
Mondadori Group: Rosanna Mani leaves Tv Sorrisi E Canzoni

After a brilliant career spanning 55 years, during which she became the backbone of the magazine and a key contact for the greatest performing artists in Italy and abroad, Rosanna Mani has decided to turn over a new page in her personal life

The Mondadori Group has announced that, following a truly unique 55-year career with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Rosanna Mani has decided to turn a new page in her life and spend more time with the people dearest to her.

The publisher affectionately thanks Rosanna Mani for the great passion, inexhaustible energy and extraordinary talent with which she played a key role in the rise to success of the country’s number one show business magazine.

From her beginnings on 1 July 1968 as editor-in-chief and then co-director of the magazine for 25 years to her responsibility for all the publication’s relationships in show business, during her highly successful career Rosanna Mani became an irreplaceable contact person for all the most prominent personalities in the worlds of film, television and music, with whom she built unique relationships of esteem and friendship.

A phenomenal creator of unforgettable magazine covers and musical and television events, Rosanna Mani is responsible for the 1971 creation of the Telegatti, the “stars’ favourite award”, which has played an essential role in the history of show business in Italy.

Gruppo Mondadori: Rosanna Mani lascia Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni

Giffoni and Giallozafferano: the partnership that tells the story of excellence and talent in the food world is renewed

Following last year's success, the Giffoni Food Show is again strengthened and enriched with new ideas, talent and content, thanks to its partnership with Giallozafferano

Goal: to explain healthy and sustainable cooking to kids

Zenzero, the talent agency of the top food creators, joins the initiative

Giffoni and Giallozafferano, a partnership that tells of excellence and talent. In fact, the Giffoni Food Show will partner with the no.1 food brand in Italy for the second year running, in a collaboration that promises to be stronger than ever.

After last year’s resounding success, this year the project is enriched, renewed, and grows in terms of content and shared values.

The goal is the same one as last year: to accompany the festival’s young jurors, together with their parents, visitors or those merely curious about food, on a conscious quest to learn about healthy but above all sustainable, food-waste-reducing cuisine, all free of charge.

The story is told by first-rate storytellers, such as food influencers, star chefs, master pastry chefs and pizza chefs of national and international stature, through a schedule of initiatives powered by Giallozafferano.

And this year, one new feature will be the presence of some of the food creators from Zenzero, the talent agency inspired by the experience of Giallozafferano, which brings together the best food creators on the Italian digital scene. A unique agency with a roster that racks up, to date, a total of more than 20 million followers, 200 million video views and more than 10 million interactions per month.  The protagonists of the Giffoni Food Show will include prestigious food talents such as: Daniele Rossi, the Tuscan chef whose cuisine is modern and sophisticated but has its roots in local traditions; Cooker Girl, the girl with the “red apron”, a passion for cooking and a desire to experiment; Diletta Secco, a stylish, cheerful and spontaneous storyteller, always attentive to the environment and healthy eating. The Zenzero roster also includes many outstanding talents with a gift for igniting the passion for cooking in all generations of Italians on all platforms. A kaleidoscope of languages, flavours, styles, traditions and innovation that has already won over millions of followers, a loyal audience of cooking enthusiasts and gastronauts always on the lookout for new ideas and flavors in the kitchen.

Giffoni e Giallozafferano: si rinnova la partnership che racconta le eccellenze e i talenti del food

The first edition of Giffoni Food Show last year was met with great acclaim and enthusiastic participation by children and their families. More than 30 professionals including chefs, food bloggers, master pizza makers and master pastry chefs took part in the format, bringing to life moments of food education and cooking performances. The protagonists of the evenings were the grand masters of the Accademia Nazionale Pizza Doc, the AMPI (Association of Italian Master Pastry Chefs) who presented the “GiffonDOro” dessert created exclusively for the Giffoni Film Festival. The partners in the food section included Accademia Nazionale Pizza Doc, Terra Orti, Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italiani, Sacar Forni and La Sciccheria Gourmet.

Last year’s event was a new opportunity for the crowds in attendance, who represented a society that is increasingly aware of and interested in food sustainability issues. Giallozafferano played a leading role in last year’s busy event, with the creators and faces of the brand creating a compelling narrative.

For 2023, the partnership is renewed and strengthened with new content and new ideas. Explaining the taste and pleasure of healthy cooking to kids, is the ambitious mission of Giffoni and Giallozafferano, as they join forces to tell the story of excellence and talents in the world of food.

Focus Junior Days is the new project-event dedicated to children and families organised by Il centro in Arese, jointly with the Focus Junior brand

Interactive, educational and very fun-oriented: in the shopping mall in the outskirts of Milan, the Focus Junior Days are 8 science-based week-ends from March to November

Focus Junior Days is the new educational, entertaining, interactive project-event with hands-on experimenting organised by Il Centro in Arese, which will include interesting and attention-grabbing science laboratories and creative activities for children and families. The events will take place over 8 week-ends between March and November 2023.

This intense and unmissable schedule of free events will cover exciting topics such as astronomy, sustainability, nutrition, history, palaeontology and chemistry. The events are organised with the collaboration of Focus Junior, the main Mondadori Group brand in the kids segment. The activities are for children aged between 6 and 13, with the aim of making them interested in science, technology, sustainability and current affairs by stimulating them to interact.

A project partner is Iper La grande i, one of the most important actors in large-scale retail trading in Italy, which will offer a free snack to all children participating in the activities.

Astronaut apprentices”, “Save the Blue Planet”, “Eating makes you healthy”, “A stroll in history”, “Health champions”, “Climate change”, “A day in the Jurassic age”, “We all love chemistry” are the 8 names of the 8 Focus Junior Days, which include educational activities, in some cases also jointly with local schools.

Children who take part in at least 5 of the 8 scheduled events will receive the Focus Junior scientific passport and a surprise at the end of the programme. Each event lasts 45 minutes and there will be sessions at different times: 10.30 – 11.30 – 14.30 – 15.30 – 16.30 – 17.30.

The first event, scheduled for Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March in the Events Area on the 1st floor, is “Astronaut apprentices” and the topic is astronomy. For information on the activities and to take part in the programme, simply book, free of charge, in the shopping mall’s website

Focus Junior Days è il nuovo progetto-evento dedicato ai bambini e alle famiglie

Focus Junior Days: the programme

Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March
Astronaut apprentices

Spectacular experiments to understand why Mercury is covered in craters, what gases can be found in the infernal atmosphere of Venus and why Mars is red, what the rings of Saturn are made of, what the storms of Jupiter are, how cold Neptune and Pluto can be. Children will be able to discover the age, structure and temperature of the Sun, defeat gravity and travel in space, understand that a black hole is not a hole… and it is not actually black. They will amuse themselves calculating the weight and age of human beings on different planets, according to the duration of a planetary year.

Friday 21 and Saturday 22 April
Save the Blue Planet” under the patronage of Earth Day Italia
On Earth Day (22 April), the topic will be pure sustainability. Reduce, reuse, recycle… waste: from a huge problem to an enormous opportunity. Water is life: we are all united against pollution and plastic in the seas, to protect our Blue Planet and save the living beings on it. Through experiments and activities, children will be able to observe the physical and chemical properties of the H2O molecule, understand how much water there is on the surface of the planet, discover the percentage of water on the Earth that can be used for various purposes, understand the water footprint, see the effects of water pollution on the environment and ecosystems, learn what “plastic islands” and microplastics are, activate a hydroelectric turbine and transform the kinetic energy of waterfalls and tides into electricity.

Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May
Eating makes you healthy”, with the collaboration of Iper La grande i
Learn in an entertaining manner how food is turned into energy, what nutrition groups are and the nutritional properties of each food. The food pyramid: how it is composed and how to “read” it, the social and cultural value of food. Who invented the most famous foods such as pizza, spaghetti and ice cream. How our metabolism works and how to read food labels and restaurant menus to discover calories.

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June
A stroll in history
A journey through the inventions and discoveries that made “history”. Learn about the pharaohs, the fascinating hieroglyphic writing system, ancient Egyptian excellence such as the sun dial, the water hourglass, medicine and astronomy, the mummification process. The legacy of ancient Greek thinking, from philosophy to the Olympic Games, the importance of democratic assemblies in ancient Athens. Children will be able to understand how useful are zero (a revolutionary invention from the Arab world) and a compass, used by Chinese sailors over 4000 years ago. They will also learn about the origins of chemistry through fascinating alchemy experiments.

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 July
Health champions
Practising sport has always been linked to personal growth, intended as physical and intellectual development: “mens sana in corpore sano” [Latin for “a healthy mind in a healthy body”]. Children will discover that there is a positive correlation between health and exercising regularly, learn the difference between physical exercise, practising sport and physical fitness, how physical exercise shapes the body, makes it more agile and protects it.

Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October
Climate change” under the patronage of Earth Day Italia
The topics addressed will be energy and environmental sustainability… on a mission to save the planet! From fossil fuels to global warming, from greenhouse gases to sustainable sources. Children will be able to simulate rising seas, discover how energy is produced, learn about carbon dioxide and its effects on climate, the sustainable alternatives for our future and for our beautiful planet, imagine a future of cars powered by hydrogen and solar power.

Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October
A day in the Jurassic age
The creatures that all children love: dinosaurs. A journey to discover the “terrible lizards” that ruled the world, learning about their features and surprising characteristics, debunking widespread misconceptions, understanding the mechanisms underlying evolution and the new frontiers of palaeontology.
Children will be able to discover what the Earth was like millions of years ago, why dinosaurs were enormous and the main features of carnivores and herbivores, the real reason dinosaurs became extinct and how fossils are extracted after being trapped in rocks for thousands of years.

Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November
We all love chemistry
An entertaining journey in the miniature world of atoms and molecules, through phase transitions to incredible chemical reactions. Children will perform experiments to learn all matter is made of atoms and molecules. They will learn to recognise the three states of matter and what happens if the temperature changes, and that there are immobile atoms, moving atoms and crazy atoms in gases, liquids or solids. Children will discover about amazing sublimation, what happens if the substances in granny’s cupboard are mixed, the difference between simple mixtures and chemical reactions and how to perform the most incredible reactions without “explosions”.

Fun, surprises and experiences are the three ingredients of the new project of Il centro in Arese, which further confirm its vocation and its closeness to customers, to provide entertaining and care-free moments with friends and family.
All the information is available on

Fourth edition of the Webboh Awards: the Top Creators of the year for Generation Z are awarded

Mattia Stanga wins the "Best Tiktoker creator" and "Best comedy creator" awards Elisa True Crime is awarded "Best Youtuber 2023"

Among the winners of the other categories: Chiara Ferragni, Cooker Girl, Elisa Maino, Arienne MakeUp and Nicky Passarella

Almost 5 million votes on Webboh's website

Who do GenZ idolise? Webboh, the reference point website for Generation Z, asked its community for the fourth edition of “Webboh Awards“. The awards – created by Webboh – have recorded growing success in recent years, crediting themselves as the “Oscars” of the best Italian creators.

The voting – which took place from February 20 until March 5 – celebrated the talent and qualities of many tiktokers, youtubers and influencers who have distinguished themselves in the last year on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Twitch.

In the competition were more than 150 candidates, divided into 16 categories which the Webboh community gave their opinions on, achieving incredible results with almost 5 million votes on the site.

Webboh Awards 2023

The awards

Best TikTok creator e Best comedy creator

Winner of two categories is Mattia Stanga, in first place both as Best TikTok Creator of the year and as Best Creator Comedy. 25 years old, born in the province of Brescia, he is undoubtedly one of the pillars of the new wave of creators on TikTok, thanks to the success of his “POV” videos (acronym for “point of view”).

Top creator

The Italian digital par excellence entrepreneur could not fail to triumph. Chiara Ferragni – with over 35 million followers on Instagram and TikTok – debuted in 2009 with the blog “The Blonde Salad”, strengthening her brand year after year and becoming an international style icon and among the most influential women in the world.

Best youtuber

With a podcast and YouTube channel with 800,000 subscribers, Elisa True Crime – stage name of Elisa De Marco – is among the rising phenomena of the network.

Best fashion creator

Elisa Maino won the iconic Webboh statuette as Best Fashion Creator. With almost 6 million followers on TikTok, Elisa has gained great popularity thanks to her style and her ability to launch trends.

Best teen idol – female

With more than 2 million followers on social media, the award goes to Nicky Passarella. Half Italian and half Dutch, 22-year-old Nicky with her unmistakable freckles and bright smile, has conquered the web in a very short period of time.

Best teen idole – male

After making himself known on TV, Davide Vavalà has gained great popularity on social media that he uses to talk about his daily life and his passions.

Best beauty creator

Arianna Stella, otherwise known as Arienne MakeUp, is among the revelations of the Italian beauty community. She’s a make-up artist with over 3 million followers who talks about makeup and beauty, giving curious tutorials and showing extravagant looks.

Best food creator

Cooker Girl, also known as Aurora Cavallo, is among the top creators of Giallozafferano and co-founder of the talent agency Zenzero. On her journey on social media she intertwines her passion for traditional Italian cuisine with the innovation of modern techniques.

Revelation of the year

Leo Bonni, “Bonni Nazionale”, is among the latest discoveries of the comedy world of TikTok. Born in 2006, he began making videos at the age of 13, gaining over 1.2 million followers with the ironic story of his life as a teenager.

Best value

For the first time at the Webboh Awards, Best Value Award celebrates the talents that spread value messages on social media aimed at GenZ.  In 1st place is Pietro Morello: a 24-year-old from Turin, he uses social media to convey messages of humanity, solidarity and brotherhood, also thanks to the magic of music, his first passion.

Out of drama

Winning the category Out of Drama – and standing out without looking for hype with drama or dissing – is Ace, tiktoker and youtuber with over 4 million followers: he is 19 years old and stands out on social media for his supportive content and for reflecting, with contests and challenges, on the value of money and saving.

Best meme

The meme par excellence of recent times? The expression of doubt of Ivano Monzani, category winner of Best Meme: he has been made a celebrity by his reactions to the songs of Italian rappers.

Drama legend

Class of 2001, Lady Giorgia has been able to attract the attention of the network with her TV series adventures. Always blunt, Lady Giorgia has been able to dominate drama with her frank and sincere manner.

Best streamer

Ten years after landing on social media, Riccardo Dose, 28 years old from Pordenone, shows no sign of giving way. “Si nasce, si cresce, si Dose” is the motto of the creator, on hand at all times and ready to innovate on every platform.

Couple of the year

On social media they are the Space Family, in real life Valentino Bisegna and Sara Di Sturco. Martino’s parents, expecting their second child, the two creators talk about family life on both their personal and couple socials, always in the name of good humour.

Webboh Awards 2023


The award ceremony of the fourth edition of the Webboh Awards, which took place for the first time live, was hosted by Jody Cecchetto and Alessia Lanza, who were joined by more than 350 guests.

In addition to the participants there were also three special “presenters”: the “chocolate king” Ernst Knam, who crowned Cooker Girl as winner of the category Best Food Creator; the TV presenter Barbara d’Urso, always at the side of young talents, who presented the award to Leo Bonni, winner of the category Revelation of the year; Benedetta De Luca – recently celebrated as one of the five most influential Italian women of 2022 – who captured attention with a speech focused on the values of diversity and inclusion, rewarding Pietro Morello with the recognition of Best Value.

An extra surprise on the Webboh stage was an appearance by Rosa Chemical, who during the evening performed the song “Made in Italy” which he sang for the first time during the 73rd edition of the Sanremo Festival

The event was broadcast live on the Webboh, Instagram and TikTok social platforms. The live, the Stories, the posts and the short videos of the brand and the creators present have achieved really important results in terms of reach: in total the contents related to the “Webboh Awards” have reached 35 million people.

I partner

The “Webboh Awards 2023” project has been embraced by important Italian brands, who actively participated in the event: the awardfor the Best Comedy Creator category was offered – also thanks to the commercial support of Mediamond – by Crodino, who also set up the open bar for the evening guests where a social pre-show was set with the 3 TikTok faces of Webboh. Phobia Archive, a project of Vision of Super, in collaboration with Webboh and 3 creators will create a series of video interviews for the launch of the new streetwear collection and for the occasion has created a celebratory sweatshirt in co-branding with Webboh for the winners of the awards. Finally, Pink Sugar presented the preview of the Lollipink fragrance through a branded flower wall, bringing to life the experience of the new gourmand fruity floral fragrance.

The participation of brand partners in the Awards confirmed Webboh as a reference point for communication to the under 25s, thanks to its ability to “translate” the native language of the target audience, enhancing and influencing the consumption trends of youngsters, allowing customers and investors to convey the message directly, naturally and without artificiality not only on social platforms but also through the live experience during the event.

Webboh Awards 2023

The complete ranking of the Webboh Awards 2023

  1. Top Creator: 1st place Chiara Ferragni; 2nd place Elisa True Crime; 3rd place Mattia Stanga
  2. Best TikTok Creator: 1st place Mattia Stanga; 2nd place Federica Scagnetti; 3rd place Alessia Lanza
  3. Best YouTuber: 1st place Elisa True Crime; 2nd place Gianmarco Zagato; 3rd place Space Family
  4. Best Streamer: 1st place Riccardo Dose; 2nd place Il Masseo; 3rd place Jody Cecchetto
  5. Best Creator Comedy1st place Mattia Stanga; 2nd place Dany Cabras; 3rd place Chaimaa Cherbal
  6. Best Fashion Creator: 1st place Elisa Maino; 2nd place Federica Scagnetti; 3rd place Greta Santarelli
  7. Best Teen Idol – Male: 1st place Davide Vavalà; 2nd place Matteo Robert; 3rd place Valerio Mazzei
  8. Best Teen Idol Female: 1st place Nicky Passarella; 2nd place Gaia Bianchi; 3rd place Valeria Vedovatti
  9. Best Beauty Creator: 1st place Arienne MakeUp; 2nd place Salacca; 3rd place Beatrice Gherardini
  10. Best Food Creator: 1st place Cooker Girl; 2nd place Diletta Secco; 3rd place Benedetta Rossi
  11. Revelation Of The Year: 1st place Leo Bonni; 2nd place Sasy Cacciatore; 3rd place Camilla De Pandis
  12. Best Value: 1st place Pietro Morello; 2nd place Carlotta Fiasella; 3rd place Momo and Raissa
  13. Drama Legend: 1st place Lady Giorgia; 2nd place Very and Sasy; 3rd place Gaia Bianchi
  14. Out Of Drama: 1st place Ace; 2nd place Vincenzo Schettini; 3rd place Giovanni Arena
  15. Couple Of The Year: 1st place Space Family; 2nd place Sofia Crisafulli and Agostino Catanzariti; 3rd place MamboLosco and Giulia Ottorini
  16. Best Meme: 1st place Ivano Monzani; 2nd place “Un aperitif” by Elena Giordano and Elvira; 3rd place “Cosa indossa Ludovica” by Monelli Kids

Mondadori Group: Alfonso Signorini to develop a new talent agency dedicated to entertainment

Signorini concurrently takes on the position of managing editor of Chi

Massimo Borgnis appointed editor-in-chief of the weekly

Starting today, Alfonso Signorini, one of the most popular personalities in show business and TV, embarks on a new venture with the Mondadori Group to develop a talent agency dedicated to entertainment. A project where Signorini will capitalize fully on the wealth of know-how and unique skills built throughout his career.
Signorini will maintain an ongoing commitment to Chi, becoming its Managing Editor from the next issue.

“I embark on this new professional endeavour with great enthusiasm and motivation. I thank the Mondadori Group for this opportunity and for the trust it has always shown in me. To Chi, now part of my DNA and something that is deeply ingrained in me, I will continue to dedicate my fullest energies. The partnership with Massimo Borgnis, more than a decade of fruitful collaboration, will allow the magazine to continue on its path of evolution and success”, said Alfonso Signorini.

“We are proud to entrust Alfonso Signorini, a landmark in Italian entertainment, with a challenge that will see him involved in the creation and development of a Group talent agency, where he will be able to put his vast knowledge of the world of entertainment to good use, tackling a managerial role”, said Carlo Mandelli, Managing director of Mondadori Media.

Signorini, 58, from Milan, a graduate in medieval philology from the Catholic University of Milan, began his professional activity as a humanities teacher. Boasting long-standing experience in the world of journalism, Signorini is today a TV host, author and writer: a strong aficionado of classical music and opera director, he has published numerous books with Mondadori dedicated to the lives of great composers and personalities from the world of music, entertainment and fashion.

Massimo Borgnis will concurrently take on the position of Editor-in-Chief of Chi.
Borgnis, 62, born in Milan, after studying at the International School of Milan, began his career in journalism as a sports reporter specializing in American football and US sports. In 1988, he joined the editorial staff of Gente, working there for 19 years, and covering increasing responsibilities until becoming central chief editor; a role he also held from 2007 at the weekly Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, before being appointed deputy executive editor-in-chief of Chi in 2009.


Over the past year, Chi has recorded excellent results: the good newsstand performance combines with the steady growth in audience on social media, where Italy’s most widely read people magazine with 1.3 million monthly readers, reaches nearly 1 million total followers on Instagram and Facebook.

Sanremo Festival: TV Sorrisi e Canzoni awards the Telegatto to Chiara Ferragni

Chiara Ferragni – alongside Amadeus and Gianni Morandi at the Festival of Sanremo – was awarded the Telegatto, the most popular recognition among artists, by Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

Aldo Vitali, director of the point of reference brand for all fans of the entertainment world, handed out the award to the co-host of the 73rd edition of the Italian Song Festival “for her extraordinary first performance at the Festival of Sanremo and, in particular, for her constant involvement in causes aimed at making civil society better” stated Aldo Vitali.

Chiara Ferragni, who will return on the Ariston’s stage at the Festival’s finals, was unable to conceal her emotions upon receiving the award and said: «I dedicate this Telegatto to my family and team. To my family for various reasons, to my team because I’m here thanks to the work we do together. I’m proud of what brought us to this stage. The Telegatto is an icon, and I’m delighted to have received one… Now, I’m no longer the only one of the family not to have one.”

The Telegatto – a sustainable work of art made in the 70s by the artists of Cracking Art for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni – was delivered by Sorrisi’s staff at the Royal Hotel of Sanremo, where its director, Aldo Vitali, satisfies all of the Festival’s fans with exclusive contents on the magazine, website and social networks.

Photo credits for the Telegatto of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni awarded to Chiara Ferragni: ©Iwan Palombi

Festival di Sanremo: a Chiara Ferragni il Telegatto di Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni

Sanremo Festival: Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni honours Gianni Morandi with the Telegatto Award

Sorrisi kicks off the Sanremo week with the most popular recognition of the entertainment world and a highly awaited opening party

Over 300 guests were present at the event, among which the Festival’s hosts, competing singers and many exceptional personalities. Special guest: Maurizio Lastrico

Among the event’s partners, Webboh is present in Sanremo with a storytelling area dedicated to GenZ

The super exclusive party organised by Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, together with the cast and artists of the Sanremo Festival, to kick off the most awaited week of the world of music and Italian television was a great hit.

Over 300 guests crowed the parterre of the Royal Hotel of Sanremo to celebrate a great event full of emotions, music and entertainment with Sorrisi: among those present, the Festival’s cast and competing singers – Ariete, Articolo 31, Colapesce Dimartino, Colla Zio, Coma_Cose, Elodie, Gianluca Grignani, gIANMARIA, Lazza, LDA, Leo Gassmann, Levante, Madame, Mara Sattei, Modà, Mr. Rain, Paola & Chiara, Rosa Chemical, Sethu, Shari, Tananai, Will and many other exceptional personalities, such as Serena Bortone, Ernst and Frau Knam, Alberto Matano, Samuel Peron, Giulia Salemi.
The evening’s special guest, Maurizio Lastrico, an actor and comedian of Zelig, entertained all those present with a fun and much applauded performance dedicated to Sorrisi’s public.

The evening, which also marked Sorrisi‘s great return and presence in Sanremo, was preceded by a special moment during which Sorrisi awarded the Telegatto to one of the most undisputed protagonists of this year’s edition of the event.

Gianni Morandi, host of the 73rd edition of the Italian Song Festival together with Amadeus, received the award fromTv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s Director, Aldo Vitali, in Sorrisi’s newsroom to celebrate a special anniversary: 60 years since the release of his famous song Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendere il latte, a timeless success of this ageless boy of Italian music.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni‘s week in Sanremo will continue from Sorrisi‘s newsroom, at the Royal Hotel, from where its director, Aldo Vitali, will fascinate all the Festival’s fans with exclusive contents on the magazine, website and social networks.
It all starts with a special good morning together with the competing singers and moves on to an evening Aperitif appointment with the director to discuss the Festival’s performances and set list together with personalities from the world of television and entertainment.

Festival di Sanremo: TV Sorrisi e Canzoni premia Gianni Morandi con il Telegatto

Webboh, which spoke on its social channels of the feelings and emotions of those present, is also among the event’s partners. As of Tuesday, Webboh will be present at Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s heardquarters, in the Webboh Room area set up to conduct all interviews with the Festival’s GenZ. The event will also be represented through TikTok videos, while a daily account with Will and a daily column with LDA will be published on Instagram.

The three special issues TV Sorrisi e Canzoni has dedicated to the Festival are another unmissable MUST. Following last week’s release with the iconic cover portraying all the singers together with Amadeus and Gianni Morandi, and containing an exclusive of the lyrics of the Festival’s songs, a new issue depicting the hosts Amadeus and Gianni Morandi together with their co-hosts Chiara Ferragni, Francesca Fagnani, Paola Egonu and Chiara Francini will be released tomorrow. While on Monday, February 13th, readers will instead be able to enjoy the cover of Sorrisi portraying Sanremo’s first three finalists, exclusively shot in the middle of the night and in the magazine’s newsroom immediately following the announcement, as well as a reportage of the event with intriguing revelations and interesting unpublished backstage stories.

A huge thank you to United Music, the opening party’s official music partner and supplier; DR Automobiles, who will accompany Sorrisi from Milan to Sanremo, allowing readers to admire the beauty of the Ligurian cities crossed, and Caffè Motta, who will offer relaxing moments to the editorial staff and guests for the entire duration of the Festival.

Here’s the video of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s opening party in Sanremo:

Festival di Sanremo: TV Sorrisi e Canzoni premia Gianni Morandi con il Telegatto

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni will be a protagonist of the Sanremo Festival

An opening party, three special issues, five days of non-stop interviews with all the competing artists and exclusive guests

Loads of original activities in Sorrisi’s Sanremo lounge, among which the Webboh corner to further engage the Generation Z

Emotions, music and exclusive contents for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s great come back, finally face-to-face, in Sanremo,: the editorial staff of the Mondadori Group’s brand will once again follow the Italian Song Festival live, thus the succession of 28 competing artists and many exceptional guests scheduled to perform on stage at the Ariston Theater under the guidance of Amadeus and Gianni Morandi and their co-hosts Chiara Ferragni, Francesca Fagnani, Paola Egonu and Chiara Francini.

This year, the brand will once more accompany readers throughout the five-day event, affirming itself as a point of reference for all fans of the entertainment world, but also for the festival’s authors, singers, hosts and organisers, with the highly awaited and exclusive opening party at which Sorrisi will officially kick off the Sanremo week.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, leader of the entertainment world with an audience consisting of 2,6 million readers (source: Audipress 2022/II) and 2,1 million monthly users (source: Audiweb 2022), will follow all the singing contest’s events at the forefront to provide special contents and insights on its magazine, website and social networks.

The newsroom at the Royal Hotel Sanremo

Tv Sorrisi will be hosted in Hotel Royal’s Palm Salon for the entire duration of the Sanremo event. A lounge will be divided into three areas in which the editorial staff will develop the magazine, interview the Festival’s stars and meet with many exceptional personalities.

Finally, each morning, the magazine’s director, Aldo Vitali, will start the day with a special breakfast in the company of one of the competing singers. Vitali will also be Sorrisi’s leading host for the Aperitif with the Director appointment planned each day at 19.00 throughout the festival to chat with many friends of the TV world and to comment on the contest’s developments in the early evening hours.

Webboh to conquer Generation Z

Webboh, the first Generation Z community with over 2 million followers between Instagram and TikTok and 3 million unique website users each month (source, Google Analytics), will also be part of the original contents aimed at animating Sorrisi‘s lounge in Sanremo. Together, they will speak about the Italian Song Festival from the younger generation’s perspective. Part of the team will be transferred to the city of flowers for the entire duration of the event to create contents for its Tik Tok and Instagram profiles. A super teen area, the Webboh Room where Webboh will interview the Festival’s Gen Z singers and creators, will be set up at Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s headquarters together with Kit Room – the first Italian structure fully dedicated to the creation of digital contents. A series of “vox populi” style TikTok videos will be shot from the streets of Sanremo, while a daily account with Will and a daily column with Lda, both very popular songwriters of Webboh’s community and contestants at the Festival, will be presented on Instagram.

The website and social coverage

The website will cover Sanremo with insights, reports, line-ups and feedback each evening. Not to mention exclusive news, interviews, backstage videos and tons of surprises.
The media coverage is further enhanced with contents on the brand’s Instagram and Facebook accounts. Sorrisi will offer an interactive and engaging experience to viewers and users throughout the contest, but also throughout each day of the Festival: revelations about the singers and guests, non-stop interviews, real-time news from the press room and much more.
Let’s not forget the daily appointment in the “Accounts of the Artists” format. This edition’s leading personalities will keep the Instagram community informed about each minute of their day, from the moment their alarm rings up to their performance, by sharing their emotions, superstitious rituals, backstage stories and revelations of course.

Three newsstand issues dedicated to the Festival

The most widely read and purchased Italian weekly magazine will publish three special issues dedicated to the Sanremo Festival for readers to find on the newsstands, with an exceptional overall production of 1,5 million copies. The first will be released on January 31: the same will contain the traditional exclusive of the songs’ lyrics. The cover will consists of an iconic shot of all the competing singers with Amadeus, the Festival’s host and artistic director, and Gianni Morandi. On Tuesday, February 7, the cover’s protagonists will instead be Amadeus and Gianni Morandi together with their co-hosts. Finally, Monday, January 13, readers will be able to enjoy the cover depicting San Remo’s first three finalists, exclusively shot in the middle of the night at Sorrisi’s newsroom immediately following the announcement, as well as a reportage of the event with intriguing revelations and interesting unpublished backstage stories.

Thanks to: DR Automobiles, who will accompany Sorrisi from Milan to Sanremo, allowing readers to admire the beauty of the Ligurian cities crossed, and Caffè Motta, who will offer relaxing moments to the editorial staff and guests for the entire duration of the Festival.

Mondadori Media acquires “Power” Talent Agency

A few months following the launch of Zenzero, Mondadori Media further affirms itself in the creator economy

Power talent agency manages a roster of young talents who are both very popular on the social networks and active on TV, in films and on the radio.

Beauty, fashion, lifestyle and wellness are the focus of the project’s branded content offer.

Mondadori Media is now an even greater key player of the creator economy and influencer marketing thanks to its acquisition of Power from the Human Vs. Machine group.

Power manages an exclusive roster of young talents of various artistic backgrounds and a very active social media community. This operation allows the Mondadori Group to further affirm itself in an increasingly more strategic and rapidly growing segment, thus strengthening the successful partnership developed over the years with both its media brands and the trendiest creators and influencers of the moment.

Thanks to  Power Talent Agency, Mondadori Media becomes an even more important Italian point of reference of the social media and creator economy through a distinctive offer focused on the new generations, a segment in which the company has become a key player thanks to The Wom, the first fully inclusive social magazine, Zenzero, the talent agency of the best Italian food creators, and Webboh, the first recently acquired Italian GenZ community.

In 2022, the talent agency, which had already been operating for some years, achieved over 200 communication projects with a particular focus on the beauty, fashion and lifestyle segments. Today, Power Talent Agency is on the market with a renewed graphic communication and logo, but will also soon launch an even more complete and distinctive offer of talents and creators.

Power Talent Agency’s team will work with the talents to offer branded content initiatives and effective communication campaigns to its partners companies on all online and offline channels. Projects will henceforth also be able to benefit from the opportunities arising from the integration of the Mondadori Media brands to implement very captivating contents in terms of communication, language and style. The goal is that of creating authentic stories for all target segments, especially for the genZ and young millennialZ public.


Power Talent Agency is led by an all-female Board of Directors made up of: Alessandra Rigolio, CEO of both the new agency and Zenzero Talent Agency; Daniela Cerrato, Marketing Director of Mondadori Media, as President, and Jessica Piga who, as Head of Talent Manager, will rely on her experience to manage the talents and to implement influencer marketing projects. Luigi D’Alterio is also part of Power Talent Agency’s team as the agency’s Sales Director, a position he will carry out along with the one he holds as Sales Director of Zenzero Talent Agency and Hej!.

“Following Zenzero’s recent launch, we will continue to pursue the strategy undertaken with Power Talent Agency in the creator economy and to further expand among other segments. We plan on developing innovative and unconventional communication initiatives together with the young professionals of our roster by focusing on the strength and uniqueness of each talent. The intention is to create engaging contents in line with the most recent trends and languages to put sponsor brands in touch with the public of reference and to create value,” stated Alessandra Rigolio, CEO of Power Talent Agency.


Power Talent Agency’s leading face is 26-year old Ludovica Bizzaglia: actress, author and talent creator, she became a main figure on the social media for her commitment to women’s empowerment, skin positivity and self-acceptance.

Alongside Ludovica, an ever-growing team made up of professionals capable of putting their talent at the service of initiatives in various segments to reach a total of 5 million followers and 12 million views each month with their projects: from Diletta Begali, a youtuber known for her storytimes in which she talks about travelling and her daily life, to Camilla Mangiapelo, who – following her début on TV – now shares her passion for make-up, skincare and fitness on the social networks, not to mention Giulia Bellu, actress from the age of 5 and current TikTok star, or even Miriam Candurro, a face of the popular TV series “Un posto al Sole” [A spot under the Sun].

The agency’s exclusive roster is further made up of the young mother Nicole Pizzato, the actress Giulia Elettra Gorietti, the photographer Umberto Buglione, the anchorwoman Manola Moslehi and the personal trainers Mattia Valli and Chiara Dainese.

“Being part of Power Talent Agency means sharing values such as transparency, trust, determination and passion. For years now, we’ve been sharing every success and new challenge with our talents, and none of this would have been possible without the increasingly stronger work relationship developed between the artists and talent managers. Our roster is made up of one-of-a-kind professionals and such uniqueness allows us to offer increasingly more original, engaging and tailor-made projects full of values to our clients, thanks to the use of credible, spontaneous, direct and captivating stories,” stated Jessica Piga, Talent Manager Director of Power Talent Agency.

The agency’s team will work in full synergy with Mediamond and its Brand On Solutions structure with the intent of offering influencer marketing projects and branded content initiatives to the market and individual brands.

A brand new magazine for Giallozafferano

As of this month, the formula will be refreshed with recipes from the brand’s top food creators, new columns and modern graphics

The novelties continue with the Giallozafferano Collection’s series of monthly monographs.

Giallozafferano, the magazine designed by the most popular Italian food media brand, evolves and presents itself to the public with a new formula.

The format is entirely renewed, especially in terms of contents. The first section of the most popular Italian culinary monthly magazine will be strongly linked to Giallozafferano’s social and digital world: The brand’s most popular creators and top bloggers, each through their own style and area of expertise, will suggest tasty and original recipes each month.

Among these, Daniele Rossi, Cooker Girl, Diletta Secco and Rosy Chin, as well as many other creators of the Zenzero Talent Agency, such as 2foodfitlovers, will be the highlights of this month’s Giallozafferano issue together with the top food blogger, Luisa Orizio.

Three special and historical figures of Giallozafferano, who have always contributed to the magazine with one of a kind recipes, will also be represented throughout the issue’s pages: Aurora Cortopassi, expert in vegetarian and zero waste creations, Giovanni Castaldi, with his passion for Mediterranean cuisine and pastries, and Manuel Saraceno, with his street food recipes and secrets on bread-making and leavening.

This dynamic offer further confirms the brand’s exceptional success, thanks to the continuous expansion that allowed Giallozafferano to achieve an overall fanbase of more than 50 million people. This is an unbeatable offer for the worldwide foodlover audience who will also be able to find some dishes and ingredients in pure Giallozafferano style throughout the magazine.



Giallozafferano‘s new offer is enriched with many new columns and sections: from the “monthly theme” to the “travel” column with local dishes, products and wine, ideal for all those who love to travel and discover new food and wine cultures.

There will also be a “healthy and tasty” section devoted to a healthier cuisine and a “shopping guide” useful in selecting the right ingredients needed, from the butcher to the greengrocer and fishmonger.

Finally, a “preparing with” section, with the “preparing and freezing” and “preparing to take away” options, will also be suggested.

The “Giallo school” section will also be available with cooking shoots, bread-making techniques and much more for all those who wish to learn the best cooking strategies.


All readers will be able to discover 100 original recipes and their respective culinary preparations created for February’s festivities: from the hottest Valentine’s Day menu to the most varied Carnival sweets, or even Harlequin’s green menu dishes with thought-out vegetarian recipes, without mentioning the frangipane cream found in the pastry techniques and basics section.



A new graphic design will accompany the contents of the magazine’s new editorial sections to facilitate reading. The final result will be characterized by a more harmonious iconography throughout the pages with suggestive illustrations and images.


The restyling will be enriched with a new logo: the chromatic saffron flower, the magazine’s emblem, is enhanced with dynamic shades characterized by purple to fuchsia and orange to yellow blends. The colours are more lively and immediately noticeable, in line with the brand’s distinctive young and digital language. The strictly purple font recalls Giallozafferano’s contemporary style, in line with the social trends.



Another absolute novelty consists in the Giallozafferano Collection, a new monographic collection magazine dedicated to presenting recipes linked to a special theme each month. In the newsstand issue, readers will be able to discover many meat-based main courses to serve at the table, including many tasty cooking techniques.

Giallozafferano magazine’s restyling was also highly appreciated by the advertising market through a collection, edited by Mediamond, which marks a double-digit growth in this year’s first two months compared to the same period in 2022.