
The whole Piazza Sempione dedicated to the new edition of Mypersonaltrainer Days

Two days of wellness, fitness and sport for fit lovers, with the involvement of brand partners

After the great success of the first edition, this year there will be more events and initiatives: amazing activities like Free Climbing, AcroVolley and Pickleball, free workouts on the open-air stage, encounters with figures from the world of sports and health and an extraordinary Urban Walk

After the great success of the first edition – which saw the participation of over 5,000 visitors and the involvement of over 20 brand sponsors – the highly anticipated Mypersonaltrainer Days event returns with numerous free activities open to the public for all wellness, fitness and sport lovers.  The event will cover the whole Piazza Sempione on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September 2023.

Mypersonaltrainer has been particularly successful in transitioning from the digital sphere to events in the country. To cement the development and growth of the project, this edition of Mypersonaltrainer Days will be even better and more engaging than last year, both in terms of activities, which are innovative and fun, and because of the much larger space that we’ll be using to host the event”, said Daniela Cerrato, Mondadori Media’s Digital Marketing Director. “We’ll engage our followers throughout the Piazza dell’Arco della Pace and in Sempione Park – city’s green heart – with activities and experiences. We’ll offer fit lovers many new workouts, bringing this weekend dedicated to comprehensive health and well-being to life”.

The initiative this year comes with a new name: Wellness Recharge. A real recharging hub for body and mind where you can experience four fundamental areas for well-being: Wellness and Health, with personalised medical consultations and dedicated conferences and talks with health professionals; Food and Nutrition, with free tips and advice; Fitness, with sports activities and encounters with great champions and players. In the fourth area, Happiness, the experience-based corners for those brands engaged in the search for well-being will be front and centre, where they’ll present innovations, products and services dedicated to a balanced and active life that will involve participants in activities and tests.

The events dedicated to fitness will see the participation of sports talents and fitfluencers to try sports like Animal Flow, Mobility or trendy activities that are increasingly becoming popular, like Silent Fitness. All this will take place in the splendid setting of Sempione Park: it’ll truly take over the famous square and the Dazio di Levante with innovative and engaging activities like Free Climbing, AcroVolley and Pickleball, a mixture of tennis, paddleball, badminton and ping pong. They’re amazing activities, which promise real fun for participants and spectators. The Mypersonaltrainer Urban Walk will take place also in this edition, which will be even more exciting and inclusive: a 5 km non-competitive walk where everyone can really participate, even pets.

Mypersonaltrainer will work together with Mediamond and its Brand On Solutions structure, dedicated to special initiatives, to propose original and engaging projects to the market and individual brands for all interested partners.

For the Mypersonaltrainer Days event, an advertising campaign was carried out in several forms of media: newspapers, notices on the DOOH circuit, radio, magazine and the digital side of the Mondadori Group. All the parts that will make up the event – from the teaser stage to the non-stop coverage in the two days, finishing with a follow-up dedicated to the most significant and exciting moments of the two days of events – were described in detail on Mypersonaltrainer’s different social media and web profiles, including its activities and the partners involved.
Media partners: Sport Mediaset and Radio R101.


Mypersonaltrainer is the leading brand in the world of health, wellness and healthy eating and sports, with 13.5 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb April 2023) and over 3 million followers on social media platforms (source: Shareablee and Insight June 2023). With its rich production of content, made by the best experts in the field on the web and on social media, it has established itself as an essential key standard for professionals and for all Italians interested in taking care of themselves.

Success for “Al chiaro di luna (By Moonlight)”, Chi’s first exclusive charity dinner at the Grand Hotel Rimini

More than 150,000 euros raised for the populations affected by the flood

Business owners and TV stars responded to Chi’s appeal

There was great success for Al Chiaro di Luna, the first, exclusive Charity Dinner organised by Chi, Italy’s most read “people” magazine. The dinner was held yesterday at the Grand Hotel Rimini to support the populations affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna.

The Gala Dinner – which saw the participation of more than two hundred selected guests, including associations like Assolombarda and Federalberghi, Emilia-Romagna region institutions, Visit Romagna, Apt Servizi, companies including Orogel, and celebrities – was the event celebrating the “Insieme aiutiamo l’Emilia Romagna (Let’s Help Emilia-Romagna Together)” fundraiser launched by Mondadori Media, with Banca Mediolanum, in May for the populations affected by this tragedy. Fundraising will continue until 10 July. Proof of Italians’ good heart has once again been evidenced by a total donation that today exceeded 150,000 euros. This will be donated to specific reconstruction projects in the Emilia-Romagna region.

Many guests from the world of entertainment and business arrived at the Grand Hotel Rimini and were welcomed by the hosts: Chi‘s director, Massimo Borgnis; the managing editor, Alfonso Signorini; the CEO of Mondadori Media, Carlo Mandelli; and the owner of the Grand Hotel Rimini, Paola Batani. With them was TV Sorrisi e Canzoni‘s director, Aldo Vitali, and many other directors from Mondadori Media and Mediaset. Many business leaders and figures from the world of entertainment responded to Chi‘s charity appeal. The guests included: Milly Carlucci, Paola Barale, Simona Ventura, Giulia Salemi, Pierpaolo Pretelli, Elenoire Casalegno, Samantha de Grenet. Orietta Berti, Fabio Rovazzi, Achille Lauro, Sophie Codegoni, Alessandro Basciano, Alberto De Pisis, Elisabetta Gregoraci, and Ginevra Lamborghini also attended. Among the journalists were Alessandro Sallusti, Giorgia Venturini and Pierluigi Pardo and many others.

After the blue carpet, where all Chi‘s guests paraded, and the welcome cocktail, in the garden of the Grand Hotel, the evening continued with the charity dinner on the terrace. For the Chi fundraiser, Orietta Berti performed, singing the 2023 summer hit, La Discoteca Italiana, Mille e Luna Piena, while Alfonso Signorini played Chiaro di Luna by Beethoven, Romeo and Juliet by Nino Rota and Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4 by Chopin on the piano.

Chi‘s 2023 summer event then continued with the exclusive beach party on the beach of the Grand Hotel Rimini, with spectacles set up by sponsors, including experiences and games, like the VIP challenge with table football and music. After the live performance by Achille Lauro, the party continued with Claudio Cecchetto’s grand return to the deck.

The sponsors who helped make the success of this great event possible were: Eurotarget, Givova, Layla Cosmetics, Profumiamo Profumiamo. There were numerous partners, including: Antica Distilleria Petrone, Gruppo Deles, Orogel, Piemme, Profumiamo and Visit Romagna.

The best moments from the event were published on Chi‘s Instagram account and the brand’s more than 740,000 users were able to follow the whole evening live minute-to-minute (@chimagazineit; #alCHIarodiluna).

In the issue of the magazine, which will be on newsstands from Wednesday 5 July, readers will be able to read the full report about this special event.

Studenti passes the Italian graduate examination with flying colours: extraordinary results both online and on social media

For the 2023 Italian high school diploma, the brand has confirmed its position as the digital leader for Gen Z at school.

Boom in video views on TikTok, trebling the number, and a partnership with McDonald's.

Studenti, the Mondadori Group’s standard-setting community for Gen Z at school has recorded some extraordinary numbers on the website, for the 2023 Italian high school diploma exams, with a total of 5 million sessions (source: Google Analytics), whilst on social media particularly on TikTok where the brand’s special videos for the exam recorded 13 million video views, up 300% compared to 2022 (source: Iconosquare).

This success has been achieved thanks to important new products: the website has been refreshed with a new logo and a new look  alongside a host of improvements to more efficiently use the huge amount of resources available online from social media and mobile devices. School leavers could access the thousands of resources available and more easily combine the content with searches for more detailed information, summaries, concept maps and even podcasts, available on all of the major audio platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker) and video lessons on the StudentiTV channel on YouTube.

In addition, according to tradition, news about the exam was covered in real time during the days on which the first two written tests were held (June 21-22) through a real live broadcast.


For the 2023 Italian high school diploma exams, Studenti played a key role on Gen Z’s favourite social networks: TikTok, for last-minute tips and revision, and Telegram, with a dedicated channel “Maturità 2023” (High school diploma exams 2023) designed to provide real-time support. Studenti has remained true to its purpose of providing support for study, focusing the TikTok channel videos on Edutainment, highlighting its leadership role with the hashtag #imparacontiktok and using fresh, easy-to-understand language.

Resources on TikTok focused on the most interesting topics for the school leavers’ exam and revision. A host of themed videos were produced in collaboration with edu-creators who are already linked to the brand, such as the communicator @scienzaedintorni, ambassador @emanuele_bosi, study coach @letismind, English teacher @antonioparlati and some new entries such as @scescience, the Physics student who engages girls in STEM subjects and @emmalaprofditaliano who shares rules and curiosities about Italian language. The young creators from Studenti want their videos and messages to be genuinely helpful and to be role models and reference points for teenagers too.


For the 2023 high school diploma exams, Studenti entered into a prestigious partnership with McDonald’s, which chose the special project “Road to the exams, good luck to all high school leavers” from the branded content solutions put forward. As the school exams coincided with the launch of #Summerdays from McDonald’s – from 5 to 30 June, with a special offer daily on the app – 5 creators from Studenti designed and produced TikTok videos with useful tips for the final days of exam preparation: “Three tips for the Italian exam”, “The importance of taking a break from studying”, “Avoid these mistakes when preparing for the high school diploma exams”, “The 3 most incredible mistakes in the history of the Italian high school final exam”, and “How to revise when time is tight”. At the end of each video, the creators provided followers with one more piece of advice: relax with a break at McDonald’s, enjoying the app offer of the day. The project was developed in cooperation with Fuse, the specialist branded entertainment unit of the OMG Group.


Studenti’s  commitment to supporting its young users and followers does not end with the Italian high school diploma exams but continues throughout the summer with news on the new procedures for the medicine test, post-diploma guidance, and content to help cope with holiday homework.

Branded Content proposals also continue: for  Back To School Studenti, in collaboration with Brand On, a project division of Mediamond, offers innovative and high-engagement partnership formats for the market, with a focus on good intentions for the return to school to engage students, families and professors with issues that also play an increasingly important role as school. These issues will be examined and explained by Studentithrough online surveys, articles, in-depth videos, and with the involvement of edu-creators on TikTok. They will target partners interested in aligning with values that are increasingly at the forefront of GenZ’s priorities such as inclusion, environmental sustainability, mental health, and rapid access to the world of work.

Studenti is the Mondadori Group’s brand leader in Italy for the digital market in the education category, with 4 million users on (source Audiweb). It is a leader for Gen-Z at school, thanks to a dynamic and constantly evolving editorial approach, characterised by innovative style and content and a team of young creators: a formula that has allowed Studenti to reach over 1.3 million followers on social media (Source Shareablee and social insights), on TikTok – where it is followed by 640,000 users – Facebook, Telegram and on YouTube (StudentiTV) where students can access guides and tutorials to prepare for exams.

Diversity Media Awards: to The Wom the award for the “Best Web Article”

Mondadori Media’s 100% inclusive digital brand has set itself apart in the field of media awards

The Wom, Mondadori Media’s 100% inclusive digital brand that speaks to young millennials and Generation Z, has won the Diversity Media Awards 2023 for the “Best Web Article”.

The eighth edition of the “Inclusion Oscars”, organised by the non-profit “Fondazione Diversity”, awarded the characters and media content that have contributed to an inclusive representation that highlights people by gender and gender identity, sexual and affective orientation, ethnicity, age, disability and physical appearance.

These are issues close to the heart of The Wom’s mission, which has become a touchstone for the younger generation on the Internet and on social media for the ability to combat prejudices and stereotypes with levity and empathy and highlight the uniqueness of every individual.

The Wom has set itself apart in the “Best Web Article” category – as part of the media awards – because of “‘No Data’: the investigation denouncing the lack of data on Italian Law 194”, written by contributor Francesca Polizzi.

“We are proud to receive this award: it’s an important recognition for the work done by The Wom team, just over a year after its debut on social media and the Internet. We make a daily commitment that comes from the need to make room for issues like equal rights, diversity and inclusion”, said Daniela Cerrato, Digital Marketing Director at Mondadori Media. “Our first mission is to raise awareness and we do it using a language that goes beyond any label, to get closer and closer to what our future represents, namely the new generations”, concluded Cerrato.  

That value, promoting an inclusive culture, is at the heart of the entire Mondadori Group’s commitment.

“As Mondadori Group we’re particularly proud of this major achievement from The Wom. It’s a privilege and a continuous source of enthusiasm for all of us to be able to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive, attentive and future-oriented society and world of work”, said Francesca Rigolio, Chief Diversity Officer of the Mondadori Group and Head of Human Resources in the Books Department.


The Wom is the new all-digital, social first media brand dedicated to Millenials and Generation Z, who consider uniqueness a strength and a value that enriches themselves and others. The Wom is the touchstone for the younger generation on TikTok and Instagram, with a total fanbase of 5 million followers (Shareablee + social insights May 2023) and 9 million unique users on the Internet (Audiweb April 2023)

Adkaora and Savi sign an exclusive partnership: proximity marketing is updated with digital coupons

AdKaora, the Mondadori Group’s digital agency specialising in user-centric mobile advertising and proximity marketing, and Savi, a marketing technology company specialising in the management of discount voucher-based shopper activation services, form an exclusive partnership that aims to promote the use of digital coupons at the main retail brands.

It’s a project that aims to offer customers a new level of proximity marketing able to influence the shopper journey through mobile couponing. More than 40% of Italian families are dedicated to looking for discounts and offers, and almost 60% of them carefully evaluate prices and quantities of the products they intend to buy (Iri Fmcg Demand Signals, October 2022).

This is a buying habit that, according to research by Savi, has grown by 25%, compared to 2021, and which today represents 10.5% of total cash transactions.

The integration between AdKaora’s advanced proximity marketing suite and Savi’s shopping activation technology therefore makes it possible to enhance brands’ marketing strategies, encouraging brand awareness, consideration and conversion thanks to the involvement of different media channels: from standard display formats and rich media created ad hoc by AdKaora Creative Studio, to push notifications, through Stocard formats and social planning carried out together with Hej!.

These tools are combined with drive to store objectives, as well as product launches, loyalty, customer acquisition and sales increases, allowing us not only to engage the user in the points of interest involved in the campaign, but also to collect important insights for brands thanks to footfall and post-campaign analysis.

Andrea Zermian, Savi’s Sales and Marketing Director: “Until today, media strategies often stopped ‘outside the store’, failing to follow the customer until in converted into a transaction at the checkout. Today, thanks to the partnership with AdKaora, the loop of a promotional initiative closes with the purchasing act being measured promptly. The transaction, that uses digital coupons and that is done in a fully automated manner through the retailer’s checkout, allows you to follow the shopper through their journey, starting thanks to online media and ending with the transaction in the physical point of sale. So, ultimately, it’s a fully measurable, omnichannel end-to-end experience. Now, thanks to this new collaboration, we’ll also be able to influence customer purchasing behaviour in the ‘moment of truth’, i.e. when they’re inside the store and are shopping”.

Davide Tran, CEO of AdKaora: “The partnership with Savi allows us not only to enhance our advanced proximity marketing offering with an additional user engagement channel, but also to improve their shopping experience, getting close to what’s called the ‘last mile’ in a targeted manner. Savi’s digitalisation of the coupon was what many customers wanted and having an exclusive partnership with this solution allows us to be a unique player on the market. In fact, sending the coupon directly greatly affects the purchase behaviour since the user is more encouraged to use the discount they receive on a certain product in the next few days by going to the points of sale. So there’s an opportunity for brands to achieve very specific communication objectives, which at the same time strengthens the drive to store”.

How digital coupons work
The promotion is created digitally on the Savi platform and is distributed through AdKaora channels. It can be used exclusively in a paperless form, which helps both the user experience and managing accepting the coupons at the point of sale.

The CouponLink page, a web page delivered to the consumer with a unique URL, hosts multiple discount coupons, but using them at the checkout only requires that a single “box” barcode located at the top of the page be used. This way the coupons are used favours security and generates useful insights in real time, promoting a seamless experience for the shopper, without requiring them to subscribe to or download any mobile apps.

AdKaora is a Mondadori Group digital company leading in mobile innovation which offers effective tools and solutions from a multi-channel perspective to brands and publishers to reach, engage and influence their target audience, bringing concrete and measurable results. AdKaora mixes data-driven qualitative audiences with exclusive advertising formats, created by AdKaora Creative Studio, which record high results in viewability and engagement, certified by third parties. Depending on the objective, activate the right audience through first-party data from the proprietary DMP or location-behavioural, vertical and premium publishers of the AdKaora Value Network.  The strong technological component is the plus for Proximity Marketing strategies. AdKaora enables and integrates the best technologies on the market with consolidated proprietary assets, offering an end-to-end Advanced Proximity Suite, thanks to which it is possible to involve and measure user activation from online to offline up to the purchase.  With an offer of in-gaming formats, immersive and integrated into the game experience, AdKaora reaches a highly profiled, transversal and involved target of gamers and enthusiasts by building new experiences for users, in a brand safe environment with a high user attention level.

Savi is a marketing technology company that specialises in managing services related to the use of discount vouchers and the involvement of consumers in the large-scale retail market and beyond.
Founded in 1982 under the name NCH, a spin-off of the market analysis company Nielsen Media research, and later known as Valassis, the company completed a rebranding process in May 2022 that led it to adopt its current name of Savi.

Savi interacts with 250 active customers in the brand industry and over 40,000 partner retailers, delivering over 50 million promotions every year. More than 40 large-scale retailer brands are then connected in real time with Savi’s proprietary digital platform.

Savi is located in Italy with its own office in Milan and is part of an international network active in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Poland. From these countries it is also able to operate in neighbouring countries, thus benefiting from a pan-European network.

Giallozafferano, the most popular food media brand in Italy, lands in New York for the Summer Fancy Food Show

● Giallozafferano will participate at the Summer Fancy Food Show, the most important food&beverage fair in the US scheduled in New York from 25 to 27 June, 2023, thanks to a media partnership with Universal Marketing.

● Giallozafferano will animate its stand, set up in the Italian Pavilion, with cooking shows and events bound to capture interest and increase its visibility during this important appointment, which attracts over 2,500 international exhibitors each year.

● Some of the most popular food creators of Zenzero, Mondadori Media’s Talent Agency known for having the best content creators of Italian cuisine, will also be attending the show with Giallozafferano.

Giallozafferano, the most followed food media brand in Italy, is delighted to announce its participation, as a Universal Marketing media partner, to the Summer Fancy Food Show, the prestigious fair held in New York from 25 to 27 June, 2023.
Now in its sixty-seventh edition, the event is an important opportunity to explore new culinary trends, create relationships with commercial partners and launch new products and brands in the food sector.

Giallozafferano‘s participation to this fair was made possible thanks to the agreement drawn up with Universal Marketing, organiser of the Italian Pavilion with well over 300 exhibiting businesses of the food&beverage industry and partner of Italian companies at the most renowned exhibitions worldwide. Such strategic relationship allows Giallozafferano to better present its offer to an international public: six social profiles, 36 million followers and a website specifically designed for Italian cuisine lovers from around the globe.

Giallozafferano will bring its traditional and creative cooking expertise to the Summer Fancy Food Show while organising live cooking shows and exciting events especially thought-out for this exhibition and the food world. At the Javits Centre of New York, in the Fair’s Italian Pavilion, some of the most popular food creators of Zenzero, Mondadori Media’s talent agency dedicated to the best Italian food creators, will enliven the cooking shows: Cooker Girl, the one with the red apron who plans on acquiring valuable experience in the kitchens of renowned international restaurants this summer; Chef Daniele Rossi, with 4 million followers, will create exceptional dishes using the products of some of the over 300 Italian exhibitors; Mattiastable, one of the most popular emerging talents of the US, will share his amazing ability to tell culinary stories bound to inspire the fair’s public.

“New York’s Summer Fancy Food Show is a significant venue of the food industry and we are proud to participate at this great culinary exposition with Giallozafferano and Zenzero,” stated Andrea Santagata, Mondadori Media CEO of the digital area and MarTech. “This fair is an extraordinary opportunity to encounter Italian brands and businesses set on attracting an international public and sharing our passion for food by entertaining the Fair’s visitors and social media followers with the recipes of our creators. We are grateful to Universal Marketing for its support and for making our participation at this important global showcase possible, as we intend to use this opportunity to launch new food-based ideas and formats through digital and social media channels,” concluded Santagata.

“This partnership with Giallozafferano confirms the increasingly growing importance and strategic role of the international Summer Fancy Food fair for the Italian agri-food sector, especially in the United States of America. We received an amazing amount of participation requests, reaching a fully sold out quota, and can’t wait to admire, together with New York’s great public, Giallozafferano and Zenzero,stated Donato Cinelli, Chairman of Universal Marketing.

All food lovers and operators of the industry can follow Giallozafferano and Zenzero’s food creators on the social channels to discover the latest trends, opportunities and Italian products planned for the Summer Fancy Food Show.

For more information

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is the media partner for the Diversity Media Awards for the first time

During the evening Sorrisi will award Francesca Vecchioni with the Telegatto award

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, the leading brand in the world of entertainment, will take part as a Media Partner in this year’s Diversity Media Awards, the Oscars of Inclusion, created and promoted by the  Fondazione Diversity.

The Awards – which will take place this evening in Milan at the Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber – will be awarded to the figures and media content that have contributed to an empowering representation of diversity in the areas of gender and gender identity, sexual and affectional orientation, physical appearance, ethnicity, age and disability.

Sorrisi will take part in the forefront of the various stages of the event with content and analyses on the magazine, on social networks and online to share the stars of the numerous categories in the competition with its community of readers, users and followers, including: Best Italian Film, Best Italian TV Series, Best Foreign TV Series, Best TV Program, Best Radio Program, Best Podcast, Character of the Year, Creator of the Year, Best Digital Product, Best Kids Series, Press Awards and Best Newscast.

At the start of the evening TV Sorrisi e Canzoni will also be on the D-Rainbow carpet of the Diversity Media Awards to deliver the Telegatto award to Francesca Vecchioni. The founder and president of the Fondazione Diversity will receive the coveted statuette – which Sorrisi assigns to public figures who have stood out the most in the field of contemporary entertainment, from TV to sports, from music to cinema – for “dedication and concrete actions with a major social impact, aimed at promoting the dissemination of an ever-growing inclusive culture within the world of entertainment”, said the Director of the magazine Aldo Vitali.

“Chi by moonlight”: exclusive Chi charity dinner at the Grand Hotel Rimini to support the areas affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna

More than two hundred guests, including celebrities, entrepreneurs and associations, will participate in the charity event created by the brand most loved by the stars

Chi, the most widely read “people” magazine in Italy, has chosen one of the most iconic locations in Italy, the Grand Hotel Rimini, for a charity event that demonstrates great support for the cause, and that will be held on Wednesday 28 June.

An exclusive summer party, with the magical and evocative theme of “By Moonlight”, involving the stars and players from the jet set, entertainment, politics, entrepreneurship and the country, but which above all demonstrates a generous and supportive heart: the Chi Charity Gala Dinner will be the culmination of the “Let’s Help Emilia-Romagna Together” fundraiser launched by Mondadori Media, together with Banca Mediolanum, in the hours immediately following the flood. All the proceeds from the dinner, in which more than two hundred entrepreneurs and celebrities will take part, will be donated to the Emilia-Romagna region through a dedicated account to support people and communities affected by floods and landslides.

“Helping those in need is increasingly urgent in our society”, said Alfonso Signorini, Chi managing editor. “Distracted by a thousand and one things, an emergency is enough to make us understand how important it is to be helpful. Nothing makes us feel better than being supportive. And it’s beautiful that Chi, who’s always been a symbol for escapist and leisure reading, is alongside the people of Emilia-Romagna for such an important cause. We’ll get back to entertaining, but now’s the time to act”.

“We want this gala evening to be a small but significant contribution to reviving a place, the Romagna Riviera, and a region, Emilia-Romagna, which has always been linked to the history and stories of Chi and its figures”, said Massimo Borgnis, the magazine’s editor-in-chief. “So what better opportunity to strengthen this bond by starting in the most symbolic place of the Riviera, the Grand Hotel Rimini, a concrete show of support, so that with the help of everyone, Romagna will soon return to being a place for la dolce vita, a place that’s about hospitality, joy and fun, which has been part of our holidays and our dreams and which Chi loves to describe in its pages”, Borgnis concluded.

Chi Summer Night: an exclusive evening by moonlight

Hosting the great party at Chi‘s invitation is the Grand Hotel Rimini of the Batani Group, a Liberty building of outstanding beauty, one of the iconic locations in Federico Fellini’s Amarcord, an incomparable location in the seaside history of the Riviera and of Made in Italy tourism.

“I’m pleased that, after the break due to the pandemic, Chi and Mondadori Media, to whom we have become great friends with and collaborated many times, have chosen the Grand Hotel Rimini and Romagna for their summer party. It will be a special evening, which has an even greater meaning, given the commitment made by everyone in the charity collection for the Emilia-Romagna region. It’s one more demonstration that if tourism is working, it can help those affected by the flood”, said Paola Batani, CEO of the Batani Group Select Hotels.

The exclusive event will start at 6:30 pm with an extraordinary blue carpet to welcome guests with a very impressive entrance in the Piazza Fellini, a grand thoroughfare for the public and the whole city. A welcome cocktail will follow in the majestic setting of the outdoor garden of the Grand Hotel Rimini, which will be set up with bright spheres to recall the theme of the evening, charming corners and a band that will play for guests throughout the cocktail.

Then the Charity Gala Dinner will begin, with a placée dinner, reserved for more than 200 guests, including entrepreneurs, associations and stars from the world of entertainment, on the terrace of the hotel that will end with a magnificent artistic performance. The tone of the evening will change for the third part: the after party on the private beach of the hotel that will be transformed into a exclusive club with musical performances, DJ sets, open bars and many corners that will entertain guests and be great fun for them.

On Chi‘s Instagram account, users will be able to follow the whole evening live minute-to-minute (@chimagazineit; #alCHIarodiluna)

Event sponsors and partners

Supporting Chi on this special occasion are institutions and companies who responded to the call for support launched by the magazine and who are participating in the Charity Gala Dinner. These include: Assolombarda, Federalberghi nazionale and Orogel.

The sponsors include:

  • EuroTarget, a brand distributing new and semi-new automobiles, where the customer is placed at the heart of the consultancy and not the vehicle. They recently acquired the former Lamborghini Factory in Pieve di Cento, which will become the new headquarters for the more than 50 people who make up this innovative dealership. The EuroTarget staff will support the stars of the show on the blue carpet and on the beach for the summer night of Chi “By Moonlight”;
  • Givova, the internationally recognised Campania brand that has become a leader in sportswear and more in a few years, and that has always supported Chi‘s initiatives with commitment and enthusiasm. Givova will also be here for this event with a corner on the beach, dedicated to well-being, which will become a fun meeting place for everyone;
  • the historic Milanese company Layla Cosmetics will be there with an area dedicated to Beauty where it will offer make-up experiences to guests;
  • Profumiamo Profumiamo will make the exhibit even more magical with special perfumers

The partners:

  • ANTICA DISTILLERIA PETRONE will offer its renowned bitters and liqueurs;
  • The Deles Group will be the star of a scenic beach showcooking with their Oyfr barbecues during the beach party;
  • Orogel, the strategic partner for the evening and Chi, will have a corner on the beach where guests will be able to enjoy delicious snacks late into the night. The Fondazione F.OR. (FruttDORO OROGEL) is at the forefront of support and has launched targeted interventions to help the flooded populations with supplies of food products and materials for removing the mud: it is setting up important investments for the most affected people, the agricultural partners and has carried out an important recovery operation for historical material (ancient books and library archival items) from different municipalities in Romagna with the regional office.
  • Visit Romagna will bring a preview of the Notte Rosa (Pink Night), a main event in the Riviera, to the beach, which will take place from 7 to 9 July, dedicated this year to the Pink Fluid theme.

The creative exhibit is entrusted to the Grand Hotel Rimini together with the agency Left&Right.


LET’S HELP EMILIA-ROMAGNA TOGETHER” is the name of the fundraising initiative open to readers, followers, customers and friends launched by Mondadori Media and Banca Mediolanum in the hours immediately following the flood. Everyone can contribute by sending a donation to the dedicated current account number in the name of “BANCA MEDIOLANUM – IBAN IT54O0306234210000002727272 – CAUSE: LET’S HELP EMILIA-ROMAGNA TOGETHER”.

Together is the initiative’s keyword: thanks to everyone’s generosity, every Euro collected will be donated to the Emilia-Romagna region to support people and communities affected by floods and landslides.

TAAG!, Mondadori Media’s new talent management agency, is born!

An innovative reality aimed at promoting talents from all sectors of the entertainment industry

Mondadori Media expands its offer and strengthens its talent agency area with TAAG!, the new talent management agency operative in the entertainment world.

TAAG! was conceived to scout and manage transversal talents who best “reflect” the various segments of today’s and tomorrow’s entertainment world: TV and radio hosts, singers and musicians, influencers and content creators, authors, dance artists and TV personalities.

The mission consists in helping and promoting the professional growth of talents within a context strongly linked to the digital scene for the development of integrated communication projects.

“TAAG! is a novelty for the talent management agency setting, thanks to an innovative positioning of artists originating from various areas of the entertainment industry, from TV to social media, from radio to music. Mondadori can make the difference in this multimedia context thanks to its one-of-a-kind and distinctive known-how, especially in the entertainment sector,” stated Carlo Mandelli, Mondadori Media’s CEO of the magazine area

TAAG!’s roster will comprise both emerging talents and already known professionals: in either case, it will include figures characterised by strong potential and transversal skills. As far as music is concerned, TAAG! has made a partnership agreement with Warner Music, the leading international group of the music sector, with the aim of promoting the growth of singers, artists, DJs and producers and enhancing their potential in the world of entertainment.

Alfonso Signorini, Chi’s editorial chief, TV host, writer, author and director, will be among the agency’s most important personalities. Signorini, who has worked with Mondadori Media on the development of Taag! since its conception, will, to all effects, be one of the leading talents of this new reality.

Always with regard to its talents, TAAG! will work with the best digital PR agencies to ensure better commercial development opportunities, both in the digital world and beyond, by creating synergies to implement specific projects and formats for customers and businesses.For TAAG!’s management, Mondadori Media has appointed Ricky Palazzolo as Talent Director. As a highly experienced professional of the entertainment setting with transversal skills in music, TV and digital and media relations, Palazzolo will be in charge of hiring, managing and promoting talents, by connecting their interests to those of the brands and editors.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni for the first time on Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live, partner of the new “Battiti Square” village

Two locations are planned for the Norba Cornetto Battiti Live’s exclusive talk shows signed by Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni and including the participation of the most successful artists of the Italian music scene.

Space will be devoted to the GenZ idols on Sorrisi’s stage in partnership with Webboh

A summer filled with emotions, music and entertainment with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni at Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live 2023: the leading brand of the world of entertainment will, for the first time, accompany the concert tour organised by Radio Norba as media partner around the most suggestive squares of Southern Italy.

Battiti Square, an experiential village open to all near the main stage and where the public will be able to get into Battiti Live’s groove and fully experience the event, is this year’s great novelty, which was made possible thanks to Radio Norba’s mobile station and to an area devoted to youngest with food trucks and the Talk with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni space.

During the stop-overs in Bari (June 23, 24 and 25) and Gallipoli (July 7, 8 and 9), an exclusive stage, on which Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni will organise a very extensive schedule of meetings and encounters open to the public, will be set up within the 2023 Battiti Square village to experience the concerts and backstage of Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live firsthand, and to develop magazine, website and social media contents.

“I’m very happy because this partnership between Battiti Live and Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is truly special: it’s good for the public, who will discover many interesting events, in addition to allowing Battiti and Sorrisi to meet their readers in person and to establish a direct relationship with their all time followers. I thank Marco Montrone for his vision, which led to the creation of unmissable appointments together with Sorrisi for the Battiti Square of Bari and Gallipoli,” stated Aldo Vitali, Managing Director of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

“Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is the iconic magazine of the entertainment and music scene, as well as the most influential Italian radio and television programme. We consider this prestigious relationship as another milestone of our story, as another “label” as they say in the world of music,” continues Marco Montrone, Chairman of Radio Norba. “The exclusive contents will be developed by Sorrisi to offer an unmissable occasion to the public and to further allow us to see the show from another and totally new perspective. A heartfelt thank you to the Managing Director, Vitali, and his entire editorial staff, and welcome to the heart of music.”

TV Sorrisi e Canzoni’s Talk area

Sorrisi‘s vast programme of encounters will proceed throughout the entire day to entertain the public with exclusive and unmissable contents. Sorrisi‘s interviews and some of the most successful artists of the Italian music scene, such as Wax and Levante, Clara and Fred De Palma, Achille Lauro, Mr Rain and Annalisa, are among the most awaited appointments.

The youngest will also be able to meet their favourite talents, thanks to the partnership with Webboh, the first digital community devoted to Generation Z. The GenZ idol Charlotte M, singer Ascanio, creator Sofia Crisafulli and Apulian comedian Glenda Resta will be among the many creators present. Finally, presentations and book signings with many authors of the publishing houses of the Mondadori Group will also be organised.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni’s story on Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live can be followed minute by minute by all music lovers and its loyal community – consisting of 2.4 million readers (source: Audicom 2023/I), 2.4 million monthly users (source: Audiweb April 2023) and 1 million followers (source: internal processing based on Comscore data, May 2023) – on the brand’s social channels and website