
The Digital School of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe presents a new e-learning course “Starting a blog”

Digital School, the training school run by Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, launched last October, following the success of its classroom courses in content and social media management, is expanding its e-learning offer with a new course “Starting a blog”, online from today at

“We who communicate professionally every day have decided to offer our skills and experience to those taking part our courses, accompanying learners step-by-step through the big digital world,” said Annalisa Monfreda, the editor of Donna Moderna and one of the teaching staff of the Digital School. “With “Starting a blog” we will teach the right techniques and narrative tools to promote yourself and work on the web,” Monfreda concluded.

The “Starting a blog” course features a one-hour lesson by Luigina Foggetti, digital strategist, consultant and trainer, who will show learners how to start a blog on the WordPress platform, and a final test game to immediately measure learning. Plus, there will also be a special contribution by Sarah Pozzoli, the director of, Italy’s leading portal for young mothers.

“The web opens the door onto a previously inaccessible world, just think of the phenomenon of the blogger moms”, said Sarah Pozzoli, director of “Blogs are now also a tool to promote a business idea and makes it possible to extend the limits of your profession. For anyone who wants to take this route it is important to acquire the skills required by the world of digital communication and never tire of trying new things,” Pozzoli concluded.

The e-learning offer of the Digital School also includes five study programmes organised in a number of lessons: “Content strategy”, “Social Media Pro”, “Online sales”, “Graphic design and photography for the web”, “Promoting a business online”.

The three Mondadori magazines, leaders in women’s, interiors and food segments, make their experience in the digital field and social media available to learners, with lessons ranging from “Digital PR”, to discover the identity of and how to interact with bloggers and influencers, to “SEO (Search Engine Optimization)”, in order to understand how to increase the visibility of your content by improving the ranking on search engines, as well as “Photography from blogs and social media” and “Writing multiplatform content”.

Each course, with lessons that can also be bought separately, includes teaching materials such as video, notes, test games and a certificate of attendance that will be issued at the end of every lesson. There will also be opportunities to become a social contributor of the three magazines.

For more information about enrolment and costs:

The official hashtag is #progettodigitalschool.

Flair: new creative team

Flair, Mondadori’s upscale women’s title, edited by Michele Lupi, continues to evolve with a new creative team. The Art Direction of the magazine will be led by Davies Costacurta who, along with the SM Associati design studio, already oversees the creative side of Icon and Icon Design, while the position of Fashion Director is taken up by Tanya Jones. The creative team of Flair will be completed with the arrival of Gloria Maria Cappelletti.

By joining the creative galaxy already shared by Icon and Icon Design, Flair will strengthen the area of excellence and luxury with increasingly well-defined limits developed by the editor Michele Lupi, who explained: “We have taken the best from the experience gained with the success of Icon and Icon Design, to make Flair the third important element of a platform of excellence that has already enjoyed a very positive response from the market and readers. The editorial line of Flair will have a strong and precise character, a proudly Italian view of the world that can be taken by others as a point of reference: a highly independent and innovative magazine, made in Italy and read potential throughout the world. With a strong Italian identity with regard to fashion and beauty content that is shared by the entire upscale system of the three titles.”

This is the completion of a year of significant innovations for Flair which in February became a standalone title, sold separately from Panorama. During 2015 it continued to expand its international distribution network at leading newsstands in Paris, London, Berlin and New York, and, last September, adopted a larger format, just like Icon and Icon Design.

The next issue of Flair, the first of 2016, will be published on 25 February, during the usual women’s fashion week in Milan.


A moving video for the launch of the new food universe of, Italy’s leading site for women, this year for Christmas Festival is giving readers a double gift: a video greeting #SoloUnaCosaContaANatale and the launch of a new channel dedicated to the world of food on

#SoloUnaCosaContaANatale is an account of the contemporary family, and the desire to celebrate the joys of being together. Shot by Orlando Salmeri (Olafilm), it will be launched across all of DonnaModerna’s social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) and on, inviting users to share their thoughts about Christmas.

“We wanted to give our readers a video ‘hero, a short format designed to be shared on all social platforms” said Daniela Cerrato, digital manager at Mondadori. “It is an opportunity to spread Christmas greetings from, as well as a taster of the mood of our new Cooking channel.”

More than 70,000 recipes, with captivating pictures, dedicated video content and an innovative user experience, these are the ingredients of the new food offer from, which, with Italy’s biggest recipe book, will be a practical guide and a faithful help for all women who want to cook in an easy, intelligent and quick way, but with a hint of originality.

The recipes become a touchpoint to access a universe of content built with a new storytelling approach, thanks to a predictive system that identifies and correlates search trends on topics of interest to users, and enables them to find selected editorial content related seasonal ingredients and creative ideas, tutorials with step by step images and videos, insights on healthy eating and news related to the home.

New tools have also been introduced to make life in the kitchen even easier: “what’sinthefridge” to find dishes that can be made based on the ingredients already available in the house, and “shopping list”, which lets you send by email or WhatsApp the ingredients of a recipe.

The result is a website with a sophisticated and modern look & feel and even more immediate reference thanks to a fully responsive design and infinite scrolling, to be used and enjoyed comfortably even while cooking.

Donatella Versace: for the first time a woman on the cover of the men’s magazine Icon

The January issue, dedicated to style, comes out in conjunction with the opening of Pitti Uomo and the Milan men's fashion week.

“I struggled to win. And I won “, there is all the pride of an extraordinary woman behind Donatella Versace’s words, the first female face ever to end up on the cover of Icon, the Mondadori Group’s men’s magazine, edited by Michele Lupi. To whom the vice-president of the Milanese fashion house tells the story in his new issue on January 9th, just a few days after the award ceremony as Fashion Icon Award by the British Fashion Council, and forty years after the company was founded.

The new issue of Icon – which on January 9th will be distributed with a special activity at the central station of Milan and that of Firenze S. Maria Novella in favour of the departing and arriving trains in Florence for Pitti – confirms the continued growth of the magazine, which recorded a 10% increase in advertising sales in 2017 compared to the previous year (source: Nielsen Jan-Oct. 2017). A positive result in contrast to the market of reference (men’s magazines) which marks almost -3%. Advertising sales were also very good for the new issue, which stood at around +10%, with a consolidation of special projects and digital performance.

“Auguri d’artista 2015”: this year the Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni christmas cards signed by big entertainment stars have become a 100% digital initiative

A charity project in favour of AIRC

This year seasonal greetings are in Sorrisi. From today TV Sorrisi e Canzoni has made available to readers and fans on its web site 15 digital greetings cards exclusively designed by some of the most popular faces from television, music and the cinema for the new edition of the charity project “Auguri d’artista”.

The 15 personalities who have taken part in the initiative include leading actors, musicians and TV presenters, such as Christian De Sica, Lino Banfi, i Pooh, Max Pezzali, Ezio Greggio, Gerry Scotti, Alessandro Siani, Antonio Ricci and Benedetta Parodi; as well as Manuela Arcuri, Tiziano Ferro, Gabriel Garko and new entries such as The Kolors, Il Volo and Kekko from the Modà.

Each of them has given their personal interpretation of the Christmas theme in the form of a drawing, a dedication, and cartoon or other original and self-produced contributions. All of which can be shared on social networks with friends and relatives wishing them well while also doing good.

The initiative offers an opportunity to send Christmas greetings in a truly special way and to contribute to the collection of funds on behalf of AIRC – Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro (the Italian Cancer Research Association).

Fans and readers of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni can choose for free on, using the address, one of the 15 greetings cards produced by their favourite star, and send them by email or share them of social networks (Facebook, Twitter). Sorrisi will donate 10 cents to AIRC for each card sent.

The biggest fans can also obtain the original drawing by the participating artists by taking part in the charity auction that has devoted to the project in cooperation with, the platform that supports non-profit organisations in the collection of funds with the help of celebrities.

Now in its third year, “Auguri d’artista” will for the first time be entirely digital and on social networks, making the project even more immediate and accessible, thanks to the strength of multimedia and the Sorrisi brand, which has always been a unique point of reference in the world of show business for its exclusive and privileged relationship with it leading protagonists.

“Panorama d’Italia” 2015 beats the record of the first edition: 4 million people followed the newsmagazine’s tour

Extraordinary issues for a journey to 10 Italian cities that, from Trento to Palermo, gave an account of “the best seen close up”.
The stops for the 2016 tour are already being planned

The second edition of Panorama d’Italia, the tour made by Panorama, the newsmagazine edited by Giorgio Mulè, which this year ran from March to November taking in ten Italian cities, to recount the best of Italy directly from the territory, has closed with record numbers.

Panorama’s live & media experience reached 4 million people, including readers, web users and direct participants of the tour. The objective of the tour was to open a dialogue with citizens and to establish a link with the excellence of Made in Italy in the world of business, the economy, culture and food, through a programme of initiatives and events open to everyone.

All the numbers of the tour were up on the first edition held last year: 110,000 people physically turned out at the appointments; community members on social media totalled 276,500, with a total of 2,780,00 views on Facebook alone. As well as 375 guests and speakers, 500 media mobilized, 191 entrepreneurs engaged in roundtable discussions with the participation of 600 companies, including 180 innovative start-ups, 15 universities and a total of 37 sponsors.

There were also prestigious institutional interventions: from the “blessing” of President Sergio Mattarella who gave the inaugural address at the tour’s start from Naples and a final greeting during the final stage in his hometown of Palermo: “Italy must start again from Italy,” the President said, “in order to have a voice in Europe and in the world, where it’s needed.” Moreover, the various stages of the Panorama tour of Italy was attended by national officials of high standing: 6 government ministers, 8 Regional Presidents and 8 mayors, all of whom met citizens during public events on current affairs. After the opening stage in Naples, the tour visited Vicenza, Pisa, Varese, Matera, Trento, Spoleto, Modena, Bari and Palermo.

“To report on on the best seen close up, in all the areas that make our country unique: this was our mission,” said the editor of Panorama Giorgio Mulè. “We tried to do it with all our strengths, offering 400 pages of the magazine, and 160 hours of live streaming, taking up the invitation of President Mattarella to recount the beauty that is there. The numbers and enthusiasm that we have encountered tell us that we succeeded. And this is why Panorama d’Italia is an experience that must not and will not end here. We will start again next year with a new adventure visiting 10 other cities, because there are still so many treasures in this great country, that are worth is worth recounting from close up,” said Mule.

A number of protagonists from world of music and entertainment accompanied Panorama’s journey through Italy from north to south, including Fedez, J-Ax, Edoardo Bennato, Il Volo, Malika Ayane, Mara Venier, Lino Banfi, Nino Frassica, the guys from Braccialetti Rossi and many other guests from the world of film, TV, theatre, literature and art.

And art itself was the great protagonist of the keynote address made by Vittorio Sgarbi, at the Capodimonte Museum in Naples, the Teatro Politeama Garibaldi in Palermo, the Petruzzelli in Bari and the Gian Carlo Menotti in Spoleto, among others. Culture was a running theme, with special attention given to books, that were a constant feature of all stages: indeed, Panorama gave a gift of books to four schools in each city, the selection earned by the students who were best able to explain why book’s are important; or presented by the authors themselves, including Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Nicola Lagioia, Maurizio De Giovanni and many more.

Many companies also embraced the spirit of the tour and followed Panorama on its journey, both accompanying the entire project and with both targeted events on one or more specific stages: companies who created, together with the magazine, an opportunity for a qualified encounter with their public. The main sponsors of the entire tour were: Autostrade per l’Italia, Banca Mediolanum, EICMA, Enel, Eni, Grana Padano, IBM, Invitalia, MSC Cruises, Università Telematica Pegaso, in addition to the charity partnership with the Lega del Filo d’oro.

Panorama d’Italia was developed in collaboration with The Triumph Group International, for executive production, organisation and logistics, while the digital platform and strategy were managed by H2H. launches Veg, a new vertical channel devoted to the world of vegetarianism launches Veg, a new vertical channel devoted to the world of vegetarianism and much more: a space full of recipes and information that expands the offer of Mondadori’s food portal, one of Italy’s most authoritative sources in the sector and top of the list among magazine publishers in Audioweb’s Food&Cooking ranking, with over 1-4 million unique users and a monthly average of more than 5.3 million page views (source: Audiweb View – Total Digital Audience September 2015).

« Veg has been created in response to the latest digital trends which show that, in the food area, there is a growing interest, among both consumers and companies, in a more healthy diet aimed at wellbeing», declared Daniela Cerrato, Mondadori’s digital manager. «A project that aspires to become the point of reference on the web for all-round healthy eating and that is encapsulated by the expression “Beyond Veg” ».

The channel is characterised by high impact visuals and new editorial modules based around imaginative storytelling: from the homepage, which opens with a feature based on images and recipes that immediately identify the wealth of content of the stories, to the inspirational moodboard, with more new suggestions., which is already familiar to and appreciated by readers, presents a new channel devoted to the world of vegetarianism offering a carefully selected range of high quality content, based on the experience and authoritativeness of the magazine Sale&Pepe, and its spin-off Sale&Pepe Veg. Recipes, themed menus and editor’s pick, step-by-step photo galleries and “how to” videos that accompany the reader through each phase of the preparation of the recipes and facilitating its successful completion.
Plus, vegetarian recipes are indicated with graphic icons to provide the nutritional information and respond to different dietary needs so that users can cook with greater awareness.

To mark the launch of the Veg channel, will also present a number of other new features to enhance even more the site’s thousands of recipes: starting with a new navigation menu and a design that is more mobile first, for a more standardised user experience across all devices; to a new way of correlating content to facilitate the consultation of recipes, new tools such as the “shopping list” and the possibility to share recipes on a mobile device, also using WhatsApp.

From tomorrow Grazia is available in Morocco

With this new launch the Grazia International Network expands its presence in Africa

From tomorrow, Wednesday 2 December, Grazia will be published monthly also in Morocco. The new magazine, the result of a licensing agreement with the Italian-Moroccan company Anna Press, will be in French and edited by Aida Semlali.

Thanks to this new partnership Mondadori will consolidate its presence in Africa by exporting also to Morocco, following the success of the edition launched in South Africa in 2012, the unmistakable mix of fashion, celebrities, news, trends and lifestyle that characterises the Mondadori title around the world, currently published in 24 countries: a unique upscale brand, universally recognised as a synonym of Made in Italy elegance and style.

The launch of Grazia Marocco will be supported by a press, social and billboard campaign and, on Thursday 4 December, an exclusive event will take place in Marrakesh that will recreate the typical atmosphere of the era of la dolce vita, to celebrate, along with local advertisers, institutions and personalities the launch of the new magazine.

It will also be possible to follow Grazia Marocco on, as well as on all the leading social networks.

Interni presents “Art Design Miami”, a debate about art, design and creativity

After New York and London, the magazine’s third international event
In Miami from 2 to 6 December

The third international event for What is Best – Who is next 2015 will take place on the occasion of the Miami Art Week and the 100th anniversary of Miami Beach, during which INTERNI, the magazine that for over sixty years has been an international ambassador of Italian creativity, will, from 2 to 5 December, present INTERNI ART DESIGN MIAMI, a series of encounters, at some of the most representative Flagship Stores of Italian design in Miami. The events have been organised in collaboration with the Salone del Mobile Milano, the world’s leading furniture and design fair, and ITA-Italian Trading Agency.

After the events organised in New York (May 2015) and London (September 2015), INTERNI has invited some of the world’s most renowned architects to discuss the culture and know-how of the Italian furniture design industry with leading players from the worlds of art-design, interiors and architecture.

“The borders between the arts are increasingly open and flexible and the exchange between creativity and industrial reproduction, a stylistic marker of the current historical period, is generating a theoretical and cultural debate that involves the worlds of art, design and architecture,” said Gilda Bojardi, editor of INTERNI. “Engaging in all-round design means communicating in a creative way in all environments and Miami, with its cultural life, its architecture and the construction sites of big international architectural firms is an open-air demonstration design of this scenario,” the editor concluded.

The calendar of events of INTERNI ART DESIGN MIAMI features four appointments: starting on Wednesday 2 December, at 12.00 with Bernardo Fort-Brescia, Arquitectonica, in a discussion with Gilda Bojardi, at Scavolini, and then at 6.00 pm with Allan Shulman, from Shulman & Associates, at Bisazza. On Friday 4 December at 6.00 pm it’s the turn of Carlo Ratti, from Carlo Ratti Associati, at Anima Domus + Clei. And, finally, on Saturday 5 December, at 6.00 pm a discussion with Jacqueline and Carlos Touzet, from Touzet Studio, at Calligaris.

At the end of each discussion guests will be offered an aperitif based on typical Italian products.

For more information please go to

Grazia presents ‘How I feel’, the magazine’s first short


How I feel is the title of the first short film produced by Grazia – the women’s weekly edited by Silvia Grilli – along with a team of creatives and in collaboration with OffiCine. The film will be presented on Monday 30 November with its web premiere on at 8.50 pm and at 7.30 pm with an exclusive party at the Samsung District in Milan.

The event has been organised thanks to the collaboration of BioNike, a leading Italian company in the skincare sector, that supported the project and will manage the make up of the protagonists of the evening.

Special guest at the event at the Samsung District will be the actress Valeria Bilello who has been involved in a number of IED projects and she will feature on the cover of the next edition of Grazia, on newsstands from Thursday 3 December.

How I feel was conceived by Silvia Grilli who commissioned OffiCine, the film training laboratory run by Anteo Spazio Cinema and the Istituto Europeo di Design, to produce the short film. In turn, five young creatives were selected to make the film: Marco Gradara as director, Federico Farci as film editor, Diego Diaz as director of photography and Fabiana Maria Lavezzi as producer, all from the OffiCine Advanced Training Laboratory, FashionFilmLab, under its artistic director the filmmaker Marco Pozzi. The screenwriter, Alessandra Salvoldi, was selected in a contest which attracted entries from hundreds of Grazia’s readers.

The film begins with a man and a woman sitting facing one another, they are about to eat, but something happens and an animated discussion ensues. It seems as if, sooner or later, one of the two will start an argument, but then something else occurs. And it is no longer so sure that it will end badly.

“I was faced with a number of scripts and I chose this one, but I asked that it be interpreted with the passion evoked by the rapid changes in the mood of the protagonists, from anger to tenderness to sensuality,” declared Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia.

OffiCine followed the five young selected creatives for a month in the development, shooting and editing of the film, along with the selection of the actors, locations, the right lighting and photography, while the team from Grazia met with the crew at various stages of the production.

The film’s characters are played by French actress Caroline Bourg and the Italian actor Alessandro Mor, who has studied at the school of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan.

The hashtag for the initiative is: #graziafilm.