
Grazia “Young since 1938”

The magazine starts 2018 with an issue entirely dedicated to younger generations

Francesca Michielin is the first protagonist of a series of events celebrating the 8oth anniversary of the Mondadori brand

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine that is the interpreter of Italian fashion and style and the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy, this year celebrates its 80th anniversary. In order to mark this important milestone a series of events and projects will take place during 2018 to engage loyal readers, celebrities, the world of fashion and beauty that revolves around the title, and the advertising clients who have always believed in this historic brand.

“We have been young, curious and cosmopolitan since 1938. We have never lost confidence in the power of the printed page,” declared editor-in-chief Silvia Grilli. “We have never thought of the internet and social media as enemies. On the contrary, we have always believed that a combination of print and the web can achieve bigger and cross-generational objectives. The strength of Grazia has been its capacity to be handed down from mother to daughter, from fathers to sons, adding freshness and vitality every week, every day, every moment, “ Grilli concluded.

Young since 1938, with the figure 8 turned to represent the infinite loop, is the slogan chosen to celebrate Grazia’s 8oth birthday. An iconic cross-generational brand, that is both completely Italian and cosmopolitan, with 24 editions around the world.

The first event marking the beginning of the celebrations features Francesca Michielin as the protagonist in an exclusive showcase. The singer-songwriter, born in 1995, who is setting of on tour on 17 March from Fabrique in Milan, will open an evening entitled The Millennials’ Night, on Thursday 11 January, the eve of the release of her new album “2640”.

At the same time, a special issue of Grazia will hit the newsstands entirely dedicated to generations Y and Z, those born between the end of the 198os and the beginning of 2000s: those who are always connected, without borders and that consider diversity an strength. Like the young people who have put together this issue, which begins with an interview with Francesca Michielin and features contributions from Aurora Ramazzotti; Valentina Ferragni, fashion influencer and sister of Chiara; Benji&Fede; Italian champion skier Sofia Goggia; Danish blogger Sophia Roe; YouTuber Sofia Viscardi; and it-girl Luna Bonaccorsi. Plus a behind-the-scenes look at the dancers of Maria De Filippi’s Amici, dressed and photographed by the Grazia editorial team. In the fashion section readers will find the style trends of the fashion influencers and it-girls, .while the beauty pages will outline the beauty trends that appeal to the new generations: sparkling masks, pink hair, crystal manicures and fitness disciplines that mix different specialities.

The freshness, contemporary feel and strength of Grazia are confirmed by the magazines circulation figures (over 164,000 copies), an increase of 7.6% (ADS January-October 2017 compared with January-October 2016); readership data (702.000 readers) up by 2% (Audipress 2017-II compared with 2017-I) and web traffic (1,284,000 unique users) which recorded an increase of 48% (Audiweb TDA October 2017  compared with October 2016).

This enables the brand to reach a total monthly net audience of 3.2 million contacts (Mediamond calculation based on data from Audipress 2017-2 and Audiweb TDA October 2017).

GialloZafferano: a completely new app

GialloZafferano, the Mondadori Group brand  and Italy’s leading cooking website, has launched a new version of its app, which has already  been downloaded more than 6 million times (Source: iTunes and Google Play) and has a daily average of 110,000 active users (Source: Google Analytics).

An improvement of the multi-channel di GialloZafferano offer which, this year, has pursued an extensive brand extension strategy with the launch in April of the monthly magazine and the publication in November of a book of recipes by the foodbloggers of the community.

With a graphic redesign, and a more useful and user-friendly interface, the new app has been expanded to include a range of functions to help users, from deciding what to prepare to shopping for provisions, as well as the different phases of preparation.

New features include:

– Favourite recipes: whether it’s Sunday lunch, a dinner with friends or a menu for a special occasion, it is possible to choose the name and the composition of your own recipe collection;
– Shopping lists: make sure you don’t forget any of the ingredients you need and what recipes they are for. Practical and shareable with whoever you want;
– Photo-commentary of recipes: to participate in the GialloZafferano community with feedback on recipes and talking about dishes you’ve prepared with photos of your efforts;
– Giallo Zafferano always by your side: thanks to a new registration process, also using Facebook, all of the GialloZafferano services are synchronised and can be used on both the app and on the website. Access using a smartphone of PC, you can easily find your recipes;
– Recipe of the day: with a push notification on your smartphone, you can also receive the recipe of the day, selected by the editorial team, who choose and organise the best dishes to help users discover new ideas for lunches, dinners and parties.
Each recipe is accompanied by lots of useful information – from preparation difficulty to the time required for preparation and cooking and the number of courses – with dishes organised by course and category.

With this new version of the app, GialloZafferano will be an even more effective tool for the brand’s community which, according to the recent survey “Food media brands”, conducted by Human Highway, is considered the “Top Of Mind” brand, for 21% of Italians online, and is seen as being “irreplaceable in the kitchen” and the site most used for cooking by 39% of users.

A year of success for CasaFacile

A new site, more castings to join the CF Style team, special initiatives and events for the magazine’s 20th anniversary

CasaFacile confirms its position as strategic brand and records +23% in revenues vs. 2016

A year full of special initiatives, news and events. 2017, for CasaFacile 2017 marked its 20th year, and it is preparing to welcome 2018 with much that is new.

Never more than this year has the Mondadori Group’s interiors monthly, dedicated to those who love their home and want to experience it every day with style and originality, met the challenge of accompanying readers on a discovery of a world that is simple, accessible and aspirational, all at the same time, while also making the dream of an ideal home both real and possible.

An exciting and trendy soul, with a touch of anti-conformity, has made the magazine, edited by Giusi Silighini, a winning product, made up of creative ideas and original suggestions that have always ranged from decoration to DIY, with a growing attention to style, design and innovative furnishing solutions.

“I asked my team to focus on the approach to features, above all when the subject might seem banal or unexciting,” the editor Giusi Silighini explained. “The ‘standard’ guide to choosing a matrass now starts from the highly personal style of sleep of each of us, before looking at the opinions of experts, the ‘classic’ layout of a child’s bedroom becomes an opportunity to apply the pedagogical principles of Maria Montessori. In this way, every page is ‘animated’ and the information becomes more layered in order to enrich all kinds of content, a bit like with HTML 4.0!”.

Among the many surprises that have marked the year . from the dream house to the CasaFacile Design Lab, as well as  workshops, supplements and the “Facciamo Casa” box set, produced with Mondadori Store – CasaFacile now brings to newsstands a special issue on the magic atmosphere of Christmas, with a scintillating cover and three whole homes, specially decorated and photographed by the magazine0s team.

The new and the CF Style community

Also the CasaFacilecasa-sul-web” (home-on-the-web) is completely new: even more beautiful, with more images and videos and easier to use. The changes include: broader content, tutorials, DIY, shopping suggestions among crafts and  design, as well as the new panoramic format and the homepage slider with high-impact photos that make it easier to catch the mood and style details. On there are also 20 videos dedicated to design icons, selected and presented by the journalist and TV presenter Giorgio Tartaro and the directories for CF style architects and Interior designers (all selected by the editorial team) ready to reply to readers queries ranging from to the simple restyling of a room. The redesign of the site has contributed to a growth in the traffic of casa, which is currently stable at around 300,000 unique visitors/month (Source: Audiweb View – Total Audience Digital– Average in the last 3 months).

CasaFacile is now much more than a magazine: in 7 years of active presence on social media it has created a team of 24 creative bloggers that share the style and actively participate in the title’s initiatives, but, above all, cultivate a dynamic and enthusiastic community of some 287,000 fans on Facebook and 103,000 followers on Instagram.

But the CasaFacile team will get even better: in January 2018 we will run a new casting to enlarge the team of bloggers and identify new ambassadors of the CF style. Details about how to take part and apply will appear soon on both the site and in the magazine.

The figures of an advertising success

The new editorial approach of CasaFacile has also been rewarded by the advertising clients. In fact, 2017 has confirmed the importance of CasaFacile as a strategic advertising vehicle. The brand continues to grow, both in terms of the number of clients (more than 160 this year, also form outside the sector), and in terms of advertising revenues. Indeed, the positive trend has led to an increase for the CasaFacile system of +23% in revenues, compared with 2016, a result achieved though both display advertising and  thanks to the numerous special projects and events organised exclusively for partner clients.

GialloZafferano is the “Top of Mind” brand for the Italian online audience

  • The only digital native brand among the best known in Italy
  • For 39% of internet users it is the most useful and unmissable in the kitchen

The first edition of the “Food media brands” survey, by Human Highway, is now available. The research examines two segments of the population – online e offline – a total of 2,200 adults, representative of 52.4 million Italians.

The survey provide a panorama of the sector’s most popular elements, ranging from the TV programmes and personalities to the editorial brands that Italians feel most attached to.
Among the standout results is the positioning of GialloZafferano: Italy’s most popular cooking website with 6 million unique users, and which is also available on newsstands as a monthly magazine and in bookshops with a book of recipes by foodbloggers. All of which make it the only top ranking digital native brand in the Human Highway survey.

The awareness of GialloZafferano emerges particularly strongly among the online audience: for 21% of the segment it is the first cooking brand that comes spontaneously to mind, giving it the “Top of Mind” title in the listing.
GialloZafferano is also one of the most well-known brands in both segments of the survey’s sample: spontaneously mentioned by 19% of the respondents (representing 10 million Italians), coming immediately after two much-loved TV programmes, La Prova del Cuoco and Masterchef.

According to the Human Highway survey, within the online segment, GialloZafferano is identified as the brand most used by Italians for cooking, thanks to the possibility of serving users in different ways across the whole day: it has become a “never again without”, unmissable in the kitchen brand for 39% of Italian Internet users (corresponding to 12 million people).

The analysis highlights how digital brands, and firstly GialloZafferano, are closely identified by their usefulness and are considered a valuable source of recipes, while the perception of the TV shows is mainly related to their entertainment value: with 71% of the respondents declaring that they have seen or consulted GialloZafferano in the last year, qualifying it as the brand the most effectively converts knowledge into utility.
GialloZafferano is the point of reference for internet users also in terms of  its influence on buying behaviour: with twice as many respondents declaring that they follow the advice indicated in the featured recipes, compared with those on the TV programmes.
In this context, based on the indications regarding the spontaneous awareness of all of the Mondadori Group’s food brands in the survey – GialloZafferano along with Cookaround, Sale&Pepe and Cucina Moderna – reach a total of 23.4% of the population.

Interni “Icon Makers”

After international previews in Miami and Shanghai, the INTERNI's collector's volume will be on newsstands

In December, the INTERNI system recorded +50% in advertising revenues compared with 2016

What is it that makes so many of the protagonists of Italian design authentic Icon Makers? It’s difficult to say. The recipe is based on a happy mix, the binding substance of which is the country’s long manufacturing history and a vital productive texture that is driven by a wide range of professional figures. and it is precisely to 100 protagonists from ‘behind the scenes’ of design – chosen among entrepreneurs, photographers, graphic designers and communicators, along with their iconic creations – that Icon Makers, a special issue in the INTERNI Serie Oro is dedicated, a continuation of the overview of Italian design begun in 2014 with the celebratory volume marking the magazine’s 60th anniversary.

The introductory notes are by well-know international critics, such as Domitilla Dardi, Deyan Sudjic and Leonardo Sonnoli, who discuss the roots and peculiar characteristics of contemporary design. Meanwhile, the contribution of Cristina Morozzi and Christoph Radl focuses on the work of photographers and art directors, with the view to assessing the evolution of the role and skills of involved.

Following previews at the Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai, Icon Makers will also be presented in Miami at a special location: the Miami Ironside, the lively urban centre created by Ofer Mizrahi. On this occasion there will be a conversation between Gilda Bojardi, editor of INTERNI, Ofer Mizrahi (Miami Ironside Founder), Giulio Cappellini (Art Director at Cappellini and talent scout), Piero Lissoni (Lissoni Associati), Rene Gonzalez (Rene Gonzalez Architects), Carola Hinojosa (Hinojosa Design Studio) and Nasir Kassamali (CEO of Luminaire).

The book, for which an extra print run of 10,000 copies (in Italian and English) has been planned, will also be distributed at the leading  design showrooms in Miami and Milan.

Icon Makers has been supported by 56 of the best and most representative design brands, contributing to the excellent results of the INTERNI system which, in December alone, saw an increase in advertising revenues of over 50% compared with 2016.

With 216 pages, Icon Makers will be available from 5 December at all good newsstands as a supplement to the new issue of the magazine for just 10 (including the magazine).

The launch of Grazia Factory

A new generation of talented influencers in fashion, beauty and lifestyle selected and guided by Grazia

Grazia, the Mondadori Group brand, interpreter of Italian fashion and style, presents Grazia Factory, a new project that features and gives voice to the most interesting fashion, beauty and lifestyle influencers.

For its unmistakeable style Graziaedited by Silvia Grilli, is widely recognised as the most qualified point of reference  for Made in Italy and one of the preferred advertising vehicles for upscale fashion and cosmetics companies.

As a pioneer of the world of influencer marketing, also for its unique ability to collaborate with the most dynamic and sophisticated communities , Grazia  covered the revolution made by the protagonists of digital communication in the world of fashion and style with the exhibition YOU – The Digital Fashion Revolution, at the Palazzo della Triennale in Milan.

With Grazia Factory, the brand has expanded its pool of content creatorsselecting and presenting the new talents that best interpret the values of Grazia and its world of reference.

More than 20 protagonists, each with a distinctive style and personality: from talent to top influencers, as well as niche-influencer able to bring together a highly loyal audience, with the same passions and interests. A source of inspiration thanks to a direct and sincere relationship with tens of thousands of followers, they are an expression of effective, natural and immediate communication, ideal for giving space and support to companies and brands with vertical, tailor-made projects that can be amplified by the reach of Grazia.

Grazia Factory will have a dedicated channel on characterised by original storytelling, videos and exclusive shootings, in which the influencers will be the protagonists. The home page will feature a full-screen teaser – horizontal on desktop PCs and vertical on smartphones – with a short few seconds preview of the content aimed at drawing the user into the story.

Grazia Factory is made up of 4 sections that are continuously updated: Hot Now, for the presentation of the Factory’s talents. Double Style: exclusive photo shoots for comparing two looks. A week in style with: fashion features, focused on the “7-days looks” of the protagonists of the Factory. And Selected by: a feature on the influencers that looks at their passions.

The leading fashion brand, 100% Made in Italy, Grazia can count on 2.8 million contacts per month reaching 5 million people on Facebook (Source: calculated by the advertising company based on figures from Audiweb TDA April 2017 and Audipress 2017/2; Facebook Insights October 2017).

With this new project,  Mediamond can offer even more complete and effective advertising solutions. In a premium and editorially refined context, clients can take advantage of a collaborative partnership for communication projects that are in line with the expectations of today’s consumers.

To mark the launch, a campaign has been organised across different media: print, digital and social, with a focus on Instagram.

Grazia Factory will be celebrated this evening with an exclusive cocktail party in Milan, in a New York-style loft in the centre of Brera, decorated for the occasion in the style of Andy Warhol’s  Factory: the guest will include the influencers and Finnano Fenno, illustrator and visual designer, who will stage a live performance for Grazia Factory.

Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia, receives the journalistic “Italian Talent Award 2017”

Silvia Grilli, editor of the magazine Grazia, to received the international prize for journalists, the “Italian Talent Award 2017”.

Organised by the cultural association “ITA, Italian Talent Association” and now in its third year, the prize is given to journalists and other examples of excellence that promote Made in Italy at both a national and international level, ensuring that the label remains a fundamental element in the country’s economic development and for employment.

Among the winners, for the magazine journalism category, Silvia Grilli, editor of the weekly Grazia, said: “In its 80-year history, Grazia has borne witness to the evolution of the Italian woman and continuously promoted the wonderful talents that have made the Made in Italy label the world leader it is today. I’m immensely proud to receive this award which also goes to a magazine that has exported our style to 24 countries with 24 international editions.”

The “Italian Talent Award 2017” prizes were presented today, Wednesday 29 November, at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome by a jury made up of the editors of the leading titles, in the presence of the Deputy Speakers of both Chambers of the Italian Parliament, Simone Baldelli and Maurizio Gasparri, and the Minister for National Heritage, Culture and Tourism, Dario Franceschini.


Sale&Pepe and Cucina Moderna: for the first time three books from the Mondadori Group’s cooking brands

  • The Sale&Pepe bible of vegan recipes
  • Flavours of Italy from Sale&Pepe
  • Chef in 24 hours recommended byCucina Moderna

Sale&Pepe, the Mondadori Group brand that for thirty years has brought pleasure to the table thanks to gastronomically exclusive and refined ideas, for the first time presents its recipes in two new books: The bible of vegan recipes (Sperling & Kupfer) and Flavours of Italy. From north south, the best of our cuisine according to Sale&Pepe (Mondadori Electa).

These initiatives are a further demonstration of the  strength of the brand that, thanks to the richness of content, the authoritativeness of its experts, the respect it pays to the culture of food, the territory and Italian lifestyle, has been able to spread its offer across a range of channels – the magazine, with themed specials, the web site, social networks, events and courses at the Cooking School – becoming a system that is a point of reference in the world of food with an overall audience of 1.6 million contacts per month (Source: Audiweb tda 2017/II + Audipress 2017/II).

“Over the years Sale&Pepe has tread carefully across the evolution in Italian cooking and followed the changes in the use of ingredients, quantities and preparation and interpreted innovations and trends with recipes with the reach of everyone that are never complicated or banal and with photographs that make them surprising,” said Laura Maragliano, editor of Sale&Pepe. “This long experience is today translated into two books of which I am particularly proud and through which e invite readers to taste different dishes, discover the incredible variety of products that we have and the generosity of our land.”

The bible of vegan recipes offers over 450 recipes to discover the joys of vegan cooking, from appetisers to desserts, with unique dishes and preparations for those with little time; special treats for parties, complete and seasonal recipes, preserves, drinks and smoothies, as well as a glossary of ingredients.

Flavours of Italy. From north south, the best of our cuisine according to Sale&Pepe is a tour of the extraordinary variety of Italian cooking. The ancient wisdom of the culinary arts that, in so many different iterations, criss-crosses the mountains and the plains, the east  and west coasts and, of course, the islands, with a selection of 150 dishes.

In addition to Sale&Pepe also Cucina Moderna is in bookshops this month with Chef in 24 hours. A cookery course to learn all of the techniques, basics and tricks for preparing  successful recipes (Sperling & Kupfer). The manual offers an easy method to work successfully in the kitchen, in the classic style of Cucina Moderna, the brand leader in the sector that reaches over 1 million readers (Source: Audipress 2017/II) thanks to its accessible, step-by-step recipes.

The Mondadori Group’s digital brands make their debut on Google Play Edicola

The digital  brands of the Mondadori Group are making their debut on Google Play Edicola, the Google app that makes it possible to access free and paid subscriptions to magazines, blogs and newspapers and read the content optimised for use on smartphones and tablets.

The sites already available and enhancing the Google Play Edicola include: Casabella, CasaFacile, Donna Moderna, Focus, Focus Junior, GialloZafferano, Grazia, Icon, Icon Design, Il mio Papa, Interni, Nostrofiglio, Panorama, Panorama Auto, Sale&Pepe, Starbene, Tustyle, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

Users will have access to a portfolio of brands that are reference points in key sectors such as women’s titles, cooking, health and wellbeing, with an offer of news ranging from interiors to fashion, news and entertainment, on an advanced technological platform that makes it even easier and quicker to read the content. Among the various functions, users can keep up to date using a combination of leading titles on local news and personal interests, access articles also offline or save them to read later. The sites can be added to a list of favourites that are constantly updated and the content can be easily shared.

Inclusion on  Google Play Edicola further expands the distribution of the content of the Mondadori Group content, Italy’s biggest traditional publisher and leader also in digital, with a multibrand and multichannel offer that can count on around 16 million unique users every month (Audiweb View unique total audience, August 2017) and a community of 30 million users of Facebook and  14 million on Instagram every month.


GialloZafferano Day

An event marking the launch of the first book of recipes by food bloggers will take place at the same time in 13 different italian locations

On 25 November 2017 for the first time 20 leading food bloggers from Italy’s biggest community will take part in a showcooking event in collaboration with Mondadori Store

In bookshops now Le ricette dei nostri food blogger, the new book by GialloZafferano (published by Mondadori) brings together 180 recipes, conceived and realised by 20 of the best food bloggers on Italy’s most popular cooking site.

The protagonist will be the brand’s food blogging community – Italy’s largest – which, up and running since 2009, now boasts over 1,000 blogs, 320 new recipes every day and 9 million fans on Facebook.

The publication of this book is another element that testifies to the strength of the Mondadori Group brand, leader in the online coking segment – with 6 million unique users on the web (Source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, September 2017) and 5.4 million fans on Facebook – which in April this year also made its first appearance on newsstands with the monthly Giallo Zafferano.

To celebrate the publication of the book a Giallo Zafferano Day has been organised in collaboration with Mondadori Store, il Giallo Zafferano Day. It will take place on 25 November, at 13 locations across Italy, and the 20 food bloggers will participate in showcooking event during which they will prepare one of the featured recipes and sign copies of the book.

The event will take place at the following locations:

Forlì with Antonella Vergari (Noce Moscata food blog), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Grosseto with Valentina Donati (Cinque quarti d’arancia) and Maurizio Vanni (Piatti pronti in un attimo), at the il Caffè Carducci di Corso Carducci 18;

Imperia with Luisa Orizio (Allacciate il grembiule), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Marsala with Elena Laudicina (Cucina facile con Elena), at the Trattoria il Gallo Innamorato;

Milano with Sara Bonaccorsi (Cucina con Sara), Rossella Cosentino (Rossella in padella) and Ivana Ester Marra (Studenti ai fornelli), at the Mondadori Megastore in Via San Pietro all’Orto;

Modica with Stephanie Cabibbo (Mastercheffa), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Monselice with Francesca Del Vecchio (Dolci creazioni…e non solo…tatam), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Pinerolo with Rosella Errante (Nel tegame sul fuoco) at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Roma with Valeria Ciccotti (Vale Cucina e fantasia), at the Mondadori Bookstore in Via Tuscolana;

Salerno with Rossella Maraio (Rossella… Pane e cioccolato) and Tina Vinciguerra (Le ricette di Tina), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Taranto with Marisa Malomo (Il mio saper fare), Loredana Cavotta (La cucina di Loredana), Pasquale Schiavone (Forno e fornelli) at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Trento with Leyla Farella (Dulcisss in forno), at the Mondadori Bookstore;

Velletri with Vanessa Gizzi (La cucina di Vane) at the Mondadori Bookstore.

The official hashtag for the event is: #GZDay17.

For more information: