
The launch of “In Forma con Starbene”

Health, medicine, psychological and physical wellbeing and the quality of life in the new edition of the Canale 5 magazine presented by Tessa Gelisio

Saturday 14 November, at 8.50 am, sees the launch of the new edition of “In Forma con Starbene”, the Canale 5 programme devoted to health, medicine, psychological and physical wellbeing and the quality of life, presented by Tessa Gelisio.

The first new feature of this edition is in the name: in collaboration with Starbene, the Mondadori health and wellbeing title for the whole family, that will make available to the TV programme the magazine’s network of experts and the web site, to provide answers to a wide range of issues of interest.

“For the first time Starbene will bring its content to television along with its trusted team of experts who already provide answers to web users free of charge through the service,” said Annalisa Monfreda, the editor Starbene. “After the magazine, the web site and a large number of events around the country, television will become a fourth channel for our brand, offering the possibility to experiment with a new language and make good use of the skills and experience of our experts.”

Eating and dieting, allergies and healthy living, cellulite, sexual problems and seasonal disorders will be the topics at the centre of the new edition.

Each subjects will be treated with scientific rigour but in a clear and accessible language for viewers. Both inside and outside of the studio, sector specialist will contribute on issues related to diet, fitness and health.

The successful components of previous editions will also return, enhanced this year by a series of new features:

  • Zumba: every week the programme’s cameras will follow a zumba class, the famous Colombian fitness dance, under the direction of instructor Vicky Zagarra.
  • Diet coach: for 3 episodes specialist dietician Lorena Marseglia will highlight the importance of this new figure for those who want to lose weight.
  • Cookery school: doctor and dietician Carla Lertola and biologist chef Fiorenzo Frumento will prepare light recipes that don’t abandon taste.
  • Sound sleep: advice for sleeping well, linked to diet, typical situations such as pregnancy and respiratory issues, as well as made to measure suggestions for all age groups.

As always, “In Forma con Starbene” will present the latest developments in health and fitness, visiting leading wellbeing centres, spas and clinics offering special cures and also company’s that have distinguished themselves for the effectiveness of their products. The programmes fixed guests will include Santo Raffaele Mercuri, head of the Dermatological Unit at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and odontologist Giovanni Bona.

“In Forma con Starbene” is also present on leading social networks with an official profile on Twitter @In_formaTv and an official page on offering information, previews, background detail, videos and backstagematerial.

Icon Design makes its first appearance on newsstands as a standalone title

Including the most original stories relating to the world of design, the cover of the new issue features Martino Gamper

On newsstands on October 15th, the new issue of Icon Design, magazine the design, architecture and interiors magazine, a spin-off of Icon, Mondadori’s upscale male fashion and lifestyle title, edited by Michele Lupi.

Following the success of the first issue, published in April as a free supplement with Panorama to mark the Milan Design Week, the magazine will now hit the newsstands as a stand-alone title with a launch price of €3.50. After three weeks on newsstands, it will then be distributed as a free supplement with Panorama from 12 November, in addition to targeted distribution at a 150 design and fashion showrooms and luxury and super luxury hotels in Milan.

Once again the focus of Icon Design is the stories behind the objects, homes and cutting edge design projects, covered in the now consolidated Icon style, with a special focus on the development of some of the design world’s most creative personalities: architects visionaries, as well as great photographers, artists and designers of outstanding talent, among the most original creations from around the world.

The cover story of this second issue of Icon Design features Martino Gamper, the Italian interpreter of artisanal design 2.0, who, from his studio in London, discusses how the design profession must keep freedom, curiosity and research at the core of its vocation.

On the advertising front, the new issue of Icon Design has had an excellent response from the market with 77 pages and the inclusion of over fifty leading Italian and international brands from the ‘living’ and other sectors. The launch will coincide with the Milano Design Film Festival (for which the magazine is a media partner), at which the editor Michele Lupi will present, on, 18 October at 6 pm at the Anteo Spazio Cinema, the film Andermatt – Global Village by Leonidas Bieri, selected, in collaboration with Samsung, among the films on the festival programme.

Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe launch Digital School

A training school to learn how to work on the web

Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe have announced the launch of Digital School. The three Mondadori magazines, leaders in the women’s, interiors and food sectors are making their skills and experience in the digital field and social media available with a classroom and online training course in content and social media management aimed at all those who want to transform their passion for the web into a job.

The course in content and social media management, with classroom lessons at two levels, basic and advanced, will teach the skills required to work on the web and communicate in the large digital world. The basic course is organised in five lessons: from the creation of an editorial plan to the secrets of the social media manager, online writing, and photo and video editing for blogs and social networks.

The advanced course is designed for those with some professional digital experience who want to perfect their skillset in order to become autonomous in online brand management: five lessons to learn how to plan and design content, analyse and interpret data, and create and expand your personal social network.

Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna, Giusi Silighini, editor of Casa Facile, and Laura Maragliano, editor of Sale&Pepe, will be in class to talk about the digital evolution of the three magazines. The course includes lessons and the testimony by the digital professionals of the three Mondadori brands, with tutoring in class over the entire duration of the course, the study of case histories and the development of a final project. At the end of the course participants will receive a certificate of attendance and the possibility of becoming a social contributor to Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe.

The basic course will be held in Milan from 24 October at the Sale&Pepe Scuola di Cucina (Piazza Diaz, 5), while the advanced course will be held at Publitalia ’80 (Viale Europa 44, Cologno Monzese) from 15 January.

In addition, from the end of November, the lesson of the Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe course can also be followed online everywhere in Italy on the e-learning platform

For information about the course, enrolment and costs, please go to:

The official hashtag of the project is: #progettodigitalschool.

Donna Moderna and Starbene on the Frecciarosa and train stations with activities dedicated to the issue of the protection of women

Donna Moderna and Starbene will take part in the 5th edition of Frecciarosa, the campaign for women’s health and the prevention of breast cancer, promoted by Trenitalia, the transport company of the FS Italiane Group and the IncontraDonna Association, with the patronage of the Ministry of Health and Expo Milano 2015.

The initiative, that will take place from 2 to 20 October 2015 (Monday to Friday) on board two Frecciarossa trains on the Rome-Milan line, will offer travellers free advice from medical specialists and, on request, mammography tests.

The two Mondadori magazines will contribute directly to the calendar of Frecciarosa events with a series of activities for travellers, who will be invited to “show your face”: i.e. to be photographed and lend their faces to the #scelgolaprevenzione initiative.

The photographs will be uploaded daily in a special section on the site dedicated to prevention and can be shared on social networks. The initiative will reach out not only travellers but also readers: and all women will be able to upload a picture and share their experiences on the website and social networks.

Donna Moderna and Starbene have made prevention a way of life. A way of loving ourselves. And also the pleasure of taking care of ourselves and, therefore, also of those who love us,” said Annalisa Monfreda editor-in-chief of Donna Moderna and Starbene. “Every week we report all the new research that advance and simplify prevention. We are delighted to be able to do so for a whole month in direct contact with our readers in a situation, that of a journey, which more than any other encourages curiosity, exchange and open-mindedness towards external stimuli,” Monfreda concluded.

But the events dedicated to women’s health do not end here, in fact, at the railway stations of Milan, Naples and Bari a series of “Meetings in Pink” will be held providing opportunities to discuss directly with experts in the field of prevention.

During these meetings – moderated and led by experts from Donna Moderna and Starbene – travellers can explore the themes and talk about their experiences with Professor Adriana Bonifacino, a leading oncologist and president of the association. (Milan Central Station, Friday, 9 October at 5.30 pm; Bari Central Station Friday, 16 October at 6.00 pm, Naples Central Station Tuesday, 20 October at 4.30pm).

For more information and a list of events, please go to:

Flair: the September Issue reveals the magazine’s evolution

The upscale women’s lifestyle magazine of the Panorama system confirms its upmarket positioning with a new format and new content


Flair, the upscale women’s magazine of the Panorama system, edited by Michele Lupi, evolves in terms of content and format with an even more engaging personality. From the issue published on 24 September, the magazine will appear a more pop, creative and lively layout, a simpler structure and a broader format, the same as Icon.

Changes that confirm the magazine’s upmarket positioning, while at the same time projecting it towards a wider and more immediate use.

Flair is an authentic creative hub capable of uniting around the title some of the most important international talent and new generations of creatives in photography, fashion and writing, who now extend their scope to celebrities and top models alongside the usual cover models. Indeed photography remains a major focus of the magazine and Flair will continue to work with leading international artists as well as continuing to discover and develop emerging talent from both the international and Italian scene.

There is also a reconfiguration of the content with more space, in terms of quantity and quality, in fashion and beauty in the first part of the magazine and a rationalization of the various sections. The main fashion stories section opens with a hard cover on which the subject of the cover of Flair is reinterpreted by different artists. Even greater attention is devoted to fashion brands, with an appreciation and enhancement at the level of styling of the peculiarities of each designer, in order to offer readers a sophisticated and complete experience style experience.

The protagonist of the new issue are the iconic model Mariacarla Boscono, who is featured on the cover, the Hollywood actress Amber Heard and Wanda Ferragamo, a legend of Italian elegance. Alongside pictures by international photographers like Ezra Petronio, space is also given to masters of creativity such as Elaine Constantine and Nobuyoshi Araki; while for fiction, Flair spoke to Jonathan Franzen about his new novel just published in America.

2015 is a year of evolution for Flair that began in February when it became a stand-alone title, sold separately from Panorama for the first three weeks of availability at a cover price of €3.50, before being offered in combination with the weekly in the last week of the month of reference, at a combined price of €3. The magazine’s international distribution continues to expand (already launched in January 2015 with text in English) at major newsstands and airports in Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles and Seoul. The luxury edition will also be available at some of the world’s most prestigious bookstore, such as Colette in Paris and My Boon and Boon the Shop in Seoul.

INTERNI presents “INTERNI Design Aperitivo”

A series of encounters with international architecture at the London flagship stores of leading italian brands

An event organised in collaboration with Ice-Agenzia and the Salone del Mobile.Milano


After New York, from 19 to 27 September, London will host the second of INTERNI’s International Design Appointments, What is Best – Who is Next. INTERNI, the interiors and contemporary design magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi, has been for over sixty years the voice of Italian design and is presenting “INTERNI Design Aperitivo”: a cycle of events to openly debate international design and Italian business in collaboration with the Salone del Mobile.Milano, the most important international furniture and design fair, and Ice-Agenzia.

These public events will be held in the flagship stores of some of the most interesting Italian brands, which will be transformed for the occasion into authentic stages where the guests – including some of the most important international studios based in London – will talk about their design philosophies as compared with the knowledge and history of Italian design.

“The protagonist of these conferences is design, in the sense of a universal language for contemporary living,” said Gilda Bojardi. “We are facing a more open concept of living that permeates every area of the city, both public and private. If the twentieth century was the century of modernism, the twenty-first century is opening up to new languages in which individual values are moving in the direction of a search for more widespread wellbeing. A mission that is easily recognizable in both furniture design and in the creative world, where architects and designers are interpreting highly innovative solutions in line with their own philosophical and design vision,” the editor concluded.

For full details and a complete list of the events, please go to:

New courses begin at the Sale&Pepe School of Cooking

From classes with nutritionists and experts to the first pastry course with World Champion Chocolatier Davide Comaschi


The Sale&Pepe School of Cooking, created on the experience of the magazine edited by Laura Maragliano, returns after the summer break in its new headquarters in the centre of Milan with a full calendar of courses and initiatives and numerous new features for adults, children and young people who want to try out their #talentoincucina (talent in the kitchen) in and innovative and technological location.

Wellbeing at the table

A cycle of 5 events will start on 28 September dedicated to health: dietician and nutritional scientist Carla Lertola, alongside chefs from the Sale&Pepe school, will demonstrate how to combine taste and healthy with balanced menus suitable for every occasion, from “Sunday lunch with the in-laws” to a “Sex & the City evening dinner party with friends”, with an eye on the nutritional value of ingredients and without overlooking the pleasures of the table.

Designer chocolate

Those with a sweet tooth can’t miss the classes, starting on 1 October, ABC Pastries: getting your hands in the flour like never before. A course in 5 step-by-step lessons to learn the basics of pastry cooking with an exceptional instructor: Davide Comaschi, Master Pastry Chef and World Champion Chocolatier at the World Chocolate Master. Perfect puff pastry, ultra-soft sponges, delicate bignè and the most delicious creams, concluding with the speciality of Davide Comaschi: food of the Gods, chocolate. Enthusiasm, sleeves rolled up, energy and attention to the advice of Davide Comaschi are all you need to learn to take your first steps in the world of pastry cooking and win over the sweetest tooth among you friends and family.

For a complete calendar of the events in the programme and full details about enrolment, please visit:

Sale&Pepe Scool of Cooking

at Ca’puccino, lower ground floor, Piazza Armando Diaz 5, 20123 Milano (M1/M3 Duomo)

tel: 02 75 42 33


Shiseido and Grazia together to describe the Venice Film Festival

In a new, innovative television show to be aired on IRIS every day from the 2nd to the 12th September

A cosmetics brand, Shiseido, and an international women’s magazine, Grazia, are collaborating for the first time in a daily TV show to comment on all the red carpet events, the looks and outfits of the foreign and Italian celebrities participating in the event, as well as all the gossip and behind-the-scenes goings-on.

“Venice Today” will be aired daily from 2nd September at 7pm on IRIS, Channel 22, the Mediaset digital channel dedicated to high quality cinema. The PROGRAMME will be hosted by a sparkling Tamara Donà ready to welcome and interview opinion leaders, actors and special guests. The show will be recorded in the “Shiseido & Grazia Privé” lounge, set up in Angelo Quarti’s and Andrea Rossi’s Venice Movie Star Lounge where the casts of the most important films will be in attendance for their junkets.

The location is Villa Laguna with its wonderful view over Venice and spectacular sunsets that will win over the Italian and foreign stars. Guests include Alberto Noè, President of Shiseido Italia whose strong vision is behind the innovative format. “It is a highly ambitious experiment in cross-mediality which we have created in collaboration with high quality names such as Publitalia, Grazia and the Venice Festival,” Noè says. “We want to talk about lifestyle and the world of film, but using a brand new language of beauty and fashion while involving television, the press, internet and special events contemporarily. In fact, we are sponsoring all the movie brunches offered to the delegations of the various films that will be stopping by at the Venice Movie Star Lounge».

Some of the films hosted by the Venice Movie Star Lounge

Spotlight by Thomas Mc Carthy, The childhood of a Leader by Brady Corbet A bigger splash by Luca Guadagnino, Anomalisa by Charlie Kaufman, Remember by Ato, Egoyan, Taj-Mahal by Nicholas Saada.

Among the other guests confirmed as well as Alberto Noè: Grazia’s director Silvia Grilli, Shiseido make up artist Pablo Ardizzone, stylist Ildo Damiano, not to mention many other surprise actors to be discovered daily when you tune into Iris Channel 22 on digital to follow “Venice Today”.

The new preview presentation to top client

Grazia’s new site will be online at the end of july

#ENTERgraziait and #anditwasallYELLOW are the hashtags launched today to accompany, in a countdown, the new web site that will be online in late July.

A site that will feature a number of innovations while maintaining a sense of continuity, relying on the strength of a brand that started in Italy, and today is present around the world with a network of 24 international editions and a multi-channel system.

“A reference point for the world of fashion and an authoritative observatory able to anticipate and interpret trends, also through an exclusive network of influencers and bloggers, has enjoyed steady growth over the past two years, both in terms of advertising, with an increase in revenues of over 70%, and in terms of audience, with a 67% increase in the number of unique users,” said Davide Mondo, chief executive of the advertising sales company Mediamond.

A success confirmed by the entire Grazia system and Grazia Italy which, with an average circulation of 158,000 copies and has recorded continuous growth in newsstand sales: +8% in the first five months of the year (source: ADS).


On the strength of these results, decided to further enhance its strengths, focusing on the essential, freshness and elegance to re-innovate its looks and design strategy.

These are just some of the new features presented this morning to the advertising world during a breakfast meeting held at the Bamboo Bar at the Armani Hotel in Milan; an exclusive opportunity for top clients to get a preview of the features of the new site of the Mondadori magazine.

From the end of July users will seethe enhancement of the layout: the adoption of the colour yellow, a distinctive element of the Grazia system of internationally and, to ensure greater readability and lightness, an interplay with the colour white, as well as images, always of the highest quality. The choice of an exclusive and very distinctive font will further enhance the brand identity.

More space will also devoted to the site’s trend setters, the IT Bloggers and IT Girls, that will give expression to emerging trends with the continuous involvement of the users. wants to be a step ahead also in terms of navigation: the site will interpret the new demands of users with a mobile first approach, to optimize both the use and the user experience, thanks to a new flow for reading and sharing, also private, content, in order to further strengthen the relationship with readers.

The character of influencer of will also emphasised with a content to commerce approach to make the brand’s offer more complete.

On the advertising side, will be presented to clients with an enhanced use of native advertising: specific formats are ready to welcome clients’ special initiatives and branded content. Visibility for advertisers will also be guaranteed by advertising space that will accompany users step by step while browsing.

‘CHI’ celebrates its 20th anniversary and invites readers

A big summer party for Chi, the Mondadori weekly edited by Alfonso Signorini, to mark its 20th anniversary. The setting, on 22 July, will be that of Twiga at Forte dei Marmi.

After the exclusive party in Milano at the Palazzo Serbelloni in March, Italy’s most widely read ‘people’ magazine, will also blow out the candles at the most modish beach club in Versilia.


From 9 am until 6 pm, guests at the beach club will be able to visit the exhibition featuring 20 covers that have marked the history of the weekly, which has been set up inside Twiga and also pick up a free copy of the magazine which for the occasion carries a special inside feature dedicated to its first 20 summers: 20 years of great stories and personalities as seen through the attentive, ironic and inimitable style of the magazine.
For those who would like to enter into the world of glamour of the magazine, from 6 pm visitors can meet with the editor Alfonso Signorini: an occasion not to be missed to toast the magazine’s 20 years of life together.

There will, of course, also be a number of promotional activities and entertainment for guests organised by the sponsors of the event: Shiseido, Rebecca and Ipanema.

The hashtag to follow the event on social networks is #Chi20estate.