
The Mondadori Group magazines at Milano Licensing Day

The Mondadori Group brands are among the protagonists of the “Milano Licensing Day”, an event that brings together the leading operators in the licensing and brand extension market, taking place on 13 September at the Hotel Nhow in Via Tortona.

Among the opportunities offered by the magazines of the Mondadori Group, the Italian leader in the sector, is a licensing programme that above all involves the titles in the kids and cooking segments. Products under license and formats in franchising in line with the philosophy, identity and brand assets, that drive the encounter between demand and offer that for years has been the essential ingredient of the Milano Licensing Day.

An innovative offer of content and services that circulate around the Mondadori Group magazines; not just a basic printed product, but rather an authentic integrated communication system that makes the most of the editorial expertise, by investing every day on the web and social networks, promoting events around the country and involving communities of readers with a wide range of initiatives.

Heading up the new proposals will once again be the Focus Junior “system”. During the year, the brand, which is an established point of reference in the world of children and young readers, has reached a number of licensing agreements with prestigious brands, leading to a range of quality products: from personalised Easter eggs with Kinder Gran Sorpresa to the flowpack miniatures produced by Dynit, and from the large-format exercise books of BM Arti Grafiche to the cards and diaries of Giochi Preziosi.

Also featuring at the Milano Licensing Day will be forthcoming books, the latest project developed by Focus Junior: from 30 October young readers from the age of 6 will have the opportunity of discovering a large number of science-related curiosities in Un mondo di record and to discover the incredible diversity of our planet thanks to Un mondo di mappe.

A sort of “fun science” that is spreading across Italy, thanks to franchised educational and play spaces carrying the Focus Junior label.  After a made-to-measure bedroom produced by Cgfdesign, just a few days ago, the first Focus Junior Play Lab was opened in Lecco; a space designed to satisfy the natural curiosity of children and early teens with science laboratories, and drawing, cooking and digital journalism workshops and which, in addition to the space and equipment also offers a teaching plan conceived by the editorial team, the training of operators, a communication plan and a range of activities in the local area.

The strength of the Mondadori Brands is confirmed also in the kitchen, thanks to initiatives organised by Sale&Pepe, which with its franchised cooking school every day offers a new and exciting way to experience restaurants and their protagonists being guided by passion and skill. Set up in Milan in 2015, the Sale&Pepe cooking school has a broad selection of courses for adults and children, events for individuals and companies, showcooking demonstrations and themed-evenings. It is a format that can be reproduced across the entire country two ways: from a traditional space equipped with a chefs kitchen and work benches to itinerant “cooking stations” in public spaces, with the brand that offers in every case the opportunity to transform a love for food into a remunerative job.

Spy celebrates its first year with an upgrade

A communication campaign is being launched on TV, radio, print, the web, sales points and large-scale retail

On newsstands with a new look and many useful features at the special price of €0.50

Spy is celebrating its first anniversary with a range of new features, aiming to satisfy its readers even more with an increasingly useful, rich and complete product.

Starting with the issue on newsstands this week, the Mondadori Group magazine dedicated to the secrets of the star system is expanding its content with new features and columns by some of the most popular faces on television, together with a redesign of the title’s layout.

“One year from its newsstand launch of, Spy is giving itself a new look and new format: in fact, in addition to gossip, readers will discover news articles and lifestyle features, as well as a number of new columns by well-know TV personalities,” declared Massimo Borgnis, editor of Spy, adding, “Plus a surprise for cooking enthusiasts: recipes curated by GialloZafferano, Italy’s most celebrated cooking web site.”

From this week there will be a multiplication of the regular appointments in the pages of Spy, with tips on household financial management from Titti and Flavia from Detto Fatto, advice on insurance and pensions form the Tg5 expert Bruno Benelli and medical details from Dr. Pierluigi Spada from the RiaTre programme Tutta Salute. Space will also be given to taking care of plants, with suggestions from Luca and Daniela Sardella, the presenters of Parola di pollice verde on Rete 4 and a new cooking section with recipes from GialloZafferano, the most popular cooking web site in Italy.

Every week the heart of Spy will remain the stories, scoops and behind the scenes coverage of celebrities and personalities form the world of TV radio and show business that excite and enthuse Italians, reported in the unmistakeable and well-informed style that characterises the magazine. The look of the title has also been upgraded to improve readability and clarity. And finally, there will of course also be sections dedicated to television programmes, fashion and beauty.

The launch of the new Spy is being supported by an articulated communication plan across a range of media: from a TV commercial (on air on the Mediaset channels, Discovery, Fox) and radio spot (on R101, Radio Italia, R105, RMC and Radio Subasio), print media, the Group’s web sites, as well as sales points and large-scale retail outlets.
The connecting thread of the advertising campaign will be the claim “Peccato non leggerlo!” (It would be a sin not to read it!), that has distinguished the magazine since its launch.

Spy is on newsstands at the special price of €0.50.

The Mondadori Group is Italy’s leading digital publisher with almost 29 million unique users every month

Growth of 22% compared with last year according to Comscore data

The Mondadori Group is Italy’s leading publisher on the web: this is the assessment of the latest Comscore data for May, which show that Mondadori properties are out in front with a total audience of 28.7 million unique users per month, a rise of 22% compared with the same period of last year. At the same time, market reach is up to almost 76% of Italy’s digital population.

The Mondadori Group boasts Italy’s richest and most diversified digital offer.
With over 30 authoritative and successful brands on the web, the company is also leader in the high-value vertical sectors, such as women, food, wellness, fashion and education, thanks to the 16 million unique users of Donna Moderna, the more than 12 million of GialloZafferano, the 5.8 million of Starbene, and over 3 million of Grazia as well as the 9.3 million users of

This result has been achieved thanks to the development path followed by the Group’s digital magazine area since the acquisition of Banzai Media until today.
All of the main sites in the portfolio have been involved in an ongoing renewal and updating process, including Donna Moderna, which has a new look nad feel to give users an even more immediate and intuitive experience; Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni with its new digital Guida Tv making it easier to navigate through a continually evolving television panorama; Grazia, through its Grazia Factory project, which presents and gives voice to the most interesting emerging influencers in fashion, beauty and lifestyle; and the redesign of Nostrofiglio and Panoramauto, with enhanced content and a more structured approach to the channels.

To all this should be added the recent additions of, Italy’s leading astrology site, and Design D’Autore, the international social system. leader in the design sector, with which the Group has consolidated its positioning in the women and design sectors, expanding also the audience on social networks, where the presence of Mondadori brands is similarly strong, with over 20.2 million fans on Facebook over 46 pages, up by 56% compared with the same month of the previous year.

Annalisa Monfreda appointed as new editor of Tustyle

Paola Salvatore, deputy editor of Tustyle, will also take on the role of
fashion editor of Donna Moderna and Starbene

From Monday 9 July, Annalisa Monfreda, editor of the weeklies Donna Moderna and Starbene, will take on also the role of editor of Tustyle.

At the same time, Paola Salvatore, the current deputy editor of Tustyle, will expand her responsibilities following her appointment as fashion editor of Donna Moderna and Starbene.

This new organisational structure will give Tustyle, Donna Moderna and Starbene an innovative, cross-over position: on the one hand thanks to specific editorial skills, the fashion content offer for readers of the three weeklies will be enriched, while, on the other, it will be easier to enhance the relationship with interlocutors in the mass market advertising sector.

Maturità record for

  • 2.3 million unique users during the live marathon from 19 to 21 June, the best ever traffic figures
  • 2.4 million users reached on Facebook during the written exam days
  • 4 million video views on the brand’s platforms

An all time record Maturità (the Italian high school exam) season for, the Mondadori Groiup brand that is a point of reference for Italian students. The site, which this year is celebrating its 20th anniversary, chalked up its best ever traffic figures during the recently concluded period of written exams, confirming its leadership in the education segment.

In the 3-day period from the eve of the exams until the second written paper, recorded double-digit growth, during the live marathon from 19 to 21 June, reaching 2.3 million unique users; there was also a particularly significant boom in access from mobile devices, which in the same days accounted for 73% of the site’s total traffic (source: Google Analytics).

Also of significance was  triple-digit growth on Facebook. The “Maturità 2018” group, coordinated by the team, saw an authentic flood of registrations, reaching a total of 42,000 subscribers (+280% compared with 2017): exam candidates who up until the “night before the exams” continued to interact with each other looking for help and, in turn, offering their support to their peers. Overall, thanks to constant activity on the fan page, in the week of the written exams, content reached 2.4 million users, a figure that rises to 3.8 million when the data for the last month is taken into account. Also in this case an extraordinary performance compared with 2017, with increases of more than 250% (source: Facebook Insights).

So, an increasingly social and digital maturità, made possible also thanks to the quality of video content: in addition to live feeds with experts, psychologists and tutors in preparation for the exams, the big new feature this year was the involvement of webstars and youtubers such as Favij, Frank Matano, Sofia Viscardi and Salvatore Aranzulla, who talked about their experiences with the maturità through live specials on social media and popular video clips. In fact, during the last month, including the exam days, the platforms (Facebook, YouTube and the web site) recorded 4 million video views.

Chi Summer Tour protagonist of summer 2018

This year’s Chi tour will visit some of the coolest locations with vip guests and a range of initiatives for readers and the public

Palermo, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Forte dei Marmi and Rimini: the 4 stages of the latest edition of the project conceived by Italy’s most widely read people magazine

The Chi Summer Tour, an event created by Chi, Italy’s most widely read people magazine edited by Alfonso Signorini, returns this summer to 4 very trendy and chic locations. Following the enormous success of previous editions, this year the tour will have a range of new features to entertain the many guests and the public.

The tour kicks off on Saturday 30 June on the beach of Mondello in Palermo, before proceeding on  8 July to Cortina d’Ampezzo, on 15 July to Forte del Marmi, ending up on 21 Juli in Rimini.

This year the Chi Summer Tour will travel round Italy with a personalised truck that will convert into a stage from which the editor Alfonso Signorini and his guests will animate the squares of the locations involved.  This year’s four stages will provide an opportunity to get a closer look at the world of the Mondadori Group magazine, to meet the editor and the celebrities participating in the event.

There is much anticipation for the talk show, conducted by the editor Alfonso Signorini, with some of the best known faces from the world of entertainment who will talk live about themselves to the audience, providing also some gossip, curiosities as well as what’s new and trending in the summer of 2018. From Valeria Marini to Giuseppe Sottile, and also Cecilia Capriotti Giovanni Ciacci, Francesca Valtorta, Romina Mondello, Iago Garcia and Antonio Spagnolo. At the same time, the Chi truck will also host moments dedicated to beauty and a show-cooking by Alice Balossi, pastry chef and cake maker, blogger and TV presenter.

The appointment at all 4 locations will be at around 7 pm in the heart of each place visited by the Chi Summer Tour (with the exception of Cortina, that will start at around 5 pm).

With this format, the advertising sales company Mediamond offers companies the possibility of communication projects and events that allow them to present their stories in original and valuable contexts.

All updates concerning the Chi Summer Tour will be available on the magazine’s social media profiles: Instagram chimagazineit and Facebook and by following  the hashtag #chisummertour.

Studenti.It celebrates 20 years: helping students get through their high school exams since 1998 is Italy’s leading digital brand in the Education segment,
a 100% “Millennial-Z” hub with 4 million unique users every month

The 20th June sees the start of the final high school diploma exams in Italy, commonly known as the “maturità”, and once again this year – the Mondadori Group brand leader in Education sector market with 4 million unique users per  month (source: Audiweb, January 2018) – is working with students to help them pass this important moment. boasts 20 years of experience having been launched in 1998 as a pass-notes database to help students to exchange study materials: the site has grown alongside the Millennials and Generation Z, young people now aged between 10 and 20, who have never known a world without the internet and that are the core audience for the brand. Since the beginning, the site has seen its offer expand enormously, with the addition of content edited by researchers and university professors, a constant flow of news and information about the world of schools, dissertation summaries, exam tools and simulations and a range of other supporting materials, making a total of some 50,000 documents in the archive.

In a now consolidated tradition, also this year, in the days of the written exams (20, 21 and 25 June) will run non-stop live coverage of the maturità from 7am to 8pm: with real-time updates and comments from experts and tutors in different subjects who will provide assessments of the outlines proposed by the Miur, as well as developing simulations to be published at the end of each exam. On the field, the team will interview students outside the schools, before and after the exams, to gather immediate reactions and comments to be added to the flow of news on the site.

Listening to the views and needs of those directly affected is part of the constant efforts made by to get as close as possible to the maturità: for example, online surveys using questionnaires on the site and on social media have in recent months brought together the opinions of more than 52,000 students facing the maturità this year on various issues related to the exam (study techniques, the use of technology, progress assessments, managing nerves, “outlines”), surveys that have been picked up and reproduced by local and national newspapers, as well as on the radio and the web.

An important new feature this year was the involvement of popular webstars, such as Frank Matano, Favij, Sofia Viscardi and Salvatore Aranzulla, who took part in live interviews and video spots on Facebook with a reach that so far has totalled 1 million people: the participants shared news and anecdotes about their experiences of the maturità, along with useful advice and tips for getting through the exam and also dealing with what happens after the exam, when adult life really begins.

Also on Facebook, where the page has over 466,000 fans and continues to grow, a dedicated “Maturità 2018” group has recorded an authentic boom in subscriptions: 40,000 students (three times more than last year, the widest group about the exam in Italy). Through the group, moderated by the team, students can come into contact with each other in the search for tips about the exam, to let off steam in moments of difficulty but also to offer their own creative qualities and share know-how: what will come out in the Italian exam? How to prepare the perfect cover for your dissertation? What software to use? How to set out a conceptual map? How does the credits and bonus system work? Does anyone know the external examiners on my commission? These are just some of the topics that ring round schools across the country in a normal day of students preparing to face the maturità in 2018.

The seasonal peak of traffic is an opportunity for many companies and brands to communicate with a young audience in a qualitative context, also by integrating the site’s social platforms into advertising plans.

Giallozafferano gives voice to its recipes also on Google Home

Giallozafferano, the point of reference for Italians in the kitchen, with 6.6 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb), over 6 million fans on Facebook and more than 600,000 readers for its printed magazine, from today will “speak” to its community also on  “Google Home, the voice-activated smart speaker recently launched in Italy by Google.

The Mondadori Group brand will consequently be available through Google Assistant across all compatible devices: Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, and Google Home and Google Mini smart speakers.

With Google Home it is possible to interact with the digital cooking assistant of Giallozafferano, that will establish a pleasant and friendly natural conversation with the user: all you have to do is call the assistant with a simple vocal command “OK Google, let me talk to Giallozafferano” to get the help you need in the kitchen. The secret lies in the innovative step-by-step function, in which a voice will accompany the user through each step of the preparation of the dish – using the vocal commands “back”, “repeat” or “forward” – making it possible even for inexperienced cooks to follow the recipe and  produce a perfect result without mistakes.

In fact, the  step-by-step function makes it possible to complete each phase of the preparation, interrupting when necessary, and starting again from where you left off. All by using the simple vocal “OK Google, ask Giallozafferano to start cooking again”; a particularly useful feature for dishes that require a long preparation.

With Giallozafferano’s new Action on Google,  you can choose a recipe, from a selection of over 4,500 available, with “OK Google, ask Giallozafferano for the recipe for tiramisù”, or run through the list of ingredients with the command “OK Google, tell me the ingredients”.

The new service offers a range of functions also to users accessing Giallozafferano from a smartphone or tablet, with even easier and more immediate usability thanks to the support of high-quality photos that make each stage even more intuitive and simple to complete.

This new project continues the brand strategy of Giallozafferano which, on the strength of the success of the web site from which a magazine was created that in just over a year has achieved an average monthly sale of 120,000 copies (source: ADS, March 2018), a series of books and a TV programme on Canale 5, can now count on an even more articulated multi-channel offer.

Icon celebrates its Iconic Club at Pitti in Florence: an evening dedicated to products that have become part of the history of style

A special evening, at Pitti Uomo in Forence, to celebrate Iconic Club: a small and selected group of iconic product that have become part of the history of style, certified by ICON, the upscale male lifestyle title of the Mondadori Group, edited by Michele Lupi. And, on 12 Jun, the Iconic Club Party, at Le Pagliere in Florence, will bring together the brands that have created historic icons of style; objects which, over the years, have built around them authentic communities of admirers who are proud to wear, use and share them with other enthusiasts, conscious of belonging to a limited and exclusive group.

This is the philosophy of Iconic Club, which made its debut this year in the pages of Icon with a special editorial feature dedicated precisely to the stories of such icons: from the enduring legend that is the Vespa Piaggio or the Land Rover Defender in the automotive sector, to items of clothing that have become imprinted in the collective memory of universal style, such as the Fay 4 Ganci or Levi’s 501 jeans, the Baracuta G9 Harrington Jacket to the Valstar Valstarino, or the mythical Persol 714 sunglasses and the Montblanc Meisterstück fountain pen. Behind every one of these symbols there is much more than a simple product, but an account of an original story that has developed over time to create a status symbol in terms of style.

“The inspiration – says editor Michele Lupi – came to us from the many clubs of motorcycle and car enthusiasts. With the editorial team we decided to apply the same concept – made up of communities of aficionados who come together at ad hoc events around the country to exchange information across specially created social media platforms etc, also for the world related to style and fashion.”

For the first time, the Iconic Club Party on 12 June will bring together the Iconic Club brands from the pages of the magazine in an evening event in the centre of Florence in an exhibition that covers the history of each individual product. A show perfectly integrated with the environment of Le Pagliere with big posters celebrating the icons of style that are the protagonists of the event, with historic photographs of the partner brands, taken form the archives.

This special event will be animated by a live-set by Nicky Siano, a pioneer of dance music and the legendary first resident DJ at Studio 54, the Manhattan disco which, at the end of the 1970s, was frequented by a pantheon of the international jet-set, including Elizabeth Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Andy Warhol, John Travolta, Michael Jackson, Elton John and many more.

The evening’s beverage partner will be Belvedere Vodka, the world’s leading luxury vodka, which has created especially for the occasion two Signature Cocktails, the Belvedere Iconic Club and the Belvedere Pink Icon, the official cocktails for the event along with Belvedere Ruby Tonic.

To mark the Pitti Immagine Uomo 94, the June issue of Icon, like that of last January, will enjoy a special distribution on the platforms of the high-speed trains running between Milan and Florence, in the lounge areas of 4 and 5 star hotels in Florence, and to opinion leaders and international buyers at Pitti.

Companies have responded enthusiastically to the lively and exciting proposal of Icon and given the advertising company Mediamond an extraordinary result for the June issue, which has recorded a 60% in sales compared with last year.

Donna Moderna presents the Atlete project

25 stories of women – told across all of the brand’s channels – who despite many sporting successes have remained largely unknown

Donna Moderna, the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, presents a project called Atlete: stories of female sports professionals who – despite many sporting successes – are relegated by Italian regulations to amateur roles with a marginal image, also among the general public. From winter to team sports, and from swimming to disciplines generally considered more male, such as football, car racing and boxing, their stories stand out for their strength and determination and a capacity to enter the collective imagination and bring honour and acclaim to the country.

“In the great chorus with which in 2018 we are giving voice to “Donne come noi” (Women Like Us), which looks at women who are making headway gaining space in society, we felt that athletes deserved a special mention,” explained Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna. “They are the pioneers of female empowerment, as they continuously challenge the limits of their bodies and the society in which they live. And yet, despite this, they still face disparity with the other half of the sky, a disparity that is even written into the rules!”

Atlete ( is an online long-form response in 25 chapters, that will be published weekly, each of which – with video, photos and text – will tell the story of an outstanding sportswoman or group of sportswomen – that are representative of a universe, a specificity or a particular battle. Some examples: Eleonora Piacezzi, 23, is one of the brightest hopes of Italian women’s football. She plays for the national team and the Cuneo women’s team but she is still obliged to work part-time in her family’s greenhouse business in Liguria, and to train twice a week on her own and another twice a week in the evenings, after driving many kilometres by car to join her team-mates. Or Nataliya Shudruk and her team-mates of the Lobsters Pescara (a female American football team, a sport that in Italy has fewer then 100 participants) who in order to find the resources they need to participate in the championship had to organise a crowdfunding initiative and a self-produced calendar.

Atlete is also a series of 6 reportage article, published once a month in print, with outstanding photographs by Ugo Zamborlini and written by Gianluca Ferraris and Barbara Rachetti. And, from 15 June, an 8-part podcast, produced by Piano P, each of which telling a story in the voices of journalists, the protagonist and background sounds, along with audio extracts from the competitions.

The story continues also on social channels, using the hashtag #Atlete to share the project with the entire community of the Donna Moderna brand: the video interviews of Atlete will be available on YouTube and posted natively on Facebook and Instagram.