
Focus Junior for schools

Every day on the web site and on social networks background materials and workshops for kids

Focus Junior, the Mondadori Group magazine that is a point of reference in the world of kids, has launch a daily programme of content to support and entertain children kept away from school by the current health emergency.

Science, history, technology, fun and games: every day on the web site – which reaches an audience of over 500,000 unique users every month (Source: Audiweb, January 2020) – and the Facebook and Instagram social network channels, Focus Junior offers a range of background materials, creative activities and brand new experiments, in line with the brand’s characteristic edutainment philosophy, which aims to stimulate and engage children while having fun.

Like a real day at school, starting at 9 in the morning, with news and the facts of the day, continuing at 11 am with revision of the rules of mathematics and grammar.

At 1 pm and then at 7 pm, background materials in Italian, maths, history, science, with a wealth of curiosities to discover.

At 4 pm, it’s time for creativity with special workshops: videos led by Focus Junior experts, with a range of ideas for things to try at home to exploit manual skills and learn new things, from Harry Potter’s magic potion, which involves chemical reactions, to the construction of a video projector to recreate a little cinema in your bedroom, and much more.

The kids are also invited to talk about their daily activities at home on video, a selection of which will be posted each day on the Instagram profile of Focus Junior.


Grazia: on the cover top model Stella Maxwell wearing a face mask


Grazia is the first in Italy to feature a model with a face mask

The magazine is supporting women who, during the health and economic crisis, are more than ever on the front line and risking to be ignored while what they want is to be heard

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, is the first Italian title to feature a model on the cover wearing a face mask.  The model Stella Maxwell, well-known for her anti-conformist lifestyle, is the protagonist of a real and highly relevant shot. “Fashion,” says Stella, “has always helped to overcome difficulties and also in this health emergency it can do so again.”

Grazia, Italy’s leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 20 international editions, and the voice of style and news, in the issue on newsstands from tomorrow has given space to a journalistic investigation and campaign aimed at ensuring that the emergency does not become a pretext for setting aside the freedoms that women have gained. The investigation explores the forced return of women to the home in a period when schools are closed, with interviews with the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Emma Bonetti, the mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, the mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala, the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, the economist, Paola Profeta, and many others.

In her editorial, Silvia Grilli writes: “Visible in public places, such as hospitals and scientific laboratories, making the sacrifices of researchers, doctors and nurses. Invisible within families as they try to reconcile remote working with the duties of mother, cook, cleaner, carer of elderly relatives and teacher of children working online during school closures. In a fair world, family management would be shared equally between husbands and wives, given that it takes two to make children just as it should take two to put on the washing machine. But we know that a fairer world cannot be realised in two months, it takes years of education to achieve gender equality. From 4 May Italy will gradually reopen, while schools, kindergartens and nurseries will certainly remain closed until September. Consequently, women will remain the only social service available to deal with children and the elderly. But the problem is that nine million Italian women Italian also work outside the home. Many of us wonder how and if we can go back to work. Who will take care of the children left at home? Who will care for the elderly in the family? How many of us will be forced to resign to take on the totalizing role of the housewife?” Silvia Grilli concludes, as she launches a campaign.

Readers can share their experiences with the magazine and Grazia’s social media profiles, as well as making proposals to present to government and politicians to resolve the issues.

The issue on newsstands from tomorrow also addresses the topic of love and sex in a time of coronavirus. The government has decreed that from 4 May it will be possible to visit relatives or ‘kin’, and, apparently this refers also to “stable relationships”. But there is a certain vagueness about the term “stable relationship”, what does the decree really mean? Who decides whether a relationship is stable or not? The lockdown has obliged many of the undecideds and on-off couples to make a choice: fragile links can break, while, on the other hand, more solid ones can become stronger. The magazine has brought together a range of opinions: from the actress Bianca Nappi, to the actor and writer Paolo Stella, as well as the writer Federica Bosco and actress Federica Fracassi.

Plus: what will be the medium and long-term impact on relationships? “History shows us that, after an emergency, we tend to go back to our old habits,” observes the sexologist Gaia Polloni. “But, it’s also true that we are discovering that the online world works. The change could be quite significant.” In fact, Facebook has lost no time in launching Tuned, an app developed especially for couples living remotely.

Following the measures introduced by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte for dealing with the so-called Phase 2, Grazia also examines how we are going to deal with things such holidays, weddings and the reopening of restaurants.

But there is also space for entertainment, with interviews with the actress Cate Blanchett in lockdown, the singers Benji and Fede who are splitting, and Coco Rebecca Edogamhe, protagonist of the original new Italian series on  Netflix, Summertime, based on the book by Federico Moccia.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni confirms its role as the magazine most able to engage and unite readers and fans to artists and celebrities

At a time when television is once again the main source of entertainment for Italian families, as they remain together for long periods during the day, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is confirming its role as a point of reference for all lovers of the world of television and show business.

Italy in lockdown has seen a record rise in increasingly younger viewers, tuning in also at previously unimaginable times of the day. There is a boom in generalist TV, but there is also an increase in TV consumption in streaming and updates online, all with social networks as a powerful sharing tool.

In this scenario Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is seeing record-level growth in its online audience and expanding its offer, confirming its role as a brand uniquely able to maintain a privileged relationship with the personalities from the world of show business and its ability to create opportunities for interaction for its readers and digital fans.

“I am delighted with the results that Sorrisi, thanks to the efforts of the entire staff and digital team, is achieving,” declared Aldo Vitali, the magazine’s editor. “The current situation of social distancing has helped to make us even more dynamic, with an even greater determination to be close to our readers, users and the artistes of the world of television and show business. A renewed demonstration of the strength of our DNA; that of an authoritative brand continuously up to speed with the interests of its readers thanks to exclusive proposals available across a range of channels, from the print magazine to social networks”, Vitali concluded.

A number of initiatives have been developed by the Mondadori Group brand, starting from those on social networks:

#AcasaconSorrisi: two daily appointments on Instagram and Facebook in which the editor, Aldo Vitali, offers a brief guide to the day’s schedules, but above all brings the protagonists of the current issue into the homes of Italians with a live show on Instagram, every day at 4 pm, uncovering the more human and authentic side of celebrities. Guests of the Levante format have included, Francesco Gabbani, Francesca Michielin and J-Ax appearing exclusively for Sorrisi as well as Elettra Lamborghini, Carlo Conti, Vanessa Incontrada, and Stefano De Martino, Benedetta Parodi, Luca Argentero, Nicola Savino and a rich and continuously evolving schedule. These live celebrity slots have each generated up to 100,000 views.

But there are also ne features on the web and in the magazine: from 21 April, with Guida allo Streaming TVSorrisi will create every month a special insert for the magazine entirely dedicated to the TV offer in streaming. The insert will focus on what’s new from the major players: cinema, TV series, original content, documentaries, animated films. And to mark the occasion, the web site, will introduce a new section dedicated to the offer in streaming.

In may it will be the turn of Guida ai Filma special issue dedicated to film fans, a compass to find your way through the increasingly rich offer on all platforms, both free and paid, rental and paid digital downloads, from new releases to the most watched titles, with a vast range of information and suggestions from the editorial team.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is a brand that can remain close to its users at all times and across all available channels: something that is confirmed by the results in terms of audience. In the last week of March, the web site recorded a 70% rise in the daily number of unique users compared to an average day in January and February (Source: Audiweb Daily).

And also, an integral part of the Entertainment offer, saw an increase of 56% compared with last year.

There were also excellent result on social networks where, in the month of March, Sorrisi content reached over 7.5 million people.

The Mondadori Group brand are ever closer to readers and their families

Numerous initiatives to help and support the public to relax but also to exchange experience with premium free content and live events on social media, as well as active participation by users in the brands’ social communities

At this difficult time the Mondadori Group brands are keeping close to their readers, users and their families with initiatives across all media. The aim is to help. Support and offer moments of relaxation, by involving the public, above all on social networks, in activities related to their passions.

In particular, there are three ways in which the Group has put together initiatives to be closer and to help people in this period of emergency: free access to premium content, a schedule of simultaneous live events on social networks and the active involvement of users through the brands’ communities.

Free premium content

In order to keep up to date the magazines of the Mondadori Group is offering readers free digital subscriptions for a period of three months.

It is possible to subscribe for digital access to your favourite magazines here, choosing from some of the leading magazines in a range of segments, including: Grazia, Donna Moderna, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Chi, Focus, Focus Junior, Giallozafferano, CasaFacile, Icon, Icon Design, Interni and many more.

Plus, from Sunday it will be possible to download for free with a click the latest special issue of Grazia, “We will embrace again” from this link. In just two days, this initiative has already reached more than 30,000 people.

Live simultaneous events on the social media channels of the leading brands

Every day a live cooking demonstration with GialloZafferano, in collaboration with NostroFiglio and Focus Junior. By connecting to the brands’ Instagram, Facebook r YouTube channels, at 5 pm, users can enjoy #IoRestoACasaECucino and learn live, from the chefs of Giallo, how to put together easy meals for the whole family, and also involving kids in the preparation.

This daily appointment was preceded on Saturday 21 March by a great live event on social media #ACenaConGialloZafferano which engaged Italians in the preparation of the weekend dinner. The event, which took place simultaneously on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, attracted over 200,000 people, who received tips and advice from the chefs of GialloZafferano, a number of foodbloggers from across Italy, as well as award-winning chef Alessandro Negrini.

The, of course, we couldn’t forget the live training sessions by MyPersonalTrainer, which every day propose half an hour of activities on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube with a series of thematic paths: physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, dietary wellbeing.

Special attention is also reserved for small children: NostroFiglio offers a rich weekly programme of live events on Facebook with doctors and pedagogues, with musical games, mini-shows and baby dance in collaboration with Kikolle Lab and a range of fun tasks to invent together with your children.

But we also need to relax, and so TV Sorrisi e Canzoni is offering its users the #ACasaConSorrisi initiative, two daily appointments live on Instagram and Facebook in which the editor Aldo Vitali enters the homes of the personalities featured in the current issue of the magazine and famous faces from TV. The first live events, which attracted many users, featured Vanessa Incontrada, Baby-K, Amadeus and will continue every day at 4 pm and 6 pm.

Also the magazine Chi, edited by Alfonso Signorini, is entertaining its users every day at 7 pm, double live interviews live, in which a number of VIPs talk exclusively on Instagram to #ChiRestaACasa.

An unmissable appointment for all fans to get an up-close look at the world of celebrities who every week enliven the pages of their favourite magazine. And on Chi’s IGTV users can also find the interviews conducted so far with Alessia Marcuzzi, Giulia Salemi and Carlo Conti.

User participation through the brands social communities

#TorneremoAdAbbracciarci. Grazia launched its initiative #TorneremoAdAbbracciarci on Instagram.

Users are invited to post a photo of an embrace, a gesture of affection that we all took for granted and has now become a precious good. A way of communicating that we are united and that together we can make it through to which many celebrities and ordinary people have contributed.

#Andrà’TuttoBene with Nostrofiglio. The portal form mums and dads 2.0, joined from the beginning and helped to spread the children and rainbows initiative Andrà tutto bene” (All will be well) and received over 12,000 online contributions with drawings of rainbows attached to the balconies on Italian homes (see the gallery on Facebook).

#IoCucinoConGiallo and #IoRestoaCasa. A collective cooking initiative, for and with your loved ones, even if they are far away, with recipes from GialloZafferano, photographing the results and sharing them with GialloZafferano and its community. In just a few days 4,000 people had already contributed (see the gallery on Facebook).

#DonnaModernaRestaConMe and #IoRestoaCasa. The weekly Donna Moderna uses Instagram to describe the making of the magazine with remote working and invites readers to talk about how the magazine is keeping them company in these days: a recipe, an inspiration, a particular story. A call to action to readers to talk about how Donna Moderna is helping them through these weeks (see the gallery on Instagram).

#StayCoolStayHome with DM Beauty. Also in this period, young women want to look after themselves. This is possible with DM Beauty, the social beauty magazine, conceived and created by millennials for millennials.  Every day a post with tips to make you feel cool even when you stay at home.

#IoStudioaCasa with Amazing support for high school kids is provided by, which offers them teaching materials for all needs. On the StudentiTV channel on YouTube kids can access hundreds of video lessons while on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts they can find online new audio podcast lessons Te lo spiega snippets on Italian, history and literature, as well as the high school diploma exam.

The results of all of these initiatives show how people, constrained by the current situation, are turning to the media, especially online, and appreciating what the brands of the Mondadori Group are offering them.

In fact, on Sunday 22 March saw an all-time record online audience for a combination of the Group’s brands with a total of over 13 million visits to the web sites in a single day an increase of over +100% compared with last year (Source: Google Analytics).

An important contribution was made by Giallozafferano which on Sunday 22 March cooked along with almost 6 million Italians (+240% vs 2019).

To this should also be added similarly exceptional results on social media.

Also on Sunday 22 March, the combination of the brands’ social media channels recorded an overall reach of over 17 million people and the number of fans is growing by an average of over 40,000 users per day al giorno.

Grazia on newsstands with a special issue ‘Torneremo ad abbracciarci’

A hymn to positivity and strength, with exclusive interviews, reinforced content, 100 pages of fashion and an extensive section dedicated to beauty

“A virtual embrace between China and Italy is not just a hope as spring arrives, but also a symbol of sisterhood between nations. We will embrace again, and it will be wonderful. Meanwhile, read us and enjoy the triumph of the joy of living in our pages.  You are Grazia,” declared Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, present around the world with 20 international editions, in her editorial in the issue on newsstands from Thursday 19 March.

A special issue, which in a difficult moment for everyone, brings together testimonies of positivity and energy, human warmth and strength, of hope and gratitude.

Grazia continues to evolve and reinforce its content and in this issue, the opening of the magazine is given over to messages from the editors of the 20 international editions and addressed to Italy and the world now caught up in a global emergency.

The news section is marked by the strapline: “We will embrace again” and examines the issues currently facing the world: doctors and nurses are celebrated, while well-known entrepreneurs and authoritative voices discuss how to rebuild the country.

The writer Luca Bianchini appreciates a rediscovered slowness, writer Camilla Baresani talks about the moment when we understood that alone we are nothing alone and that we can only face these difficulties together. Yet another writer, Daniela Delle Foglie, discusses our sentimental life in a time of virus, the influencer Iris Ferrari (with 3.2 million followers on TikTok) comments on the fact that kids are staying connected without meeting. While the author of the book Spillover, David Quammen demands limitations on the trading of wild animals and an Australian writer shares her experience of recovering from a catastrophe.

The magazine also finds space for naturalist Jane Goodall to talk about the strength of the universe that always protects life.

But Grazia è is also fashion: 100 exclusive pages to make you dream and relax, and a shooting produced by Grazia China dedicated to Italy with the hope that we will soon be able to overcome the emergency.

And, of course, a section dedicated to beauty: pages full of advice on how to always treat yourself well and choose the right products suitable for all types of women.

The Nostrofiglio community comes together for the ‘Andrà tutto bene’ initiative to amplify the positive message

2 million contacts and over 40,000 interactions in 24 hours on the social media pages of Nostrofiglio, with the contribution of GialloZafferano, FocusJunior and Donna Moderna

All across Italy, on front doors, windows, balconies and verandas posters and banners have appeared bearing the words “Andrà tutto bene” (All will be well) and a large rainbow of hope. The have been made by Italian children with the aim of sending a message of hope and solidarity in these days of the health emergency. Using coloured felt tip pens, crayons and paint, the kids have used the initiative as a way of passing the time drawing and colouring in a fun way

Nostrofiglio, the portal for mums and dads 2.0, with contributions from of Giallozafferano, FocusJunior and Donna Moderna, decided to support the Andrà tutto bene initiative also by asking the families that are pert of their community, and therefore also to the children, to submit photographs of their “work”.

The result so far? 2 million contacts, 40,000 interactions and more than 5,000 drawings, sent in from all across Italy to the social media pages of the brands Nostrofiglio, Giallozafferano, FocusJunior and Donnamoderna whose support has spread and amplified the initiative’s positive.

Here is a gallery from the Facebook profile of Nostrofiglio where you can see the children’s drawings:


Icon: on newsstands a collectors’ issue with 100 pages by photographer Bruce Weber

Over 100 pages of unpublished images and portraits by the extraordinary photographer Bruce Weber, fashion stories, interviews and special services: all in the new issue of di Icon, on newsstands from Friday 6 March.

A collectors’ issue celebrating art and beauty for the Mondadori Group’s fashion and lifestyle brand that, under the editorship of Andrea Tenerani, editor-at-large Federico Sarica and new creative director Luca Stoppini, signals a further step forward in its mission to increasingly be a “contemporary classic” and to represent fashion, lifestyle, stories, personalities and male passions to an increasingly global audience.

Icon is becoming a statement, a declaration of the intent to more and more identify and define the contemporary by selecting the best stories, personalities and photographs that are also destined to last. In other words, iconic,” explained Andrea Tenerani, editor of Icon. “’I’ as in icon, so, starting from the cover, but also ‘I’ as in the first person singular, a declaration of the desire to  place at the centre of the magazine’s narrative the uniqueness of life and the style of each of our readers and members of our community.”

The is month’s three covers, from the portfolio of Bruce Weber, feature the actor Brandon Thomas Lee, an exclusive Bruce Weber portrait of David Bowie and Antonio and Piero Teoli, two Italo-American brothers, both students at the Frank Sinatra School of Arts in Miami.


Among leading contemporary photographers, Weber has capture many of the biggest names in the world of show business and art. Plus, for Icon, Weber is not just the figure behind the lens, but also talks about himself in an exclusive conversation with actress Anjelica Huston.

It is a collaboration that consolidates the relationship with Icon, which has always been committed to the highest standards of quality in images and content, with the support of leading photographers and personalities from the world of contemporary culture.

This is also a continuation of the process of strengthening the brand in the upscale male lifestyle segment. Also marked by a new look, thanks to a re-design that increasingly highlights the strengths of Icon and its distinctive positioning, starting from the logo, with the highlighted “I”, a graphic symbol that characterises all of the sections, from fashion and beauty, to news and culture.


Record-breaking Sanremo 2020 for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni

Reinforced leadership on newsstands and the web, boom on social networks

A record-breaking Sanremo Festival for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni. The Mondadori Groiup brand, Italy’s biggest-selling weekly, with a circulation of  474,459 copies (Source: ADS, December 2019), confirms its leadership in the entertainment world thanks to the enormous success of the dedicated initiatives and content organised during the annual Sanremo event.

Starting from 2 February with an exclusive party organised together with Grazia and United Music, and with the participation of the presenters Amadeus and Fiorello and all of the artists in competition, the week of the 70th edition of the Festival for Sorrisi  concluded with excellent performances: on newsstands, with a print run of over 1.7 million copies for the 3 issue linked to the Festival, on the web site and with an authentic boom for the brand on social networks, thanks to more than 600 pieces of original content on all web and social platforms, including 70 videos and 200 live stories., with the traditional preview of the songs, the order of appearance of the artists, the ratings and detailed reports of each evening, complete with the best photographs, between 2 and 9 February recorded 2.4 million sessions, an absolute traffic record for the site during the Sanremo week (Source: Google Analytics).

Over the whole week, the Instagram and Facebook accounts of Sorrisi were authentic second-screens for viewers, reaching 10.5 million people, more than doubled on Facebook, with 6.3 million people reached, and 4.2 million on Instagram, a significant increase on the figure of 300,000 recorded in 2019. Total interactions on the two platforms, including likes, comments and shares came to 400,000 (+122% compared with 2019), and with more than 2 million video views. 

There were also many new tools on offer to follow the Festival: cards with the lyrics to the songs and real time quotes from the protagonists onstage, live stories from the press room, the table recording the votes or the songs, animated GIFs, i surveys and the most memorable moments from 70 years of the Italian popular song. The final post declaring the winner reached over 1 million people (Source: Fanpagekarma).

Also this year Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni covered the whole Festival with its own editorial team there on the Ligurian coast, with a specially prepared photographic studio and tow lounges set up for video shoots and live social events, multiplying the digital production for the entire duration of the Festival.

In the mornings, an appointment with the editor Aldo Vitali together with one of the singers in competition, broadcast live on social media, was a key moment in getting the day going after the night before on the stage of the Ariston Theatre: a breakfast during which Elodie, Francesco Gabbani, Elettra Lamborghini, Piero Pelù, and Alberto Urso, could share comments and immediate reactions about the competition.

All of the artists and guests of the Festival came to the Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni editorial office for an interview or photo shoot, to talk about their plans, like Marco Sentieri, one of the singers from Nuove Proposte and an endorser of the national anti-bullying day, or for a surprise birthday party, like the one organised for the 28th birthday of Riki. There were also greetings from some of the great icons of Italian pop music such as the Ricchi e Poveri recently back together, and Gianna Nannini. And finally, a visit from the winners after the final, Diodato, Francesco Gabbani and the Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, for a big celebration and the traditional cover shot for this week’s edition of the magazine: an encounter that was transformed into a party  in which the top three placed artists improvised an exclusive concert for Sorrisi.

During the Sanremo week Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni was accompanied by: Tescoma, sponsor of the editorial lounge, Unieuro, with the book project #cuoriconnessi and diDesign for the lounge furniture.


Donna Moderna: the third edition of Corri con Noi kicks offi in 12 cities and 2 final challenges

The project is aimed at women who run or walk for networking and improve their self- belief Among the many new features this year. 3 new cities, a challenge in Europa and the big event in the desert

Corri con noi (Run With Us) the big project aimed at women who run and walk to keep fit, network and improve their self-belief today kicks off in twelve cities and with two final challenges.

Developed from an idea by Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand and leader in the women’s segment, the previous editions of the initiative met with great success and, in fact, in 2019 attracted over 1000 subscribers in 9 Italian cities, with 270 training sessions and 45 participants in the final challenge in Morocco.

“With ever bigger numbers and enthusiasm, in just three years Corri con noi has become a gym for sisterhood and female emancipation and we are delighted to include another three cities in the project,” declared Annalisa Monfreda. 

Donna Moderna aims to continue to reinforce the community that rotates around a passion for running, given that running is not just a sport but a way to help women become more conscious of their potential, their strengths, make them feel more secure, improve their mood and keep day-to-day stress at bay. It is also an activity that is accessible to everyone and has the capacity to regenerate energy all while in the company of like-minded people.

This year 12 Italian cities will participate in the training sessions: Catania, Florence, Lecce, Milan, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Parma, Pescara, Rome, Turin and Verona.

Participants will be divided into 3 groups, according to their level of fitness, and followed by qualified coaches, with whom they can log their progress with regular checks. Each city will have its own ambassador who will engage and motivate the participants by sharing their efforts, progress and the values of aggregation of Donna Moderna.  The programme will include one weekly training session and, to introduce participants to trail running, i.e. running in a natural environment, they will be able to take part with a team from the magazine in two challenges: the final challenge in the desert and, for the first time this year, a new spring challenge in Europe.

To sign up to become a member of the Donna Moderna  runner crew all you need to do is go to the platform Each subscriber will receive a welcome kit with a T-shirt, bag and personalised Corri con noi bracelet.

You can follow the entire initiative  on all of the brand’s social channels with the official hashtag #corriconnoi. Plus, week by week, the magazine will also cover the training sessions with a photographic report.

The web site, with the special will provide users with all the necessary information and advice, as well as details on how to sign up for the stages and to take part in the two big challenges.

Plus training tips and suggestions for all experienced and aspiring runners.

Initial Partners of the initiative areSCARPA® Italy’s leading producer of technical sports shoes with the Spin Ultra model for trail running; GARMIN world leader in GPS technology for sport, fitness and the outdoors; Mediterranea Cosmetics with its line of cosmetic products for skincare and bodycare; Lauretana producer of Europe’s lightest mineral water;  SIXTEMLIFE® with Benped® that includes advanced technology product for the well-being of the foot.

The print, web and social campaign has been curated by Hunbranded.

Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading women’s network, is an ecosystem that through the magazine, web and social channels, embraces a digital audience 14 million unique users every month (Source: Comscore December 2019) and reaches 3.5 million readers per month (Source: Audipress 2019/2) to which is added over 1.3 million fans on Facebook, over 500,000 followers on Twitter and 430,000 on Instagram.



Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Grazia and United Music organised an exclusive party to mark the start of the Sanremo week with all artists from the festival

Special guest: LP

Great success for Evviva Sanremo: the exclusive party organised by Tv Sorrisi e CanzoniGrazia and United Music, for the opening of the 70th edition of the Italian Song Festival together with the protagonists of the event.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, the leading weekly in the world of entertainment and historic point of reference for the Festival, Grazia, the fashion magazine that interprets Italian fashion and style, together with United Music, the digital audio project of  RadioMediaset, organised a special event that brought together the worlds that rotate around the three brands.

Music, glamour and an exceptional showcase animated an evening that was held at the Hotel Royal, where on Sunday 2 February over 300 guests gathered and were welcomed by Aldo Vitali, editor of Tv Sorrisi e CanzoniSilvia Grilli, editor of GraziaPaolo Salvaderi, chief executive of RadioMediaset and Rosanna Mani, head of show-business relations for Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

Also taking part were the artistic director and presenter Amadeus along with Fiorello, a fixed guest over the five evenings of the Festival and all of the artists in competition at Sanremo. Also present were Diletta Leotta and Emma D’Aquino, who will assist Amadeus on the stage of the Ariston Theatre.

They were joined by a number of personalities from the world of entertainment, cinema and fashion, including Francesca Cavallin, Federica Fontana and Eleonora Pedron.

Special guest, was  the Italo-American singer-songwriter LP, the star of a live performance who excited the guests with her unique voice and the rhythms of her hits, including Girls go wild, the most played track on radio in 2019.

The main sponsors of Evviva Sanremo: Lancia Ypsilon Monogram, Pianegonda Jewelry, Puig Italia with Good Girl di Carolina Herrera, Tescoma.