
AdKaora selected by L’Oréal Paris for the launch of its new make-up product

At the heart of the campaign, a drive to store strategy which combines proximity and trade marketing

AdKaora, the Mondadori Group digital agency specialised in user-centric mobile advertising and proximity marketing, has been chosen by L’Oréal Paris for the launch of Accord Parfait Nude, its first tinted serum with 1% Pure Hyaluronic Acid that fills out the skin like a serum and evens out the complexion like a foundation, and to promote some of the company’s best-selling skincare products

The campaigns Product Awareness and Drive to store objectives, developed together with Publicis Media and online since September, have been reached thanks to a combination of digital marketing tools with traditional trade marketing activities inside the stores involved. A strategy conceived to build awareness of the products and increase footfall.

Thanks to the cross-referencing of geo-behavioural and navigation data of interest, which are part of a user panel made up of 9 million device IDs and 26 million cookies, it was possible to precisely intercept the target audience, i.e. women between 25 and 54, interested in make-up, beauty and skincare.

Having identified the audience, a mix of standard mobile display formats was planned to present the new Accord Parfait Nude foundation and the Revitalift Filler to the target audience, who were close to the points of interest. This was accompanied by the use of Push Notifications, which also made it possible to take advantage of the touchpoints and micro-moments that can be activated thanks to smartphones.

All of the formats directed users to the proprietary Find & Go Now! technology, a branded interactive map designed to guide consumers to the nearest store where they can buy the product. In addition, cross-category displays were installed in more than 100 participating stores with the aim of promoting products in the make-up and skincare sectors.

A data analysis phase completed the strategy, which proved to be significant in validating the effectiveness of the levers used. First of all, a footfall analysis made it possible to measure the effect of the campaign on the increase in visits to stores and to meet the drive-to-store KPIs.

In addition, thanks to a series of marketing tools and a dedicated section of the CheckBonus app, L’Oréal Paris gained extra visibility. The survey carried out on a panel of CheckBonus subscribers and conducted during the campaign also allowed the clients to obtain valuable information on sales, consumers’ buying behaviour, the sales trends by outlet and perception of the products.

There were also very positive results in terms of product awareness, thanks to display formats and Push Notifications, which recorded 1% and 2% of CTR, respectively, An engagement rate of 23.5% from Find & Go Now! revealed a strong interest in action on the part of users, also confirmed by the analysis results, which recorded a +167% increase in visits to stores and therefore fully achieving the drive to store objectives.

Davide Tran, CEO of AdKaora: “Working with L’Oréal Paris on the launch of new products and having the possibility to use all the tools we have available, has allowed us to consolidate the circularity of proximity marketing, which has reached a tangible and replicable multi-channel level in a range of product sectors. In addition, for this project, the aim was to develop a strategy that, through activating digital elements, would bring users to points of sale and, in particular, reinforce a typical offline trade marketing initiative such as a cross-category display. Thanks to analysis, a crucial component of our advanced Proximity Suite offer, it is possible to measure the impact of advertising on sales, the effectiveness of the various channels involved, and gain important insights that become must-haves for future communication and strategies.”

Grazia launches a special issue dedicated to the redesign of our cities and the environment after the pandemic

Patricia Viel and Antonio Citterio the guest editors of the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world and edited by Silvia Grilli, has launched a special issue dedicate to the redesign, following the pandemic, of the cities, spaces and nature that surrounds us. The issue has been guest edited by the internationally renowned architects and designers Patricia Viel and Antonio Citterio.

Grazia, on newsstands from Wednesday 20 October, reflects of the desire and the need to feel part of a community after two years of lockdown, the need to be with others and to reinvent, in this light, the environment, cultural spaces and the places where we work. While also reappropriating green areas and the countryside; and finding a new way of being with our families and by ourselves.

“We want to take back our cities, be in the midst of others and fill up on life after almost two years of isolation,” writes the editor Silvia Grilli. “The euphoria you can feel is intense. It is moving to finally be able to embrace people again. Yes, we are here in the flesh, not on a computer screen. So, one day I asked two great and internationally renowned architects and designers, Patricia Viel and Antonio Citterio, to put together this issue of Grazia with their outstanding vision. This edition is dedicated to the reinvention of our cities, of nature, both our external and internal spaces,” concluded Grilli.

“It was wonderful to immerse ourselves in a new experience as ‘guest editors’ of Grazia, led by its talented editor Silvia Grilli. This issue has enabled us to confront the responsibility that we, as architects and urban planners who design cities, have: a role but also a privilege that encourages us to seize today’s challenges as an opportunity for tomorrow,” said the architects Patricia Viel and Antonio Citterio.

The issue that readers will find on newsstands is full of unpublished observations and contributions from personalities including politicians, writers, designers, journalists, entrepreneurs and architects. Particularly exciting is the story written by Dacia Maraini for Grazia, or the reflections of Roberto Cingolani, Minister for Ecological Transition, who explains to the magazine how we can make a real ecological and digital change. Grazia also went to the ADI Design Museum, an exceptional setting for the fashion shoot with cover star Matilde Gioli: the actress poses among unique and iconic design items, created by some of the greatest architects and designers of our time.

There is also a range of contributions from personalities linked to the world of business such as Carla Sozzani, the Italian gallerist and entrepreneur, who shares with Grazia her idea of the city as a department store, where the role of culture and boutique experience are fundamental for the relaunch of our cities and their craftsmanship skills. There are also lots of interviews with exceptional personalities, spectacular fashion shoots and a report from the suburbs of Milan with the singer-songwriter Rkomi.

Grazia readers will also find a series of columns dedicated to design, with pieces that have made history and that will stand the test of time. Plus, design will also cross over onto the beauty pages and the key objects of a beauty case, where new cosmetic packs increasingly combine aesthetics, function and sensoriality.

Grazia’s story continues with a rich programme on the brand’s social media profiles. Today, Wednesday 20 October, the editor Silvia Grilli will interview both the guest editors Patricia Viel and Antonio Citterio live on the Instagram channel, as well as the protagonist of the cover Matilde Gioli. Other live shows with the protagonists of the issue will feature in the following days.

With this initiative, Grazia confirms its role as a brand capable of constantly evolving, making the brand a point of reference for over 3.7 million users and readers (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, March 2021) and over 1.6 million fans (Source: Shareablee plus Tik Tok and Pinterest Insight, September 2021).

Also this second issue of Grazia dedicated to the world of design has attracted a lot of interest from the advertising market, attracting numerous furniture companies. In fact, this special edition has sold 100 advertising pages, of which 30% in the furniture sector. Since the beginning of 2021, design has joined the magazine’s editorial calendar in a structured way – with ten monthly appointments throughout the year and two extraordinary issues – with sales in this sector that have tripled compared with 2020.

The pharmacy of the future: the AdKaora analysis on the evolution of the pharma market

The Observatory on changes in markets and consumers of AdKaora, the digital agency of the Mondadori Group specializing in mobile advertising and proximity marketing, has published the new research “The pharmacy of the future”: focusing on an analysis of the transformations in pharma sector in 2021 and the definition of the new profile being adopted by pharmacies as they evolve as points of sale.

In 2021 physical pharmacies have broadened their catchment area, expanding from a traditionally local clientele to customers of online pharmacies, which are constantly growing as support platforms for physical outlets, which continue to offer a customer experience that cannot be replicated on the web.

In addition to providing medicines and health and beauty advice, pharmacies are also becoming authentic prevention centres and service hubs, which while on the one hand requires a significant effort in terms of adaptation and investment aimed at supporting the transformation, on the other hand they continue to have undisputed advantages.

The aim of the survey was to investigate how consumer needs regarding to pharmaceutical products have changed and changes in buying habits, the relationship with physical points of sale and the effectiveness of advertising.

The research is the result of AdKaora’s consolidated knowledge of the market, thanks to the management of geo-fencing and geo-behavioural data on a panel of 9 million ID devices, to an analysis of footfall at more than 470,000 verified points of interest. and surveys conducted on the habits and behaviour of the procurement managers of the CheckBonus app, with which the brand has a multi-year partnership.

Here are some findings that emerged from the study:

  • Changes underway: pharmacies are commercial operations that also play a role in providing assistance to people, thus confirming their role as a fundamental and high-potential market that is changing and becoming “service pharmacies”.
  • The bricks-and-mortar pharmacy as a point of reference: consumers believe that physical stores are irreplaceable, even though they are increasingly multichannel in terms of the purchasing process.
  • Quality and reliability: not very permeable to concepts other than quality and reliability in terms of health, consumers tend to see the pharmacist not only as a seller, but also as a source of expert advice.
  • New communication must-haves: brands have started investing once more in communication with a renewed approach and new principles to be taken into consideration.

For the full version of La farmacia del futuro(The Pharmacy of the Future), click here.

The survey is part of an in-depth analysis on consumption and purchasing trends that the AdKaora internal Observatory produces regularly during the year, using analytical and measurement tools used for client’s advertising strategies, such as granular data, footfall analysis and consumer insights, which are subsequently used scientifically for information purposes and exclusive publications.


IllusiOcean, an unexpected ocean debuts at the Università di Milano-Bicocca

Until 31 January 2022. The Università di Milano-Bicocca is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the protection of the marine ecosystem and presented using the language of illusion.

It is an interactive, multimedia project created thanks to the collaboration of Mondadori Media and the Italian National Museum of Cinema in Turin, and the participation of almost 500 high school students

Surrender to the suggestive biodiversity of the sea and the secrets of its extraordinary ecosystem through the language of illusion. Until 31 January 2022, the University of Milano-Bicocca is hosting “IllusiOcean™”, an exhibition conceived and coordinated by Paolo Galli, professor of ecology at the university, and created in collaboration with Mondadori Media and the National Museum of Cinema in Turin.

The aims of the exhibition dedicated to the sea include raising awareness – among civil society, schools of all levels, the academic world and the scientific community – of the importance of achieving the sustainable development objectives for oceanic sciences set by the United Nations for the decade (2021-2030) of oceanic sciences, in particular Goal 14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

The exhibition is an interactive experience divided into three thematic areas.

The first area consists of four rooms and two corners, each examining an aspect of the sea: from the biodiversity of tropical marine ecosystems to the problem of plastic pollution.

The exhibition path begins with a corner dedicated to “Virtual Reality” where, thanks to 3D viewers, visitors can explore the wonders of the world’s coral reefs and discover the process of coral restoration. It is also possible to simulate the sensory experience of an underwater geyser and enjoy an special natural spectacle.

In the “Sottomarino delle illusioni (Submarine of Illusions) visitors can dive into the depths of the Maldives, an archipelago that hosts some of the world’s largest coral reefs: an area of over 4500 km2 of extraordinary biodiversity and nearly 300 different species of coral. In this room, visitors will have the opportunity to get to know the marine organisms that shelter here. But to do this, they will have to sharpen their senses: walking from one side of the space to the other, where they will see the figures shrink or enlarge and algae and fish that transform into strange shapes.

The “Stanza degli specchi” (Room of Mirrors) places us among schools of jellyfish, fascinating marine animals that are found in seas around the world, where they float, driven by currents. And among the luminous umbrellas of these creatures, we can also see traces of the all-too-human threat called pollution.

This room was designed with the support of master glassmaker Fabio Fornasier from Murano, who created glass jellyfish using the traditional manual method and reproduced – also in glass – some of the many plastic objects that infest our seas.

The room “Mare sotto i Riflettori, il cinema racconta gli oceani (The Sea in the Spotlight, the cinema and the oceans) is the result of collaboration with the National Museum of Cinema in Turin. This section offers a new interactive experience with all the magic of underwater filming, with clips, objects and unique curiosities. “The relationship between man and then sea has always been one of the recurring themes in the history of cinema,” said Domenico De Gaetano, director of the National Museum of Cinema, “our fascination with the underwater world lends itself well to illusions and special effects and we are delighted with this prestigious collaboration, which allows us to show another fascinating side of the Seventh Art.”

The sea is a treasure chest containing many different species of animals and plants: some are easy to spot, others hide and blend in. To recognise them, you need an expert eye, patience and a lot of attention. In the “Labirinto dei segreti marini (Labyrinth of marine secrets) children from three to five years old can have a lot of fun looking for them and getting lost among the walls of this special room

The second corner, Messaggio in Bottiglia (Message in a Bottle), takes us back in time, to when letters were placed in glass bottles and thrown into the sea letting the currents carry them ashore. Fortunately, today we no longer need to throw a message into the ocean to communicate with the world: but through the “ocean that is the web”, visitors can launch their own message of hope to be launched on social networks using a virtual glass bottle.

The second area of the exhibition features 30 giant photographs, taken by some of the greatest experts in underwater photography – including Massimo Boyer – and depicting the evocative illusions created by nature that make our oceans so spectacular: the mimicry of some species of fish, for example, or the phenomenon that generates the effect of underwater waterfalls in Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.

The third block is dedicated to the work done by high -chool students from the Vittorio Veneto and Luigi Cremona scientific high schools in Milan and the Emilio Sereni Agricultural Technical Institute in Rome. In recent months, around 500 students participated in the “Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento” (Paths towards Crossover Skills and Orientation) by designing and creating parts of the exhibition: reconstructions of models of the seabed, scientific games, illustrative posters, drawings and audio guides for visitors.

“With IllusiOcean the Milano-Bicocca University takes another important step towards restarting after the pandemic, inviting schools, families and citizens to discover an exhibition dedicated to the sea. We are delighted to inaugurate this exhibition which, thanks to the language of illusions, is not only great fun, but also encourages us to reflect on one of the priorities set by the UN 2030 Agenda: the protection of the health of the sea. It’s a challenge in which our researchers are engaged every day in the study of sustainable development solutions for the protection of the marine ecosystem,” said Deputy Rector, Marco Orlandi.

The exhibition is free and open to the public every Friday from 11am to 6pm and on Saturdays, twice a month, at the same times, at the Galleria della scienza (Buildings U1/U2, 1st floor, Piazza della Scienza, Milan).

Entrance is by reservation only and you can book on the website and present your green pass (vaccination passport) at the door.

In addition, every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 8am to 10am or from 11am to 1pm, by writing to, you can book guided tours for schools.

Thanks to collaboration with Mondadori Media, from the end of October the “IllusiOcean™” exhibition will also be available online, exclusively on the website of Focus, Italy’s most widely read monthly, a reference point for fans and enthusiasts of technology, science, nature, medicine and innovation. By accessing the dedicated section of, users can navigate in immersive mode inside the rooms of illusions and discover, in a virtual journey, many curiosities about the sea and its inhabitants.

“The Milano-Bicocca University exhibition organised by Professor Paolo Galli on the optical illusions and the sea is original, stimulating and fun. Three adjectives that have always been part of the DNA of Focus and it was therefore natural for us to offer our partnership to IllusiOcean.  A partnership that, in addition to narrating and describing the exhibition, allows people to visit the exhibition also virtually on,” said the editor of Focus, Raffaele Leone. “It is original because it is the result of an original and creative idea; stimulating because it wants to encourage us to reflect on the wonders of the sea and the need to preserve them; fun because it communicates playfully with the special effects of optical illusions. How could Focus not be there?”

And the experience with “IllusiOcean™” is not limited to the exhibition. Throughout the exhibition period, a rich programme of initiatives promoted by Focus and Focus Junior, the magazine that is a point of reference for kids, has been planned to raise the awareness of readers, teachers and students about the marine world and explore the issues raised by the initiative. Starting from the issue of Focus on newsstands this month, which is entirely dedicated to the importance of water: from the cycle of the sea, the planet’s real liquid engine, to the life of the cetaceans that populate the waters of our peninsula, to the story of the coral clinic in the Maldives, with lots of other special unmissable content.

Every week, on and the magazine’s social media channels, young people can also find insights and curiosities on the issues raised by the exhibition, but not only. In fact, they can also share photos, articles, ideas and suggestions for looking after the seas and oceans with the editorial team, using the email address and the most original content will be published both online and in the magazine. “Children, and young people in general, are worried about climate change and the future of the planet: so, as always, Focus Junior gives voice to their thoughts and ideas,” said Sarah Pozzoli, the editor of Focus Junior.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Società italiana di Ecologia (Italian Society of Ecology) – (S.It.E), the Lombardy Region and the City of Milan.

Donna Moderna launches “Greenlife”: a special issue to talk about how we can all work together every day to protect the planet

The brand’s commitment shared with its community in favour of increasingly sustainable lifestyles continues

Featured on the cover, the TV presenter Camila Raznovich: “Care for the environment is a duty and the responsibility of all of us”

What are the green choices that we can actually adopt every day? What actions can we take with others to safeguard the environment in which we live? These are the questions answered by Greenlife, the new issue of Donna Moderna, on newsstands from Thursday 14 October.

At the heart of the magazine is a 24-page special printed on 100% PEFC recycled paper, with first-hand accounts, advice and insights to discover how to make your lifestyle increasingly sustainable thanks to small and simple daily gestures.

It is need that also emerges from the survey conducted by the brand, in collaboration with BVA – Doxa and Mondadori Lab, which shows that Donna Moderna readers are increasingly likely to adopt virtuous behaviour. Among the most shared issues are attention to energy saving and separate waste disposal (64%), a reduction in the use of plastic (47%) and the purchase of organic and local products (33%).

These initiatives are part of the activities that the brand, a reference point in the women’s segment, has been pursuing with its community to make a concrete contribution to safeguarding the planet. A commitment that started with #BeeGreen, the participatory project with which Donna Moderna this year involved over 9 million readers and users, in sustainable actions with extraordinary results: over 200 tons of CO2 saved, and a home provided for over 1 million bees in Milan.

“We realised that what our readers want to leave to their children is not material goods, but a planet in better condition than they found it in. Our job is to provide inspiration and information, and at the same time record the good practices that the readers themselves introduce into their routines in such a way that an account of this changing lifestyle becomes a sort of collective novel,” said Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

The special issue
Featured on the cover of this special issue of Donna Moderna is Camila Raznovich, the presenter of the TV show Kilimanjaro who was selected by Donna Moderna for her green soul. Attentive to the environment, very wary of consumerism and a black belt of separating waste, Camila talks to Donna Moderna about her world of escapes into the green and music, of vintage shopping and recycling, as a house rule but also a question of love: “Care for the environment is a duty and the responsibility of all of us,” she tells the magazine.

Three main issues are developed in the pages of this special.
Starting with the story of the small gestures that we can adopt every day, with the testimonies of 27 women, journalists and readers, who reveal the conscious choices they have made to protect the environment, plus lots of advice on how to put them into practice.

And then there is an in-depth study dedicated to what we can actually do together with others to protect the planet. Extensive space is devoted to the phenomenon of girls and boys who have given life to projects and associations throughout Italy to safeguard the areas in which they live.

A map of Made in Italy excellence will highlight the many records that the country has achieved in terms of sustainability

A storytelling on green issues that the magazine will also develop on the brand’s website and social media channels, in which Greenlife issues will be developed and expanded. From stories to video reels to calls-to-action: content aimed at engaging the brand’s over 2.2 million fans and talking about the sustainable actions that we can adopt every day.

#BeeGreen Honey Day
Donna Moderna initiatives in favour of sustainability have also included the #BeeGreen Honey Day, a unique event, which took place at the Cascina Merlata last September 26, organised to coincide with the UpTown Green Week, and celebrate the honey production of over 1 million bees housed by Donna Moderna and underscore the concrete commitment of the brand and its community to the environment.

An activity that was also promoted through the project’s green ambassadors on their Instagram profiles.

Source: Nielsen Data Fusion Mar 2021
Source: Shareablee plus Tik Tok and Pinterest Insight, September 2021

“Natural Recall”: today sees the start of the second edition of the CasaFacile digital Festival

Following the huge success of “La Casa dei Sogni” (“Dreamhouse”), the Festival that engaged a community of over 1 milllion fans is back

A month of initiatives to talk about ideas, solutions and products to design and furnish the home with a special care for the environment

On newsstands in October a special issue entitled “Una casa in armonia con te” (“A home in harmony with yourself”)

The stage is set for Natural Recall, the latest edition of the Digital Festival dedicated to the home and conceived by CasaFacile, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Francesca Magni.

Today sees the launch, on the brand’s Facebook and Instagram channels and website, of the CasaFacile Festival making its return after the great success of the first edition dedicated to the Casa dei Sogni” (“Dreamhouse”), which in April involved a community of over 1 million fans with a reach of 27 million users and a total of 1.7 million video views (Source: Facebook, Instagram and website).

At the heart of the new edition of the Festival is the theme of nature and sustainability: until 30 October a programme of digital content, curated by designers, interiors bloggers, and CasaFacile architects and designers, together with partner companies, with many ideas, solutions and quality products to design and furnish your homes in harmony with the environment.

Every day, dozens of stories and videos to present to users, in new and fun formats, the infinite possibilities we have to improve our lives at home: from reviving an old fireplace in an eco-friendly way, to organising the kitchen to be able to use it while saving food, time and energy. As well as the best choices, from using natural fabrics to sanitising cleaning, which are increasingly important today.

“Our videos are a new way of proposing products and solutions to make the most of our homes. They are fun, are made by people who are not only professionals of digital content production, but who are able to interpret real needs, and therefore create a real sense of identification with both entertainment and rigorous practical content. And they also bring to digital the style of storytelling that we have every month in the print version of the magazine, thanks to which CasaFacile has Italy’s largest and most active community of home and furnishing enthusiasts.” said Francesca Magni, the editor of CasaFacile.

Natural Recall is an invitation to global well-being that starts from these issues and extends to include all kinds of products that can make life at home more pleasant, from those that add atmosphere and liveability to decorative details. But also, furnishings and green solutions that allow you to create a new relationship with the outside world. As well as the equipment you need to create your own home office or spaces dedicated to fitness and hobbies and ways to improve energy performance and comfortable heating.

The ‘green’ theme has been the leitmotif of a series of CasaFacile initiatives aimed at interpreting the needs of its community – which now has over 1.1 million fans, and grew in the first 8 months of the year by 18% compared with 2020 (Source: Shareablee and Pinterest) – for design that is increasingly in tune with nature, and which began with the September issue “Una casa in armonia con la natura” (“A house in harmony with nature”).

And completing this journey, the new issue of CasaFacile, dedicated to a home in harmony with yourself, is on newsstands from tomorrow, Tuesday 5 October.

In this special issue, extensive space is given to the kitchens, the heart of the house as envisaged by CasaFacile: starting from what the new models allow us to do in terms of space optimisation to combine ease of use, conviviality and cooking performance, with special attention to materials selected for sustainability, recyclability, resistance and ease of use.
There is also advice room by room, with a selection of products to create comfort including beds and bedding for a good sleep, and ideas and suggestions on how to organise different spaces, such as walk-in wardrobes.

Thanks to these initiatives, CasaFacile confirms its role as the point of reference for all furniture and lifestyle enthusiasts, with multimedia storytelling approach that engages the brand’s community, from the magazine to the website to social networks, with continuously growing results.

CasaFacile also confirms its position as the market leader in the mass-market monthly homes segment and an authoritative partner for its rising number of advertising clients, who are increasingly aware of the brand’s capacity to generate audience and stimulate interaction with its community.
The extraordinary results of the 2nd Natural Recall digital festival, which has grown compared with the previous edition in April, demonstrates the appeal of a magazine that is capable of creating authoritative content able to accommodate the tastes and needs of its followers. In the period January/October 2021, advertising revenues for CasaFacile (print and digital) rose by 30% compared with the previous year, thanks above all to the very strong input of digital, with leadership in terms of space in its reference segment confirmed at more than 55%.

FuoriSalone 2021: huge success for the “INTERNI Creative Connections” exhibition

More than 180,000 visitors at the University of Milan, the Orto Botanico di Brera and the Audi City Lab in Via della Spiga

With this event INTERNI confirms its absolute leadership in the professional living segment and design system communication

Huge success for the INTERNI Creative Connections exhibition at the FuoriSalone 2021. From 4 to 19 September, the event recorded a total of over 180,000 visitors at the three main locations: the quads of the University of Milan, the Orto Botanico di Brera and – until 27 September – the Audi City Lab, for the first time in Via della Spiga 26.

The Mondadori Group magazine, edited by Gilda Bojardi invited leading Italian players from the design world, along with international architects and designers to translate into experimental installations the concepts of care, sustainability and mobility. With the contributions of 2 co-producers (Audi and Eni) and in collaboration with companies and institutions almost thirty site-specific installations, micro-architecture and macro-objects were produced which – along with conferences and talks – created a varied mosaic of styles and visions, as well as moments of exchange that attracted thousands of people. These included a great many Italian and international journalists who gave INTERNI Creative Connections outstanding media coverage – from national newspapers to radio and television, the specialised press, and mass-market publications – as well as ensuring continuous presence on the main social media and web channels.

The website saw a +50% increase in unique users compared with the previous period and the reinforcement of the range of social media activities – with the generation of over 650 posts, each with an average of 70,000 profiled followers – led to a doubling of the total reach compared with previous figures.

The INTERNI exhibition was consequently confirmed as the symbolic event of the FuoriSalone – which this year marked its 30th anniversary – created in 1990 on the initiative of Gilda Bojardi, the magazine’s editor. Underlying this success is the high level cultural and design element of the installations, the prestigious Italian and international brands involved, as well as the many smaller players who have equally contributed to the creation of content of value.

The exceptional feedback, both from the public and in terms of media visibility, testifies to INTERNI’s absolute leadership in the professional living segment and design system communication, and, as Gilda Bojardi underlined, “It was also a strong signal for Milan and for a vibrant sector – that of design – which proposes and produces, and which has never given up. Indeed, thanks to the events, presentations, conferences, live and virtual debates, new proposals and collections and the displays in the showrooms, new spaces and museums set up for the occasion, this FuoriSalone was truly a unique and unforgettable occasion.”

Our thanks to all of the companies and partners who took part in the exhibition: Audi/Marcel Wanders studio, Eni/Carlo Ratti Associati, Italo Rota, Alessio Fini; Artemide/MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects; GLO/ Marco Nereo Rotelli; OPPO/Kengo Kuma, London Design Festival, Clare Farrow and Musicity/Midori Komachi; Fondazione Renzo Piano with Lia Piano/Anna Merci with Puricelli; Whirlpool/AMDL Circle and Michele De Lucchi; Sal Cord and Oneeightyone/Italo Rota and Francesca Grassi; EXPO 2020 Dubai – Padiglione Italia; Eurostands and Ledvance/MAD Architects; Corepla e Guzzini/Stroop Design with Jeffrey Beers International; Staininger Group-Six Senses Kitzbühel Alps/Peter Pichler Architecture; Guglielmi/Alessandro Zambelli; Qeeboo/Stefano Giovannoni; NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti/Claudio Larcher and Sara Ricciardi; EWO/NOA* Network of Architecture; LAD onlus/Emilio Randazzo; the Italian Embassy in Madrid, COAM, di_mad, ADI-FAD/Davide Valoppi– Noarc; JCP Universe/CTRLZAK for Homage to Nanda Vigo; Fondazione Bisazza for Homage to Alessandro Mendini; PerDormire/Fabio Novembre Studio; Associazione per il Policlinico Onlus/CastagnaRavelli; APEX-Brasil with Abimóvel/José Roberto Moreira do Valle; Mapei/Cino Zucchi Architetti and Chiara Zucchi; TMK Projekt, Wolf Group, Forbo, Hushoffice, Muraspec/Mac Stopa and Massive Design; Missoni Home/Rosita Missoni; Nardi/Raffaello Galiotto; Magis; Netflix and, finally, Axor-Hansgrohe, Caricami, Danese, Ferrarelle, illy, Kartell.


The latest edition of #CasaChi is here

The social entertainment format, developed by Chi, returns with exclusive content, previews, special guests and curiosities about Grande Fratello VIP


The start of the new season of Grande Fratello VIP coincides with the launch of a new edition of #CasaChi, the social entertainment format developed by the magazine Chi, that every week brings opinion leaders and exceptional guest to the Instagram and Facebook channels of the brand with comments on the most successful reality show and the personalities of the moment.

An unmissable appointment which, following the huge success of 2020, with more than 100 special guests and more than 14 million video views on Instagram, this year too will feature VIPs, influencers and the competitors of the reality show, with the host and master of ceremonies, Alfonso Signorini, editor of Chi, and journalists from the title Azzurra Della Penna, Valerio Palmieri and Gabriele Parpiglia and deputy editor Massimo Borgnis the curator of the format. A team ready to transport readers and users to the very heart of the debate about Italy’s most spied on house with video shows, original and exclusive content, revelations, curiosities and unexpected twists.

WHAT’S NEW – The new season of CasaCHI #GFVIP 2021 Edition starts with a new face: Rosalinda Cannavò, for the first time as a talk show host.

“This is definitely my first experience as a host, as I have had never had a role like this and, I confess, I was terrified at the beginning. But the CasaChi team made me feel at ease and I’m melting, indeed, I’m really getting a taste for it and think, maybe one day, I could be a presenter! Last year I was inside the House, and this year I’m at CasaChi and have to be impartial: I would like to make judgments, but I try not to step too far out of my role. Certainly, having been in the game, I can identify nuances that others might miss so I can share them with our followers. Obviously, I have my favourites, but you will find this out in the course of the episodes, I’ll find a way to make you understand … “, said Rosalinda Cannavò.

However, the presence of the former contestant is not the only novelty. For this edition, the talk show schedule has been enhanced with even more dynamic and engaging formats and content: Chi Backstage, which shares with the public the previews, the background and the highlights of #GFVIP in the form of short videos on Instagram and TikTok; Chi è Chi #stories, with presentations of all the show’s contestants curated by the editorial staff, which in just one week reached 1 million views; and the exclusive #Copia il look (Copy the look), to replicate the outfits of both stars and commentators.

And then there is also space for guests from the world of show business and entertainment, such as the new commentators Adriana Volpe and Sonia Bruganelli, and unpublished content and interviews for this new edition of CasaChi, which in the first two weeks has already recorded a doubling of video views on its social media channels compared with 2020.

The episodes of CasaChi #GFVIP 2021 Edition will be broadcast from Tuesday to Friday, with daily appointments in video talk or live social formats, on Chi’s Instagram and Facebook channels – where Italy’s most widely read people magazine has a fan base of 850,000 users (Source: Shareablee, August 2021) – and, thanks to an exclusive agreement, is also available on the Mediaset Infinity platform.

A sponsorship format has been developed for advertisers which guarantees visibility in the social media content published by Chi and which includes media planning with guaranteed reach. In addition, it is also possible to develop ad hoc communication projects with the involvement of influencers, selected for a tone of voice that is in line with the brand.

TV Sorrisi e Canzoni launches a new supplement Consigli

Every month 100 ideas to simplify everyday life

An initiative that enhances the editorial system of the brand leader in the entertainment segment

On newsstands from tomorrow TV Sorrisi e Canzoni Consigli, a new supplement to Italy’s biggest selling and most widely-read weekly.

Every month Consigli will propose 100 creative and easy to realise ideas, to have solutions within reach. Each issue will feature a personality from the world of entertainment on the cover who will share with readers do-it-yourself tricks and solutions. With space for the home and wellbeing, as well as beauty tips and ideas to try out in the kitchen, and, of course, for looking after our gardens and plants and pets. There is even a section dedicated to cars, with solutions for the maintenance of both four and two-wheeled vehicles and an agenda with extensive information for effective domestic administration.

Inaugurating the first issue is Bianca Guaccero, a successful actress and presenter of the TV program with tutorials and advice, Detto Fatto.

“This new supplement extends our offer to readers with a magazine that aims to provide help for a whole range of daily activities: from the home to the car, from the garden to wellbeing, and from the kitchen to pets. Our aim is to create a useful and engaging read to solve, with simple and effective advice, the little problems of everyday life and, perhaps, to gain some extra time for ourselves, time which, unfortunately, is never enough,” said the magazine’s editor Aldo Vitali.

The launch of Consigli further enhances the offer of TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, adding to the existing supplements that every week enrich the brand’s content with new and detailed content related to topics of interest and entertainment: Cucina, created in collaboration with GialloZafferano to offer quick and easy recipes; Storie di Fede, which talks about the events and personalities that mark the history of religion; and Enigmistica, published in the summer months with more than 100 quizzes and games, including crosswords, rebus, sudoku and much more.

A continuously evolving editorial system, ranging from the print magazine to the web, to reach an overall audience of 6.1 million readers and users per month (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data fusion, March 2021) and social media, with a constantly growing fanbase of 950,000 (Source: Shareablee and Insight, August 2021). It is here, from Thursday 7 October that the new season of Sorrisi Live will take place: a calendar of events conceived to bring the biggest names from the world of entertainment straight to the homes of readers and users, with interviews, talks and music. The guest of the first event, live on the weekly’s Instagram and Facebook channels, will be the artist Francesco Gabbani.

Grazia USA launches brand’s first US print edition

Digital platform audience continues to grow

Grazia USA, the international edition of Grazia born out of the licensing agreement between the Mondadori Group and Pantheon Media Group LLC, launches today the first US print edition of the Mondadori Group brand.

The debut strengthens the presence of the first 100% Italian fashion magazine on one of the world’s largest and hottest fashion markets.

The new issue of Grazia USA – 356 pages, released quarterly – features three different exclusive covers that flesh out the “Evolution” concept, celebrating three prominent women on the American cultural and social scene: nine-time Olympic medalist Allyson Felix, British supermodel and designer Alek Wek, hailed for her influence on the idea of beauty in the fashion industry, and Canadian singer-songwriter and actress Jordan Alexander, an advocate of LGBTQ+ and coloured people’s rights. The content from the three cover stories also unfolds on social channels, on Grazia USA’s website and through dedicated newsletters, creating a contemporary and unique platform.

Grazia USA will count a total circulation of 400,000 copies, reaching an audience hungry for fashion, art, culture and beauty, as well as for design, entertainment and travel, leveraging on the signature cosmopolitan mix of the brand. The first issue has received a great response from the market in terms of advertising sales, with advertisers including major luxury brands such as Armani, Etro, Loro Piana, Tiffany, Dior, Vuitton and Harry Winston.

Positioned in all the major fashion and luxury countries, Grazia is the first 100% Italian fashion magazine to have exported its successful formula worldwide, from Italy to the United States. The Mondadori Group brand, which currently counts a total of 21 editions in 23 countries, reaches a global audience of 15 million readers, 45 million unique users and over 30 million followers on social channels. 

The US edition of Grazia made its debut in October 2020 through the global digital-first platform featuring Kim Kardashian West. Since then, Grazia USA has enjoyed an unprecedented online growth, peaking at 5.2 million monthly active users, with a readership that is predominantly female, 50% under 30 years old.

The new quarterly issue of Grazia USA will be distributed at all Barnes & Noble bookstores, selected retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada, online at and on