
Grazia presents G21

G as in Grazia, 21 as in the personalities who combine their voices to discover new perspectives, 21 as in the current year, 21 as in the number of international editions of the magazine

Grazia, the leading, 100% Italian fashion magazine, and symbol of the contemporary, style and elegance, launches G21, an exclusive project dedicated to the future and rebirth, across all of the brand’s channels, and culminating at the end of the year in an appointment involving all of the international editions of the title.

G as in Grazia, 21 as in the personalities who combine their voices for this special initiative to discover new perspectives, 21 as in the current year, 21 as in the number of international editions of the magazine.

And at the heart of this Grazia project, a special issue, on newsstands from tomorrow, Thursday 18 March. How can we redesign the future? How can we manage the social and cultural revolution unleashed by the pandemic changing ways of thinking and lifestyles?   What new prospects and opportunities are there and how can they be developed?

“We have been saddened, frightened, angry, resigned, recovered, and can’t wait to get going again with new prospects,” said the editor of GraziaSilvia Grilli. “But it won’t be like switching on a light that has been switched off, and, as in the story of Sleeping Beauty, finding everything as it was before. This extraordinary issue of Grazia has been conceived to examine proposal and ideas for the future. The achievements of the personalities present in the issue, their excellent work in different fields, are an example for the country and the world. And for us at Grazia and for them, believing in ideas means fighting to defend them and make visible the unseen,” concluded Grilli.

So, in this issue of Grazia some of the most well-known figures from the worlds of cinema, the arts, fashion, science, technology, entertainment and medicine give shape to the future in a special collectors’ issue.

Designer Giorgio Armani, the head of Spotify Italia Federica Tremolada, Facebook executive  Sheryl Sandberg, actor Pierfrancesco Favino, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the Rector of Bocconi University Gianmario Verona, doctor Paolo Veronesi, along with virologist Ilaria Capua, architect and entrepreneur Piero Lissoni, digital creative Elisa Maino, Olympic athlete Bebe Vio, champion swimmer Federica Pellegrini, economist Lucrezia Reichlin, Formula One chief executive Stefano Domenicali, the director of the Biennale Arte Cecilia Alemani, the world’s most celebrated Italian chef Massimo Bottura, writer Teresa Ciabatti, ballet star Roberto Bolle, multi-award-winning singer Laura Pausini, publisher and politician Massimo Bray and the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli.

This is an historical moment that everyone considers and opportunity to rebuild and reinvent ourselves. To give just a few examples: the actor Pierfrancesco Favino thinks that when theatres and cinemas can re-open, they should become places where we can meet actors and directors and get young people back into the audience. For Laura Pausini music as a way of bringing people together will be stronger than ever. Microsoft founder Bill Gates talks about the ecological transition and how we will free ourselves of fossil fuels. The architect and entrepreneur Piero Lissoni thinks that after the pandemic we will take more care of what is most precious to us; our homes, our time and the places where we live. Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg reflects on the new opportunities for women offered by the digital world. The Rector of Bocconi University Gianmario Verona writes about how the revolution in distance learning will lead to made-to-measure training for every student. Ballet star Roberto Bolle asks that private donations and public funding come together to relaunch the arts.

The coverage will then continue with a rich schedule of the social media profiles of Grazia, where the content of the magazine will be expanded with contributions from the personalities involved.

And with this initiative, Grazia confirms its position as a brand able to continuously evolve, becoming a point of reference for over 4.7 million users (Source: Data Fusion Nielsen Media Impact May 2020) and 1.55 million fans (Fonte Shareablee + TikTok and Pinterest February 2021).

And on the occasion of dl G21, also the Grazia Factory – a workshop of original productions, shootings and contemporary initiatives – will evolve, offering its users innovative digital projects and new creators. Factory 21 will introduce twenty-one new digital talents: from a travel expert to a lover of design, a beauty creator to a videomaker, a fashion photographer, a as well as a stylist, a lifestyle expert and an art director. The range of talents of Factory 21 will engage in line with the different issues.

To celebrate and broaden the appeal of the values of G21, which are focused on the reconstruction of the future and rebirth, the Palazzo Mondadori has exceptionally illuminated its arches with the colour magenta of the cover of Grazia, using spectacular special lights.

Coverage of the G21 project will culminate with the production of special editorial content in collaboration with La5, on air on Wednesday 31 March.

The initiative has been received with great interest in the market with many clients expressing appreciation of the project and  booking one or more pages. The issue has sold over 100 advertising pages, proof that the market is both optimistic about the future and willing to invest in the recovery.

The launch of this new Grazia project will be supported by an advertising campaign on the press, radio, web, social media and DOOH.

TV Sorrisi e Canzoni: record numbers for the initiatives dedicated to the Sanremo Festival

Record numbers for the TV Sorrisi e Canzoni dedicated to the Sanremo Festival.

With this unprecedented issue, the Mondadori Group brand – for the first time without the physical presence of the editorial team in Sanremo -–took an evolutionary path by creating a totally video and digital social media-based schedule. Non-stop coverage of the most anticipated television event of the year, thanks to which Sorrisi once again confirmed its position as the point of reference for fans of the Festival, beating all audience records.

“Despite the difficulties due to the exceptional circumstances in which the Festival was held this year, it has nevertheless been a huge success. But Sorrisi can rely on an excellent team able to face any obstacles. And it is not only the numbers that speak loudly, also the affection and friendship of all of the artists involved in our coverage. I would particularly like to underline that Maneskin, just minutes after their victory, called us to do an exclusive live slot on Instagram. Further demonstration of the strength and authoritativeness of our brand,” declared Aldo Vitali, editor of TV Sorrisi e Canzoni.
“We still haven’t taken it all in and we weren’t expecting it at all. It’s an incredible result. The country has changed and Sanremo has been an absolutely amazing, incredible experience,” the band told Sorrisi.

The new web site – launched just a few days ahead of the Festival with a new look, an optimised user experience and a layout entirely dedicated to the event – recorded extraordinary figures.
During the week of Sanremo 1.5 million unique users, +26% compared with last year, 5 million pageviews (+53% compared with 2020) and 2.3 million sessions (+30% on 2020), with a rich and exclusive offer: the lyrics to the songs, interviews with the artists in competition, behind the scenes coverage and content updated in real time, with the running order of each evening, audience figures and daily news from the first Festival without an audience in the history of the event.

There was also big success for “Sorrisi Live”, the format for social meetings with the artists launched in October which, during the Sanremo week, included a daily schedule of live interviews on the brand’s Facebook and Instagram profiles, with over 40 separate appointments.
Starting at 10 am with A colazione con il Direttore” (Breakfast with the Editor), bring together with Sorrisi some of the leading stars of this edition of the Festival such as Arisa, Fedez e Francesca Michielin, Francesco Renga, Malika Ayane and Noemi.
The interviews continued everyday on Facebook and Instagram until 7 pm with the big new feature of this year, the Aperitivo con Sorrisi during which, every day, the editorial team were joined, during five appointments from Tuesday to Saturday, by commentators and much-loved public figures such as Carlo Conti, Costantino della Gherardesca, Diana Del Bufalo, Enzo Miccio, Francesco Gabbani, Michelle Hunziker, Pio e Amedeo, The Jackal and the Trio Medusa,

On Instagram we also published the exclusive digital diaries of six very popular artists among millennials and Gen Z: Annalisa, Ermal Meta, the duo Fedez and Francesca Michielin, Gaia Gozzi, Lo Stato Sociale and Madame, that alternated each day and exclusively sent to Sorrisi a report on their day with all of the private moments ahead of their performance on the stage of the Ariston Theatre.

Live television coverage from the Ariston Theatre of the five evenings was featured in the social media profiles of Sorrisi with a continuous feed of curiosities, surveys, quizzes, and breaking news about what was happening onstage, in real time.

Thanks to the production of over 600 items of content, including videos, posts and stories, that linked the innovation of the formats and approaches with the traditional authoritativeness of the TV Sorrisi e Canzoni brand, the brand’s Facebook and Instagram channels also achieved record results, reaching a total of 12.7 million people, an increase of 21% on the previous year. 

Max Factor was the make-up partner of Sorrisi Live: and every morning, live on Facebook, the National make-up artist Rajan Tolomei commented with the beauty editor of Sorrisi on the looks of the previous evening and created exclusive tutorials on the magazine’s Instagram profile, inspired by the artists in competition and the iconic looks of the Sanremo Festival.

There was also great success for the three special issues of the magazine dedicate to the Festival, with an exceptional total print-run of almost 2 million copies.

After the first two issues, on newsstands on 23 February and 2 March, exclusively featuring the lyrics of the songs and the free addition of the Storie di Sanremo special, this week sees the publication of the third unmissable issue with the traditional cover featuring the winners, reports on all the details and news from behind the scenes across the entire five days of the Festival.


An exclusive account from three exceptional voices: artistic director Davide Rampello and the designers Carlo Ratti and Italo Rota

Also featuring a detailed glossary of innovative and sustainable materials of the showcase of Italy at the Universal Exposition

Italian beauty is the title of an article that è INTERNI, the magazine of interiors and contemporary design, published by the Mondadori Group, has dedicated to the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The March issue, on newsstands from today, publishes a preview of both the architecture and content pf the Pavilion.

The Universal Exposition, which will run from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, will be the first to be held in a country from the so-called ME.NA.SA. area, i.e. the Middle East, North Africa and South Africa, an event of great strategic importance for issues related to sustainability and a focus on the circular economy and the optimisation of resources.

Expo Dubai offers an opportunity for the reaffirmation of Italy all of the expressions of its inventiveness and know-how, in line with the concept expressed in the claim of the much- anticipated global event “Connecting minds, creating the future“ which Italy has interpreted with the title “La Bellezza unisce le Persone” (Beauty Brings People Together), the Italian beauty that has always been an element of connection between people, talent and genius, the Mediterranean cultural heritage and a bridge to the future.

And exclusively for INTERNI, edited by Gilda Bojardi, three exceptional storytellers – the Artistic Director of the Italian Pavilion Davide Rampello and the designers Carlo Ratti and Italo Rota – reveal the secrets of a structure that is the result of Italian creativity, advanced research and sustainable innovation.

The feature also includes a Glossary/Guide of the materials used in the architecture and interiors of the Pavilion, listed and described in alphabetical order and functioning as an instrument for dialogue and exchange for architects, planners, designers, interior decorators and, of course, an inspiration for Made in Italy companies.

This publishing initiative is part of the media partnership between Mondadori Media, Official Gold Sponsor of the Pavilion, and the Italian Commission for Expo Dubai. In fact, in order to reinforce Italy’s participation in the 2021-22 Universal Exposition, with cultural, publishing and other events, a series of communication activities have been planned by the Mondadori Group, both in the run up to and during the six-month duration of the Expo.

Around 20 million Italians follow at least one influencer for guidance on what to buy and other things too

The best known: Chiara Ferragni, GialloZafferano, Benedetta Rossi

The figures emerge from a research entitled “Italians & Influencers” conducted by Buzzoole, InfoValue and Mondadori Media aimed at examining the relationship between Italians and the so called macro-influencers


Some 20 million Italians between the ages of 18 and 54 follow at least one influencer. Of these, 48% follow a macro-influencer; a category that includes not only individuals, but also publishing brands with stand-out social media profiles in their communities of reference and recognised as authoritative in nine specific areas: health and wellbeing, families and children, entertainment, technology and science, beauty and personal care, fashion, food and beverages, travel and tourism, cars and motorcycles.

And it is precisely these macro-influencers that are at the heart of the survey “Italians & Influencers” conducted by Buzzoole, InfoValue and Mondadori Media, aimed at examining more closely the views and opinions of Italians regarding an increasingly significant category in consumer behaviour.

In particular, it looks more closely at the relationship between Italians and influencers and publishing brands, with regard to the social media presence and the type of role that they play in entertainment and users buying habits.

The first interesting element is the frequency with which users consult their profiles: 37% claim to follow them every day, while another 37% check in every 2-3 days.

Why do users follow influencers?

For the advice they give (54%, above all for matters related to food) or for their expertise in specific areas (51%, technology and automotive) or because they are considered models of reference to identify with (19%, fashion and families).

At the top of the list for renown on social media there is Chiara Ferragni (mentioned by 85% of the sample), followed by GialloZafferano (72%) and Benedetta Rossi (71%).

As part of the study, emphasis was given to the role of macro-influencers in buying behaviour, with a different focus depending on the sector of interest for users. This showed that they can play the role of a “tutor” that explains a product (for 54% of the interviewees), especially in the areas of food beauty, a discoverer able to introduce new products (for 47%) for tech and beauty, a friend who can say where and when to buy something (41%), above all for fans of cars and motorcycles, or, also, an outstanding trendsetter (27%).

There is, therefore, a clear recognition of the commercial function: an expectation that influencers and publishing brands can provide information on a wide range of product types and become an “advisor” that in every situation can play a determining role.

Have looked at the role of macro-influencers in buying behaviour, the survey then examined their level of incidence in buying propensity: 85% of Italians claim to take the opinions of influencers into consideration when buying a product.

The study also looked in detail at how many purchases are “actually” made on the basis of the advice of influencers. Over the last year around half of the interviewees bought an average of 2 products or services recommended by influencers or editorial brands on social media: beauty, food, fashion and technology being the most influenced shopping categories.

An examination of buying intention is single areas, showed that in first place among the preference of Italians were the profiles of GialloZafferano (89%) in the food & beverage sector and Mypersonaltrainer for products related to health and wellness.

“The study conducted in along with Mondadori Media and InfoValue,” declared Gianluca Perrelli, CEO of Buzzoole, “has clearly demonstrated the complexity of a now consolidated phenomenon that involves millions of people. In addition, it has highlighted the multiple roles that Creators can have for Italians, not just as repeaters of messages, but as key elements in the purchasing process.”

“Brands remain among the main influencers of consumer buying habits, and central in the discovery of new trends and tendencies,” declared Andrea Santagata, General Manager of Mondadori Media. “The research clearly shows how some of them, the more vertical with a language and approach that is close to users, have maintained, and even reinforced, this role, also in the increasingly important social media environment. I think that it is key for a brand in social media to satisfy specific need, with a view to providing users with help and support.”

As regards the platforms used, Instagram emerged as the social media platform par excellence (67%), followed by Facebook (59%) and YouTube (53%). The younger target follow on TikTok (9%) and 4% on Twitch.

This quantitative survey involved over 1,500 interviewees, representative of Italian web users between the ages of 18 and 54, and examined 9 topics of main interest, arranged by socio-demographic profiles, with a special focus on female targets.

“Italians & Influencers” was conducted in the context of the WeTalks project: a permanent observation laboratory through which Mondadori Media addresses companies interested in information about the dynamics of consumer behaviour. The complete results of the survey are available on and

The launch of Me contro Te: the only original fantasy comic by Luì & Sofì

Coming to newsstands on 26 February Me contro Te: the only original fantasy comic by Luì & Sofì, the two YouTubers who have won the hearts of millions of children through simplicity, a joyous spirit, positive values and an ability to create content to evoke dreams and stimulate imagination.

Luì & Sofì have chosen the Mondadori Group for the launch of their first 100% official magazine 100: an occasion to entertain and transport young kids on a range of adventures and the discovery of the world of science.

“We are really excited about this super new project. The fantasy comic Me contro Te is a magazine entirely devoted to fun and the discovery of the world and its wonders. We want to thank the Mondadori Group for having once again believed in us and for having helped us to create the magazine of our dreams,” commented Luì and Sofì.

Every month this new fantasy comic will present two new adventures by Luì & Sofì, illustrated and told in the unique. Colourful and joyous style that is the basis of the magical world of the Me contro Te. Plus, news, curiosities, original ideas from little experiments, topic-based games and quizzes to test readers’ knowledge: an authentic “activity magazine”, conceived for boys and girls aged between 6 and 10. Among the features of the first issue, the world of insects and dinosaurs. The young readers can also write and send drawings to their favourites: and the best letters will be published.

Children will be brought closer to interesting and educational content, thanks to the new comic format of Me contro Te that makes reading stimulating, in a simple but engaging way, in line with the great publishing success of the books published by Mondadori Electa.

The launch of Me contro Te – Il fantafumetto, with a print run of 100,000 copies for the first issue, was announced in a preview by Luì and Sofì in a post on their Instagram profile and is supported by a communication campaign on print media and point of sale.

The magazine will be available on newsstands from 26 February, with a cover price of €4.90.

What’s new in the Focus system: the magazine “Focus Domande & Risposte” goes monthly and launches a collaboration with the l’Eredità champion Massimo Cannoletta

New columns and collaborations for Focus, the Mondadori Group brand leader in the popular science segment 6.4 million readers and users and a community of over 3 million followers on social media, up by 40% since February 2020.

From this month Focus Domande & Risposte, the magazine that offers more than 250 questions and answers about the most incredible and interesting facts, is changing its frequency and becoming a monthly. And for the occasion the title is launching an exclusive collaboration with Massimo Cannoletta.

The celebrated champion of the TV quiz show L’Eredità, whose knowledge captured the hearts of the Italian audience. Will be the protagonist of a feature entitled Te lo dice Massimoin Focus Domande & Risposte and a weekly appointment on the Focus Facebook and Instagram profiles, where he will engage the community in an exclusive video questions and answers format.

“The strength of Focus lies in the care and attention given to providing detailed background and the way we search for news, the authoritativeness of our contributors and interlocutors, but also in the curiosity, the passion and enthusiasm we put in every day to offer our readers a quality product that is able to speak to everyone. Consequently, when I had the change to chat with Massimo Cannoletta, and when I saw his enthusiastic hunger for knowledge and his drive to explain, I thought it would be brilliant to add him to the team of journalists and collaborators that make the world of Focus a great multimedia platform for popular science,” declared Raffaele Leone, editor of Focus.

But that’s not all that’s new. Cannoletta will also have column in Focus Storia, Focus system magazine dedicated to the events, personalities and curiosities of the past and present. Every month in “Curioso per caso” he will allow readers to discover historic and artistic treasures form different countries in the world.

The super champion will also be the protagonist of an exclusive interview in the monthly Focus, in the issue on newsstands from 23 February, where he talks about the secrets of his memory.

Originally from Lecce, Cannoletta, who is 46, has a degree in political science. He is passionate about spreading culture and knowledge and became famous with the audience of the early evening quiz show presented by Flavio Insinna, participating in 51 episodes and beating record after record.
“I grew up reading Focus branded magazines, and I got many of the questions on L’Eredità right having learned them from these magazines. So I am absolutely honoured to become a part of the big Focus family,” declared Massimo Cannoletta.

Focus is Italy’s most widely-read magazine, with 6.4 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data fusion, Amy 2020). It is increasingly appreciated and engaging on sempre social networks, where it has a growing audience of over 3 million followers (Source: Shareablee, February 2020). The magazine is the core of a multimedia ecosystem that includes the web, a TV channel, social media and events: a distinctive point of reference for issues of great current significance, from science to technology and nature, and thanks to contributions from authoritative voices of international renown and an approach that is always rigorous and fresh.

Grazia USA takes american market by storm: out during Fashion Week in New York with three cover stars

Actresses Kate Bosworth and Elizabeth Olsen and musician Keke Palmer feature on new digital covers of Grazia USA

Three stars for three digital covers: actresses Kate Bosworth and Elizabeth Olsen and musician Keke Palmer are the celebrities picked by Grazia USA for the launch of the new digital covers created to mark the New York Fashion Week.

Three leading female personalities from the world of fashion and entertainment revered by the American public posed for three exclusive fashion shoots, perfectly embodying the mix of quality content that distinguishes the editorial formula of the new international edition of Grazia: fashion, beauty, personalities, as well as topical issues such as inclusion, sustainability and diversity.

Launched last October under a licensing agreement with the American publisher Pantheon Media LLC, in just a few months Grazia USA has established itself as one of the most innovative publishing brands in the fashion world in the United States.

“Our magazine is for the women who are changing the world,” said editor of Grazia USA David Thielebeule. “For over 80 years, Grazia has defined international style with an Italian twist. It is also clearly focused on inclusion, dynamism and optimism. From New York to Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami, Grazia USA has already become the most exciting, elegant and innovative magazine for the women who are changing the world”, pointed out Thielebeule.

Since its launch, the Grazia USA platform has reached a total audience of 4.6 million unique users, of whom almost 50% are women in the 18 to 34-year-old age range, becoming a point of reference for style, beauty, culture and lifestyle.  A success that is also confirmed by the traffic on the platform, which has grown by 48% since its debut last October, on the occasion of the exclusive international collaboration with Kim Kardashian-West. In addition to the audience on the platform, Grazia USA also boasts a social reach of more than 3 million in the month of January alone.

“We are really proud of the great results achieved with Grazia USA, thanks to a successful formula that hinges on a global and multi-channel approach. The new business model, which has strong potential for development in other markets too, blends authoritative content and a strategic use of data to create a distinctive positioning, addressing the needs and interests of readers,” said Daniela Sola, managing director international business of Mondadori Media.

Grazia USA will also provide strategic advertising solutions for brands seeking to reach an audience of sophisticated consumers by developing integrated and specific marketing offers for the world of luxury and lifestyle”, added Jillian Maxwell, Chief Revenue Officer of Grazia USA. “We are very optimistic that our growth will continue, as our business initiatives align with fundamental shifts in consumer behaviour. We have created exclusive content for the New York Fashion Week and will continue along this line as well as developing our ever-growing community of users”.


Icon presents its latest issue “No pictures please!” and launches the “Con lo sport nel cuore” project

Icon will be on newsstands from tomorrow with an issue entitled No pictures please!, dedicated to the evolution of our relationship with images. This issue of the magazine, edited by Andrea Tenerani, will include over 200 pages of fashion, beauty and news, as well as special features and four exclusive cover stories.

The protagonist of the male lifestyle and fashion brand of the Mondadori Group is the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a timeless icon, on and off the pitch, in an exclusive portrait for Icon: “From the very beginning, I told myself that I wouldn’t want to be anyone else. Successful or unsuccessful, I waould remain who I am. For me, when you are so original, in the end, people recognise that, and they love you for it. The key to it all is authenticity,” the champion says.

The February issue of Icon also features I Negramaro, photographed by Giampaolo Sgura to mark the release of their latest album Contatto: “In recent years the meaning of this word has changed. When we talk about contact, we are usually talking about an email, a telephone number to reach out without ever touching. And during this pandemic it’s become something else again; a dream, the word is now almost dreamlike,” explained Giuliano Sangiorgi.

Plus, the international face of Dave Franco, actor and director, brother of James, making his directorial debut with the horror film The Rental: “I wasn’t only inspired by my paranoia about home sharing. I also thought about the period that the United States is going through in which we are divided, isolated and nobody trusts anybody.”

And finally, the future, football, AC Roma, Italy, the injuries and recovery of Nicolò Zaniolo, the young champion of Roma and the Italian national team, who talks about himself for the first time to Icon: “Roma has changed my life, in every sense. It took me on when I was just a boy and is making me into a man. It has given me the opportunity toplay football and given me all this popularity. How could I not love it?”

There is also the return of Padiglione Icon: a special feature, in the pages of the magazine and on dedicated social media profiles dedicated to a selection of excellence in fashion, with what’s new and representative items from the new collections. In the new issue, on newsstands until the middle of March, space is also given to engines in Icon Wheels: 10 pages that focus on the most exclusive new products from the world of cars and motorcycles, previews, interviews to the protagonists and the most iconic and desirable models.


With sport in our hearts

From this month, Icon also launches a special project entitled Con lo sport nel cuore, (With sport in our hearts) in collaboration with the Fondazione IEO-CCM, the body that supports clinical and experimental research and assistance for patients with cancer and heart disease cat the Istituto Europeo di Oncologia and the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, with the aim of identifying the best treatment for patients and to support new and innovative projects.

For the occasion a limited-edition Icon T-shirt has been produced, in collaboration with Roy Roger’s, to support the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.

After Claudio Marchisio, Nicolò Zaniolo will be the exceptional testimonial of the initiative which, during the year, will involve a number of protagonists from the world of sport in order to promote on the pages of Icon the research of an example of Italian excellence in the health sector.

The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is Europe’s leading hospital for the treatment, research and prevention of cardiovascular disease and is internationally recognised for the level of specialisation and innovative therapies. Also on the front line is Roy Roger’s, a brand of Manifatture Sevenbell, which offers its experience in the clothing sector to the service of a good cause.

The T-shirt will be on sale on and the revenues from the sales will be entirely devolved to applied research projects on more serious heart and vascular diseases and orphans of resolutive therapies, where only research can make a difference.


GialloZafferano confirms its position as the top destination for italians in the kitchen and makes its debut abroad

Online now a new multi-touchpoint platform that takes the GialloZafferano offer also to an international audience

2020 was a year full of initiatives of the digital brands of the Mondadori Group: a successful portfolio that ranges from GialloZafferano to Donna Moderna, and from MyPersonalTrainer to Grazia and, and that confirms its role as a point of reference for the interests and enthusiasm of Italians online.

In December, with a +7% increase on the same month of the previous year, the digital network of Mondadori Media reached 29 million unique users per month (Source: Audiweb), confirming in particular its position as the publisher of reference for female users, with almost 17 million visitors.

A competitive positioning with, at the top, GialloZafferano, Italy’s most popular food media brand, which, again according to Audiweb, is visited by more than 20 million users per month.
In fact, in December, Italians spent over 7 million hours on GialloZafferano, which is equal to 70% of all the time spent by Italians across all cookery sites.
And with this result Giallozafferano also confirms its position as the fourth most used publishing brand overall, and the first excluding news sites.

This leadership should then be added to the brand’s position on social media where it is followed by over 18 million fans on six platforms, from Facebook to Instagram, YouTube to TikTok, as well as Twitter and Pinterest.
Particularly interesting is the brand’s success on TikTok, where in just over six months from the launch, the brand has gained more than in 650,000 followers, and is continuing to grow, also among the younger target.
The growth trajectory of GialloZafferano continues also in 2021 with the launch of a new multi-touchpoint platform in English, already available online and on the main social networks, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Thanks to this initiative the brand will give added impulse to its development and aim to become an essential destination, not only for Italian users, but also for a global audience of cooking enthusiasts who want to learn about and try traditional Made in Italy dishes, and becoming an authentic world ambassador of Italian cooking.

“For more than fifteen years GialloZafferano has been recognised by food lovers for the quality of its content and the continuous one-to-one care that it gives to all its users, across all media. With the launch of the English-language version of GialloZafferano and its social media, marks the beginning of the brand’s international expansion which will enable us to spread the best of Italian cooking around the world: in fact, along with fashion and design, food is one of the Italy’s most important assets and the Mondadori Group is active all of these sectors with outstanding brands,” declared Andrea Santagatageneral manager of Mondadori Media.

For its international debut GialloZafferano has developed a communication system that starts from the web with dedicated to “The best Italian recipes”. The new site offers and extensive selection of the best dishes from the Italian kitchen with over 200 step-by-step recipes produced or translated into English and accompanied by videos and photos, and the aim is to arrive at 500 video-recipes by the end of 2021.

The multi-touchpoint approach is ranged across social media, from Facebook and Instagram pages, and dedicated YouTube channels, with a total initial fanbase of 4.5 million fans, of which 170,000 followers on Instagram, over 4.1 million fans on Facebook and 200,000 subscribers on the “GialloZafferano Italian recipes” YouTube channel. In fact, for many months Giallozafferano has been curating and growing its presence on social media in English. On YouTube the brand already offers around 500 video-recipes, while on Facebook and Instagram a unique and distinctive positioning had been developed that brings together and promotes, not only the best of Italian cooking, but also the best of Italy in general, in order to allow users to discover the “best and the beauty” in which the country excels.
The brand will also take advantage of the collaboration of creators that will focus on the inimitable classic recipes of our country.

The new GialloZafferano platform in English is an ideal opportunity also for Italian companies in the food sector who want to aim their campaigns at a global audience.


For more details:





Donna Moderna launches the project “Modern relationships”: a four-part look at love, the family, friendship and sex

To coincide with Valentine’s Day part one is dedicated to love

Donna Moderna, the brand that is a point of reference in the women’s magazine segment, launches a special on love to coincide with Valentine’s Day.
The issue on newsstands tomorrow features more than 40 pages with moving stories, surprising interviews and ideas to from which to draw inspiration. And at the heart of the magazine an exclusive illustration, inspired by love, to pull out and keep.

This special is the first part of a “Modern Relationships” project: a four-part series focused on discovering how love, the family, friendship and sex have changed.
A new format that is developed in the magazine, on social media and the web site in a circular, multichannel and complete communication.

“We asked our readers to tell us their love stories and we could not have imagined that we would be flooded with stories. Love remains the strongest driver of our existence and relationships have changed profoundly and Covid, like everything else, has accelerated these changes. And that is what we examine in this issue. Without forgetting, however, that we are dealing with a sentiment that, more than any other, gives direction to our lives and that the best way to understand it is to speak about it,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

The Donna Moderna special
Featured on the cover are Giorgia Palmas with her partner Filippo Magnini. The TV presenter and swimmer talk in an interview about their story, crowned last September with the arrival of little Mia, and they are also photographed in an exclusive fashion feature inside the magazine.

This special issue dedicated to relationships will also feature the stories of three couple who have who have experienced complementarity in work and in life: the chefs Isabella Potì and Floriano Pellegrino, who started a restaurant together, the philosophers and writers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici, founders of Tlon, a cultural project, and the architects Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi, rewarded by Time with the inclusion of their green project among the 100 most innovative.

The pages of Donna Moderna also include an important survey on the dematerialization of feelings. The divorce lawyer and expert on sentimental relationships Ester Viola and the psychologist, psychotherapist and analyst Stefania Andreoli discuss the issue of imaginary relationships and virtual betrayals, explaining why it is so difficult to love today.
These two important voices will also take part in a live event on Facebook on Friday 12 February at 5.30 pm.

At the heart of this special issue is an illustration inspire by love, produced for Donna Moderna by the artist Giò Pastori and a double-page with the most beautiful and romantic verses, chosen by readers on social media: the most voted, by Rupi Kaur, with “Il modo in cui ti ami è il modo in cui insegni ad altri ad amarti” (The way you love yourself is the way you teach others to love you), followed by Alda Merini with her words “Ieri sera era amore, io e te nella vita fuggitivi e fuggiaschi con un bacio e una bocca come in quadro astratto” (Last night was love, you and I fugitives in life and fugitives with a kiss and a mouth as in an abstract painting).

The protagonists of the issue are also the stories of the readers who flooded the editorial office with their stories, selected by Donna Moderna and entrusted to the pen of the writer Sara Rattaro

Of course, there will also be beauty tips. With a feature dedicated to red passion products and a shopping column about jewellery to give as gifts for Valentine’s Day.

On social media and the web site
With this initiative, the Mondadori Group brand once more wants to engage its audience, which today has 12.2 million net users every month (Source: Nielsen Media Impact data Fusion May 2020), to which should be added almost 3 million fans on social networks (Source: Shareablee plus TikTok and Pinterest sources January 2021).
The project will also feature on the web site, in  special that brings together some of the most significant content from the issue and on the brand’s social media profiles with daily storytelling dedicated to  love.
On the Donna Moderna Instagram profile, there is an interactive survey #parliamodamore (Let’s talk about love) which identified the most voted verses tin the week of Valentine’s Day through cards and stories, together with readers stories and the most beautiful phrases among the many suggested by users on the social media channels.