
Grazia presents a special Issue: ‘Grazia ama l’Italia’

Voices and experiences of a country being reborn

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world, edited by Silvia Grilli, is launching a special issue entitled speciale Grazia ama l’Italia (Grazia Loves Italy).

The magazine examines the rebirth of the country through the beauty for which it is well known: talents, fashion, cities of art, places, architecture and gardens in a narrative journey that, across the pages of the magazine, continues also on, giving a voice to the feelings of some of the country’s leading personalities, symbols of an Italy that is being reborn.

“I wanted to create this special issue as a way of highlighting the excitement that you can feel in the country; the will to re-start, a rebirth of enthusiasm and determination. But at the same time, I wanted to dedicate it to the people who have suffered most during the pandemic some of whom are still worried about leaving the protection of their homes,” said Grazia editor, Silvia Grilli.

Featured on the cover is the actress Sabrina Ferilli, who talks about herself and the extraordinary courage of Italian, inhabitants of a land that is frequently hit by natural calamities, but who are always ready to start again. For Ferilli the re-emergence of the country this time is, as she says, like so often before a great moment of hope and dreams. The Italian Minister for Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia, explains how travel is returning and the strategy to attract foreign tourists back to the country. Meanwhile, the architect Stefano Boeri takes a look at the world of art and the architecture of museums and comments on the importance of re-opening museums and galleries. For this special issue, Grazia also met with talents from the worlds of music and fashion. Singer-songwriter Levante talks about her excitement at being able to get back on stage in front of an audience. The duo Colapesce and Dimartino, the authors and protagonists of ‘Musica leggerissima’, discuss the feelings of young people in the time of Covid, of a desire for simplicity and a return to normality. The model Eva Riccobono, who recently gave birth to her second child, talks about what it’s like to be a mother in the time of Covid.

There are also homages to the country from the journalist and writer Annalena Benini, who arties about an Italy to love; award-winning chef Carlo Cracco and his wife Rosa Fanti, rediscover dishes linked to the land and belief in the importance of getting back around the table and sharing feelings; and the TV presenter and writer Csaba dalla Zorza offers readers of Grazia presents her take on Sardinia.

With the survey l’Italia che vuole rinascere dopo la campagna vaccinale (The Italy that wants to re-emerge after the vaccination campaign) , Grazia gives voice to the many Italians who want to take back control of their lives, their work, their space and the freedom that has been denied for so many months.

This special issue will also include many travel ideas, including wonderful hotels where guest can enjoy an experience in a fascinating context and enjoy food prepared by outstanding chefs. As well as curious facts about Florence and Lecce, a gastronomical tour of Franciacorta followed by detailed wine tour itineraries.

Marking the launch of this special issue, Grazia has also produced a series of City Guides that will be available on, where the brand reaches a total audience of 4.3 million users (Source: Nielsen data Fusion December 2020): a selection of Italian destinations seen through the eyes of young illustrators, each of whom offers tips about the cities the love best.

The coverage continues also with an extensive range of content of the social media profiles of Grazia through which the brand, engage 1.6 million fans (Source: Shareablee, TikTok, Pinterest May 2021) with extra details about the magazine’s content.

Especially for this special issue, Grazia has involved the travel & style expert, Nneya Richard, a talent of Factory21 who will guide users to Italy’s most ‘Instagrammable’ places, inviting followers to participate in the challenge using the hashtag #grazialovesitaly and the tag @grazia_it. And a rich programme of live events, news and photo galleries that will enrich the magazine’s Instagram profile




CasaFacile: following the success of “La casa dei sogni”, this autumn will see a number of new initiatives dedicated to “Natural Recall”

Advertising sales have grown in the first 5 months of the year, with a market share 60% in terms of space, and CasaFacile confirms its position as the brand leader in the monthly consumer interiors segment

Responding to the new needs of contemporary living, accompanying readers with proposals and solutions that are always original and accessible: CasaFacile, the Mondadori Group brand edited by Francesca Magni, confirms its position as a point of reference for interiors and lifestyle enthusiasts, thanks to the excellent performance, recorded in the first 5 months of the year, of both the magazine the website and on social networks.

“Every month on newsstands and every day on social media, it is exciting to experience the active participation of our community: people who are passionate about the home and everything that can make it more liveable, hungry for inspiration, style ideas and solutions to copy, as well as ways to make the house more in tune with nature. In recent months we have literally “felt” the growing loyalty towards CasaFacile, in a virtuous circle that integrates both print and digital. The biggest satisfaction is receiving messages on Direct Instagram that say: ‘I discovered you on Instagram and now I can’t wait to get the magazine every month from the newsstand,’” said Francesca Magni, editor of CasaFacile.

The first 5 issues of the year of the monthly, which have also included special editions enhanced with new features, in fact recorded a 7% increase in circulation compared with 2020 (Source: the publisher, January-May).

La Casa dei sogni” (Dream Homes), the first digital Festival conceived by CasaFacile, which started with the special April issue was a huge success. In fact, for a month the brand used the website and social media to talk about what we dream for our homes and how to improve the quality of life by redesigning the spaces in which we live: It involved a community of over 1 million fans, up 39% compared with last year (Source: Shareablee + Pinterest May 2021), and achieved a total reach of 27 million users and 1.7 million total video views (source: Facebook, Instagram and site).

CasaFacile has proved to be an authoritative and effective partner also for its growing number of advertisers, who are increasingly and aware of the brand’s ability to generate audience and interact with its vast community: in the period from January to May 2021, CasaFacile’s advertising revenues (print and digital) grew by 47% compared with the previous year, with a space share of more than 60% in its segment of reference, establishing itself as the market leader the monthly consumer interiors segment.

In the autumn, a number of new initiatives await readers and users who are more attentive to new ways of living at home, sustainability and ‘green’: CasaFacile will continue to interpret the need for design that is more in tune with nature and will introduce a series of initiatives that will take shape in the coming months, entitled “Natural Recall”, starting with two special issues of the magazine.

September’s issue of CasaFacile will be dedicated to “A house in harmony with nature”, giving space to new projects from all over the world, with rooms aimed at optimising thermal comfort and brightness, solutions to multiply the quantity of green, even in small spaces, and furnishings in natural materials. With stories from people who have decided to integrate nature into their lives and new ways of bringing nature into the home, such as balcony gardens and botanical décor.

The October issue,  will feature “A home in harmony with you”, an invitation to build a house tailored to what you want and enjoy: room by room, tips and smart products for virtuous living, from carefully selected new models for the kitchen to the best materials for sustainability, recyclability, resistance and pleasantness of use, as well as textiles for a good sleep, the organisation of remote working, to reconcile work and private life.

All this will also lead into the second edition of the CasaFacile digital festival, which will run from 4 to 30 October 2021 with content and background detail on the website and on social media. “Natural Recall” is an invitation to global well-being: and starts from the theme of nature and sustainability, but extends to embrace all kinds of products that can make life at home more pleasant, add atmosphere and live-ability, decorate, creating a new relationship with the outside world, making the home more connected and easy to manage remotely, enabling you to equip home offices or fitness and hobby corners, while also improving energy performance and thermal comfort.

A new opportunity for partners who want to talk about their projects and new ideas to render the home more in harmony with us and with nature, with video formats and Instagram stories, produced by the team of bloggers, interior designers and architects who work with the magazine.

A form of cross-media storytelling that will engage readers on all the brand’s digital touchpoints, thanks to the ability of CasaFacile to evolve its offer to embrace the new needs of the contemporary audience.

Cultivated, open and curious: the female readers of women’s and lifestyle magazine are at the centre of “The value of print” survey

Reading on print media is a relaxing activity for 76% of the sample

94% of female readers have about products they’ve seen in magazines

Cultivated, open, curious: these are just some of the characteristics of female readers of magazine that emerge from a new survey by Mondadori Media entitled “The value of print”, conducted in collaboration with the Istituto More and Bva-Doxa, on a sample of omen aged between 25 and 55 who regularly buy and read women’s and lifestyle magazines in Italy.

The survey looked at the lifestyles, habits and reading experience of the sample with a view to drawing up a profile of contemporary readers and identifying that current value of print media, in a scenario in which everyone an increasingly plural media diet.

According to the survey, the female readers of magazines have a hugely varied cultural consumption compared with non-readers: they go to the theatre (45%), exhibitions (58%), they read at least 5 books a year (64%) and also read daily newspapers (81%).

They also have a higher spending capacity and propensity to consume: more than half of the magazine readers (56%) reported a higher spending capacity and that they spend a lot on travel, in particular in Europe (61%), food and beverages (38%), restaurants (27%), clothes and accessories (24%), the home (18%) and technology (18%). 39% adores shopping and more than half (51%) wear prestigious branded items.

In terms of purchasing, 41% of the sample define themselves as demanding and selective, a figure that rises to 49% for the readers of Mondadori Group magazines, who also have a greater interest in branded products (56%). Overall, 39% of the sample is willing to pay more for a product that gives satisfaction and significant importance is attributed to the list of ingredients (41%) in food and wellness. Special interest also emerged for body care: with readers frequently visiting beauty centres (34%), gyms (28%), spas (11%), or buying cosmetics (27%). If we consider only the female readers of Mondadori brands, the purchasing proportion rises to 35%.

An examination of the benefits of reading printed magazines showed that magazines provide an intense and rewarding experience. Interaction with the title is an authentic experience that permits a relaxing and concentrated use (76%), which also makes it possible to pause and reflect on details (69%). Reading is slow and takes up more time and is also less wasteful (67%), making it possible to remember more about what is read (57%), and is perceived not only as providing access to content but also as a moment for oneself (71%).

In fact, the multi-sensorial element offered by magazines is marked, and this in turn stimulates the imagination by activating various senses: tactile contact with the magazine and paper is appreciated (67%), as are the images that allow one to immerse oneself in different environments and situations (57%) and the smell (47%).

Appreciation was also expressed for advertising (77%), which is considered non-invasive if the quality is high (61%), and even has a suggestive and inspirational value, in particular among the readers of Mondadori titles, who are glad to look ad magazine advertising (85%), above all for luxury brands and cosmetics (74%). Attention to the quality of the images and details encourages a higher level of enjoyment and satisfaction among readers, in a continuous flow with the actual editorial content. A more attentive engagement with the pages of a magazine also helps to stimulate memory, in fact 94% of readers claim to have bought products that they have seen in magazines.

Prometeo gets an update: the popular science and history quarterly is now richer than ever in terms of both content and layout

The evolution begins with the magazine, with a new section entirely dedicated to non-fiction publishing, and continues across the web and social media, bringing content to a wider public with broad cultural interests

Richer, livelier, more accessible: Prometeo, the magazine dedicated to popular science and history, gets and update and a revamp in terms of both content and layout.

First published in 1983, Prometeo over the years has become a point of reference for scholars, university students, researchers, teachers and enthusiasts, thanks to a wealth of detailed and authoritative content in the fields of human, social, physical and natural sciences.

In the new issue, the Mondadori Group’s quarterly magazine embarks of a path of renewal and presents itself to readers with a new enhanced and contemporary formula. On the one hand, an offer of more diversified content, that combines clear exposition, attention to style and the editorial quality for which it has always been known, and, on the other, a more accessible approach, with the experimentation of new language and channels of communication taking the offer to a broader audience.

An evolution that begins with the magazine and continues online, with the launch of a new web site as well as on social media where Prometeo will have a Facebook profile and soon also a presence on Twitter.

The new Prometeo will offer readers and users an eclectic, original and multi-faceted selection of content. From history to the sciences, and from philosophy to art and literature, with the ideas, theories and original perspectives of some of the best scholars of the age.

The revamping of the content is accompanied also by a new layout design and the research involved in the articles will be supported by more harmonious images and illustrations that integrate and enhance the texts, making the magazine more attractive and user-friendly.

In the first part of Prometeo readers will find a sequence of articles by established authors dedicated to episodes of history, scientific hypotheses, as well as to forays into linguistics and literature, and philosophical considerations. Starting, in fact, from the myth of Prometheus: from Aeschylus to the present a figure that has inspired essays, stories, and works of art of all kinds, the Greek scholar Giulio Guidorizzi tells who he really was.

And then science. Giorgio Vallortigara, a neuroscientist and member of the Scientific Committee of Prometeo, proposes a radical hypothesis: consciousness as a phenomenon different from thought. In a Crossover special, Prometeo also devotes great attention to the evolution of knowledge and applications in the field of artificial intelligence, an increasingly important issue.

And then, of course, there is art with The Families of Man feature dedicated to an exhibition of fifty great photographers, which opened at the Regional Archaeological Museum in Aosta, telling the story of the end of modernity, the connected world and the pandemic.

Absolutely new in the second part of the magazine is “LIBRIXIME”, a special section of over 45 pages entirely dedicated to non-fiction and its authors. A wide-ranging overview of what readers can find in bookstores. Among the titles featured in the next issue are eleven non-fiction titles, a column dedicated to foreign titles and reprints, the short portrait of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben and an interview with the writer Benjamín Labatut.

The quality and authoritativeness of the content of Prometeo will be overseen by a new Scientific Team, comprising the historian Sabina Pavone, the economist Severino Salvemini and the neuroscientist Giorgio Vallortigara. The editorial responsibility is entrusted to Gabriella Piroli, a Prometeo journalist since 2012.

These names will be joined by a new Editorial Committee which brings together well-known academics and scientists with younger scholars: Stephen Alcorn, painter, portraitist and illustrator, as always responsible for the cover, Roberto Battiston, professor of experimental physics and long-term head of the Italian Space Agency, the journalist Gianluca Beltrame, Piero Boitani, professor of comparative literature, and well-known English literature expert, David Bidussa, a social historian of ideas, Umberto Bottazzini, the internationally renowned mathematician, Patrizia Caraveo, research manager at INAF and great populariser of science, Pier Luigi Celli, manager, essayist and writer, Luisa Cifarelli, Professor of particle physics and a reference point for physics in Italy, Chiara Franceschini, professor of Art History, Antonio Lucci, a philosopher who works  between Turin and Berlin, Alberto Oliverio, neurobiologist, and among the founders of Prometeo, Mariagrazia Pelaia, translator and member of the Editorial Committee for almost twenty years, and Giorgia Serughetti, researcher in political philosophy.

Donna Moderna launches its “Slow summer in Italy” special

24 itineraries for walking, campervan, bicycle and train holidays

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand that is the point of reference in the women’s segment, with a total audience of around 11 million users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, December 2020), is launching a special insert with the issue on newsstands this week dedicated to the latest Italian holiday trends: slow and sustainable tourism, which focuses on the discovery of the country’s historical and natural wonders.

From medieval towns to the cities of art, hikes immersed in nature to beautiful cycleways, and from panoramic railway routes to the unmissable spots for campervan enthusiasts, this special insert of the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda explains how readers and users can enjoy a “slow” holiday that is consistent with the enhancement of often forgotten cultural assets and landscapes.

“We talk about ways of travelling that people are finding increasingly attractive but often struggle to adopt because they think they might not be appropriate for their physical capacities or are just too uncomfortable.  But this is not true, as we see from the stories of people who have tried, sometimes almost by chance, these ways of travelling and never looked back. The itineraries that we have selected are ideal for beginners!” commented Donna Moderna editor, Annalisa Monfreda.

A 24-page journey, broken down into four chapters each introduced by a travel influencer and dedicated to holidays on foot, in a campervan, on bicycle and by train respectively. Each chapter includes six trips presented in six profiles, full of information about travel times, distances and the unmissable stops along the way, as well as a range of practical and original suggestions to make the best of your holiday.

Starting with itineraries strictly on foot, with panoramic walks through Tuscany, Sicily, Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Campania and Sardinia. They will be introduced by an interview with the singer-songwriter Jack Jaselli, who, though born in Milan, is an inveterate wanderer, and who has made an 800-km trip on foot along the ancient Via Francigena, from Pavia to Rome.

This is followed by the narration of Anna Luciani, couch-surfer and low-cost traveller who, armed with a video-camera, has travelled the length and breadth of Italy along with her partner Simone Chiesa, interviewing foreigners who have settled in Italy. Her suggestions will guide readers along routes that can be made by campervan and the discovery of landscapes and the food and wine specialties of Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Umbria and Calabria.

Introducing the chapter dedicated to cycling holidays, through the mountains and along the coasts of Piedmont, Liguria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Lazio and Sicily Sicilia, we will have the Como-born cycling influencer Francesca Giani, an authentic ambassador of the concept of sustainable mobility.

Meanwhile, the pages that look at train-based itineraries that cross the country from North to South, from Alto Adige to Puglia, by way of Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Abruzzo and Molise, will be accompanied by the words of travellers Tiziana Nuvoli and Stefano Floris, well-known for having travelled around the world always and only by train.

At the heart of the special insert is a poster with a pull-out map designed to bring together all of the proposed itineraries, the unmissable attractions and hints and suggestions about how to move around in each region that you can take with you.

Lastly, there will be the Donna Moderna online community involvement: in fact, the entire special will also be available on the web, while on social media the brand’s more than 3 million fans (Source: Shareablee + Pinterest and Tik Tok, May 2021) will find photos of the most beautiful itineraries and individual stop-offs, a map that can be screenshot and saved as well as interactive video stories with a survey to identify the most attractive destination. Plus, by using the hashtag #donnamodernainviaggio, users can also have the chance to see their own photos shared across all of the magazine’s social media channels.

The Donna Moderna special dedicated to slow holidays in Italy has been warmly received also by advertisers, confirming the positive trend in the brand’s advertising sales, both print and digital, since the beginning of the year.

Great succes for the “Interni Designer’s Week 2021”

The initiative recorded significant growth in digital: +87% in reach on Instagram, and more than double the number of unique users on the revamped site

Great success for the INTERNI Designer’s Week 2021, the event organised by the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi, that ran from 12 to 23 April as part of Milano Design City, the urban exhibition dedicated to industrial and furniture design, and representative of the culture of design and innovation.

Twleve days of meetings, interviews, and debates, both in person and online, focused on the know-how of Italian industry, sustainability and the circular economy in production and consumption.

“The excellent success of INTERNI Designer’s Week, which was joined by over 50 of the main Italian furniture companies, two main partners, AUDI and Eni, and 100 designers, is a strong signal for the city, for the economy of the country and for a lively sector – such as that of design – which proposes and produces and which has not allowed itself to be beaten down. Indeed, thanks to their participation and their tireless desire to recover, they made it possible for the event to be realized “, says Gilda Bojardi, director of INTERNI.

Thanks to an articulated communication schedule – a guide with a calendar of all of the events, in both a printed and a digital version, a digital daily, the Interni Design Journal, banners hung around the city and a press campaign on both newspapers and magazines, out of home print & digital and a led wall DOOH circuit, as well as the introduction of Audience Targeting communication, in partnership with the digital advertising company AdKaora –, INTERNI was able to amplify new ideas and products from the world of design through the use of all available platforms, both on and offline.

In addition, enhanced social media activity, with the production of over 300 posts, led to a significant increase compared with the 2020 edition of the INTERNI Designer’s Week – including a +87% rise in reach on Instagram – with figures that are expected to rise even more in the coming months.

There was record traffic also for with a +127% increase in unique users. This important result was obtained thanks to the revamping of the web site, which now offers clearer and more immediate use. The new features include a totally new menu, enhanced with new sections – for example, architecture, design, interiors, video – and, on the home page, three big up-front features covering the day’s highlights and, above all, companies’ products. In fact, it was the companies who played a key role in providing information to the target of reference, with an ad hoc section and an increasingly circular editorial plan, developed along with social media. Finally, there is background detail related to news and a monthly space for thematic dossiers on production launched in May and a special on kitchens and that will continue in June with a focus on sustainability.

Just a few weeks from the launch of the new site, advertising revenues have tripled, demonstrating that is already a must and that companies in the sector are mature and ready to face the future digital challenges with a brand that since 1954 has had an international and multimedia vocation.

The site and social media platforms will be on the front line also during the FuoriSalone in September. INTERNI – which has always been a supporter of companies for the spread of design ideas, opinions, stories and the people who generate them – will use its communication platform to provide maximum visibility to all of the new collections and product previews. Plus, there will also be real time updates from the big Creative Connections event, organised by the magazine at the University of Milan and the Orto Botanico in Brera.




Donna Moderna launches #OneGenerationWoman

From boomers to post millennial girls: a special issue dedicated to five generations of women, with ageless interests

For the first time on newsstands with two inverted “art covers” and two-way reading

Featured on the covers the “granfluencer” Licia Fertz and singer-songwriter Gaia

Donna Moderna, brand leader in the women’s magazines segment, is launching #OneGenerationWoman: a special issue in which the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda gives space and a voice to five different generations. From the silent generation to the women of the ’50s, through Generation X up to the post-millennial girls and Alpha: five generations that today are increasingly searching for a common language and interests that are ageless and can stimulate dialogue in which all of them can both learn and teach something.

“We looked at what each of these generations can give to the others, what visions of life, of work, feelings, money, the environment can contaminate women of different ages. We believe that there is much to be gained from comparison, exchange, experience. And we hope that this issue will stimulate the curiosity of each generation about the others,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

An issue with two covers and a two-way option of reading that allows for two different journeys: on the one hand the view of the women known as boomers by the youngest generation, with their stories and their great experience to be transferred and related to the later generations; and, on the other hand, the voices of the post-millennial girls who are changing the way we live and see the world and becoming an inspiration for women of all ages.

Two different perspectives, represented by two exceptional personalities selected by Donna Moderna as symbols of their generations.

The star of the cover dedicated to the silent generation is Licia Fertz, known on Instagram with the profile “Buongiorno nonna”. Licia is a 91-year-old “granfluencer” whose charisma and energy have made her an authentic social media star. She posed for a fashion shoot for the magazine with a determined look, starting from the studded-leather on the cover .

The face on the cover dedicated to Gen Z is the singer-songwriter Gaia. At 23, she was the winner of the 19th edition of Amici, and is now one of the most popular young artists on the scene, with some 750,000 followers on Instagram, over 160 million streams, two platinum and one gold discs. A symbol of the young women of the new generations, on the pages of Donna Moderna she interprets vintage pieces, a cult of more mature women.

Both covers were curated exclusively for Donna Moderna by the Spanish designer Pablo Pasadas.

There are a number of in-depth themes in this special issue. From health and prevention with an interview with gynaecologist Alessandra Kustermann, the first female medical director of the Mangiagalli Maternity Hospital in Milan, who explains how, over the years, women have struggled to change their approach to such issues.

Extensive space is also given to the issue of work, with a number of stories of family businesses where the baton is passed from generation to generation. And then reverse mentoring, a tool to enhance diversity between senior and junior figures in companies.

Also in the pages of the special issue is a “dictionary of slang”, to discover the most frequently used words and expressions of the new generations and advice on the young people to follow on social networks: from the singer Ultimo to the blogger Sofia Viscardi, the fashion influencer Emanuele Ferrari (@emilife) to the YouTuber Noa Planas, and from the actress Ginevra Francesconi to the TikToker Khabi Lame.

The two visions that are the connecting thread of the two sections of the issue will intertwine at the centre of the magazine in a special feature on beauty with a test to discover the biological age of one’s skin and the most suitable beauty routine for every woman that will also be on Instagram.

Dialogue between the generations started in recent weeks on social networks with a call to action that involved the brand’s community of about 11 million users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion December 2020), who were invited to tell their stories, which were then also published in the magazine.

The launch of the new issue of Donna Moderna will be supported by an advertising campaign created by Casiraghi & Greco, and planned on print, radio, social media and out-of-home digital.

Beauty partner of the Donna Moderna skin test is the Laboratoire Native Group with the Lierac brand, which has always been inspired by innovation in aesthetic medicine to offer women targeted and effective solutions, Roger & Gallet, which has been producing timeless fragrances for 150 years, and Phyto, which for 50 years has been taking care of the health and beauty of hair through the use of highly concentrated plant extracts.

Focus and Focus Junior media partner of the “IllusiOcean™” exhibition

A collaboration that reinforces the commitment of the world of Focus to the promotion of the sustainable development objectives of the UN Agenda 2030

A digital version of the exhibition will be available exclusively on

Digital workshops, webinars and special content: an extensive programme of initiatives concerning the marine world will accompany readers, students and teachers for the entire period of the exhibition

Focus and Focus Junior, the Mondadori Group brands, leaders in the popular science segment, are the media partners of “IllusiOcean™”, an exhibition developed by the Milano-Bicocca University, in collaboration with the National Museum of Cinema in Turin, dedicated to the wonders of the sea.

This initiative will enable Focus – Italy’s most widely read magazine, with a total audience of 6.4 million readers and users and a multimedia communication system that includes the web, a TV channel, social media and events – to strengthen its commitment to safeguarding the planet, through the promotion of the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 aimed at readers, students and teachers that will continue throughout the year.

The exhibition has been conceived with the aim of raising public awareness of the marine environment and its creatures, using the fascinating world of illusions capable of altering our perception of reality in a fun and surprising way.

This itinerant project, that will start on 1 October in Milan and have a digital life, thanks to an exclusive collaboration with Focus that will offer users the opportunity to visit the exhibition on its website: with an immersive experience that users will be able to navigate within “rooms of illusions” and discover a range of curiosities about the sea and its inhabitants.

Constantly in support of exclusive events related to the world of science, the Mondadori Group’s contribution to the sector revolve around Focus, Focus Junior, Focus Pico and Focus Scuola will also accompany readers in the coming months and throughout the entire period of the exhibition with a rich programme of initiatives: insights, digital workshops, webinars and special content from the magazines, on social media and the web.

“When I met Professor Paolo Galli from the Bicocca University he told me about the exhibition he had in mind, and I immediately proposed a partnership with Focus,” explained Raffaele Leone, editor of the popular science magazine, leader in the sector. “The sea and its protection, the professor’s special subjects, are familiar topics for us at Focus. Optical illusions are also a form of magic that has always fascinated us and, coincidentally, when I met Galli we had a cover that was hitting newsstands precisely on optical illusions. From that happy alignment of the stars, the exhibition could not but be a joint endeavour. The partnership is part of a wider project of rooting Focus in the territory to make it a publishing phenomenon that, starting from the printed edition, becomes increasingly multifaceted. This initiative with the University Bicocca is a perfect example.”


To coincide with the opening of the exhibition Focus, in collaboration with the Bicocca University, will dedicate a large in-depth special to “Life underwater” in the issue on newsstands from 21 September.

Objective 14 will be a topic on which high school students will also compete in a series of meetings organised in the autumn by Focus Academy, a Focus project which aims to attract children to science and history through online educational activities, in line with the school-work alternation aims defined by the PCTO convention.

In addition, the magazine will organise a special webinar designed especially for students but open to all readers, dedicated to Objective 14 of the 2030 Agenda which focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.


Already this month we will start from the events of the Focus Junior Academy, the Focus Junior didactic workshop for primary and lower secondary school children. The May events, which are already fully booked, are dedicated to enabling students to discover the fantastic world of corals and how to protect them: three days of lessons during which the classes will build, together with journalists, an in-depth feature that will be published in the magazine and on the web from 21 June.

Another event for Focus Junior readers will take place in July with a feature made with fascinating and surprising images of underwater illusions.

“Our young readers are very attracted to the underwater world and the life of marine species,” said Sarah Pozzoli, editor of Focus Junior. In addition, for some years they have been increasingly interested in issues related to the wellbeing of the planet. The exhibition perfectly combines these two aspects: curiosity and environmental protection.”


There will also be a series of special initiatives for teachers: a webinar organised by Focus Scuola, the magazine that provides support to teachers of primary and secondary schools with advice on teaching and materials. An event to explore the issues related to the UN Agenda with proposals for workshops and innovative activities to involve students on the subject of illusions.

There will also be space to discover the wonders of the sea even for younger children: Focus Pico, the monthly magazine designed for children between the ages of 3 and 6, will propose, in the July issue, games, stickers, a science poster on the fish that live in coral reefs and a special illustrated history of the world of the sea, created in collaboration with the children and teachers of the Bicocca University Children’s School.

Focus is Italy’s most widely read magazine, with a total audience of 6.4 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen media impact data fusion, November 2020). It is increasingly appreciated and engaging on social media, where it has a growing audience of over 3.2 million followers (Source: Shareablee, April 2021). The magazine is at the centre of a multimedia ecosystem that includes the web, a TV channel, social media and events: a distinctive reference point for highly topical issues, from science to technology to nature, thanks to the contribution of authoritative voices of international renown. and an approach that is always fresh and rigorous.

Focus Junior is a reference point in the world of kids, with an average monthly circulation of over 88,000 copies (Source: Ads, January 2021), 589,000 unique users per month on the site (Source: Audiweb, January 2021) and a social community of 142,000 fans (source: Shareablee, April 2021).
Mondadori Group

For over 110 years, the mission of the Mondadori Group has been to promote the dissemination of culture and ideas, ensuring a quality offer of entertainment to the widest possible audience. Leader in the book market and the number one Italian multimedia publisher, Mondadori has embarked on a path of social responsibility that also includes the promotion, across all its channels, of quality content that rewards sustainability, plurality of thought, diversity and inclusion, with an approach that is constantly focused on innovation.
Mondadori’s commitment is reflected in a series of activities in support of the communities in which the Group operates: from the promotion of reading and education to training and social and health care.
The Group has also adopted a plan of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its offices and bookstores, which has resulted in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and led to an increase in the use of certified paper for the production of books and magazines.

Grazia on newsstands with a special Issue ‘A tutta natura’

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world, and edited by Silvia Grilli, is out with a special issue A tutta natura, on newsstands from tomorrow, Thursday 6 May.

The pandemic has shown us that common effort and the sharing of knowledge, can help people to overcome the most difficult challenges: the special issue, thanks to its outstanding protagonists and their stories, becomes the voice for new ideas, advice, surveys, columns, for a green revolution that is more necessary than ever.

“The survival of our planet, and therefore our own, will depend on the virtuous behaviours we adopt. But individual responsibility will not be enough. We need innovation, a change in production methods, companies that invest in the protection of an environment that they previously exploited. With this special issue we want to examine useful ideas to save nature as soon as possible, but also to talk about the changes already underway, thanks to the green revolution, in our lifestyle. The speed with which humanity discovered Covid-19 vaccines gives us hope. There is only one planet that we can call home. With this extraordinary issue we want to show how dear it is to us”, said the editor Silvia Grilli.

A variety of testimonials enrich to make this issue special.

The singer Elisa, star of the cover and photographed by Grazia in nature, talks about her bond with the environment but also being a mother and daughter, and the importance of leaving a better planet for the generations to come. Prince Charles talks about Terra Carta, a kind of constitution to protect the planet, plants and animals. And also William the Duke of Cambridge outlines his Earthshot Prize, an award that he has financed to find solutions against climate change over the next 10 years. Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon talks about how his foundation, has brought water to three million people who previously has no access to it. In this special we also hear from the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolati, who explains the green revolution that the government will adopt to relaunch Italy after the pandemic. The writer Paolo Cognetti, who lives in the mountains, describes the emotions of those who savour unfiltered nature. While Kailand Morris, the son of Stevie Wonder, describes his generation’s battles on behalf of the planet.

The special also features Grazia surveys dedicated to green issues: the revolution of green collars, or rather, new jobs linked to ecology; regenerative nutrition for a world without waste; the new garden cities, from skyscrapers to green spaces that are reconquering cities.

This special issue also devotes significant space to fashion and beauty with 60 pages all focusing on sustainability.

On Friday 7 May at 7 pm, on Grazia’s Instagram profile, the editor Silvia Grilli talks to the singer Elisa.

A #GraziaLovesGreen challenge will also be launched on social networks, with the involvement of some influencers, in particular Silvia Stella Osella, the Factory21 sustainable fashion talent who will offer, through stories, some simple rules to follow in order to be green. Plus, to make the level of awareness on the topic visible, at a large G will turn green as users share using the hashtag #GraziaLovesGreen.

With this new initiative, Grazia confirms its role as a brand capable of constantly evolving, becoming a reference point for over 4 million users (Source: Data Fusion Nielsen Media November 2020) and 1.6 million fans (Source Shareablee + Pinterest and TikTok, April 2021).

Recognition of Grazia’s editorial quality is also demonstrated by the interest of the advertising market. Also for this special issue many clients have wanted to be present, resulting in over 100 advertising pages.

Pantheon Media Group will export the brand Grazia into seven Asian countries

The publisher of the USA edition of Grazia, PMG, will also take the Mondadori Group brand in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and Thailand

PMG announces the appointment of Brendan Monaghan as Pantheon’s Executive Vice President and Global Chief Brand Officer

Pantheon Media Group (PMG), the publisher of Grazia USA, has signed a letter of intent with Mondadori Group to launch Grazia in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and Thailand, between September 2021 and the end of 2022.

Positioned on all the established fashion and luxury markets, Grazia is the first 100% Italian fashion magazine to have exported its successful formula worldwide, from Italy to the United States. The Mondadori Group Brand, wich now counts 21 editions worldwide in 23 countries, reaches a global audience of 15 million readers, 35 million unique users and over 20 million followers on social media.

“Luxury brands have made a giant geographical pivot to Asia and have declared their intent to make APAC (Asia-Pacific) a priority,” said Dylan Howard, Chief Executive Officer of PMG. “As these brands meet the demand of high-spending luxury customers, Grazia will play a pivotal role in engaging with these users throughout innovative, one-of-a-kind digital platforms and trusted, respected editorial content.”

“Pantheon Media Group has established itself as a premier partner for Grazia, with a dramatic surge in traffic since Grazia USA launched through the platform The new business model, which has strong potential for development in other international markets too, blends authoritative content and a strategic use of data to create a distinctive positioning, addressing the needs and interests of users and advertising custumers,” said Daniela Sola, Managing Director International Business of Mondadori Media.

Dylan Howard, Chief Executive Officer of PMG, also announced the hiring of Brendan Monaghan as PMG’s Executive Vice President and Global Chief Brand Officer overseeing the expansion into Asia and Grazia USA. He will report to Mr. Howard.

Mr. Monaghan recently returned to the United States from Hong Kong, where he served as Chief Commercial Officer of Tatler Asia Group overseeing all business, marketing, and event functions for all advertising categories at the media company. Prior to that, Mr. Monaghan led fashion and luxury digital and print sales along with marketing as Chief Fashion & Luxury Officer across Condé Nast’s entire portfolio. Monaghan also will oversee all advertising sales efforts for PMG’s burgeoning international and luxury portfolio, in addition to editorial, business affairs, and consumer marketing.

“Brendan is a natural born leader and true innovator with demonstrated sales expertise across every media platform,” said Dylan Howard. “During his tenure at Tatler Asia Group, Brendan proved that premium content – matched with data and insights – produced across all media platforms is the most powerful combination for creating audience connections. I am thrilled Brendan chose Pantheon and Grazia as his next home upon returning to the United States.”

Monaghan joins Jillian Maxwell, Grazia USA’s Chief Revenue Officer, and David Thielebeule, Editor in Chief and Chief Creative Officer of the U.S. edition. Both will now report to Mr. Monaghan.

“I am thrilled to be a part of Grazia‘s exciting global expansion plans, and to join Jillian and her team. Grazia is one the of the most iconic and most powerful brands in the world, and I am honored to be a part of taking it to new heights. The opportunities that lie ahead have no ceiling,” said Brendan Monaghan, Executive Vice President and Global Chief Brand Officer of PMG.



Pantheon Media Group (PMG) is an independent next-generation media company that brings one of the most prestigious fashion magazines, born in Italy in 1938, to the biggest fashion market in the world. PMG is the exclusive publisher of Grazia USA, a global digital-first platform with a quarterly 400-page print edition due out in September 2021.