership with Giulia Bellu (@giulia_bellu – Power Talent Agency creator) and Eva Andrini (@evasfoodaddiction – Zenzero Talent Agency creator) aimed at giving advice on how to overcome anxiety and what to eat while studying in an ironic and gentle tone;
  • Vox – The Voice of Graduating Seniors: a social video format with Webboh’s Tiktokers aimed at meeting and interviewing graduating seniors at the school gates during their exam dates and to allow youngsters to share their experiences and emotions.
  • After graduation: a great online survey on it concerning students’ choices after the exams and a collection of special web and social orientation contents dedicated to life after graduation: from post-graduation tips to guidance on how to study abroad and other ideas on starting a career.

Studenti and Webboh are GenZ target leaders with respectively 4 and 3 million unique monthly users (Audiweb source) and with over 3,5 million overall followers on their social networks (source: Sensemakers on Comscore Shareablee): an audience that ensures high quality KPIs and above-average engagement rates to its communication partners.

  • Studenti‘s graduation special completes its traditional web offer – conceptual maps, premium contents, summaries, – a vast range of original contents from its edu-creators through the #learnwithtiktok hashtag. The brand, which counts over 1,2 million followers, records continuous growth on Tik Tok, which now accounts for about half of total followers.
  • Webboh follows the graduation steps of the most popular creators through a gentle and entertaining approach. The post “What were the creators’ final marks?” was among the ten most read articles of 2022 on it. With over 15 million monthly interactions and 2,3 million followers, Webboh is in the top 10 of Prima Comunicazione’s and Sensemakers’ “Top Most Social Media” ranking.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni awards the Telegatto to Diodato

Diodato, one of the most appreciated and award winning artists of Italian music, was awarded the Telegatto, the popular recognition of the entertainment world,  from TV Sorrisi e Canzoni.

The special showcase – presented as the final event of Design Week – took place on Sunday, April 23, in the fully packed Aula Magna Hall of the University of Studies of Milan, together with “Design Re-Evolution’s” interior decoration exhibition-event, which was open to the public since April 26.

The Telegatto was awarded to Diodato by Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s Director, Aldo Vitali, to celebrate the “first 10 years of its recording début: years of very successful, original and heartfelt music and for the incredibly strong emotions conveyed by the “Fai Rumore” song which turned into a ‘never give up’ motto for many.”

The singer-songwriter – with his four unreleased albums under his belt – performed in a special showcase, singing some of his most popular songs to TV Sorrisi e Canzoni’s audience, including Adesso, Fai Rumore, Che vita meravigliosa and two new songs taken from the “Così Speciale” album: Così speciale and Occhiali da sole.

Interni presents the exhibition event “Design Re-Evolution”: design as evolution, revolution, fusion and sustainability

From April 17 to 26, over 40 installations across six locations in the heart of the city: the University of Milan, the Eni Space at the Brera Botanical Garden, the Audi House of Progress at Portrait Milano, Eataly Milano Smeraldo, De Castillia 23 by Urban Up | Unipol and the Torre Velasca.

The magazine engaged over 40 architects, designers and artists in collaboration with prestigious businesses, start-ups and institutions

Over 40 creative projects by a line-up of more than 40 designers from Italy and around the world across 6 iconic locations in Milan, which will play host to 9 days of events, meetings, and talks with leading figures in design culture and much more. These are the numbers that matter for INTERNI Design Re-Evolution, the eagerly awaited exhibition-event created by INTERNI, the Mondadori Group interiors and contemporary design magazine, and curated by Gilda Bojardi. The events take place from 17 to 26 April in the courtyards of the University of Milan, the Eni Space at the Brera Botanical Garden, and at Portrait Milano, home of the Audi House of Progress.

This year, INTERNI, a long-time champion of new spaces for creativity, is adding Eataly Milano Smeraldo, De Castillia 23 by Urban Up | Unipol and the Torre Velasca to the three “institutional” locations.

In collaboration with the City of Milan, INTERNI Design Re-Evolution is one of the main initiatives of Milan Design Week and FuoriSalone 2023, created in 1990 by the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Gilda Bojardi, and universally recognised as the leading event for international design and architecture.

INTERNI Design Re-Evolution aims to offer a collective and multidisciplinary reflection on the role of evolutionary thinking as a design tool for new territories, both known and unknown, physical and digital, present and future.

“The Design Re-Evolution is a revolution, because it aims to redevelop the land, the objects that inhabit it, the materials with which they are made, and the energy used to create them”, explains Gilda Bojardi, editor-in-chief of INTERNI. “But it is also evolution, because it develops through a synergy between various disciplines – such as science, art and set design – fostering positive exchanges between individuals, businesses, institutions, and, of course, the citizens. And it is a process, in that it is a way of conceiving, producing and sharing ideas in order to reach a new configuration of the spaces in our lives. The Design Re-Evolution therefore approaches the home in the sense of a ‘mirror for the soul’, in the words of Mario Praz, encouraging the circulation of information and contacts on possible circular economy solutions. The exhibition event thus helps to build new landscapes to promote new interaction between people and environment, in a profound dialectical relationship with nature”.

But INTERNI Design Re-Evolution also explores territories that are still beyond our knowledge, from the Metaverse to the farthest universe. Because it is in this realm of creativity, where we may well feel out of our comfort zone, that the empathy inherent to design becomes a tool which strengthens imaginative power and the ability to interpret human emotion. Combined with solid professionalism and design ethics, these qualities allow us to understand, conceptualise and experience the evolution of our planet.

Interni presenta la mostra-evento “Design Re-Evolution”

The three co-producers of the exhibition eventi: Audi, Eni and Whirlpool

The main sponsors of INTERNI Design Re-Evolution are three premium brands active in the field of sustainability: Audi, a leading car manufacturer with a comprehensive commitment to providing sustainable mobility, has innovation and progress in its DNA; Eni, an integrated energy company, launched a new strategy in 2020 which will allow it to reach its goal of zero net emissions by 2050 and to supply a range of totally decarbonised products, combining environmental and financial sustainability and focusing on technological leadership built over years of research and innovation; Whirlpool is a global leader in domestic appliances, thanks to its solutions with cutting-edge design created to improve the quality of domestic life. Each co-producer is presenting a high-impact installation with their own interpretation of the theme of the exhibition event.

At Portrait Milano, Corso Venezia 11 _ Audi House of Progress

Human values are central to The Domino Act, an installation representing Audi‘s vision of sustainable mobility. A circular structure of 22 monoliths encloses and protects the Audi skysphere concept car, their multiplying reflections acting as a reminder of the importance of working together. Located in the magnificent Piazza del Quadrilatero of Portrait Milano, Milan’s exclusive new hotel complex occupying the spaces of the former Seminary of the Archbishop in Corso Venezia, it was designed for Audi by Gabriele Chiave with Controvento. It brings an artistic sensibility to the principle of the Sustainability Domino Act, highlighting how decisive action in a strategic area can trigger a virtuous knock-on effect. The key presence of the Audi skysphere concept, demonstrating the perfect blend of emotion and technology with people at its centre, recognises research and progress as defining factors in the Brand’s strategy and its roadmap to decarbonisation.

At the Brera Botanical Garden – Eni Space

The Brera Botanical Garden is transformed into Eni Space, hosting Walk the talk – Energy in motion, a large interactive game. With one of Milan’s most beautiful gardens as its backdrop, the design tackles the FuoriSalone “Future Lab” theme through an intriguing giant game board all about the evolution of mobility, representing the activities and vision of Eni Sustainable Mobility. Developed by Italo Rota and CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati together with the Blob Factory Gaming Studio game designer collective, Walk the talk – Energy in motion explores themes such as the shift to more sustainable transport solutions, vehicle sharing services, and producing fuel from renewable raw materials. In so doing, it invites the public of FuoriSalone and INTERNI Design Re-Evolution to reflect on the future of our city. Each player chooses a path to follow through the installation, offering an interactive way to discover everyday actions and practical solutions for increasingly sustainable mobility. Entrances and exits punctuate the trail, which runs along the leafy pathways of the Botanical Garden, over an area of 3500 square metres with roughly 400 illustrated boxes. The boxes absorb sunlight during the day and convert it to light in the evening, creating lighting effects that change with the time of day.

At the University of Milan, Whirlpool with “The Synesthetic Swirl”

Light, colour, reflections and visual distortions abound with The Synesthetic Swirl, the spiral display in the Cortile d’Onore at the University of Milan, designed by Odile Decq for Whirlpool, the exhibition’s co-producer. Reproducing the geometry of a vortex and inspired by the archetypal image of the spiral, The Synesthetic Swirl prompts a journey and invites us to explore our sixth sense: intuition. Inside its fully immersive and engaging interior, whose exterior is just as appealing and intriguing, the installation offers the possibility of a ‘before’ or an ‘after’. The reflective effect of the mirrors creates a synesthetic vortex which can represent the dualities of an opening or an awakening, an oscillation, a step forward or backward.

Interni presenta la mostra-evento “Design Re-Evolution”

Installations and designers: the key figures of Interni Design Re-Evolution

The great INTERNI exhibition event was created with the aim of initiating and multiplying connections and relationships: a virtuous system between creatives, businesses, distribution networks who have the fundamental need to connect people and ideas from different cultures and backgrounds. In collaboration with businesses, multinationals, start-ups and institutions, there are more than 40 designers who have made over 40 creative projects (installations, displays, design islands, micro-architecture and macro-objects, all site-specific) to explore the theme of this year’s exhibition.

The spaces of the University of Milan provide the setting for a series of impressive installations.

In the Cortile della Farmacia, Amazon presents The Amazing Playground: an interactive immersive space featuring Swing, an installation designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors. It takes the form of a special swing inspired by early twentieth-century Spanish Surrealism and the Circo Americano in Madrid, and offers a playful counterpoint to the abstract rhetoric around sustainability. Swing supports Parco Italia, a national urban forestation project promoted with Amazon Italia by Stefano Boeri Architetti and AlberItalia, founded to improve and implement Italy’s natural capital and its biodiversity. In addition to interacting with the installation, the public can also discover a selection of certified Climate Pledge Friendly products available on and displayed around the courtyard.

In the Cortile del ‘700, The Impossible Machine, a metal sculpture designed by Piero Lissoni for Sanlorenzo, combines high technology with skilled workmanship, giving physical form to the theme of sustainable yachting. It presents a large mechanism whose parts move thanks to the new hydrogen system that Sanlorenzo is developing to power its craft, in partnership with Siemens Energy. The backlit platform on which the metal installation rests highlights the mechanism’s propellers and cogs, while the fine vapour surrounding it reproduces the effect of a turbine powered by a fuel cell system.

A number of different projects have been created in the Cortile d’Onore. These include A Theatre to Save the Planet, an itinerant theatre created by Andrea Boschetti in collaboration with Ana Lazovic from Metrogramma studio with Mirage designed to promote the values of sustainability, solidarity and responsible innovation. It consists of containers recovered from the ocean, which become a place of meditation and participation, hosting events each day dedicated to the theme of sustainability (partners of the Save the Planet project).

A modern Cabinet of Curiosities, by Annabel Karim Kassar, is an interactive installation which invites the visitor to reimagine their place in the natural order and to go beyond mere viewing, exploring how architecture can change our emotional balance and the intimate human experience.

The Oasis. Microarchitecture by Massimo Iosa Ghini, enveloping and protective, demonstrates an approach to design inspired by plant organisms, resulting in a space with a beating heart which places man and nature in dialogue through natural light and materials, the movement of the air, and sensory perception.

Berlin studio Topotek 1 – in collaboration with the Landscape Festival of Bergamo – Masters of Landscape – with Grow together, Grow green / 10k+ has designed an experience to be lived and shared, a collective action divided into three concepts: deconstruction, activation and green growth. The structure, which can be dismantled and reused, acts as a pick-up point for a collection of plants that visitors are invited to take home and look after. The Nutura pavilion, by Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects, built in collaboration with Roca, is made from wood and ceramic and offers a multisensory exploration of nature and Mediterranean architecture, with lattices and shutters creating shadow effects, material textures, and changing views. The pathway leads to a plaza in which to relax and enjoy the view of the Cortile: in keeping with the Re-Evolution theme and the value of sustainability, all the materials used will be disassembled, recovered and used for other projects.

The Loggiato Est hosts Discover(y) lightning by Mario Cucinella with Artemide: a bright and heartfelt tribute to Ernesto Gismondi, founder of Artemide, achieved through a series of pendant lights which cloak the Cortile del Filarete in red, shaping its spaces and framing details. The work enhances the quality of the spaces through the use of Integralis, a patented lighting technology which sanitises and inhibits the growth of bacteria on the surfaces it lights.

Also in the Cortile d’Onore, English artist Ian Berry presents The greatest story ever worn, a tribute to 150 years of the iconic Levi’s 501s; Stone Pavilion by Brazilian architect Vivian Coser showcases the country’s stone production with a focus on eco-friendly processes and materials, in collaboration with It’s Natural, Centrorochas, ApexBrasil.

Fidenza Village presents  MOAI sculptures by street artist duo Urbansolid, offering a reflection on modern times by reinterpreting ancestral history through the contemporary language of street art. Operae by Gianni Lucchesi for Giannoni&Santoni and the Hangar gallery is a stone sculpture of a life-sized seated figure overlooking the Cortile d’Onore from the top of a 13-metre totem made up of modular cubes in lightweight concrete.

Symbolising the perfection of architecture, standing on the central lawn is an enormous cube in reflective strips – Momentumby Ma Yansong and Andrea d’Antrassi/ MAD Architects produced in collaboration with AXA IM Alts.

Lastly, two totems, one created from layers of construction materials and the other formed from a slim metal frame – Tangibile & Intangibile  – presented by One Works with  Mapei and Ica, aims to find a balance between architectural know-how, through the reuse of materials, and the discovery of new languages to express design, such as virtual reality and the Metaverse.

Temporal, the presentation organised by ApexBrasil, is two-fold: a spherical, cocoon-like installation 6 metres in diameter covered in real moss, in the Cortile d’Onore; and an exhibition of products curated by Bruno Simões, displayed along the Portico Richini and Portico San Nazaro. It represents the vitality of contemporary Brazilian design in its various forms, regions and characteristics, and reflects on production driven by sustainability and a focus on the environment and nature.

As a long-standing advocate for his ideas on architecture and design, in the Cortile dei Bagni Simone Micheli presents Free.Dom, a metaphor for time and the approaches we can take to life. Through companies, who are exploring new interpretive possibilities thanks to his work, Micheli created three large structures representing “cages” in a large mesh. Two of these house a stylised bird, while the third is empty. Next to it is the bird which has flown out. The meaning is that only those who truly wish and choose to free themselves from stereotyped patterns, from system crises, from content stalemate, from clichés and conservatism, can do so.

There are also numerous installations in the portico of the Cortile d’Onore: Seating Experiments With Spanish Tiles by Tomás Alonso Studio for Tile of Spain, Metamorphosys  by Roberto Banfi with Studeo group for Itelyum, and Farfalle by Ludovica Diligu with Labo.Art, as well as Flow by Francesco Forcellini with Besenzoni, Studio Nomade d’Artista by Sergio Fiorentino – Studio Gum, New Horizons by Mandalaki for Halo Edition, Sit on the wor(l)d by Marco Nereo Rotelli for Ever In Art and Giardino Segreto, which is the exhibition of the results of the 4th edition of the contest “Design. A journey through Italy and Spain”, curated by Carmelo Zappulla of External Reference for the Italian Embassy in Madrid.

In the Aula Magna great hall, Time After Time by Gianluigi Colin with Galleria De Ambrogi  presents an installation consisting of hundreds of metres of fabric used to clean newspaper printing presses; authentic objets trouvés, secular shrouds, loaded with the memory of endless erased stories, hanging eleven metres high. This work prompts us to question the quality of the information system, collective memory and its dissolution. A secular temple of knowledge, the University is the natural home for a project such as this because, as Aldo Colonetti says, “like architecture, design must never forget that art is the foundation of every design-related discipline”.

Material textures are the focus of Acrylic Skyline by Jacopo Foggini with Dr. Gallina, a polychrome skyline as a “tribute to Alessandro Mendini” on display along the Loggiato Ovest. The visitor is guided by the light filtering through the multiwall polycarbonate sheets in a rainbow of colours, chosen to offer an impression of fluidity. Foggini invites us to reflect on the materials of the future and prompts positive thinking on the “eternal” nature of plastic.

With L’arte del colore by Francesca Grassi of Studio Italo Rota with Boero, the Portale Hall Aula Magna becomes a modern interpretation of the rainbow, achieved using the colours of the new Boero colour system, 1831 – Il colore italiano.

The North and South doorways of the University host the installation Re-Connection: Alberto Caliri, creative director of Missoni Home Collection, offers a series of small rabbits designed to prompt our memories and reconnect us with emotions and imagination.

CaberlonCaroppi studio with Pedrali, Zambaiti Parati for Concreta explore the theme of Design Re-Evolution with Liminal, by furnishing the exhibition’s press room with unique furniture customised for the occasion, while Urban Stage by Parisotto + Formenton Architetti with Cimento offers a concrete look for outdoor relaxing with an urban feel with Outdoor Lounges.

Worth noting is that many of the installations in the exhibition were created with the idea of being reused, whether fully (such as the Amazon swing, linked to biodiversity, or the containers of Mirage, with Save the Planet), or partially, to create new settings and objects. INTERNI participates in the Urban Economy, Fashion and Design Project by the City of Milan, which transforms the exhibits of Milan Design Week into a concrete possibility of regeneration and reuse, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

Interni presenta la mostra-evento “Design Re-Evolution”

New sites

The traditional institutional sites of INTERNI Design Re-Evolution are joined this year by other iconic locations in the city: Eataly Milano Smeraldo, De Castillia 23 by Urban Up | Unipol and the Torre Velasca.

At Eataly Milano Smeraldo, Paola Navone Otto Studio are celebrating Italian identity with 100% Pasta: a thorough examination of the quality of good food, from harvest and preparation to tasting. Tomatoes, pots and pans, garlic, chillies and spaghetti all made by the Viareggio Carnival Foundation hang from the ceiling in an aerial installation at Eataly Smeraldo, over the stage at the centre of the store. The stage has been decorated for the occasion in tomato red, and furnished with modern chairs and tables in red, white and green, referencing the ingredients of the quintessential Italian dish, pasta with tomato sauce. And not just any recipe, but the dish Paola Navone’s grandmother used to make for her, selecting the ingredients with care and love. The “100% Pasta” installation will be presented to the public on Thursday April 20, at 6pm, on the stage at Eataly Smeraldo, with a food performance which will see Paola Navone talk about her installation and the link between food and design, sharing the story of her “Pasta Paola”, alongside an Eataly chef who will make it for those present.

The message conveyed in the Isola district consists of just two simple yet alarming words: H2o HELP. On the lawn in front of De Castillia 23, a building redeveloped by Urban Up – Unipol and owned by the Group, an installation by Maria Cristina Finucci greets visitors with a sort of living being, 70 metres long and formed of a series of “water cushions”. Those sitting on it may not immediately realise that just a few steps away, this living being is gasping for air, showing everyone its struggle to survive. Through its agony, it attempts to communicate humanity’s distress in light of one of the most serious issues it is facing: a lack of water.

Once again, 66 years after it was built, with QR Code: Quick Re-Evolution Code, the Torre Velasca is the mouthpiece for a Re-Evolution, acting as the gateway to a virtual world offering new levels of perception to augment reality. Hines entrusted the project to the creative flair and talent of designer Elena Salmistraro. The project is an innovative digital experience which introduces an extraordinary foray into new ways of experiencing places, freeing their revolutionary communicative potential. As the name suggests, a QR code is key to the installation. Visitors use it to access a specially designed digital space, dedicated to discovering this iconic Milanese building. The QR Code will be available in the FuoriSalone Guide, on the INTERNI channels, on the website, as well as on 80 floor stickers positioned strategically around the city.

Interni presenta la mostra-evento “Design Re-Evolution”

The Interni system

The INTERNI integrated system of communication multiplies and reiterates its role as a key source of information for the world of design. Two printed publications (INTERNI and the FuoriSalone Guide), two digital publications (INTERNI King Size and the legendary FuoriSalone Guide), one major event (INTERNI Design Re-Evolution), INTERNI online (website and social media) and Interni Design Journal – with insights and videos which will be delivered through a newsletter system – provide all the tools for keeping up to date in real time on all the latest design trends, news and previews.

Now in its 33rd edition, the FuoriSalone Guide is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to discover and explore the increasingly packed calendar of Milan Design Week, through the annotated presentation of 350 events involving the companies, designers and architects participating in FuoriSalone, organised both day by day and in alphabetical order. The guide, which is available free with the April issue of INTERNI in Milan, and in all the showrooms, institutions, museums and other locations participating in FuoriSalone 2023 (as well as at the fair itself), can be accessed online (both on tablet and smartphone), and includes an interactive map.

The strength of the brand is also clearly visible throughout the city: Design Re-Evolution involves a major street advertising campaign which includes 15 banners displayed at the main entrances to Milan and in the historic centre, 1000 flags at the locations of the events mentioned in the FuoriSalone Guide, as well as 60 digital points in the busiest areas, 10 retro shuttle buses, customised news stands in the historic centre and in airports, window displays and LED walls(Mondadori Duomo bookshop in Piazza del Duomo and Rizzoli Galleria in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele).

For all information

Mondadori Media: amazing results with over 83 million followers

Giallozafferano is the leading Italian media for its video views

Excellent website traffic results too: Mondadori Media on the podium of the Audiweb ranking, thanks to Giallozafferano, Mypersonaltrainer and The Wom, leaders of their segment

Mondadori Media distinguishes itself once more among the leading Italian publishers for its digital audience, with excellent website and social media results.

Social media results

Mondadori Media’s 100 profiles reached over 83 million followers in March and exceeded half a billion monthly video views (sources Comscore + Instagram video insights).

In Prima Comunicazione’s Top most social Italian media ranking, processed by Sensemakers, Giallozafferano conquers the first place for its video views with 113 million views. Webboh is also in the Top ten with 14 million interactions.
Excellent results for The Wom, which concluded the month of March with a record of 6 million followers and 46 million video views (sources Comscore + Instagram video insights).

Outstanding performance also for the branded contents developed in partnership with Mediamond. In the paid partnership ranking of Prima Comunicazione and Comscore, Giallozafferano is first on Instagram with 45 thousand actions taken on a series of reels implemented together with Cooking with Bello, Luisa Orizio and Evasfood Addiction, all top food creators of Giallozafferano and the Zenzero Talent Agency. Excellent performance also for the branded campaigns implemented in March by Mypersonaltrainer, Webboh, which reached 18 thousand actions at the Webboh Awards, and The Wom with nearly 16 thousand actions.

“We’re very satisfied of the great numbers achieved in terms of audience and interactions, further confirming the strength of the strategic decisions taken,” stated Andrea Santagata, General Manager of Mondadori Media. “Our recipe is based on the quality of the brands and contents, but also on a focus towards the new generations, by increasingly focussing on new talents and creators through both the foundation of new companies, such as The Wom and Zenzero, and acquisitions, such as Webboh and the Power Talent Agency,” concluded Santagata.

Web ranking

Mondadori Media on the podium of Audiweb’s ranking of Italian publishers with 27 million unique users, an 8% increase compared to the previous year, and a reach equal to 61% of the market (Total digital audience, February 2023).

Giallozafferano is once again Italians’ first choice in the Kitchen with 18 million unique users and a 57% reach in the Food & Cooking segment. Mypersonaltrainer and The Wom, leaders in their categories, also stand out with respectively 13 million and 8,6 million unique viewers.
Historical results for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, which reaches 5,5 million unique users and an amazing growth of +43% compared to the same month last year, also thanks to the success of the special initiatives implemented at the Sanremo Festival of 2023. Excellent performance also for Webboh, the first community entirely devoted to GenZ and which reached 3 million unique viewers in its first Audioweb ranking, thus confirming the brand’s ability to reach its elective target even beyond the social media channels.

Diodato, guest of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni at the end of the Fuorisalone in Milan

The artist will be awarded a Telegatto

This year, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, a reference point brand in the entertainment world, is once again participating in the FuoriSalone with a special meeting with an exceptional artist.

The Sorrisi initiative will be held on Sunday 23 April in the Aula Magna of the University of Milan in collaboration with the exhibition-event “Design Re-Evolution” by Interni, and will allow the public to meet one of the most appreciated singer-songwriters of the Italian music scene: Diodato.

Diodato – one of the most beloved Italian singer-songwriter and among the most awarded artists in the history of Italian music, with four studio albums – will be a guest of Aldo Vitali, director of the magazine Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, for an unmissable encounter – through both music and words – during which the artist will be awarded with a Telegatto, the prestigious award given to the most important personalities in the entertainment world.

Diodato – who has just released his fourth album “Così speciale” – will perform with a special showcase for visitors attending the event scheduled at 18:00 (free admission subject to availability).

Diodato ospite di Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni in chiusura del Fuorisalone di Milano

ZENZERO: Andriana, the food influencer who has taken social media by storm with her easy, fast and fun recipes, joins the agency’s roster, along with three other top creators

The ties with Giallozafferano are strengthened to offer innovative, creative and valuable experiences

Zenzero, the best Italian food creators’ talent agency continues to grow. With a fanbase of more than 50 million people, 13 million average video views each month and more than 100 registrations in 2023, it has proven its distinctive, dynamic and innovative positioning, establishing itself in the creator economy market in just six months.

New talents for the Zenzero team

Among the new additions is the top creator, Andriana Kulchytska. A Ukrainian by birth, living in Italy since 2020, Andriana is a smash hit on social networks with her fast-paced videos, her original style, her simple and fast recipes that are “both fit and fat” and her tongue-in-cheek and playful style of presentation.
Together with her, 3 other new creators have joined Zenzero. They are young talents from the food world, who are establishing themselves more and more quickly and boast important levels of engagement.
From Dany Resconi, a young chef and personal trainer, who reinterprets traditional dishes in a modern way to a salsa beat, to Ilaria Busato, known as La Dispensa Vegana (The Vegan Pantry), a food creator who makes simple and fast plant-based recipes that suit the hectic everyday life. Finally, there’s Mattiastable who, with his limitless cuisine, explores and discusses the culinary traditions of the whole world, while also creating opportunities for international branded content formats.

Zenzero continua a crescere

Giallozafferano and Zenzero strengthen their ties with innovative projects and new collaborations

There’s also great news for special and branded projects. In the coming months, Giallozafferano, in collaboration with Zenzero, will propose innovative formats and content, real experiences to share with its community, which go beyond the social media dimension.

In spring, Diletta Secco will be the star of Diletta in Paris, a culinary journey at Le Cordon Bleu Paris cooking school. It’s a comprehensive show on the talent and Giallozafferano social channels told through a daily diary with food, fashion, beauty and lifestyle content.

There’s also international projects for Cooker Girl who will be at a Michelin-star restaurant in New York in the summer. A life experience in the most multicultural capital in the world, a professional journey during which she will also have the opportunity to collaborate with international creators.

Finally, in July, Giallozafferano will be the main partner of the Giffoni Food Show and will announce the schedule together with Zenzero and many top food creators, including Daniele Rossi, Rossella Maraio, Eva Andrini from “Eva’s Food Addiction”, with meetings, cooking workshops, and cooking shows aimed at Gen Z teens.

The link between the number 1 food media brand in Italy and the Food Agency is also being strengthened thanks to the new role of Sebastian Fitarau, a former Zenzero talent, who has become Resident Chef Creator of Giallozafferano.

With these initiatives Giallozafferano and Zenzero strengthen the point of contact between an extraordinary hub of food creators and brands, thanks to a complete and increasingly distinctive offer of communication proposals and special projects, created together with Mediamond.