
Donna Moderna launches its ‘Dyslexia Project’ on 4 October

An initiative by the Mondadori Group brand that, using the web, the magazine and a talk show, will spread information about the issue of dyslexia as “another way of being intelligent”

The project has been organised in collaboration with Lancôme


Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, – which has a long track record of engagement with social issues– is launching its ‘Dyslexia Project’ (‘Progetto Dislessia’).

The project begins with a talk show on  Wednesday 4 October at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan that will inform the public and clarify some of the false ideas and prejudices that surround this issue. The talk show – that will be available live on the Donna Moderna Facebook page – will feature the magazine’s editor, together with the actor Francesco Riva, the radio and TV presenter Andrea Delogu, journalist and mother Francesca Magni, primary school teacher Antonella Meiani, the neuro-psychiatrist Cristiano Termine and Ulrika Wiskstrom, Brand General Manager of Lancôme, sponsor of the initiative.

“The diagnosis of dyslexia is becoming more common and our readers, mothers of dyslexic children, have to face the incapacity of schools and society to manage this feature of the human brain, which leads to children learning differently,” said the editor of the magazine. “The aim of Donna Moderna is to make it clear that dyslexia, and other specific learning disabilities, are simply another way of being intelligent. Early diagnosis, through signals that some children show from the age of two, can make it easier to bring them up to be confident and serene,” Annalisa Monfreda concluded.

The Talk Show will take place during Dyslexia Week, promoted by AID (the Italian Dyslexia Association, and will begin an awareness building project, organised in collaboration with Lancôme, that, with its initiative “Write Her Future”, supports the mission of AID to help children to overcome difficulties at school.

Donna Moderna will also develop the initiative with a longform essay on the web, which will be online on Wednesday, 4 October ( that will also be published in the magazine in the form of a special dossier. This specially produced feature – with photos by Gabriele Galimberti – tells the stories of both famous and unknown characters who have “come out” as dyslexics and invites readers and users (aged 12 to 74) to do likewise by sending a video of their experience to the editorial team.The longform essay is divided into three sections related to three realities that revolve around the world of dyslexia: the science (in which doctors and experts explain what dyslexia is), the family (in the word of dyslexics, as well as the experience of parents, family members and friends) and school (also involving teachers who explain how they relate to and handle classes).

The Lancôme project is part of a larger programme that every year encourages and promotes the happiness of all women. Every woman can acquire independence and freedom and be the author of her own story, but only if she has, from childhood, the right tools to help her develop. In October, for Lancôme the Month of Happiness, the company will contribute, with a donation to AID, to the organisation of important training sessions for teachers and parents, with the aim of raising awareness and facilitating the recognition of dyslexia.

Donna Moderna, part of the Mediamond advertising portfolio, is Italy’s leading editorial network for women, an ecosystem that through its magazine,  web and social channels, embraces a total audience of 10 million net contacts, between readers and users (Source: Company data based on Audipress 2017.1 and Audiweb May2017), that is able to extend and develop its reach with initiatives like this around the country (4 million monthly readers, a circulation of 230,000 copies.  7.9 million unique users -Audipress 2017.1,ADS Jan-Dec 2016;  Audiweb View May 2017 – and 516,000 followers on Twitter and 627,000 fans on Facebook).

Donna Moderna is the media partner of the Women’s Fiction Festival

The programme features encounters with editors and the protagonists of women’s fiction, moderated by the editor, Annalisa Monfreda, and journalists of the Mondadori Group magazine

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, will be the media partner of the Women’s Fiction Festival, to be held in Matera from 28 to 30 September. Now in its 13th edition, the programme of the WFF feature encounters with authors, laboratories in schools, readings, shows and various other activities for the promotion of books and reading.

In this context Donna Moderna will organise a series of encounters in which the weekly magazine’s  editor and journalists will talk with writers, editors and agents, in other words, protagonists from the world of literature and journalism.

Donna Moderna has always been attentive to its readers and their tastes in books. We know that they love reading and sharing their passions and exchanging ideas and suggestions about novels. This is why we wanted to be involved as the of the Women’s Fiction Festival. And we will also be present to meet with authors and readers and present our competition La tua vita in un libro (Your life in a book) to which many aspiring writers have already responded,” said the editor of Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda.

In fact, Donna Moderna has given its readers the opportunity to become writers and see their work published by the Mondadori publishing house in an initiative aimed at women who want to write about their personal experience.

The second phase of the competition – details of which will be announced during the WFF – will see the 10 selected candidates put to the test on the web site where they will have – in a collaboration between the editorial staff of Donna Moderna and Mondadori Libri – a special section where they can publish drafts and interact with the public, reply top questions and provide greater detail about their stories. The jury will decide on a winner by December 2017, taking account of the pertinence to the theme proposed, the creativity and originality of the work, as well as the work done during the talent on line phase.
Programme of events organised and moderated by Donna Moderna at the Women’s Fiction Festival:

Thursday 28 September (at 7 pm Area 8) Annalisa Monfreda introduces Teresa Ciabatti, author of ”La più amata”, published by Mondadori, and talk about the this latest success by the author that talks about her family and the events of an entire era, An honest “autofiction” born of the need to come to terms with a brusquely interrupted happy childhood.

It will also be possible to follow this event live on the magazine’s Facebook page.

This will be followed at 7.45 pm by La tua vita in un libro (Your life in a book). Advice for writers: a round table discussion with Annalisa Monfreda, Isabella Fava, journalist of Donna Moderna and Edoardo Brugnatelli, fiction editor at Mondadori.

Friday 29 September (at 6 pm at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale Domenico Ridola). Isabella Fava presents Anna Giurovick Dato, author of “La figlia femmina”, published by Fazi and Antonella Lattanzi, author of “Una storia nera”, published by Mondadori.

Saturday 30 September (ore 12.00 at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale Domenico Ridola) Annalisa Monfreda talks with Lorenzo Marone, author of “Magari domani resto”, published by Feltrinelli and Federico Baccomo, author of “Anna sta mentendo”, published by Giunti.

In conclusion, on Saturday (at 7 pm at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale Domenico Ridola) Isabella Fava will talk about “L’arrivo di Saturno”, published by Bompiani, with the author Loredana Lipperini.

Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading editorial network for women, is an authentic ecosystem that with its magazine,  web and social channels, embraces an overall audience of 10 million net contacts among readers and users (source: Audipress 2017 and Audiweb May2017), that is also able to expand further thanks to initiatives of this kind around the country (4 million readers per month, a circulation of 230,000,  7.9 million unique users – Audiweb View May 2017 – and 515,000 followers on Twitter and 617,000 fans on Facebook).

Interni at Cersaie 2017 in Bologna

The interiors and contemporary design magazine will participate at the second edition of Cafè della stampa with an event entitled “Collisioni Creative - dove nasce l’ispirazione?” (Creative Collisions –
where does inspiration come from?), a conversation betwen Massimo Iosa Ghini, Cesare Picco and Giampiero Mughini


INTERNI will take part in the second edition of Café della stampa organised in the context of Cersaie 2017 in Bologna (25-29 September), the international trade fair for ceramics for architecture and bathrooms. For the occasion, the interiors and contemporary design magazine, edited by Gilda Bojardi, has organised an extraordinary event to look at the world of creativity.

Collisioni Creative – dove nasce l’ispirazione? (Creative Collisions – where does inspiration come from?),  will be the title of a conversation featuring the architect Massimo Iosa Ghini and the musician Cesare Picco. From quite different worlds, these two personalities will talk about the stages in their path towards inspiration, for example, the source of the urgency for creation. As well as the encounters, both real and virtual, that have stimulated or provoked them, in an attempt to explain to the public the interior aspects and personal dynamics have driven, and continue to drive, their art. The dialogue between Massimo Iosa Ghini and Cesare Picco will be completed with a live performance of design and a musical contribution. The moderator and guide in this “journey to the source” will be the journalist Giampiero Mughini.

Collisioni Creative – dove nasce l’ispirazione? will take place on Tuesday 26 September from 12pm at the Café della stampa (Galleria Dell’Architettura – Gall. 21-22).

For more information, please go to

Giallo Zafferano and Pianeta Mamma win as “Best Food Site” and “Best Site for Parents and Children” at the Macchianera Internet Awards 2017

The Mondadori Group brands Giallo Zafferano and Pianeta Mamma have received the top prizes at the Macchianera Internet Awards 2017, that recognise Italy’s best sites and influencers, as well as the most creative and interesting social pages according to the assessment of internet experts who expressed their preferences in an online vote.

With 42,040 votes Giallo Zafferano, the site that since 2006 has got Italians cooking, took first place in the “Best Food Site” category. A further recognition of the success story of a brand that has 5-6 million unique users on the web (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, average January-July 2017) and 5.4 million fans on Facebook, and that this year alos brought its strengths to newsstands with the launch of the monthly Giallo Zafferano, the cookery magazine in Italy and Europe born from a web site.
The top 5 cooking sites close with two other Group brands, Cook Around and Sale&Pepe.

The Macchianera Internet Awards 2017 also highlighted Pianeta Mamma – the favourite site for expectant mothers or those looking to become pregnant – which was judged the “Best Site for Parents and Children” with 20,189 votes. Also on the podium was another Mondadori site,
Launched in 2008, every month Pianeta Mamma reaches 605,000 unique users (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, average January-July 2017) and has a fan base on Facebook of 362,000, thanks to services and content that help and accompany women through the experience of maternity: expert advice, stories from other mothers, video-tutorials and useful suggestions for the whole family.

This year’s winners also included, in the “Best Film Site Category” i400Calci, the site hosted by Altervista, the Mondadori Group platform leader in the creation of blogs and web sites, which has hosted over 2.5 million sites and blogs since its launch and with 600 new web sites created every day.

Meanwhile, Zingarate, the web site that talks about the best of travel, with words and images  of those who do the travelling, was among the 10 best travel sites thanks to the votes of users.


Interni and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in London to the London Design Festival with a lecture by Cino Zucchi

The Cino Zucchi architect's lecture, titled “The Campsite Shower Theory - In Praise Of Just-Out-Of-Time Architecture", will be held on tuesday, september 19, at the Italian Cultural Institute in London

The countdown has begun for the London Design Festival, which runs in the British capital from 16 to 24 September 2017. Once again this year INTERNI will be present, together with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in London, with an important event: a lecture by the architect Cino Zucchi entitled The Campsite Shower Theory – In Praise Of Just-Out-Of-Time Architecture.

Using the ironic metaphor of the “campsite shower”, Cino Zucchi, one of Italy’s leading proponents in the field of architecture and urban design, in conversation with Robert Mull, Professor of the University of Brighton, will focus on a crucial point that separates architecture and urban environments from easy to eliminate technical objects: the obligatory delay between needs and the response, and the capacity of buildings and cities to change over time by taking on roles and functions other than those for which they were conceived.

The event will be opened by the Italian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Pasquale Terracciano, followed by Gilda Bojardi, the editor of INTERNI, the Interiors and Contemporary Design magazine published by the Mondadori Group, and Marco Delogu, director of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

The event, which is open to the public, will take place at 7 pm on Tuesday 19 September at

the headquarters of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in 39 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8NX).

The event will be followed by an Italian-style aperitive.

The event has been organised in collaboration with: Baglioni Hotels, Kartell and Marchesi Frescobaldi.

For more information:

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni launches its new digital Tv Guide

A compass to easily find your way through a continuously evolving television landscape

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, the Mondadori Group brand, leader in the entertainment segment, with an overall average audience of 5.2 million readers and users (source: Audipress 2017/I + Audiweb TDA Average March-May 2017), presents its new digital Guida Tv, at

Always one of the most interesting content features for the title’s audience, the brand’s new Guida Tv reinforces and expands the offer of information about TV programmes with a practical, useful and complete  online tool to help users find what they want to see in a continuously evolving television landscape.

Sorrisi’s new Guida Tv provides a constantly updated list of 130 channels, with more than 100,000 programme profiles with an innovative design. The new home page shows the programmes divided by category, making it easier and more immediate to use, also thanks to time slot search keys (“today”, “now”, “this afternoon”, “this evening”, “tomorrow”) and the close-up  remote control functionality to select quickly and easily an individual channel or different platforms – free, premium and Sky – making it easy for users to navigate, also from a mobile device.

Also the concept of the Guida Tv is new, thanks to a clear division of categories and genres, offering users suggestions and connections between different content, for example tv series, classified as comedy or drama, kids programmes, sitcoms, history, fantasy, police procedurals, and thrillers. In addition to scheduling details, the new Guida Tv also provides information about plots, casts, video clips and links to sites and social networks.

Based on an integrated system that brings together the magazine, web site and social media, users will also find recommendations by the editorial team of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni identified by the label “Must see”, a guarantee of quality. The content of Guida Tv is further enhanced by related articles on the web site and, in conjunction with prime time talent shows, with live background details on the site and of Sorrisi’s Facebook page.

Giallo Zafferano: an average of 5,000 votes each month on Facebook to choose the magazine’s cover

Users as protagonists in the making each issue

Giallo Zafferano, the Mondadori Group’s online leader in the cookery segment – with over 6 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb View, Total Audience, January-May 2017), a fan base of more than 5.2 million users and an app that has recorded almost 7 million downloads – confirms its appeal on both newsstands, with an average annual circulation of 200,000 copies and social media.

These results are based on Italy’s leading cookery web site’s ability to engage its audience, in a continuous interconnection between the web, social networks and the printed magazineas can be seen from the extraordinary participation in the making of the magazine edited by Laura Maragliano, who leaves the choice of the magazine’s cover to the brand’s audience.

This means that the readers are active protagonists in the creation of every issue. In fact, every month, Giallo Zafferano uses Facebook to propose two possible covers for the magazine and users are invited to express a preference using the standard Facebook tools “like” and “love”. In April, this initiative involved more than 1 million people, with and average of 5,000 votes for each issue. Among the most popular challenges was the May cover, “Four pasta dishes to prepare in a flash” against ”Six varieties of sandwich”, which was the victor in the meal par excellence in Italy, with 55% of the votes, out of a total of more than 12,000. The same making of mechanism was used to select the cover of the latest issue of Giallo Zafferano, dedicated to “8 spaghetti dishes for the Ferragosto national holiday”, chosen by 74% of the voters over the competing “Ferragosto picnic “.

But user engagement doesn’t stop at the choice of the cover. The magazine’s readers are also offered the opportunity to vote for their favourite recipe of the month published in the section entitled “A three-way challenge“, in which the three section chiefs of Giallo Zafferano battle it out on a common culinary theme. The July competition, which focused on pasta salads, also received over 1,000 votes and declared Aurora’s “Farfalle alla rucola” the winner. Readers and users also enthusiastically participate in the contest organised by Giallo Zafferano. For each challenge more than 100 recipes are sent in by users with the aim of winning the award for the best dish based on three ingredients proposed by the editorial team and published in the subsequent issue. The latest issue of Giallo Zafferano, on newsstands now, features the winning dish of the contest with August’s three ingredients: green olives, chicken and red onions.

Spy: over 300,000 copies sold for each of the first three issues

On newsstands from Friday 14 July at €1 with a cover story on the reignited love story between Paola Barale and Raz Degan

Huge success for Spy, the Mondadori Group weekly that focuses on the Italian star system, that made its first appearance on newsstands on 23 June.

On the strength of a distinctive identity and positioning, compared with what’s available on the market, and thanks to a tantalising and biting style that remains always conscious of the importance of editorial quality, Spy is aimed at a broad and interested target that has rewarded the formula from the beginning. In fact, each of the first three weekly issues has sold over 300,000 copies. Excellent results have also been recorded on the advertising front, with over 150 pages for the first three issues and the presence of all product sectors.

Spy, based on an idea by Alfonso Signorini, is edited by Massimo Borgnis. Each week Spy digs deep inside the life of celebrities, in line with its claim claim to be “The magazine that minds other people’s business”, and revealing unusual but always current stories and focusing on the personalities of the moment that enthuse the Italian public. The next issue, on newsstands from Friday 14 July, with a cover price of €1, will feature revelations about the reignited love story between Paola Barale and Raz Degan, unpublished behind the scenes coverage of the Isoardi-Salvini betrayal and the new man who has bewitched Maria De Filippi.

“Sicilian Mood”: this summer Interni is dedicating an entire issue to design an architecture in Sicily

On the cover a drawing done specially by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

The presentation will take place on 3 August in the Botanical Gardens of Radicepura di Giarre (CT) during the Radicepura Mediterranean Garden Festival

Interni, the interiors and  contemporary design magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi, is dedicating its July-august issue to Sicily: a monographic issue focusing on the design and architecture of the island, with a cover drawing created especially by the fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, for whom Sicily has long been an important source of inspiration.

Entitled “Sicilian Mood”, the new issue of Interni is a tour of discovery of the varied excellences of the island, including architecture (from homes to resorts, including work by Marco Merendi, Carlo Pintacuda, Corrado Papa, Gordon Guillaumier), art (Carla Accardi), food, design, graphic design  (Cinzia Ferrara, Atelier 790, Go Marketing and Comunicazione), local and pop design crafts, and companies (Nero Sicilia, Made a mano, Orange Fiber, Edizioni Precarie, Lithea).

210 pages offering a series of reflections on the creativity,  talent, ideas, new projects and transformation of the productive system in Sicily, with a closer look at some of the many designers who have established themselves outside the confines of the island (from Giovanni Levanti and Francesco Librizzi, to Vittorio Venezia and Gaetano di Gregorio) as well as at the training, design and challenges of an area that still has enormous potential to be discovered (Accademia Abadir, MADE Program).

“A trip to Sicily: part two. After eight years, a second summer (July-August) issue of Interni , entirely dedicated to the island and its stratified resources, the source of endless stimulations for the culture of design. The 2009 issue focused on Palermo and the city’s New Deal, as well as on the south-east coast. This year the focus is on the eastern Iblea ‘region’, with its rugged landscapes, ranging from the green Mediterranean scrub and the warm gold of its rocks in which Goethe recognised the characteristics of grace in towns such as Noto, Ragusa, Modica, and the pre-oasis of Vendicari: an area with the highest concentration of UNESCO sites in the world, part of humanity’s heritage for its architectural and artistic treasures and its landscape,” commented the editor of Interni, Gilda Bojardi.

“Sicilian Mood” will be presented on 3 August, at 6 pm,  18.30 in the Botanical Gardens of Radicepura di Giarre (CT), as part of the Radicepura Mediterranean Garden Festival, Italy’s leading garden and landscape design event which runs until 21 October, and features leading international landscape designers and six young designers, linked to six international universities, selected by competition.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Enigmistica: the first quiz and games weekly from Sorrisi

A million copies of the first issue, an exceptional free gift with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Telepiù e Guida Tv

This week sees the launch of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Enigmistica, the first quiz and games weekly from Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, edited by Aldo Vitali.

The new magazine, which is aimed at all crossword, quiz and games enthusiasts, carried the Sorrisi logo, a brand that is a point of reference in the world of entertainment, and market leader with a readership of 2,372,169 (source: Audipress 2017/I) and a circulation of 559,310 copies (source: Ads April 2017).

The first issue will be on newsstands from Tuesday 4 July, exceptionally a s free gift for readers of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Telepiù e Guida Tv, with a total print run of 1 million copies.

The second issue will go on sale, as a stand-alone product, on Tuesday 11 July, with a special launch cover price of €0.50 cents.

“For ages readers have been asking for a magazine featuring crosswords, quizzes and puzzles. This is why we have put together a new weekly that in addition to all of these also retains its link with Sorrisi and the world of entertainment, which is a feature of some of the new games. And with the arrival of the holidays we wanted to offer a gift to all our readers, because there’s nothing better than exercising the mind for relaxing and improving the memory,”  declared the editor of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Enigmistica, Aldo Vitali.

With a total of 48 pages in full colour, and a format of 19×23.5 centimetres, which is practical both for the home and outdoors, the magazine will every week feature 100 games: ranging classics such as general-knowledge crosswords, quizzes, sudoku, word-frames, enigmas, and humorous cartoons, as well as new games based on television, music, the cinema: “Telequiz”, “Le canzonissime” and “Ciak si gira”.

A special communication campaign has bee organised for the launch using TV, newspapers, weeklies, radio, the web, point of sale posters and visibility at leading large-scale retail outlets.

The creativity, based on the claim “Il Big Bang dell’Enigmistica, la nuova origine del divertimento intelligente”, was developed by the agency White Label.

Editorial development by Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Enigmistica and managed by PRS Editore.