
Andrea Tenerani appointed new editor-in-chief of Icon

From next December onwards, Andrea Tenerani will be the new editor-in-chief of Icon, the Mondadori Group brand dedicated to contemporary male passions. This appointment is aimed at further enhancing the successful formula that has enabled the magazine to become a point of reference both in Italy and abroad.

The new trajectory of Icon will be characterised by a focus on the evolution of the style and language of the new generations, while highlighting the points of strength of Made in Italy.

Originally from Massa, in Tuscany, Andrea Tenerani during his professional life has acquired experience with both national and international brands. He joined the Mondadori Group in 2011 as the co-creator of Icon in the position of creative and style director, before going on to become the deputy editor of the magazine. The many projects he has overseen include the creation of the retrospective exhibition dedicated to David Bailey at the PAC in Milan in 2015. Subsequently, Tenerani became the creative and style director of GQ and fashion director at L’Uomo Vogue.

GialloZafferano now available on Amazon Alexa

A new step in the innovation strategy of Italy’s leading food brand

GialloZafferano, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference for Italian food lovers with a monthly average of 12 million  unique users (source: Audiweb, July 2018), more than 6 million fans on Facebook and more than 600,000 readers of the magazine each month, is extending its mission to assist Italians in the kitchen with its new Skill for Amazon Alexa, Amazon’s cloud-based voice service.

In fact, from today, owners of Echo, the new Amazon device, can interact with Alexa to find inspiration for dishes to prepare, with access to all of the Giallo Zafferano recipes.

“We are particularly proud to be working with Amazon for the new Skill of GialloZafferano,” declared Andrea Santagata, deputy general manager of the Mondadori Group’s Magazines Italy division. “With Amazon Alexa people who love cooking will have access to an innovative voice service that provides convenient assistance in the search for recipes and ingredients, in an entirely natural and friendly way.”

All you have to do is say “Alexa, open GialloZafferano” to enter a world of delicious ideas and ask “Alexa, let’s start cooking” to be assisted in all phases, step by step in a way in which the user can also interrupt the preparation at any time and start again from where they left off, and without ever having to use their hands, which are normally employed in the kitchen. So you can continue to cut, chop, mix while Alexa describes the next step, available also on video for Echo Spot, the Amazon Echo device equipped with a screen.

GialloZafferano, on the strength of the success of Italy’s number one cooking site, from which has been created a monthly magazine that in a little over a year has reached an average circulation of over 120,000 (source Ads, March 2018), a series of books and a TV show on Canale 5, now in its second season, can now also count on an even more articulated multi-channel offer, able to support users at any time of the day.

Donna Moderna Negev Adenture: five runners have been selected to run 80 km in the Israeli desert

The stage is set for the Donna Moderna Negev Adventure, the project developed by Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand leader in the women’s segment, along with Israel’s National Tourist Board and aimed at women who want to exceed their limits in running.

Donna Moderna has selected five runners, from more than 320 candidates, who at the end of October will fly to Israel to take part in an exciting 80 km run and discover the desert Negev Desret and some of the country’s wonders, along with the magazine’s editor Annalisa Monfreda and some of the journalistic team.
The runners chosen are: Elisa Adorni, Arianna Bianchini, Eleonora Suizzo, Francesca Valassi and Federica Verdoya.

“We aim to encourage women to exceed their limits and I am very happy to be able to test myself in this adventure and to discover the beautiful country that will host us,” commented the editor of Donna Moderna Annalisa Monfreda.

The run is in four stages, drawn up by Gianni Maccagni, race director at AdvTime, along with Federico Bertone, trail running instructor: from the north to the south of the Negev, a desert unspoiled for almost two million years and characterised by a very particular terrain of craters and erosion, with valleys and canyons that appear as if from nowhere.
The run will be interspersed with moment for relaxation and the discovery of some of the country’s tourist and cultural highlights.

“The desert will be an extraordinary and unexpected discovery for our runners; amazing, moving and fascinating them, and, above all, leaving a unforgettable memory of the colours of the landscape that will last a lifetime. We are extremely proud to have collaborated in this highly original project which, in addition to the splendour of the nature of the desert, will also highlight the multiplicity of women’s skills and how Israel is an exceptional place where everyone can take advantage of the many opportunities to realise themselves and their dreams,” declared Avital Kotzer Adari, director of Israel’s National Tourist Board.

The initiative, which was launched in June, has involved both beginners and experienced runners with a training programme promoted by Donna Moderna and based on targets  assisted and advised by motivational coach Max Monaco, trail running instructor Federico Bertone and Lucia Rossi, a pharmacist and nutritionist.
Moreover, the meetings organised around the country – the “Corri con noi” events, put together with the support of Adverteam – involved a total of 1,800 participants in three Italian cities who were able to train in groups under the guidance of qualified trainers.
The ambassadors of the project were Daniel Fontana, triathlon Olympic champion, and the marathon runners Luisa Balsamo and Anna Incerti.

Max Monaco and Federico Bertone will also be protagonists, along with the editor of, Donna Moderna Annalisa Monfreda and the director of Israel’s National Tourist Board Avital Kotzer Adari, of a talk show that will be held every evening at 6.30 pm at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan.

The press, web and social media campaign has been run by Hunbranded.

The projects main partner is the Israeli National Tourist Board, that will allows us to discover the beauty of the Negev Desert and some of the country’s most fascinating locations.
Others partners include Nilit, the Israeli company that has patented the fibre Nylon 6.6 Sensil® Innergy and BV Sport, the French brand of technical sportswear made in Sensil® Innergy.
Gruppo Sodalis with the  brands Beauty&Personal
Care BioNikeBiopoint and Lycia.
Equilibra, a world leader in natural supplements.

The Mondadori Group revamps its women’s system and launches new versions of Donna Moderna and Tu Style

Strong brand identity, outstanding editorial quality and a multi-channel approach are the strong points of the Group’s leadership in the segment

From this week onwards Donna Moderna, the weekly of reference for women in Italy, and Tu Style, the personal shopper that offers readers advice, will both appear in completely renewed versions.

Two operations with which the Mondadori Group innovates its offer in the women’s segment, an area in which it maintains the leadership with more than 50% of the market of reference in terms of circulation, thanks to brands that are characterised by a highly distinctive identity, multi-channel development and the very highest editorial quality.

“Women’s titles have always been one of the strengths of our portfolio and it is the job of a publisher that is leader in both magazines and digital like Mondadori to constantly follow the development of interests and consumption habits of readers in order to continuously evolve,” declared Carlo Mandelli, the Mondadori Group’s general manager of Magazines Italy area.

“Following the celebrations for the 80th Anniversary of Grazia that underscored the successful formula of the only 100% Italian fashion magazine published around the world, we have now turned our attention, within a market scenario characterised by great vitality in the women’s segment, to the new formula of Donna Moderna and to the new identity of Tu Style. The two brands together represent by far the biggest women’s platform in Italy, with a reach of 15,6 million unique contacts both press and digital”, Mandelli concluded.

“In an evolving market it is indispensable to continuously renew the product. On this occasion we are dealing with two love brands that are also outstanding multi-channel platforms,” declared Davide Mondo, chief executive of the advertising sales company Mediamond. “Donna Moderna and Tu Style continue to express great vivaciousness among weekly titles with an annual circulation of almost 15 million copies and more than 5,000 advertising pages, with a 36% share of the advertising market in the women’s news segment. The market chooses us because of our ability to engage and interact with the woman target, as is demonstrated by the 210 cross-media projects completed since the beginning of the year and by the new Audiweb 2.0 system of metrics, which gives the titles almost 13 million users for the month of July,” Mondo concluded.

As regards the advertising sales, digital is increasingly important and now accounts for more than 30% of the total advertising revenues of Donna Moderna and Tu Style, with some 900 clients on the multi-channel platforms of the two brands during last year.

From today onwards, Donna Moderna and Tu Style, under the editorship of Annalisa Monfreda, will address the public with a completely new approach that will cut across the entire ecosystem linked to them, ranging from print to digital and social media communication.

Donna Moderna, thanks to its wealth of content, has always been a magazine to read from cover to cover. And we are giving a more relaxed form to this reading experience with a design that invites readers to dig deeper and offers some respite from the noise that surrounds us,” the editor Annalisa Monfreda declared.

“With Tu Style on the other hand, we have built a magazine that hasn’t existed until now, dynamic and renewed, and aimed at all those women who express themselves though their look and are always searching for practical inspiration. The new Tu Style will stand out as a highlighter providing valuable lessons in style,” the editor Annalisa Monfreda concluded.

Donna Moderna

The new Donna Moderna is taking on an increasingly elegant identity, while continuing to be immediately readable. With the arrival of fashion director Paola Salvatore, fashion and beauty will have more space, with more extensive features that enhance the images. From today onwards the magazine will alternate a mix of tones and will give more space to the contributors of specific columns: Chiara Gamberale, Geppi Cucciari, the “cynical beautician” Cristina Fogazzi, Michela Murgia.

Also the digital world of Donna Moderna is debuting with a graphic and content total renewal: a new elegant and sophisticated look, with a balanced use of white space and targeted colours that make the opening of the website more appealing in the widescreen format.

Also in this case, the concept is focused clearly on beauty and fashion, with more aspirational contents also for women on the move, who have little time and are looking for the most up-to-date trends, along with even more advice on fashion and beauty related issues.

The occasion will be marked with the launch of  new format short videos “Right/Wrong”, the dos and don’t’s of everyday make-up, and “Beauty Shades”, all of the shades required to enhance all types of skin to complete a 360° beauty and fashion experience on mobile web and social media. Plus, the “DM quote”, funny and inspiring quotes and memes, adapted for social channels.

The re-launch of Donna Moderna is being supported by an important communication campaign developed by Hunbranded on TV, radio, the web and social media, Mondadori Group magazines, and newspapers.

Tu Style

The new Tu Style, with an estimated reach of over 820.000 unique users, proposes to its target audience cool, fresh, intelligent fashion, while always paying special attention to prices. Fashion is the focus that distinguishes the magazine, but with particular attention to trends, styles, lifestyles with the single common denominator of a “shopping attitude”.

In Tu Style  – whose editorial consultant is Simona Barbieri – the change in image is clear from the cover: a fluorescent frame, more evident headlines. The magazine’s three sections – Up to date, Stylish and Social – will each have a dedicated cover to enhance even more the content of each individual part of the magazine. Up to date features all of the news that a reader who wants to be up to speed and informed could desire. The Stylish section is for women who are fashion enthusiasts, women looking for fashion tips and suggestions. While the last part of the magazine, Social, is dedicated to readers who love social life and want to be always connected, so this section brings together all the news about lifestyles and events.

The social media strategy of the new Tu Style will focus on the use of Instagram for the opportunity it provides to transmit in the ideal way – through posts and stories, with fashion and lifestyle topics – the brand’s editorial projects which from today onwards will offer a “shop window of trends”.

In support of the re-launch an engagement initiative have also been developed  foreseeing the involvement of 12 fashion influencers aligned with the values of the magazines for which they will become ambassadors. Working alongside them will be four content creators who every month will share and talk about the world of Tu Style to the brand’s combined community of around 1 million of followers.

The campaign for the re-launch of Tu Style has been developed by WM Content on radio and social channels, as well as Mondadori Group magazines.

Confidenze devotes a special issue to readers’ most moving stories

The edition on newsstands on 16 October will offer the best stories by aspiring writers as part of the “ConfyLab” initiative

Confidenze, the Mondadori Group magazine that for over 70 years has been a point of reference for enthusiastic female readers, is launching a special issue on newsstands devoted to the most moving unpublished stories produced thanks to the “ConfyLab” writers’ workshop.

Over the summer, the editorial team of the weekly edited by Angelina Spinoni received some 1,000 submissions: “real stories in the first person” and dealing with love, the big changes in life, friendship and health, which were read, “revised” and selected by Susanna Barbaglia with a view to publication on the magazine’s various channels.

Of the 200 stories that passed the careful screening of the “coach”, 15 will be published in a special issue of Confidenze n. 43, on newsstands from 16 October. The others will appear in the centre of the magazine in subsequent issues and will also enrich the content of the blog

“I am extremely proud of the success of ConfyLab,” confessed Angelina Spinoni, editor of Confidenze. “Given the high quality of the stories we have received, in fact it was tough to select those that were better able to give a voice to the changes in habits and the needs of women in general. From the next issue our enthusiastic readers will be even more the protagonists of the magazine and its content.”

Confidenze is a weekly whose distinguishing characteristics are empathy and warmth. It deals, in a confidential tone and language, with current issues, fashion, beauty, well-being, psychology, do-it-yourself, cooking and the home. It boasts a community of readers with 40,000 present on Facebook and active on the web site, un portal full of first person testimony, short stories, articles about current affairs and lifestyle and editorial content produced by expert contributors.

Interni presents a monographic issue United Mexican Design along with the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano

The third publishing initiative dedicated to Mexico City on the occasion of Design Week Mexico

In addition to the Italian/English, also a Spanish/English edition , with a special print run of 10,000 copies distributed in the Mexican capital

The Monography and Guide will be officially presented on 8 October at the Italian Embassy and on 11 October at the Archivo Diseño y Arquitectura

INTERNI, the Mondadori Group’s interiors and contemporary design magazine, has evolved from a print magazine into an integrated international communication system  that this month presents, for the third consecutive year, a publishing initiative on Mexico City, World Design Capital 2018; a monographic issue United Mexican Design and the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano, with the aim of exploring the country’s architecture, design and art sectors and facilitating the penetration of international Italian design in the Mexican market.

“With this issue, INTERNI completes a trilogy of monographic specials dedicated to Mexico and specifically to Mexico City, which has been designated as World Design Capital 2018 by the WDO (World Design Organization) and Ciudad Creativa de Diseño by UNESCO,” declared the editor Gilda Bojardi. “We have brought together a range of high level international guests to better understand the complex dynamics of this great metropolis which has decided to bet on design as a driver of urban and social change and we have developed a radical conviction: the theme of the CDMX WDC 2018 is socially responsible design, in terms of products, but also of processes and services. And, in the context of mutual cultural and commercial exchange, Italian know-how has the capacity to drive comparisons and the effective growth of our manufacturing industry in Mexico,” the editor concluded.

Both the monograph and the guide will be distributed in Mexico City, through bookstores, museums, schools, galleries, showrooms and hotels, with an expected special print run of 10,000 copies, which will be added to the 50,000 copies in Italian/English for international distribution. United Mexican Design and the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano will also be officially presented on 8 October at the Italian Embassy in Mexico City in the presence of the editor of INTERNI, Gilda Bojardi, and the institutional representatives – José Ramón Amieva Gálvez, head of the government, Luigi Maccotta, the Italian Ambassador, Emilio Cabrero, the director of Design Week Mexico – and, subsequently, on 11 October, at the Archivo Diseño y Arquitectura where a round table discussion will be moderated by the director of the archive, Mario Ballesteros, and with the participation of, among others, Luisa Bocchietto (President of the  World Design Organization), Emilio Cabrero (Director of the DWM and the CDMX WDC 2018 programme), Giuseppe Manenti (Director of the ICE-ITA in Mexico City), Gabriella Gómez-Mont (Director of the Laboratorio para la Ciudad), the designer Héctor Esrawe and Italian architect Mario Cucinella, to reflect on the topic of virtuous practices in architecture and design. The event will be open to designers from across the world, companies, foundations and public institutions.

INTERNI United Mexican Design and the “Design Guide Mexico City/Milano”

The 264-page monograph INTERNI United Mexican Design will present the most recent work of some of the leading protagonists of Mexican architecture as well as that of designers, graphic-designer and artists. The principal itinerary of the projects: from hospitality locations to public spaces (museums, cultural centres, parks, schools, shops, workshops, social and eco-sustainable initiatives) that make Mexico City the World Design Capital 2018.  Looking at the current situation, there will be a special section dedicated to products, as well as ideas and trends and an encounter the experience and testimony of leading figures. with a focus on Design Building: from multi-brands to single-brand flagship stores, to meet with Italian entrepreneurs operating in Mexico, large-scale Mexican distributors of Italian design; a detailed examination of the market logic, the most appreciated items, strategies and reasons for success.

Also this year, inside the bi-lingual Spanish/English edition of the monograph, there will also be the Design Guide Mexico City Milano (in support of the irreplaceable FuoriSalone guide for Milan in the context of the INTERNI system). The guide is an integral part of this issue of the magazine with 40 pages and a selection of over 350 unmissable locations in Mexico City – art and design galleries, museums, hotels, restaurants, schools. Extensive space is also give to the Flagshipstore section featuring where both single brand and multistore where it is possible to find the best products from the Italian design sector. A great opportunity for international architects, entrepreneurs and designers to meet and promote their products.

On newsstands the new CasaFacile, the magazine that furnishes with you

The Mondadori Group monthly has a new look and has increased content circularity: from print to the web and social networks

The CasaFacile brand confirms its unique position in the market of reference

CasaFacile, the monthly edited by Francesca Magni, is now on newsstands with a completely new look. The Mondadori Group magazine, a point of reference for furniture and daily home living enthusiasts, has strengthened its lifestyle positioning and integrated it with its service mission, along with a particular focus on content circularity from print to the web and social media.

While maintaining its ‘beating heart’ of simplicity, spontaneity and engagement, the new CasaFacile will be even more qualified and reliable, with a fresh, lively and enthusiastic approach that aims to create a unique style with which all women can see themselves and identify.

CasaFacile, that has always been an authoritative guide, but also friendly towards taste, style and trends, is a magazine that is alive and based on a daily relationship with its readers, which is also the source of its richness,” declared the editor Francesca Magni. “To engage the reader even more, we have developed a design layout that literally take you inside the houses (dream houses!) to capture solutions, details and designs that can be copied (with plans and budgets). There will be a vote for the house of the month and a final survey on the choice of interiors; just two of the new features to be shared. Home lovers have a talent for “possible dreams” and know how to make their home more theirs every day. In fact, one of the things that CasaFacile and its readers have in common is precisely the determination to move from the dream to reality”, the editor concluded.

The new CasaFacile

By remaining loyal to the characteristics that have made it successful over the years, every month the new CasaFacile will offer: more pages (+25%), more homes (5 rather than 4), more style cases (3 homes in 3 styles), more services (8/16 pages in the new Focus section, with planning outlines, how to advice, and a special column on budgeting), more before and afters (with a dedicated section), more décor; more shopping (30 pages of ideas), more trends (‘ideas for the home by…’ bloggers and Instagrammers); more green and more involvement of readers (surveys, vote for the home of the month, call to action and social media sharing). A clean and fresh layout and high-impact visuals, protagonists also on the cover, all contribute to making the monthly both refined and elegant, in step with the times and in line with the evolution of trends in furniture and interior design. and the CF Style community

CasaFacile is now much more than a magazine. After the recent design that has made it even more attractive, with more images and easier to ‘navigate’, has traffic numbers worth a monthly average of 305,000 unique users and an average of 830,000 page views per month (Source: Audiweb AwDatabase average in last 3 months/channel home DM).

In 7 years of active presence on social media CasaFacile has also expanded its team of bloggers and created a team of 64 ambassadors of the CF style, creatives who share the style and actively participate in the magazine’s initiatives. To this should be added the more than 100 CF style professionals (architects and interior designers) all over Italy who have been specially selected to be available to readers and users who want personalised advice; i.e. to those who buy the magazine every month, the over 310,000 fans active every day on Facebook and the 132,000 followers on Instagram.

Special projects and events

There will also be many opportunities to meet and share the passion that unites both the staff and readers: that of homes and their stories. CasaFacile will in fact also organise ad hoc courses, new workshops and labs, as well as special projects. Including the Academy, training days for the more than 60 bloggers on the CasaFacile teams; Meet the Blogger, events to bring together some of the bloggers on the team in workshops and labs, and Design Weekends with activities open to the public in collaboration with leading furniture brands. CasaFacile will also take part in all of the main design, do-it-yourself, décor and gardening events.

The success of CasaFacile

CasaFacile is a unique brand in the market of reference, able to engage clients from different sectors, also thanks to the original project formats it proposes. Projects that are amplified across the different platforms to create new and varied communication solutions.

The launch of the new CasaFacile will be supported by significant communication campaign on the web and social media, as well as a TV commercial on channels dedicated to furniture and design, as well as targeted activities in the large-scale retail area.

CasaFacile is available on newsstands this week at the price of €1.90.

The Starbene Week End of Wellbeing doubles up in Salerno and Milan

Due giorni dedicati a consulenze mediche gratuite in collaborazione con il Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato, talk, bellezza e fitness

Following the success of the first edition, Starbene, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in world of health and wellbeing,  is doubling up its Week End of Wellbeing  events.

The first will take place on 29 and 30 September in Salerno – with the patronage of the Municipality – in the portico of the Teatro Augusteo, in Piazza Amendola, while the second is scheduled for 20 and 21 October, in Milan, at Spaces, in the Porta Nuova district.

“Our Week End of Wellbeing events make an important contribution to the mission that Starbene pursues every week on newsstands and every day on the web: the promotion of health and prevention as a lifestyle choice. Both in Salerno and Milan, we will do the same using the voices of experts and exceptional witnesses from the world of sport,” announced Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Starbene.

The events in the two cities are open to the public and foresee two days wholly dedicated to free medical advice, prevention, healthy diet, beauty and fitness.

The programme of the initiative is organised in four macro areas:

– Free medical advice: visitors will be able to talk free of charge to a specialist from the Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato – Italy’s leading hospital group with 18 hospitals in Italy – in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, of which 3 are inpatient and research institutes – about fundamental issues for the health of the family, such as cardiology, gastroenterology, nutrition and many more.

– Talks: discussions presented by experts from the Starbene team and dedicated to the importance of prevention and health lifestyles, with special guests such as the Italian beach volley champion Laura Giombini, Aviere Scelto from the Italian Air Force and Agata Zuccarelli (on Saturday 29 September in Salerno); the fencer Elisa Di Francisca, two-time competitor at the Olympic Games in London 2012 and silver medal winner at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016; Sara Cardin, the Italian world and European karate champion  and Marta Pagnini, the former captain of the Italian national gymnastics team (in Milan on 20 and 21 October).

Presenting the discussions will be the “good mood psychologist” Terenzio Traisci, work psychologist, writer, trainer and stress management specialist.

– Fitness: special classes run by personal trainers.

– Beauty: specialist hair and scalp analysis.

The Milan event will also feature a kids area with science workshops run in collaboration with Focus Junior.

This kind of initiative – commented the advertising sales company Mediamond – offer an important opportunity for companies in the sector. In fact, during the Starbene Week End events a number of brand take an active part in the programme and are able to meet their target customers in a valuable and structured context. Like Bioscalin, for example, that makes its specialist available for free hair and scalp analysis, original Fiori di Bach– Rescue that offers personalised advice, Dr Farmer that offers oxidative toxins tests and Villaggi Fitness Virgin Active, that organise special classes with personal trainers. In addition, the event will also see the active participation of Amor di Vita, Arla, Blistex, Candia, the Croatian Tourist Board, DaunenStep, Infoestetica and Seki.

For a full programme, information and enrolments, please go to:

Francesca Magni appointed as new editor of CasaFacile

Giusi Silighini appointed as the magazine’s creative director

From the magazine’s October issue, Francesca Magni will be the new editor of CasaFacile.

Born in Pavia, Francesca Magni, 48, began her career as a journalist in 1994 on the editorial team of Grazia, before moving to Donna Moderna in 1995, where for 18 years she was mainly involved in current affairs and culture. An enthusiast of interiors, architecture and design, she joined the editorial team of CasaFacile in 2014, where she has been executive editor since 2017.

At the same time, Giusi Silighini has been appointed as the magazine’s creative director, with the aim of giving greater emphasis to special initiatives – aimed at readers, bloggers and at the advertising market – that have always been a feature of CasaFacile and which over the years have made the Mondadori Group magazine a point of reference in the interiors sector for its style and originality.

Interni at the Cersaie 2018 in Bologna

The interiors & contemporary design magazine will take part in the third edition of Cafè della stampa with an event entitled “La ceramica nel progetto sostenibile” (Ceramics in sustainable design), a conversation with architects Mario Cucinella and Massimo Imparato along with students from the SOS School of Sustainability

INTERNI will take part in the third edition of Café della stampa organised as part of the Cersaie 2018 in Bologna (24-28 September), the international fair for architectural and bathroom ceramics. On this occasion the interiors & contemporary design magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi has organised an event to discuss an issue of pressing importance: sustainability.

In fact, the title of the event is La ceramica nel progetto sostenibile (Ceramics in sustainable design), a conversation featuring Mario Cucinella, architect and founder of Mario Cucinella Architects, the architect Massimo Imparato and students from the SOS School of Sustainability. Mario Cucinella will invite us to reflect on the importance of adopting design methods able to promote a balance between culture, nature and technology, making the latter a discreet instrument at the service of spaces for people. He will be joined in the discussion by Massimo Imparato, director of the SOS – School of Sustainability, which trains new professional profiles in the field of sustainability, with young designers trained at the school by managing projects of different scales and who contributed to the setting up of the Pollution 2018 project presented during the Cersaie in Piazza Santo Stefano in Bologna, which focused specifically on these issues.

La ceramica nel progetto sostenibile (Ceramics in sustainable design) will take place on Wednesday 26 September from 12 midday at the Café della stampa (Centro Servizi, Agorà dei Media).

For more information, please visit