
The Webboh Van Studios goes all pink on the streets of Sanremo: a great success live and on social media

Interviste e meet up con i cantanti in gara e tanti altri ospiti speciali

A bordo del “Webboh Van Studios” sono saliti: The Kolors, Clara, Sarah Toscano, Serena Brancale, Sal Da Vinci, Alessandro Cattelan, Mariasole Pollio e il vincitore delle "Nuove Proposte", Settembre

On the road anche i creator di Webboh, che hanno coinvolto il pubblico con attività interattive, beauty last touch e glow experience, in collaborazione con Astra Make-Up

Numeri da record sui social, con il racconto live delle 5 giornate

Webboh, il media di riferimento delle new generation, è volato per il terzo anno consecutivo al Festival di Sanremo, dove ha fatto vivere alla sua community un’esperienza unica e in prima linea della kermesse. Novità di questa edizione, il “Webboh Van Studios”, un progetto on the road in collaborazione con Astra Make-Up, beauty brand Italiano con 35 anni di expertise, che ha unito musica, bellezza e divertimento live.

Per tutta la settimana le strade della cittadina ligure si sono colorate di rosa grazie a un Van completamente personalizzato che fin dal primo giorno ha catturato l’attenzione di migliaia di persone. A bordo del “Webboh Van Studios” sono saliti cantanti e personaggi del calibro di: The Kolors, Clara, Sarah Toscano, Serena Brancale, Sal Da Vinci, Alessandro Cattelan, Mariasole Pollio e il vincitore delle “Nuove Proposte”, Settembre.

Sul Van, anche i creator più amati dalla community che hanno animato i profili social di Webboh con contenuti originali, giochi e tante interviste ai protagonisti della 75ª edizione del Festival. Un nome su tutti: Lisa Luchetta, creator vincitrice della categoria “Teen idol” ai Webboh Awards 2024, che ha condotto la rubrica Red Flag o Green Flag?. E poi giochi, challenge, consigli beauty che hanno fatto vivere momenti esclusivi alla community del brand.

I profili social di Webboh hanno realizzato a oggi 33 milioni di reach, 23 milioni di video views e oltre 6 milioni di interazioni complessive.
Il sito Webboh.it, grazie alla pubblicazione continua di news, curiosità e retroscena, ha totalizzato 4 milioni di pagine viste, più del doppio rispetto all’edizione 2024.
La copertura digital ha potuto contare su oltre 180 contenuti su Instagram e TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, web, tra post, news sul sito e video esclusivi.

Ai cantanti in gara, saliti a bordo del Webboh Van Studios, è stata donata un’edizione straordinaria (e personalizzata) di Webboh in versione stampata. Graditissimo anche il manifesting kit, ideato da Webboh per augurare buona fortuna agli artisti: all’interno, oltre al palosanto e a una frase “mantra” personalizzata per ciascun artista, anche le ultime novità targate Astra Make-Up.

Grande successo anche per il racconto live e sui social delle serate del Festival con la rubrica What’s up in Sanremo: protagonisti gli amatissimi volti di Webboh, Arianna Madonna e Claudia Mariani, che hanno aggiornato il pubblico da casa su quanto avveniva dentro e fuori dal Teatro Ariston. Con loro a bordo del van, Daniele Batella, Senior Global Make-Up Artist & Art Director Astra Make-Up, che ha accolto i più fortunati tra il pubblico per un tocco di glow e un veloce make-up retouch.
Il giorno di San Valentino è stato reso ancor più speciale grazie all’Astra Secrets: format divertente che ha permesso ai partecipanti di ricevere un prodotto esclusivo firmato Astra Make-Up. Inoltre, per tutta la settimana, due hostess hanno presidiato la cittadina accompagnate da un gigantesco pallone di Astra Make-Up & Webboh, consegnando gift come prodotti make-up e skincare.

Come ogni anno, Webboh Lab, il primo osservatorio permanente sulla Gen Z nato dall’incontro di Webboh con l’istituto di ricerca Sylla, ha invitato la community a partecipare a una survey dedicata al Festival di Sanremo a cui hanno aderito, tramite i social, quasi 27mila giovani in meno di 48 ore.
Per i votanti della community di Webboh, già venerdì 14 febbraio, non c’erano dubbi:  il vincitore della 75a edizione del Festival della Canzone Italiana, è Olly, il giovane cantautore genovese che ha portato sul palco dell’Ariston la canzone “Balorda nostalgia” e che poi si è rivelato il vero vincitore del Festival.

Questa la top five per la community di Webboh:

1 Olly – “Balorda nostalgia”
2 Rose Villain – “Fuorilegge”
3 Irama – “Lentamente”
4 Giorgia – “La cura per me”
5 Gaia – “Chiamo io chiami tu”

Dalla survey di Webboh Lab è emerso anche che il 60% dei giovani partecipanti ha apprezzato molto il Festival e l’82% di loro ha seguito l’evento in tv. Inoltre,  il 60% ha dichiarato di preferire la conduzione di Amadeus che ha guidato le ultime  cinque edizioni del Festival (dal 2020 al 2024) rispetto a quella fatta quest’anno da Carlo Conti.

Webboh è stato ospite della trasmissione di Rai 1 La volta buona, condotta da Caterina Balivo: Arianna Madonna e Claudia Mariani, in collegamento dalla città dei fiori, hanno annunciato in anteprima la classifica (parziale) dei cantanti in gara, quella che già vedeva Olly al primo posto nelle preferenze della community.

Il progetto “Webboh Van Studios” è stato realizzato in collaborazione con NemoHub di Simona De Melas e l’agenzia “Tutt’appost”. 


Webboh è il media di riferimento della GenZ. Nato ad aprile del 2019, da febbraio 2023 è parte di Mondadori Media. Conta attualmente una fanbase tra TikTok, Instagram, Youtube e Whatsapp di oltre 4,5 milioni di follower di cui il 70% under 24, un sito Web da 3 milioni di utenti unici mensili (fonte: Audiweb ultimo trimestre 2024). È nella top ten dei media italiani più influenti sui social, nonché il primo in target Generazione Z per engagement e video views (fonte: Classifica Top Media Italiani di Prima Comunicazione realizzata da Sensemakers). L’attualità, l’autenticità e l’interesse suscitato dai contenuti è garantito dal modello editoriale bottom up: la community è coinvolta in ogni parte del processo creativo.

Webboh Lab, nato dall’incontro di Webboh e l’istituto di ricerca Sylla, con direttore scientifico il professor Furio Camillo, è il primo Osservatorio Permanente sulla Gen Z. L’impegno da parte di Webboh Lab è quello di raccogliere la voce delle nuove generazioni, di indagare e di approfondire i temi trattati per portare sul tavolo di chi prende le decisioni per loro, gli adulti di domani.

Webboh and Astra Make-Up take over Sanremo

On board the "Webboh Van Studios", the competing singers, the creators of Webboh, and the audience will come together to experience many interactive experiences and moments dedicated to beauty with the beauty last touch

Live emotions, told through social media, between music, entertainment and make-up events in collaboration with Astra Make-Up

From Tuesday 11 to Saturday 15 February, Webboh, the benchmark media for the new generation, will be in Sanremo together with Astra Make-Up, the Italian beauty brand with 35 years of expertise that shares the values of inclusivity and “self love” with Webboh.

Webboh and Astra Make-Up will invade the streets of the Ligurian city aboard the “Webboh Van Studios“: a fully customised van that will provide exclusive moments for the brand’s community on the road.

“We are excited to return to Sanremo with a project that combines music, beauty, and creativity,” says Giulio Pasqui, Brand and Content Manager of Webboh. “The Webboh Van Studios, which is super Instagrammable, will be the meeting point for competing singers, creators, and the most beloved faces from the community who will enliven our social media profiles with content and interviews. This year we’re happy to have a solid partner like Astra Make-Up by our side, with whom we have an evident affinity for target, tone of voice, and values.”

Activities scheduled in the Webboh Van Studios

Not to be missed on Webboh’s social channels is Pick-Up Reaction, during which competing artists, hosted on the van, will share their immediate impressions right after their performance on stage. Another special initiative involves creating a personalised “gadget” for each competing singer, namely a special edition of Webboh in a printed version where the columns Facciamo Chiarezza and Red Flag o Green Flag will feature.
Furthermore, another idea for this year is to give the protagonists of the Festival the manifesting kit that will allow them to best manifest their wishes and dreams during the Sanremo week. The kit also includes a mantra, created in collaboration with Astra Make-Up, to wish all participants in the competition “good luck”.
The story on Webboh’s social media channels – TikTok, Instagram, YouTube – will accompany everything that happens inside and outside the Webboh Van Studios.
Again, What’s up in Sanremo, the story of the Festival evenings created by Arianna Madonna and Claudia Mariani, the beloved creators of Webboh, will be staged every day – live and on social media – while they prepare for the evening by creating beauty looks with the latest Astra Make-Up innovations.
On Valentine’s Day, Astra Secrets will take place, a format that mixes secrets and fun: participants will be able to share an unconfessable secret and, in return, receive an exclusive product from the mysterious Astra box. A unique experience that combines emotion, spontaneity, and a love for beauty.

We are happy to be in Sanremo, the week in which the faces of music take the stage of the most important venue in Italy. Like make-up, music is also an expression of oneself and offers everyone the opportunity to give voice to their identity in a unique and creative way,” says Giulia Gunnella, Marketing Coordinator & Art Director of Astra Make-Up. “The collaboration with Webboh not only gives us the opportunity to intensify contact with Generation Z, but also to strengthen our brand awareness across all generations,” concludes Giulia Gunnella.

Accompanying Astra Make-Up in the activities on Webboh Van Studios is the Camelot agency.

Webboh is a benchmark even during the Festival
This initiative confirms Webboh as the most followed media brand by Gen Z and Gen Alpha in Italy, as well as the most active community in the target audience. The success of his content has established it among the most relevant accounts in Italy during Sanremo with 5 million total interactions (source: Sensemakers, 6-10 February 2024).


Webboh is the benchmark media for GenZ. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp of over 4.5 million followers, 70% of which are under 24, a website with 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media presences on social media, as well as the first in the Generation Z target for engagement and video views (source: Top Media Ranking of Italian First Communication created by Sensemakers. The relevance, authenticity, and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Astra Make-Up was founded in 1988 in Todi, from the dream of pharmacist chemist Giuliano Settimi to create his own cosmetics brand. It is thanks to the entrepreneurial vision of his son Simone Settimi, the current general manager, and the determination of his wife Lucia Menghella, the CEO, that the company continues to grow and develops on a thread of experience and passion, combining creativity with a distinctly Italian love for cosmetic products. The brand is in constant expansion and is present in over 50 countries in Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Asia. The values at the heart of the company’s philosophy celebrate Italian-ness, accompanied by a careful search for cosmetic products in terms of quality and performance, but that are always accessible to everyone.

Innovative, more inclusive and connected to reality: this is the ideal school according to the Webboh Lab survey

The younger generation would like an educational institution that prepares them more for life and work (80%) and allows them to express their opinions (8.5/10)

A few days before the start of the second quarter, Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z resulting from Webboh’s partnership with the Sylla research institute, has analyzed the responses of more than 38,000 elementary, middle and high school students who were asked to share their opinions, perceptions and expectations about school.

The results, partly collected through the involvement of Studenti.it users, led to the report “La scuola che vorrei”, a detailed look at the school system through the eyes of the younger generation. Their goal is to have a school that is more inclusive and helpful in dealing with the challenges of everyday life.

Vision of the ideal school:

Students were asked to describe how they imagine the perfect school environment:

  • inclusive and respectful, where everyone has an equal chance to learn (9/10);
  • with beautiful and welcoming spaces, helping those with problems or difficulties (8/10);
  • more connected to reality, with useful lessons for daily life (7/10);
  • innovation-oriented, with the use of technology to make lessons interactive and engaging (5/10);
  • a place where students can voice their opinions, work together in groups, and engage in creative and fun activities (5/10).

Perception of the school

The main problems highlighted by the report concern the perception of a not very innovative school environment that lacks adequate preparation for real life and work, placing great emphasis on mental health. In detail:

  • 80% think that school does not teach topics that are useful for life;
  • 80% find their backpack too heavy;
  • 67% experience anxiety about going to school;
  • 67% believe that schools do not care about pupils’ mental health;
  • 67% spend entire days studying;
  • 68% are fairly or very happy with the level of teaching they receive;
  • for 49%, teachers are not sufficiently understanding and do not care enough about whether a subject is understood;
  • 49% of children found situations of neglect at school. Indeed, many of them do not trust the solidity of the structures and as many as 50% of the children believe there is a potential risk of the facility collapsing.

It emerged, in general, that students do not feel valued, welcomed and supported at school: “It is a place where I feel valued” received only 4.3 out of 10 and “It is a place where I feel welcomed and supported” 4.5 out of 10. In addition, the concept “Bullying is addressed and effectively managed” received 5.2 out of 10, a result that leads one to think that the educational institution is unable to deal with and manage bullying.

Identified clusters:

The Webboh Lab team identified 5 profiles that identify students based on their responses to the questionnaire:

  1. Vision and Motivation (34%): this is the group that identifies students who see school as practical preparation for the future and work, and who prefer a traditional approach.
  2. Practicality and Inclusiveness (30%): concerns children focused on professional preparation and collaborative learning in a stimulating environment.
  3. Ambition and Pragmatism (14%): they value competition and rewards, with a focus on individual growth.
  4. Creativity and Relaxation (13%): this is the cluster where creative freedom and a relaxed environment with less homework and more artistic activities are valued.
  5. Tradition and Freedom (8%): where students prefer a classical educational approach, without excessive emphasis on technology or creativity.

You can view the full research here.

Webboh is the flagship media for GenZ. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab, a partnership between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, with Scientific Director Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab’s commitment is to gather the voice of the younger generation and investigate and explore issues to convey them to those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh Lab: 15,000 teenagers responded to a survey on glass recycling conducted for Coreve

They were divided into 4 groups: proactive, utilitarians, theorists and poets of transformation

Three out of four teenagers always separate glass.

Another 20% do it 'often' and only 5% do it rarely or never.

Young people who don't recycle list the following reasons: 38% don't think about it, 21% have someone to do it for them and 14% think there is not enough information about it.

Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z born from Webboh‘s meeting with the Sylla research institute, involved 15,000 teenagers, aged between 14 and 17, to collect opinions, behaviours and perceptions regarding the topic of glass recycling and the use of packaging created with this material. The survey, conducted by Webboh Lab for CoReVe – the national consortium for the collection, recycling and recovery of glass packaging waste in Italy – highlighted some key points of interest.


The survey showed that three out of four teenagers (more than 76%) always separate glass, while only 5% said they rarely or never do it. Of these: 38% do not separate glass because they don’t think about it, 21% have someone to do it for them and 14% believe there is not enough information about recycling.

Glass recycling is very common among teenagers, as they generally prefer the use of glass packaging as it is more sustainable.

Young people are taught correct behaviours, such as separate waste collection, by their parents and schools, making it a recognised and widespread practice. Most interviewees believe that the good example of others and more information can motivate us to improve the collection of glass.

The data analysed also showed that two out of three teenagers (67%) are aware of the possibility of endlessly recycling glass without losing quality, while 65% of them are aware that incandescent bulbs and crystal glasses cannot be recycled together with ordinary glass. Finally, 85% of young people know that recycling a glass bottle reduces air pollution by 20% compared to that produced to make a new one.

As regards behaviour in Italy, 56.8% of interviewees believe that Italians pay enough attention to separating glass and that it is very important to do so (70.9%). 60% of children think that in 10 years glass recycling will be more widespread and 74.7% are in favour of penalising those who do not separate glass from other waste.


Expansion of the answers obtained with respect to issues related to glass recycling and environmental sustainability has made it possible to identify four groups of adolescents with similar answers on in-depth topics.

Proactive recyclers (34%)
They are young people with a strong pragmatic and proactive tendency towards glass recycling, and are highly motivated and hands on as regards the actions taken. They attach great importance to protecting the environment and reducing pollution: they are extremely aware of the environmental issue and are convinced that recycling glass is a great help. In general, they are consistent in their behaviour towards sustainability, consumption choices and daily practices of waste separation, reuse and recycling of materials. They actively correct other people’s incorrect behaviour and they also agree to sanction those who do not separate their waste. They ask for more information to encourage separate waste collection and the virtuous example of influencers and famous people.

Recycling utilitarians (28%)
Teenagers in this group focus on the functional and utilitarian aspects of recycling, but they are much less motivated when it comes to issues related to environmental sustainability. They recognise the importance of glass as a material that is not harmful to the ecosystem and are familiar with recycling bins. Despite this, they are not particularly motivated by the concept of recycling or by the environmental impact that it may have. They are a little less virtuous as regards separating glass than the average person. To stimulate recycling, they propose economic incentives and are against the introduction of penalties for those who do not separate their waste.

Recycling theorists (23%)
Those that are disenchanted with recycling and are the least interested in the issues of recycling and the environment.
They reveal a more poetic and symbolic vision of glass, attaching a special value to its purity and its capacity for rebirth, however, they are less virtuous in separate waste collection, finding it complicated and demanding and remaining less sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability in general. They claim to be motivated to recycle glass for its infinite reuse but are less concerned with practical details, such as using the correct bins or removing caps.

Poets of transformation (15%)
The young people belonging to this group are very involved in the issues of environmental sustainability and are very aware of related issues. They differ from the first group, the proactive recyclers, for their more romantic and idealistic vision: they see glass as a poetic and special material, and they prefer glass packaging for its unique characteristics. They are the most informed about correct glass recycling practices. They recycle much more than the average person, they are in favour of any incentive that promotes the dissemination of good practices and they are also in favour of penalties for those who do not separate glass correctly. Finally, they adopt, in general, a sustainable lifestyle and feel like active protagonists, attaching importance to the correct management of glass, since they are motivated by the environmental value of recycling.

The survey is very interesting and allows us to understand what young people think and how they behave,” stated Gianni Scotti, President of CoReVe. “In general, there is alignment among children between environmentally sustainable behaviour, environmental awareness and glass recycling. Almost all of them – as many as 90% – think that the climate crisis is a serious matter and that glass recycling is a fundamental part of reducing pollution. But CoReVe’s challenge is speaking to the 5% that rarely recycle to make it clear what a waste of environmental and economic resources it is not to recycle glass properly. The work we are doing with influencers, creators, schools and territories goes precisely in this direction. Italy’s good recycling rate is, in fact, not taken for granted but must be maintained and, if possible, improved. This is why it is essential to know what Gen Z thinks and what behaviours they adopt,” Scotti concluded.

“This research has attracted a lot of interest among children, it is a generation that is well informed on and aware of environmental issues. The analysis of the data allowed us to identify 4 groups of teenagers with similar answers to the in-depth topics, each with a different leaning towards glass recycling. This has made it possible to collect very targeted information for the customer,” says Furio Camillo, Scientific Director for Sylla. “Webboh Lab confirms itself as a very effective tool for the strategy, marketing and communication of brands and companies that find an interesting target in Gen Z.”

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab, a partnership between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, with Scientific Director, Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab’s commitment is to gather the voice of the younger generation, investigate and explore issues to convey them to those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh: a record-breaking summer with music, creators, live shows and lots of fun

The 'Webboh Fest' music tour and 'Webboh Camp' have cemented themselves as unmissable events for young people:

● over 50 Gen Z idols met the brand community

● great participation in attendance events with more than 20,000 young people

● over 100 million reaches and 1.5 million social interactions

And now they're all set to go back to school with the new edition of the BeYou Diary, a whole school line and other branded initiatives

There’s been great success for Webboh, Italy’s number one media brand for the younger generation with a digital audience of 4.5 million followers, which closes the summer with record numbers.
Eight events in the area, all sold out, more than 50 Gen Z idols on stage at the events organised around Italy, more than 20,000 kids who took part in the eagerly awaited shows, registering significant results, and on social media with 100 million reaches and more than 1.5 million interactions.
These are results that confirm Webboh ‘s extraordinary ability to involve young people with activities that can create meaningful moments of sharing and fun. This isn’t only on social and live, but also with initiatives continuing in September to tackle the back-to-school period.

Webboh Fest: three legs sold out
Webboh Fest, a music festival – unique in Italy in terms of format and audience success – designed to bring together young people with the most followed idols on social networks, was held on three legs from July to September (Giulianova, Rimini, Mirandola). It starred singers Rosa Chemical, Sarah Toscano, El Matador, Aka 7even, Serena Brancale, Emma Muscat, Vyperr, Pucho, Valerio Mazzei and many others. Also present were the latest, trendiest creators, including Lisa Luchetta, Alberto Tozzi, Alice and Giorgia Mordenti, Kingash, together with Acapodelglobo and Arienne Make-Up, both from the Power Talent Agency roster.

All events – with free admission – were hosted by producer and presenter Andrea Prada with the participation of Sara Esposito, a creator and YouTuber with millions of followers. At the DJ set was Matteo Robert, one of Italy’s most famous Gen Z creators, and DodoJ, one of Italy’s youngest DJs.
The DeAKids broadcasts (Sky Channel 601), with creators Lisa Luchetta and Alberto Tozzi, shared what went on behind the scenes at the different legs: this exclusive content has been made available on the channel’s social networks and will be aired in a special on DeAKids on 27 September where the best moments of the Webboh Backstage Secrets Summer Tour will be revisited.
Radio Bruno was also a Webboh Fest radio partner.

Webboh Camp: between summer experience and digital education
The Webboh Camp (20 to 27 July in the Tuscan Maremma), organised with Experience Summer Camp, Italy’s number one organiser of summer camps for young people aged 6 to 22, sold out in just one month. An unforgettable week in close contact with five creators (a total of 4 million followers on TikTok alone): Alberto Tozzi, Jenni Serpi, Sara Esposito, singer Luk3 and the face of Webboh, Claudia Mariani.
But the Camp was more than just fun. The kids enjoyed a digital education with Alessio Carciofi, one of Europe’s leading experts on digital well-being. Here too, reporting on the holiday was entrusted toDeAKids cameras.

Webboh Fun at AquaFan in Riccione
Just like last year, the four dates of Webboh Fun at Aquafan (11 July, 25 July, 8 August, 22 August, at the Walky Cup at Aquafan in Riccione) turned out to be a success. At each leg, in addition to the show on stage, spectators participated in exclusive meet and greets with guests (singers and creators) with whom they could take a photo. Among the talents involved were: Acapodelglobo, Rimoldigno, Lisa Luchetta, Matteo Robert, Alberto Tozzi, Pucho, Luk3 and Ascanio, Lorenz Simonetti.

Activities with brand partners
Webboh’s summer initiatives offered brand partners additional business opportunities with diversified branded content solutions. These include five smartphone covers – each suited to a different mood – created by the Webboh community in collaboration with La Casa de Las Carcasas. The covers, launched on 5 September, were presented on 6 September during the Mirandola leg of Webboh Fest, and are on sale online and in stores.

The first two Webboh Fest legs had Webboh coordinating and working in collaboration with Brand On Solutions, Mediamond’s project area, along with cosnova Italia with essence, a well-known cosmetics brand, with the essence Spring-Summer 2024 collection and the participation of acapodelglobo and Arienne Makeup from the Power Talent Agencyroster.

Back to school: the BE YOU Webboh diary and backpack and many other activities
After the summer events, Webboh is there for the very young as they start the new school year with numerous products and various initiatives.
The BE YOU Webboh Diary, produced in collaboration with BE YOU, now in its third edition, is so successful every year that it sold out in a few days in various stores and online shops. Created together with the community, it contains more than 100 stickers, over 40 special ‘against boredom’ pages for break times, the birthdays of the best-loved creators and a brand new ‘treasure hunt’. Launched in June, it’s distributed in shopping centres, bookstores, stationery stores, and online. In addition to the diary, this year’s BE YOU Webboh collection consists of an entire stationery line with apencil case, notebooks and – the big news for 2024–2025 – the BE YOU Webboh backpack.

Webboh and Astra Make-Up are working together again, after a successful project for the 2024 Webboh Awards, for the back-to-school period. The focus for this initiative is the Astra Skin line, dedicated to skincare and beauty routines, and the launch of two new products: a Face Make-up Remover Balm and a Face Gel Cream. The initiative includes a structured publishing plan on Webboh’s social channels, and also on the website, as well as the initiative for Arianna Madonna, the face of the community, and content creator Lisa Luchetta, already the winner of the Best Teen Idol – Female category at the 2024 Webboh Awards.

From 18 September, a new collaboration with Inter-studioviaggi (in coordination and collaboration with Brand On Solutions/Mediamond) will start on Webboh’s TikTok channel. The star of this initiative will be Anaïs Mariani, TikToker and Ambassador of Inter-studioviaggi, who will meet with Arianna Madonna, one of the faces of Webboh, to talk about her experience of Year Abroad. The opportunities offered by a school year abroad will be illustrated: a unique opportunity for an exceptional educational experience.

Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z emerging from a meeting between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, has partnered with Farmitalia (with the support of Brand On Solutions/Mediamond) to conduct a survey via an online smart poll involving 500 young Italians aged between 14 and 17. The results provide a picture of the perceptions, knowledge and doubts of younger generations regarding sexuality and contraception in Italy.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab and sex education: fewer taboos and more dialogue for Gen Z

Research reveals the demands of the very young: enhanced sex education with the involvement of schools, families and expert counsellors

Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z stemming from an encounter between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, has partnered with Farmitalia to conduct a survey via an online smart poll involving 500 young Italians aged between 14 and 17. The results provide a picture of the perceptions, knowledge and doubts of younger generations regarding sexuality and contraception in Italy.

The results show how the very young face a lot of exposure to these issues, which is also attributed to the numerous information channels available, and how they would like to experience sex education in general, that is, with fewer taboos and more clarity.

How Gen Z stays informed

The details of the data collected by Webboh Lab show that the sources most consulted by respondents are friends (53.4%) and social media (46%), followed by school (43.2%) and the Internet (40.4%). The family is in fifth place with 27.6%, while doctors and advice centres are mentioned by only 5.6% of young people.

Sex education at school

 Sex education at school is considered a key issue by the very young. They would like it to be addressed more, with particular emphasis on certain aspects:

  • sexually transmitted diseases (importance score: 8.47/10);
  • relationships, affection and partner consent (score: 8.40/10);
  • contraceptive methods (score: 7.81/10);
  • anatomy of the human body (score: 7.78/10).

Gen Z’s suggetions for better information

The Webboh Lab smart pool also showed that the way in which this issue is dealt with could be improved through various initiatives. Besides more school involvement (score 8.36/10), the main activities identified by respondents were:

  • counselling services (score 7.87/10);
  • discussions with adults (score 7.59/10);
  • access to reliable online resources (score 7.49/10).

Contraceptive methods

The survey also highlighted condoms as the most popular method of contraception among Gen Z (98.2%), followed by the pill (88.4%). Much more limited knowledge is found, however, for IUDs (49.3%) and coitus interruptus (17%).

Emergency contraception: the concept of emergency contraception is familiar to 44.2% of young people. More specifically,86% know about the morning-after pill, while only 41.8% know about the five-day-after pill. The main sources of information for emergency contraception include:

  • Internet (25.1%);
  • social media (24.4%);
  • school (15.6%):
  • friends (12.4%):
  • family (6.9%).

Furthermore, 23.9% of young respondents admitted to knowing someone who had used the morning-after pill, while only 8.3% knew someone who had used the five-day-after pill.

The research shows a clear need for a more integrated approach to sex education involving not only schools, but also counselling services and families.


Webboh Lab, which came about after a meeting between Webboh (4 million followers on social media) and the Sylla research institute, directed by Furio Camillo, is the first permanent observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Labs is committed to hearing the voice of the younger generation, investigating and exploring their issues and bringing them to the table of people making decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Fest in Mirandola with lots of music and fun

Friday, 6 September, the last leg of the summer’s most popular event

On stage, Gen Z idols: Rosa Chemical, Vyperr, Matteo Robert and many more
Lots of music, fun and challenges: free admission, plus personalised gadgets and exclusive backstage access for the luckiest

After the success of the first leg in Giulianova (with almost 10 thousand viewers), young people’s idols will be in Mirandola (MO) on Saturday, 6 September, in the Piazza della Costituente, for the last leg of Webboh Fest 2024, the summer music event organised by Webboh, the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z and Gen Alpha, with more than 4 million followers on social networks.

A star-studded stage for the last leg of Webboh Fest

An evening of music and fun, during which many artists, including Rosa Chemical, one of the most talked-about artists on the music scene, will take turns on stage from 8 p.m. From Spain comes Victor Perez, aka VYPERR, the idol with 10 million followers who will showcase his hits to the Italian public. Also from the charts of this summer’s most streamed songs is El Matador, a breakout star from ‘Nuova Scena’, the Netflix rap show, and Serena Brancale with her viral hits.

Rappers Vale Pain and Fasma, whose hit, ‘Mille notti’ was a smash hit on TikTok this summer, will also be on stage, along with Le-One, whose summer hit ‘Addo staje’ has already gone gold and is this summer’s song with millions of streams. From the world of ‘Amici di Maria de Filippi’, Niveo will premiere his new single about bullying. Some of the idols of the very young generation will also be there. They will get the audience singing along to their most famous hits. We’ll meet Il Rosso, Luk3 and Ascanio, Lorenz Simonetti, Rondine, and Cioffi.

 Andrea Prada will host the last leg of Webboh Fest, with the help of Sara Esposito, a creator and YouTuber with millions of followers. Also, on stage (and backstage) will be young people’s favourite creators, like the Housegram crew, i.e. Cristiano Borsi, Fabio Ferrucci, Giulia Bizzarri and Viola Silvi; as well as Gabriele Greco and Anastasiia Pazzeska. At the end of the evening, fans can continue the fun with a DJ set by Matteo Robert, one of the most famous Gen Z TikTokers in Italy.

Challenges and surprises… with a look behind the scenes

And it’s not only music: during the evening of Webboh Fest, Webboh will also entertain the audience with challenges and lots of fun (free admission). Backstage access will be narrated by creator Lisa Luchetta, star of Webboh Backstage Secrets Summer Tour, the format born from the collaboration between Webboh and DeAKids (Sky Channel 601). Lisa will interview the stars of the event and report on the tour with exclusive content: clips will be available on the TV channel’s social media. From the afternoon onwards you’ll also get to receive numbered gadgets, which will allow you to take part in a special draw that will give you access to Webboh Fest backstage and follow the entire event from a special location: the backstage area. Radio Bruno, a partner for the festival, will follow Webboh on its tour, and in the grand finale will reveal on the Mirandola stage the songs most loved by young people in the summer of 2024 with the official ranking.

This leg’s sponsor is La Casa de las Carcasas, who along with Webboh have created a collection of smartphone covers that will be on sale from September and will be launched from the Webboh Fest stage on 6 September in Mirandola. There will be a stand in the square with a giant cover where you can take a selfie and receive a free gadget.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Last Quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Fest in Rimini on 3 August

Gen Z idols on stage for an unmissable event

The second stop of the most anticipated music tour of the summer with an exclusive line-up: Sarah Toscano, Aka 7even, Pucho, Matteo Robert, Ditonellapiaga and many others.

Lots of music, entertainment and challenges. Custom gadgets and exclusive backstage access for the luckiest too!

From 8 p.m. with free admission

After the success of the first leg in Giulianova (with more than 5 thousand viewers), young people’s idols will be in Rimini on Saturday, 3 August, in Piazzale Federico Fellini, for the second stop of Webboh Fest, the summer music event organised by Webboh, the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z and Gen Alpha, with more than 4 million followers on social networks.

An evening of music and entertainment, where many artists will take turns on stage from 8 p.m., including Sarah Toscano, winner of the last edition of ‘Amici di Maria De Filippi’, who is establishing herself as the new pop star on the Italian scene. Also, from the world of ‘Amici’ are Cricca and, straight from Malta, Emma Muscat. Then there’ll be Aka 7even, one of the most promising talents of the new Italian urban-pop singer-songwriting scene with 280 million audio and video streams, and Ditonellapiaga who’ll get the audience dancing to the rhythm of her most recent hits. There’ll also be some of the younger people’s idols, like Pucho, Il Fubbe, Luk3 and Ascanio, Lorenz Simonetti, and Michelle Cavallaro, who’ll have the audience singing along to their viral social media hits.
And it’s not only music: during the evening of Webboh Fest, Webboh will also entertain the audience with challenges and lots of fun (free admission).

Andrea Prada will be the host of this unmissable stage, with help from Sara Esposito, a creator and YouTuber with millions of followers. Both on-stage and backstage will also be hosted by young people’s favourite creators, like Arienne Makeup, a creator with over 4.7 million followers from the Power Talent Agency roster, Giorgia and Alice Mordenti. At the end of the evening, viewers can continue the fun with a DJ set by Matteo Robert, one of the most famous Gen Z TikTokers in Italy.

The backstage will be hosted by creator Alberto Tozzi, star of Webboh Backstage Secrets Summer Tour, the format created from the collaboration between Webboh and DeAKids (Sky Channel 601), who will interview the stars of the event and narrate a tour with exclusive content available on the TV channel’s social networks.

From the afternoon you’ll be able to get numbered gadgets, which will allow you to take part in a special draw that will give you access to Webboh Fest backstage where you’ll be able to follow the entire event from a special location: the backstage area. Radio Bruno, a partner for the festival, will follow Webboh on its tour, revealing on stage in Rimini what the most popular songs of Summer 2024 are.

The event’s sponsor is essence, the famous cosmetics brand from cosnova Italia, which will showcase the products of the Spring-Summer 2024 collection together with popular creator, Arienne Makeup. In the square, as part of the event which was also coordinated with the collaboration of Brand On Solution, Mediamond’s design area, a totem station equipped with a mirror has been installed, where it will be possible to take ‘a selfie for a summer full of kisses’ and receive the iconic Juicy Bomb lipstick, one of the most popular products among the very young.

Webboh Fest: to be continued…

After the first two stops in Giulianova and Rimini, the most entertaining music tour of the summer will end on 6 September in Mirandola (MO). Numerous unmissable events are also planned for this occasion: lots of surprise guests, with unmissable performances, music and shows, thanks to Webboh, which is always working alongside its web and social media audience, as well as live and in-person.


Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Last Quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Kicking off Webboh Fest

Friday 12 July in Giulianova is the first stage of themost eagerly awaited event of the summer

On stage Gen Z idols: Vyper, Il Rosso, Pucho, Lisa Luchetta, Matteo Robert and many others

Lots of music, fun and challenges: free admission, plus personalised gadgets and exclusive backstage access for the luckiest

On Friday, 12 July, Gen Z idols will be in Giulianova (TE), in Piazza del Mare, for the new edition of Webboh Fest, the summer music event organised by Webboh, the first community dedicated to Gen Z and Gen Alpha, followed by over 4 million followers on social networks.

An evening of music and fun, during which many artists will take turns on stage from 8 p.m., including Vyperr, the Spanish creator with almost 10 million followers on TikTok, whose hit song ‘Supersonico‘ is climbing all the Italian charts and who has chosen Webboh Fest in Giulianova for his first performance in Italy. Then there will be Chadia Rodriguez, rap music star, to keep things going with Il Rosso and Fubbe, Twitch idols, and many other singers who are popular on TikTok and YouTube, like Pucho, Luk3, Ascanio and Lorenz Simonetti. The favourite creators of Gen Z and Gen Alpha will also be there, like acapodelglobo, a creator from the Power Talent Agency roster with over 2.4 million followers and the newcomer of the year at the Webboh Awards 2024, and Giorgia and Alice Mordenti. At the end of the evening, fans can continue the fun with a DJ set by Matteo Robert, one of the most famous Gen Z TikTokers in Italy.

And it’s not only music: during the first evening of Webboh Fest, hosted by Andrea Prada, Webboh will also entertain the audience with challenges and lots of fun (free admission). Backstage access will be narrated by Stardust House creator Lisa Luchetta, star of Webboh Backstage Secrets Summer Tour, the format born from the collaboration between Webboh and DeAKids (Sky Channel 601). Lisa will interview the stars of the event and report on the tour with exclusive content: clips will be available on the TV channel’s social media. From the afternoon onwards you’ll also get to receive numbered gadgets, which will allow you to take part in a special draw that will give you access to Webboh Fest backstage and follow the entire event from a special location: the backstage area. Radio Bruno, a partner for the festival, will follow Webboh on its tour, revealing on stage in Giulianova what the most popular songs of summer 2024 are.

The event’s sponsor is essence, the famous cosmetics brand from cosnova Italy, which will be showcasing the products of the Spring Summer 2024 collection together with popular creator, acapodeglobo. In the plaza at the totem-station equipped with a mirror, you’ll be able to take ‘a selfie for a kissable summer’ and receive the iconic Juicy Bomb lip gloss, one of the most popular products among Gen Z and Gen Alpha.

For those unable to attend, highlights of the event will be posted on Webboh‘s Instagram and TikTok profile stories.

Webboh Fest: the fun continues!

After the stop in Giulianova, the most entertaining music tour of the summer will continue in Rimini on 3 August and in Mirandola (MO) on 6 September. Lots of events are planned, and there;ll be plenty of surprise guests, with unmissable performances, music and shows. Summer 2024 will be unforgettable for the Webbohcommunity who’ll be with its audience, in-person on the Internet and on social media.


Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Last Quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh summer: an explosive summer for Gen Z

● Many events coming up around Italy this year again, beginning with the ‘Webboh Fest’ music tour and ‘Webboh Camp’
● A new edition of the BeYou Diary and a whole back-to-school line in September
● The partnership with Cosnova and DeAKids and other branded activities

Webboh, Italy’s number one media brand for the younger generation, gets into the swing of things this summer with no less than eight events across the country, as well as a new back-to-school line.

These events cement Webboh’s ability to engage its 4.5 million followers with a 100% under 24 target audience with live – and online – initiatives, something that generates more than 16 million interactions on social media each month (Sensemakers/Comscore Data, May 2024).

Webboh Fest

The main event is the Webboh Fest, a travelling music festival for the very young, which returns this year from July to September and will feature the most popular singers and creators. It’s set to start on 12 July on the new stage in Giulianova, followed by Rimini on 3 August and Mirandola on 6 September. The three stages will be hosted by Andrea Prada and will feature Sara Esposito, creator and YouTuber with millions of followers, as co-hostess. Admission is free.

Among the many artists who have confirmed they will be participating are Rosa Chemical, El Matador (newcomer of Netflix’s talent show ‘Nuova Scena’) and NewGen’s favourite youngsters, like Il Rosso, Pucho, Luk3, Ascanio and Lorenz Simonetti. At the end of each evening, there will be a DJ set by Matteo Robert, one of the most famous Gen Z creators in Italy.

Among the changes of this edition is the addition of DeAKids (Sky Channel 601) cameras, which will give a backstage look into the different stages with creators Lisa Luchetta and Alberto Tozzi. All exclusive content will be shown over the course of the summer on the channel’s social media page and, in September, on DeAKids in the Webboh Backstage Secrets Summer Tour special, which will relive the event’s best moments.

Also worth mentioning is Radio Bruno, which will be a radio partner for Webboh Fest.

Webboh at AquaFan in Riccione

Once again this year, thanks to its partnership with AquaFan, Webboh will bring the historic amusement park in Riccione to life together with leading Italian creators with a mini-show and a meet and greet open to the public. Four dates: 11 and 25 July and 8 and 21 August, during the night-time openings of the park.

Webboh Camp

The Webboh summer continues with the Webboh Camp, from 20 to 27 July in the Tuscan Maremma, in an extraordinary location immersed in one of Italy’s most beautiful landscapes, together with its prestigious partner, Experience Summer Camp, Italy’s number one organiser of summer camps for young people aged 6 to 22. An opportunity for the community to spend an unforgettable summer experience together with five creators: Alberto Tozzi, Jenni Serpi, Sara Esposito, singer Luk3 and the face of Webboh, Claudia Mariani who, together, have more than 4 million followers on TikTok alone.
The youngsters will experience a digital education with Alessio Carciofi, one of Europe’s leading experts on digital well-being. Once again, the DeAKids will be on hand to watch and reveal the highlights of the holiday.

BeYou Diary and Licensing

It’s not just events taking place in the country: Webboh is also preparing to accompany the very young in the new school year.
Created in collaboration with BE YOU, the BE YOU Webboh Diary, created together with the community, is back for the third year running. It features over 100 stickers, more than 40 special ‘against boredom’ pages for break times, birthdays of favourite creators and a brand new ‘treasure hunt’. The diary, which has sold out immediately over the past two years, will be available from the end of June in shopping centres, bookshops, stationery stores and online.

A new addition this year, along with the case, is the BE YOU Webboh backpack.

Continuing with the theme of licensing, the smartphone cover created by the Webboh community in collaboration with La Casa de Las Carcasas will be on the market from September and will be launched from the Webboh Fest stage on 6 September in Mirandola.

Opportunities for Brand Partners

Webboh’s summer initiatives represent a further business opportunity with a broader offer of content and diversified branded content solutions.
Among the first partners to have joined in is cosnova Italia, a well-known cosmetics brand involved in coordination and collaboration with Brand On Solutions, a Mediamond project area, which at the first stage of the Webboh Fest, in Giulianova, will focus on the new Spring-Summer 2024 Essence Collection with the involvement of acapodelglobo, a creator from the Power Talent Agency roster with over 2.4 million followers, and Newcomer of the Year at the 2024 Webboh Awards.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Last Quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.