
Grazia launches a special Issue: Riaccendiamo i desideri

What do Italians most desire after months of lockdown? The magazine edited by Silvia Grilli has carried out an exclusive survey

A project that underlines the strengths of a brand that reaches its audience in a circular and complete way: from the magazine to social media, and from the web site to digital out of home circuit

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 20 international editions, is on newsstands this week with a special issue: Riaccendiamo i desideri (Rekindling desires).

What are Italians dreaming about after the months of the coronavirus emergency? Thanks to an exclusive survey and in the words of influential personalities, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli reveals what our desires and ambitions for this summer are.

“During the lockdown, we only wanted one thing: to be safe and to protect our families. The shops were closed, the restaurants too, we couldn’t travel, not even to go and visit our grandparents. All of our normal freedoms were sacrificed on the higher altar of safety. Then, slowly, Italy started to re-open almost everything. With many restrictive measures and precautions, but we could g back to visiting relatives and friends, to travel and go shopping, we will soon also be able to dance again, in the open air. And Italians have discovered that they are happy to meet again. In fact, this special issue of Grazia is dedicated to our desires and the joy in rediscovering them. We are not all the same, thank heavens. There are those who during the lockdown have reconfigured their priorities, discovering that they want another life. Others, meanwhile, couldn’t wait to pick up where they left off. Some have written that the coronavirus has made us better. I don’t think so. However, for sue it has made us understand better who we are and what we want,” writes the editor Silvia Grilli in her editorial.

In this special issue Miriam Leone confides that she spent the lockdown reflecting on her ambitions and the possibility of a different pace of life. The magazine also met Diego Della Valle, president of the Tod’s group, who outlines his vision for the months we can expect after the emergency and talks about the opportunities to seize in order to give a leg up to Italian creativity. And, naturally, there are voices from politics: the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Paola De Micheli, talks about the hope required to give new life to Italy.

And among the desires is a new way of living at home, with the rediscovery of intimacy during the pandemic: so emerging designers tell Grazia about new projects. And, above all, among the big desires there is fashion, which, in this week’s Grazia, focuses more than ever on imagination and the joy of living.

With this new project Grazia further enhances the path it has taken during the lockdown and confirms its role as a unique, multichannel brand, able to reach its audience with a complete and circular communication: dal magazine ai social network, from the magazine to social media, and from the web site to the Mediamond DOOH circuit

Grazia special issues

With the Torneremo ad Abbracciarci issue and initiative in March, Grazia wanted to underline a virtual embrace between China and Italy: not merely hope for a new spring, but also a symbol of sisterhood between populations. A special issue which, in the midst of the emergency, brought together testimonies of positivity and energy, of human warmth and strength, of hope and gratitude; an issue that gave space to both celebrities and readers on social media and gathered messages from the editors of the magazine’s 20 international editions to Italy and the world. But Grazia is also fashion: and on the pages of Torneremo ad abbracciarci Grazia China dedicated a photo shoot to Italy with the wish that the country would quickly overcome the difficult moment it was going through. Along with digital operations, the issue recorded 50,000 downloads and +70% in copies, compared with the previous issue.

Subsequently, in May, it was #Facciamocisentire, a campaign launched on social media to ensure that the emergency would not undermine women’s rights campagna. Numerous personalities signed up to the campaign, including faces from the word of fashion, politics, cinema and entertainment, and, in just a few days, achieving a reach of 75 million users.

With the recent Non dimentichiamoci del Pianeta issue, Grazia brought together experts and activists so that the battle against global warming doesn’t fall into second place, given that, after Covid-19, countries everywhere have been reassessing their priorities.

Instagram live

The very popular Instagram live events have been, and continue to be very successful, in which the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli interviews personalities from the cinema and fashion, including cover stars such as  Elisa Maino (with an average of 5000 followers linked during the live show).

DOOH Mediamond

The desire to get back to normal will also give rise to an editorial initiative that will involve selected partners: #iovorrei (I would like). An ode to joy and personal gratification that also takes in the finally rediscovered possibility to get back in touch with our favourite brands. And in order to interpret this collective desire to get back into the world Grazia will extend the visibility of the initiative across the territory, close to some of the most iconic sites of Milan, using the Mediamond DOOH circuit. Four imposing led walls that are part of the company’s external visibility circuit will feature content related to the initiative, in other central areas of the city: Gae Aulenti, Tortona, San Babila and Garibaldi. Coverage of the city of Milan confirms the brand’s capacity to be close to the community during the rediscovery of the territory and of shopping.

Maturità 2020: for 59% of those interviewed by this year the state exam will be easier. But 27% of users have changed their post-diploma plans

Online the new exam anthem by Lorenzo Baglioni and a best of luck special to all candidates from YouTuber Eleonora Gaggero

For 500,000 Italian students, tomorrow sees the start of the much anticipated Maturità – the final year high school diploma exams – that will also be the first experiment of being back in the classroom after months of distance learning. But it will be a first for the state exam and very different from the past, in that it will be held according to the new rules dictated by the health emergency and, above all, will involve only the oral exam., a digital point of reference in Italy for the world of education, asked over 10,000 users of the site what they thought about the upcoming exams: for 59% of the interviewees the exam will be easier, while 41% think it will be more difficult. So, an exam that is seen as a relief for Italian students, followed, however, by a more complex autumn. In fact, some 27% of students, say that they have changed their plans for September because of the Covid-19 emergency: 7% have given up the idea of studying away from home, a further 7% will no longer take up study options abroad, while 13% have changed their minds about which type of course to follow.

Data from the survey show that those finishing high school in 2020 expect an exam based on what they have actually studied: and 18% are convinced that the multi-disciplinary path previously defined with teachers will help them to face the most difficult test, the oral exam.


Helping Italian students prepare for and pass this important milestone for more than 20 years,, the Mondadori Group brand, with over 4.3 million monthly users on Audiweb and a Facebook page with around 500,000 fans, supports students with updates and news, replies to their most frequently asked questions, video lessons and new podcasts on the syllabus of the last year of high school which, in one month, has totalled 100,000 downloads. has also developed the format TG Maturità, a schedule of live Facebook events in which teachers and experts alternate providing advice on how to prepare and face the exam.


Lorenzo Baglioni, the artist with a degree in mathematics, and Elia Bombardelli, a maths teacher, very popular on YouTube, have produced a highly entertaining double-interview for the social media profiles of ( talking to candidates about the exam and on the subject of mathematics, together with useful advice and suggestions. Plus,  Lorenzo Baglioni has added a lighter touch with a new version of the song  Maturandi, this musical project, a co-production with, last year became the anthem of the  Maturità (with more than di 1 million listens on the web and on social media), out in this new form with a special dedication to all those who will take the  exam in 2020, in the middle of considerable adversity.

Finally, this afternoon, on the social medial channels of (Facebook and Youtube), an exceptional student will send her special best of luck wishes, live to all candidates: Eleonora Gaggero, class of 2001, YouTuber, actress and writer, who herself will be facing the maxi oral exam of the  Maturità 2020.


Chi reinforces its editorial offer

From the magazine and social media to podcasts: leading personalities close up, with more space for feelings and detailed and authentic accounts

Chi, the people magazine edited by Alfonso Signorini, is reinforcing its formula and, on newsstands from tomorrow, will appear to readers with a new look with the most beautiful love stories, exclusive scoops, leading personalities, news investigations and background.

The feelings and emotions that everyone can identify with will be even more at the heart of Chi; a narrative dimension that starts in the magazine and extends across all of its digital platforms. In line with the new formula, from 10 June, the Mondadori Group weekly will launch #storiedamore (love stories): a new editorial project that celebrates love in all its forms, with the exclusive participation of personalities from television and the world of entertainment. Every week, a different story will be covered, not only on the pages of  Chi but also on the brand’s Instagram and Facebook profiles, with interviews with the most popular celebrities and, for the first time, in a podcast series, in which it will be the voices of the protagonists themselves that will talk about previously unpublished aspects of their emotional lives that will engage and move the audience.

“Even more feelings: this is the principal guideline of the new magazine, and what readers of Chi most frequently ask us for. Emotions will run alongside accounts of personalities most in view, with their stories, experience and a rediscovery of the pleasure of more detailed and authentic storytelling,” announced the editor of Chi, Alfonso Signorini.

The first subject of #storiedamore and the cover story of the revamped Chi will be the editor himself, Alfonso Signorini: the first to step up to the plate and reveal an intimate part of his life, in this case his special relationship with and great love for his mother.

Chi also takes a look beyond the jet set and the entertainment world, with much more attention to features and news investigations.

There are also five new thematic supplements that will accompany the publication of upcoming issues, starting this week with the free Chi Weddings Special: a much-anticipated collectors issue now in its fifth edition, with pages dedicated to the weddings of Italian and international celebrities who have pronounced a romantic “I do” in the last year. This will be followed by specials dedicated to Cooking, with recipes from starred-chefs (on newsstands from 17 June), the Animals of the stars and their offspring (on newsstands from 24 June), Travel and holiday destinations with exceptional guides (on newsstands from 1 July),  Beauty with loads of secret tips and suggestions to make the best of yourself (on newsstands from 15 July).

The re-launch of Chi will be supported by a communication campaign planned across various channels: TV and radio commercials, on air from 10 June of Mediaset channels and RadioMediaset stations, press, digital, social media and large-scale retail.

The planned total print run for the next 4 issues of Chi will be 1 million copies.

A further push will be given to the social media strategy of Chi: on Instagram, which has now reached 400,000 followers and is the people publishing brand with the highest level of engagement in Italy (Source: Storyclash). The profile offers real-time accounts of the world of Italian and international celebrities, with a special focus on those most popular with millennials, who make up 70% of the followers (Source: Iconosquare).

“The greatest satisfaction comes from having reached a new audience, completely different from the magazine’s traditional target, of the magazine and to have brought them closer to the Chi brand,” declared Massimo Borgnis, executive deputy editor of Chi.

The double live interview format, #CasaChi, during the months of lockdown, has been a regular daily appointment, with an average audience of over 50,000 users for each live feed (Source: Instagram Insight).


On the occasion of the Environment and the Oceans Days, Grazia presents a special Issue ‘Non dimentichiamoci del Pianeta’

Il magazine ha chiamato a raccolta esperti e attivisti per ricordare che il surriscaldamento globale è una battaglia che non può essere rimandata

Grazia, il magazine del Gruppo Mondadori diretto da Silvia Grilli, da sempre portavoce di temi di attualità, lancia il numero speciale dal titolo Non dimentichiamoci del pianeta. Un numero in cui Grazia ha chiamato a raccolta esperti e attivisti affinché la battaglia e l’impegno contro il surriscaldamento globale non passino in secondo piano, dopo che il Covid-19 ha costretto tutti gli Stati a rivedere le loro priorità.

“Durante la quarantena abbiamo visto la natura ripren­dere i suoi spazi, i cieli ritornare tersi, gli animali circolare in città, i parchi diventare rigogliosi, il mare improvvisamente cristallino. L’assenza di traffico ha aiutato il taglio delle emissioni ma, con la fase 2, le macchine hanno ripopolato le nostre città, la plastica di mascherine e guanti riaffollato l’ambiente e il monouso tanto sotto accusa prima del Covid-19 è ritornato ora la regola. Il 5 giugno è la Giornata mondiale dell’Ambiente e l’8 quella degli Oceani, dedicata ai mari minacciati dalla plastica e dall’inquinamento. Noi di Grazia abbiamo colto le ricorrenze per creare questo numero speciale e ricordare ai leader mondiali l’impegno di proteggere l’ambiente”, ha dichiarato il direttore Silvia Grilli.

Tra le tante interviste in questo numero speciale i lettori troveranno l’opinione di Greta Thunberg, l’ecoattivista che ha portato il mondo in piazza per chiedere misure urgenti per l’ambiente. Poi l’emergenza sanitaria ha rallentato la sua campagna e lei stessa si è ammalata. Ora, però, la 17enne svedese è pronta per la sua nuova sfida: «Surriscaldamento globale e Covid», dice a Grazia «sono due crisi che devono essere gestite insieme».

Solo nel prossimo mese nel mondo verranno usati almeno mezzo miliardo di guanti monouso e un miliardo di mascherine. Una quantità di plastica che, se non smaltita correttamente, inquinerà città e mari. Esperti e attivisti spiegano al magazine come evitare il danno ecologico.

E ancora il tema dell’eco-femminismo: dalle attiviste africane che piantano alberi alle paladine della Foresta Amazzonica. Perché dove le donne rivendicano i loro diritti anche la protezione dell’ambiente fa un passo avanti.

Grazia accompagnerà le lettrici tra parchi naturali e riserve marine dove l’uomo ha rinunciato a sfruttare il patrimonio naturale: un viaggio nel Corcovado, una piccola Amazzonia nel cuore dell’America Centrale, dove piante e animali vivono in armonia lontani da minacce e inquinamento.

Il magazine racconta in questo numero i nuovi professionisti, figli della rivoluzione ecologica: giovani agricoltori che coltivano grazie a un’app, ingegneri che progettano palazzi capaci di produrre energia invece di consumarla, maghi della matematica che proteggono chi vive nelle aree a rischio studiando il clima.

Trovano spazio anche le creative digitali più influenti, pronte a curare il mondo con un nuovo stile, coloro che usano Instagram per parlare di abiti, cosmetici e cibo sostenibile e lanciano sfide ambientali ai follower.

«Magari non sarò io a cambiare la terra, ma farò di tutto perché ci riesca mio figlio Leo» dice Alessandro Gassmann Grazia. Lo abbiamo visto fare la raccolta differenziata, pulire le strade di Roma e lanciare appelli contro chi sottovaluta i disastri ambientali. L’attore si confida con il settimanale cercando di fare un bilancio al termine di questo periodo di lockdown con uno sguardo ai tempi che verranno.

Milano dovrebbe diventare una città dove ciò che serve sia raggiungibile in meno di 15 minuti, con quartieri organizzati come piccole metropoli e nuovi modi di vivere gli spazi aperti. Il sindaco Giuseppe Sala parla a Grazia delle trasformazioni, tecnologiche ed ecologiche, necessarie all’indomani della pandemia. E spiega perché ha dedicato un libro ai cittadini che con le loro azioni cambiano il mondo in meglio.

Anche Sylvia Earle, pioniera delle oceanografe lancia il suo messaggio e a Grazia dice: «La Terra ha infinite risorse: se smettiamo di abusarne, si riprenderà».  Così come Joaquin Phoenix, attore premio Oscar e anche eco attivista che non si ferma mai. Durante l’emergenza coronavirus ha distribuito pasti vegani, chiesto di adottare mucche e denunciato gli allevamenti intensivi e i mercati di carne. «Perché la vita di ogni essere vivente», dice, «è connessa a quella di tutta la Terra.

In questo numero speciale non mancano moda e bellezza Eco: un servizio dedicato ai capi naturali scattato al Giardino botanico di Adelaide in Australia e una rubrica con gli accessori realizzati con la paglia, corda e  tela. La sezione della bellezza suggerisce alle lettrici i prodotti che tengono conto dell’ambiente sulla base di studi e progetti a salvaguardia di coltivazioni e specie in pericolo.

Great news about INTERNI for June 2020: a new daily digital format “INTERNI DESIGN JOURNAL” plus a special print edition

Milan, 3 June 2020 – From this month INTERNI will enhance and complete its communication system with a new daily digital formatINTERNI Design Journal, that will address current issues, analysed from a design perspective. But this is not the only thing that’s new in June: there will also be a special print edition dedicated to all of the new products that we could have discovered both inside and outside the Salone Del Mobile, an issue that underlines the great enthusiasm and close attention that the magazine edited by  Gilda Bojardi gives not only to design but also to the creative energies of companies and designers.

“INTERNI believes in the strength of the entire value chain of design and this rich programme of editorial initiatives is the proof,” declared the editor Gilda Bojardi. “we like to think that the rebirth of the great tradition of Italian design will start also from here, from a unique plurality of expression to which we will always attempt to give voice and reflect its rich heterogeneity.”

INTERNI Design Journal

Online from this week will be Interni Design Journal, an innovative digital format in Italian and English, which can be accessed from the home page of the web site conveyed through a system of newsletters. Each day, a key word and an issue of particular interest will be presented, examined by taking the opinion of an authoritative name and a journalistic survey, as well as a design analysis of five new products along with multimedia background with interviews with designers and entrepreneurs. The content of Interni Design Journal is curated by Laura Traldi, a professional journalist and a long-time collaborator of the magazine.


The June issue of INTERNI offers a 70-page feature which presents what’s new in 2020 from the home, furnishing, kitchen, bathroom and lighting sectors. In addition to the 200 products – all published in preview – there are the contributions of 102 entrepreneurs and 70 designers who, in exclusively for the magazine, express their views on a series of important arguments: the strategies required for the recovery of the furniture industry, the values we need to pursue to protect and consolidate the leadership of Made in Italy, the big issue on which our future will depend. Enhancing this important selection of direct testimony, are critical texts by cultural operator Davide Rampello, the economist Stefano Micelli, and the sociologist Aldo Bonomi. Three different points of view that share a single strong conviction: that in order to ensure a virtuous reconstruction, the Italian System must focus on its intrinsic values, on a “made-to-measure” model, able to combine digital innovation with the great analogue-artisan tradition of Made in Italy.

These initiatives will be supported by a communication campaign across a range of media:  newspapers, magazine e web.

The June issue of INTERNI will be available on newsstands from 5 June.

For more information, please go to:

Donna Moderna chooses the Estetista Cinica as its cover face, the businesswoman who has revolutionised the way we talk to women about beauty

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, has chosen as this week’s cover face Cristina Fogazzi, the digital businesswoman, better known as the Estetista Cinica (the cynical beautician).

With her engaging, empathetic and honest style and sincere professionalism, in less than five years she has managed to become a point of reference for women for beauty matters.
Cristina Fogazzi has revolutionised the way we talk about beauty to women and in the pages of Donna Moderna she talks authentically and even becomes an exclusive protagonist of a fashion shoot and for the first time is the face on the cover of an Italian women’s magazine.

Her story, her beauty tips and her wonderful sincerity will also feature in an unmissable appointment with the editor of  Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda: a multicast live streaming event on the magazine’s Instagram profile and Facebook page, scheduled for Thursday 4 June at 3 pm. The live show with the Estetista Cinica will also be available on demand on social networks and the magazine’s web site.

“With this issue we’re back, after the lockdown, to shooting cover photos for the magazine. And we have chosen Cristina Fogazzi, a businesswoman who represents and symbolises the re-start, thanks to her ability to continuously renew her business. And because she has demonstrated that it is possible to do business in the world of beauty by telling women the truth, and without making them feel inadequate. And, more generally, because her story shows us that if you really have the wellbeing of your staff at heart, you can go anywhere,” said Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

As she explains to Donna ModernaCristina Fogazzi declared herself a “cynic” when she started to do what no one in the beauty business had dared to do, precisely, to tell the truth about creams and treatments: “We did the opposite of what the beauty business does. We gathered our customers by not making them feel inadequate or to blame for their flaws. At the same time, we told them the truth about the effectiveness of treatments. And it worked. Then I put this way of communicating online: with the creation of the Estetista Cinica blog.”

In 2016 she began to give beauty advice also to the readers of Donna Moderna in a column of beauty tips.
She also published, in collaboration with Dr Enrico Motta, the book Guida cinica alla cellulite (A cynical guide to cellulite), which has just been re-published with a new cover in an updated edition by Oscar Bestsellers (Mondadori).

In her interview with Donna Moderna, Cristina Fogazzi also talks about the future of her company and the value of the territory, form a business perspective: In fact, she produces her products in the Brescia area, where she was born and still lives. “My friends are here. And this is where we have the production side.” And, she underlines, “This is not just my company, it’s my story.”

She showed great attention and a sense of responsibility to this area also during the lockdown when, as she tells the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, she started promoting small local businesses simply and spontaneously.
Her way of doing business reflects her personality and goes against the grain of traditional business, and not without criticism. “Or so it seems. But if being a certain type of businesswoman means that I have to betray the kind of person I chose to be, I won’t do it. I will remain a small businesswoman. However, in the meantime, I have been on the cover of Donna Moderna,” she concludes.

Donna Moderna, the brand of reference in the women’s segment, is an ecosystem that, thanks to a unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony, stories and live daily coverage, is always at the side of its readers and their needs. Through the magazine and its web channels, it reaches a total net audience of 14 million users every month (media impact data fusion December 2019 based on Audiweb and Audipress figures), to which should be added over 2 million fans on social media with 1.4 million monthly interactions (Source: Sensemakers Maggio 2020).

Grazia from tomorrow on newsstands with a special #Facciamocisentire

The magazine has lauched a campaign to promote women's rights under threat from the emergency

Lots of interviews, contributions and first-hand accounts with and from influential personalities such as Emma Bonino, Giovanna Botteri, Elena Bonetti, Anna Foglietta, Rose McGowan, Annalena Benini and many more

Grazia, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, has developed a series of initiatives to support all those women who before, after and during the lockdown have taken on professional and family commitments and now risk being left out of the labour market. And it is to these topics that Grazia has dedicated an extraordinary issue #Facciamocisentire – on newsstands from tomorrow Thursday 21 May – and a campaign launched on social media to ensure that he current health and economic emergency does not undermine women’s rights.

“Let’s be honest: women are not angels. Though this is how we have been figuratively represented and depicted during the lockdown. Angels of the hearth, while we hold the family together, angels in hospitals where we make up 80% of health workers; angels of the supermarket, where we continue to comprise the majority of workers. And whiles these so-called ‘angels’ continued to work outside or at a distance, sacrificing themselves with children, husbands, aging parents, government-appointed task forces – made up only of men – forgot about us.  Because you can’t re-open Italy while keeping the schools closed. You can’t hold back female employment giving to women the role of assistance for the country. We mustn’t let the crisis become an excuse for depriving us of the rights that have been won with such difficulty. Let’s fight to honour our ambitions and liberate our dreams. We mustn’t continue to ask women to give up a part of themselves. From a great crisis it is possible to ensure that a greater awareness is born along with a country where there is more equality between men and women,” declared Silvia Grilli in her editorial.

In the special issue #Facciamocisentire (Let’s Make Ourselves Heard) Grazia has brought together first-hand stories and suggestions from readers on how to create a more equal school system; how to encourage girls and young women who too often withdraw from the competition for fear of making mistakes, how to bring up a female generation that sees power as something positive. And it also tries to understand how to involve Italian men in all this. Because women will win this battle only by convincing everyone that the sharing of duties and power between the sexes will be of benefit to men, women and the good of the country.

This is also what Senator Emma Bonino thinks, and she tells Grazia about how many women during the lockdown had to live with aggressive partners, but only a few asked for help and some lost their lives. The emergency, the Senator tells the magazine, risks silencing rights that were acquired only after years of battles. To avoid this, we need a cultural revolution that also involves and includes men.

International studies confirm that the gender gap in our country is widening. The Minster for Equal Opportunities, Elena Bonetti, explains how we can build a better society starting from the family, school textbooks and the labour market.

Grazia also publishes an account by journalist and writer Annalena Benini, who writes about the way in which the lockdown has unmasked a misapprehension:  women, brought up to be generous, doubled down with home and children. Men, whenever they tried, seemed like heroes. But the disparity between such efforts, the journalist explains, should open our eyes. Because women should now have the courage to present the bill.

In the pages of the special issue #Facciamocisentire there is also the voice of Rose McGowan, one of the first to accuse American film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual abuse. She had to sell everything, including her home, to pay for her lawyers. But the courage of this actress led to a movement that has revolutionised the world. Now she has produced an album of music to help people overcome their fears, including those concerning the pandemic. “Since I put myself out there,” she explained to Grazia, “I have learned that it is during crises that we can reconfigure our existence.”

Another woman who has been much talked about as a result of being the subject of sexist insults is Giovanna Botteri, the RAI correspondent in Beijing. She tells Grazia about her experience among the courageous women of Sarajevo, among small children under bombardment in Baghdad, in the America of Obama and Trump, and in China in the time of coronavirus. And why, as she writes, she prefers to ignore the looks of disapproval and go straight to where life is flowing more energetically.

During the pandemic actress Anna Foglietta rolled up her sleeves, oversaw her three children as the played and did their homework and saved her husband who was working from home for any inconvenience and disturbance. She did it because it came naturally, then she realised how much it was taken for granted that this is what she should do. And in her diary for Grazia she explains how it is only when tasks in the home are shred that a woman can claim to be free to be herself.

Behind the name Claire Fontaine is a couple that loves to be provocative and make us reflect on equality between the sexes. Like when, in Paris, they installed feminist slogans during an important fashion show. Grazia asked them to imagine how artists could change the relationship between men and women. While also the designers featured in the Architecture Biennale 2020 try to imagine the future of homes with and after Covid-19.

The economist Veronica De Romanis explains to Grazia why our country, in order to restart, has desperate need of quotas to put the right women in command.  During the emergency women worked from home, took care of families and suffered the closure of the schools. But were excluded from the decision-making process.

The magazine also spoke to some leading female scientific researchers: “Often we just wait for others to recognise our qualities. But now we want to make ourselves heard,” they say after the inclusion of six female scientists on the government’s emergency coronavirus task force.

In Italy fathers are changing and are more involved than before. But male power remains dominant. Why is that? Psychiatrist Paolo Crepet tells Grazia about a country in which the army is made up of women, but the generals are all men. And explains that if we really had a meritocracy, we would need much more than ‘pink’ quotas.

The special will also go ‘viral’, trought a Digital PR campaign with the hashtag #FacciamociSentire.

Also this year the maturità is with

Available online podcasts for graduating students with audio tips to revise literature and history and prepare for the exam

Italian high school students will this year face quite different final year exams starting from 17 June. The health emergency means there will be extraordinary rules for the much-anticipated exams: the traditional written tests will not take place and all students will face an oral exam in a new format, in front of a commission on internal members, while respecting the social distancing rules foreseen by the MIUR.

And once again, supporting Italian students as they prepare the maturità will be, the Mondadori Group brand, leader in Italy in the digital area in the world of Education with over 4.3 million users per month according to Audiweb and a Facebook page with around 500,000 fans, and which, for more than 20 years, has been helping high school students to get through this important exam.

In recent months has continued to support students who have been kept away from school. With a wide offer of content on its web site and on social media, this has allowed students to have material available for distance learning and to continue their preparation for the final year exam, known in Italy as the maturità. Fundamental teaching resources in this time of virtual lessons, as is confirmed by an online survey made by the brand on a sample of some 3 thousand young people at the end of March. According to both the interviewees and teachers, all of the material available online and on the most common audio and video platforms and useful tools to facilitate distance learning.

Podcasts: new tools for students
The offer of resources and material on has been expanded with a new, practical and easy to use teaching tool: Te Lo Spiega, (Let explain) the brand’s exclusive podcasts for final year students. Every week, four tips focusing on the syllabus of Italian and History, to help students form all streams to revise ahead of the oral exam or an assignment with the main points of a topic or mini biographies of leading figures who have left their mark on history. In just five minutes you can revise an author like Cesare Pavese, a work like Il fu Mattia Pascal or a literary movement, such as the Decadent Movement. But you can also learn what was discovered by Marie Curie, who Charles Darwin was or what happened on 9 November 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down. To these can be added those dedicated to the guides for preparing the maturità, where, for example, students can listen again to how to analyse a text or the techniques for improving your memory of what you are studying.
The technology partner of in the creation of this new content is Spreaker, Italy’s leading platform for the creation, distribution and monetisation of podcasts, conceived for beginner and professional podcasters, and for publishers and companies who want to include podcasts as a tool in their communication strategy.
The Te Lo Spiega podcasts have already been reached 100,000 downloads per month 100 across all of the most popular platforms used by kids and are among the content recommended by Spotify and Google. A result that confirms that listening to audio series is now a fast-growing trend, even among the younger generations: in fact, according to Spreaker the average monthly listener figures for podcasts in Italy  has grown by 50% between December 2019 and March 2020, and podcasts linked to “Education” are always the most popular.

Growing numbers
With its material in support of the world of school, from background materials produced by teachers to conceptual maps, summaries of dissertations and exam guides to podcasts, was able to respond immediately to the need for distance learning in recent months and provide support for students facing the final exam.  The figures for April demonstrate this success and once again confirm the brand’s success, with an increase in traffic of 50% compared with the same period last year. In this period of virtual lessons it has been the teachers themselves that have suggested to their students the resources of and the boom in traffic shows that users recognise the reliability and authoritativeness of the available content. has also again confirmed its position as leader in search engines for the most important keywords related to the maturità including, maturità 2020, maturità oral exam, paths to maturità and dissertations.

The community on social media
But the team is also supporting final year students on social media, providing information and news about the new form of the exam and helping them to measure up and find solutions to problems related to organisation and teaching. The Facebook page has reached almost 500,000 fans with a group dedicated to the Maturità 2020, to which has been added a new group on Telegram.
To support students in the weeks immediately before the exam and in June during the exam period, the team has developed a format called TG Maturità. This is a programme of live Facebook events to give examinees updates and news about the exams and replies to their most frequent questions. There will also be contributions from a number of guests who will help the candidates with last-minute doubts so that they can calmly face their exam preparation.

The success of the YouTube channel
There has also been a great success for the Youtube channel which has doubled the number of views, thanks to the development of new formats, which join the more traditional video notes. From StudentTalk to StudentTea and tutorials for the oral exam: a series of videos offering useful suggestions and advice for students beyond the didactic content. And then, of course, there is also the participation of authentic stars of digital education, such as Elia Bombardelli with her lessons in mathematics.

After the exams accompanies students also after the exams, supporting them as they decide on their next steps, with content and targeted tests to orientate their choices and the creation of ad hoc Facebook groups such as Orientamento Università and Test medicina a numero chiuso, which to date have 27,000 and 40,000 members respectively. This is where students can exchange ideas on the best choices for their future, as well as a place to find information about universities, entry tests and receive the latest news on other issues of interest.


Grazia a special Issue on newsstands: ‘Che mondo sarà’

Leading figures outline future scenarios
From Bill and Melinda Gates to Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, the Rector of Bocconi University to Cristina Comencini, Giuseppe Culicchia, Letizia Muratori, Vandana Shiva and many more

Across the world, the pandemic has faced us with a new normal, comprised of social distancing, and new rules to protect ourselves and others. But what will the coming months be like as we await the discovery of a vaccine? Grazia, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, tries to offer its readers some answers with the help of a range of authoritative voices.

Starting with two of the world’s leading funders of research, Bill and Melinda Gates, who have donated an unprecedented sum to finding a vaccine against Covid-19 and become a global point of reference. But the couple is looking further ahead, and the philanthropists explain Grazia when we will overcome the emergency and which of the innovations of this period will help to protect us from future epidemics.

But Grazia is also fashion, so the designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana talk about the future that awaits Made in Italy and for which they are ready.

A new vision of the future of our school system comes from Gianmario Verona, economist and Rector of Milan’s Bocconi University who outlines how the pandemic has modernised Italian universities which are now planning the next step forward.

The Mondadori Group magazine has also collected opinions on the future of the arts and cinema. Film director Cristina Comencini tells Grazia that only when we can go back to cinemas, after months of watching films and series on TV, will we understand how much we have missed the big screen, Because, as she explains, sharing stories with others will have a new meaning. Above all if they are stories about how we have been reborn after the pandemic.

Other leading names include Giuseppe Culicchia who, for Grazia, a tomorrow of many unknowns and a certainty: that we will continue to look in books for what we miss in reality, because he is convinced that with the practice we’ve gained from the restrictions it will be as if we are in a maze in which each one of us will have to find our way and accept a new kind of normality.

Also Letizia Muratori says that our experience of home isolation has been like living in an eternal present and as the restrictions are lifted, the writer tells Grazia, we will have to discover how to live in a smaller and more protected reality, in which there will be Perspex panels and looking into the eyes of others will be a different experience.

Behind a world turned upside down and the spread of the coronavirus there is male domination. This is the view of the Indian environmentalist Vandana Shiva, who, in order to build a different future, asks for a handover of power: from men, accustomed to the unrestrained exploitation of nature, to a female balance that takes account of every aspect of creation.

This special issue of Grazia also features contributions from the influencer Marta Pozzan, music producer David Guetta, manager Luca Finardi as well as the managers of a number of international schools in Italy who are examining the positive experiences of their sister schools around the world.

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, available around the world in 20 international editions and a voice for style and news, is on the frontline with a series of extraordinary issues that deal with big topics and the #facciamocisentire (#LetsMakeOurselvesHeard) campaign in favour of gender equality in a moment in which it is under threat. In fact, the magazine is strongly supporting the women who during the health and economic crisis are more than eve on the frontline and risk being forgotten, when they really need to be heard.


New record digital audience for the Mondadori Group

A result driven in particular by GialloZafferano which has recorded almost 23 million unique users per month and by Donna Moderna and Mypersonaltrainer, unchallenged leaders in their respective segments

The Mondadori Group confirms its position as Italy’s leading digital publisher: Comscore data for March shows that the Group’s brands are in first place, with a total audience of almost 33 million unique users per month. The reach rises to 84% of the online population, with a peak of 91% among women, corresponding to almost 18 women across Italy.

The figures show that it is not only news that has been rewarded in this period of emergency, but also content related to the passions and interests of Italians, and for which the brands of the Mondadori Group are a point of reference, both in print and in digital.

This success is also confirmed by continuously growing results of social networks. In the months of March and April the combined fanbase of Mondadori’s media brands grew more than 1.7 million people overall, with more than 700,000 new fans on Facebook, over 500,000 new followers on Instagram and 200,000 users on Youtube. Today, the combination of all the communities of the Group’s brands across the various social media platforms totals some 33 million people.

This breakthrough has been achieved, in particular, thanks to the results of certain brands who are now established as authentic protagonists in the lives of Italians and leaders in the vertical segments of food, women and wellness.
A leading role that is confirmed by Comscore data and also supported by the results of the Scenario Media 2020 research, recently elaborated by Mondadori Lab on 3,000 representative Italian users. The rich and varied offer of content in the magazines, live events on social media and other web initiatives and projects, has enables the Mondadori Group to remain lose to its readers and users and be rewarded with significantly rising numbers. In fact, these are results that, once again, underscore the strong links between the brands and their communities and a capacity to continue to put people and their interest at the centre.

The biggest success has been achieved by GialloZafferano which has recorded an absolute all-time record in terms of audience of 22.9 million unique users per month and a 59% reach di (Source: Comscore March 2020), a 40% increase in monthly users compared with the previous record in December 2019.
This outstanding result by GialloZafferano is also confirmed in the weekly data of Audiweb which, in March recorded an average of over 12.5 million weekly unique users, an increase of 100% compared with the pre-lockdown period. Plus, on the day before EasterGialloZafferano recorded another new daily record, with over 4.5 million daily unique users.
According to the Food Media Brand analysis, produced by Mondadori Lab, GialloZafferano is the undisputed leader among media brands on the media web, TV and print, in the kitchen and the hearts of Italians. In fact, more than one in two people consider it an unmissable point of reference in the kitchen. Moreover, for more than 90% of interviewees it is the top brand for assisted knowledge, reaching 55% in top of mind recognition, being cited spontaneously first among cooking brands by more than one in two of the sample. All of these metrics show that GialloZafferano is the leading brand, further confirmation of its role as the point of reference.

Another important result has been recorded by Donna Moderna which, thanks to a winning mix of stories, live events on social media and practical advice, is once again the brand leader in the women’s segment, with 14.4 million unique users per month (Source: Comscore March 2020). In addition, the Scenario Media survey shows that for 47% of the sample Donna Moderna is the top of mind brand in the women’s segment and the number one brand for assisted knowledge both in print (94%) and online (78%). Donna Moderna is described as useful, complete and a product that the sample trusts and which is able to meet their needs

In the health and wellness segment, Mypersonaltraineis shown to be a point of reference for Italians in terms of health and wellness, reaching an audience of 14.4 unique users per month (Source: Comscore March 2020).