
Mondadori Store: ten new franchised bookstores

New in stores to open in Campania, Puglia, Lazio, Sicily and Marche

Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive chain of bookshops, will expand its network of franchised stores with a plan of new openings that is mainly focused on the central and southern regions of the country.

Ten new stores will open this summer, increasing the unique offer – in Campania, Puglia, Lazio, Sicily and Marche – of books, reading recommendations, activities and events with personalities from the worlds of literature, music and entertainment that characterises Mondadori Store bookshops.

“In recent months our booksellers have been working energetically to ensure that Italian families continue to have access to our editorial offer, confirming, once again, the important socio-cultural role of bookshops.
Today, our commitment to sustaining and supporting the diffusion of book and reading is made even more concrete thanks to new entrepreneurs who have chosen to be part of the Mondadori Store network at a particularly important time for the country’s entire economic and social system,” declared  Carmine Perna, chief executive of Mondadori Retail.

In both large cities and small towns, the Mondadori Group company that manages the bookshop chain extensively covers the whole country and every year serves – between its stores and on the web site – over 20 million customers.
The model focuses on the quality of the buying experience, multichannel services and events, with the needs of the customer-reader always at the centre.

So, the news from the Mondadori Store network includes, the opening in the coming days of the new Mondadori Bookstore del Vomero, in a new location in Naples: a large bookstore on three floors, in the heart of the Vomero district. The reopening of the store in Naples adds to the recently inaugurated store in Cava De’ Tirreni (Salerno) inside the Cavese shopping mall. July will see a new Mondadori Bookstore in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta) in the main street in the centre of the town, and a Mondadori Point in the historic centre of Angri (Salerno).

Another three shops will open in July in Puglia with new Mondadori Points in the centre of Gravina di Puglia (Bari) and Alberobello (Bari), and a new Mondadori Bookstore in the main street in the historic centre of Francavilla Fontana (Brindisi).

Other regions that have seen the opening of new franchised Mondadori Bookstores include: in Lazio, where there is now also a Mondadori Bookstore in the Boccea area of Rome; in Sicily, with located in the centre of the city on the seafront; in Marche with the opening of a Mondadori Bookstore in Fermo, in the pedestrian precinct of the city’s historic medieval centre.


Mondadori Store reopens the doors of its bookshops across Italy

The bookshops of the Mondadori Store chain will reopen to the public across the whole country, while ensuring the safety of customers, booksellers and staff. From next week, with the opening of shops also in Lombardy, Piedmont and Campania, all of the more than 550 directly-owned and franchise outlets in the chain in Italy will be open, subject to further indications from local and regional authorities.

In recent weeks, the Mondadori Group’s bookshop chain has prepared for the gradual reopening of its outlets with a personalised programme based on the size of the shop – small, medium, large – their location – central or in shopping malls – and the specific characteristics of each shop and the indications of the different regions regarding anti-contagion protocols.

“We will restart from where we left off. In over a month of lockdown we have continued to offer a service to readers with home deliveries. We have also put our range of stories, events, culture and entertainment online so that our bookstores – even virtually – can continue to be places to meet and exchange ideas. Now we are starting up the engine again, giving priority to the safety of our customers and our people,” declared Carmine Perna, chief executive of Mondadori Retail.

In all the bookshops of the chain, using the message “Per fare tanto, basta poco” (It doesn’t take much, to make a big difference), Mondadori Store welcomes visitors back, reminding them of a few simple rules to enable everyone to have access to the shop, look at books, ask for advice: at wait their turn at the entrance, while maintaining a safe distance and using the hand sanitiser, facemasks and disposable gloves available. But customers can always also check the availability of a title on or by contacting the shop directly and choosing either to collect their book from the shop or have it delivered at home.

There is also a free personal shopping telephone service called “Il tuo libraio” (Your bookseller): a direct line to the Mondadori Store booksellers, who are available to offer customers advice and suggestions targeted to their preferences and enthusiasms, as well as pointers to new authors, and the possibility of buying a suggested book delivered at home, for oneself or as a gift.

Mondadori Store will also give an account on social media, using photographic contributions by its booksellers, of the return to a form of normality in the bookshops. The galleries can be found on and

Mondadori Store communication campaign in support of the reopening of the bookshops and welcoming back its customers, has been curated by the Canali&C. agency, and will run across a range of media: on radio, with a spot on air from 11 May on the RadioMediaset stations, in store, with posters and videowalls in the stores, on the web, with newsletters and advertising on and the chain’s social media profiles.

More information and contact details for all the stores is available at

Mondadori Store delivers culture and entertainment to the homes of readers

Coming soon: a new service “Il tuo libraio” (“Your bookseller”): Mondadori Store booksellers provide reading recommendations

Readings, recommendations and online events with writers and personalities: also when the doors of bookshops are closed and the streets deserted, Mondadori Store remains a socio-cultural beacon reaching out to Italian families in their homes with an offer of books and entertainment and bringing readers, booksellers and authors closer together.

As a way of supporting its public, providing moments of relaxation and support in this new day-to-day existence, the Mondadori Group’s bookstore chain has launched “Mondadori Storie”: a daily programme of content on Facebook and Instagram to accompany readers from morning – with some of the great openings of novels, both classics and new titles – till night-time – with stories for children, suggested by children – and to engage fans with thematic challenges and keep the whole family entertained thanks to social events with special guests.
The Mondadori Store week of events on social networks begins with a good-mood look at the stars, every Monday morning with a literary horoscope before continuing with book presentations, readings and workshops aimed at parents and children of all ages, with expert recommendations on how to best face time away from school. Artists and authors will meet the public also in videochats and respond to users’ questions and curiosities.

And, coming soon, a brand new free personal shopping telephone service for readers called “Il tuo libraio (Your bookseller): a direct line of communication with Mondadori Store booksellers, available to customers to provide reading suggestions, advice based on preferences and new tips, with also the possibility to buy books and have them delivered, for personal use or as a gifts.
Full information will be available on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Mondadori Store.
Fiction, non-fiction, miscellaneous and classic titles, as well as cartoons and children’s books. In fat, on the web site it is possible to choose from a selection of over 1 million titles, as well as music, films, stationery, toys and e-Readers.

Mondadori Store opens a new bookshop in the Carrefour shopping mall in Limbiate

Mondadori Store, Italy’s largest bookstore chain, has opened a new store at the Carrefour shopping mall in Limbiate, on the outskirts of Milan.

With its rich variety of editorial products, the new Mondadori Bookstore will be a reference point for all lovers of culture and entertainment.
The directly managed bookshop has an area of over 200 square metres with an assortment of 10,000 titles including fiction, non-fiction, classics, comics and a sector aimed at children and teenagers, with books and toys. Visitors will also find the latest music releases and a selection of the best stationery products, gift boxes and gift cards.

From large cities to smaller towns, the model of the Mondadori Group network of bookstores focuses on the quality of the shopping experience, multi-channel services and events, while always focusing on the needs of the customer-reader.

Customers can take advantage of all the Mondadori Store services, such as Pick Up Point, which allows you to pick up a book purchased on free of charge at the point of sale, choosing from a catalogue of over 1 million titles; Order and collect, or the ability to order a book online and then collect and buy it in the store; Home delivery, to have a product ordered in the store delivered straight to your home.

Mondadori Store: new opening at the ELNÒS shopping mall

The Brescia area now has 7 bookstores

LEO, a luminous artwork by Marco Lodola at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan

With an artwork named after the great genius, Mondadori Store continues the city of Milan’s 2019 commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

Appropriately in the square that is the symbol of Milan, Piazza Duomo, an imposing luminous installation by Marco Lodola dominates the outside of the Mondadori Megastore LEO, which is the name of the artwork that Marco Lodola has dedicated to “Leonardo, an illuminated man”, features the face of the genius and with its universally recognised characteristics, his beard and, in an abstract manner, the powerful gaze which the artists expresses with luminous bands of coloured light that harmoniously intertwine symbolising the maestro’s infinite skills, the immensity of his work and the great significance of his discoveries.

The collaboration between Mondadori Store and the artist continues also in the collection “st’art. Art for everyone”, a project of the Mondadori Group’s bookshop chain the every month successfully promotes an exhibition of contemporary art.

The work inspired by Leonardo da Vinci leads on to a series of neon sculptures produced by Lodola and on display on the façade of the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo: from Eden (2015), a luminous dancer, and female symbol of an uncontaminated Eden, holding up a red apple, the colour of life and passion, to the celebrated head-butt by Zidane against Materazzi immortalised in a 3 metre-high installation in plexiglass and LED entitled Mio cugino (2016), in a clear reference to the popular Italian description of the French as “our cousins across the Alps”. And ending with LuminosaMente (2016), a large open book, symbol, symbolising reading, that for months has illuminated the centre of Milan.

“C’è vita, in un libro. La tua”: Mondadori Store launches its new book promotion campaign

Young readers are protagonists

Mondadori Store has launched a new campaign for the promotion of books and reading entitled “C’è vita, in un libro. La tua” (There’s life, in a book, yours) and giving a voice to younger readers.

The initiative by the Mondadori Group bookshop chain, now in its second edition, aims to enhance the reading experience through authentic testimonies from readers.

“Through its bookshops, Mondadori Store contributes to an important social mission that encourages the spread of books across the whole country and actively promotes the importance of reading,”  declared Francesco Riganti, marketing director of Mondadori Retail. “For us, readers are the best witnesses of the message. This year we have chosen today’s younger readers as the protagonists of the initiative in the hope that they will become the big readers of tomorrow.”

Based on an idea by the artist Mr. SaveTheWall, the project will involve over 40 children of between 4 and 11 years old, who will be interviewed in two special sessions of Bookshot, short video and photo shootings by the artist with the support of the psychologist and psychotherapist Stefania Andreoli.

Each of the children will talk about their favourite book, bringing to life, in their own words and imaginations, to the emotions evoked by reading it. An intimate moment, also a family relations, and the fruit of discovery, joy, amusement, dreams: resulting in precious testimony to the importance of reading from early childhood.

“Despite the efforts of my parents, I was late in discovering the pleasure and importance of reading. Over the years I have reflected on the fact that it reading recommendations had come from a child of my own age, perhaps it would have been more credible and convincing and I would have gained valuable time. Today, thanks to Mondadori Store, I have had the privilege of confirming this feeling, with an artistic project based on the engaging spontaneity of “young readers”. They are truly amazing,” commented Mr. SaveTheWall.

“It was astonishing to hear the account of a favourite book in the words of the little ones. In fact, we have always encouraged children to read, encouraging parents to get them started early in the most appropriate and effective ways. In this case, however, we are witnessing a first time: the spectacle of those who become, how they think, and the rich and intense internal world that our children develop when we give them the opportunity to be readers,” added Stefania Andreoli.

All of the content will be available on, that will bring together also the testimony of readers invited to participate in the initiative by sharing on social media networks their favourite book using the hashtag #condividiunlibro.

The campaign, which will run from 15 November, will be arranged across four print and video subjects of 30’’ and 60’’, and can be seen on newspapers and magazines, the web and on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, in all of the bookshops of the Mondadori Store chain and on as well as on digital screens in railway and metro stations, in shopping malls and in urban centres. The creative proposal has been developed by the agency Action & Branding.

“This is a very ambitious project which has brought to life a wonderful experience. Combining the creative idea of an agency with art was a complex challenge that has generated content that we really love. I am sure that tis project represents an innovative form of communication of considerable interest to the public and with an excellent impact on the brand,” concluded, Alessandro Pedrazzini, CEO of Action&Branding.

Mondadori Store two new bookshops In Cagliari

Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive bookstore chain, is expaning the network with the opening of two new Mondadori Bookstores in franchising in Cagliari.

Located in the centre of the city, in Via Roma and Via Pasquale Paoli, the two new bookshops will employ 8 sales assistants, and will make available to the public the best of the Mondadori Store’s cultural and entertainment offer, which apart from books – the core offer – is supported by a rich calendar of events, meetings with authors and labs for children.

Inside the bookshops, which join the other five already open in the Sardinian capital, customers will find an extensive selection of books, with more than 20,000 titles on the shelves, as well as  music, films, stationery, technology and toys.

It will also be possible to make use of all of the Mondadori Store services, such as Pick Up Point, which allows readers to collect books bought on, choosing from a catalogue of 11 million titles; Order and collect, or rather, order online, then pick up and pay in the store; Home Delivery, to have products ordered in the store deliver directly to you home.

These openings takes to 35 the number of Mondadori Store outlets in Sardinia. From the largest cities to smaller towns, the Mondadori Group chain boasts extensive coverage of the country, serving – in its shops and on – more than 20 million customers every year.

Upcoming events at the Mondadori Bookstore in Via Roma include, on Monday 21 October, at 6 pm, Niccolò Fabi who will present his new record “Tradizione e tradimento”.

Mondadori Store opens in Seriate the first bookstore inside the hypermarket Iper La grande I

On Sunday 13 October at 4.30 pm Geronimo Stilton meets his young fans

Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive network of bookstores and Iper Montebello S.p.A. – Gruppo Finiper,  will open the first bookstore inside a hypermarket at Iper La grande i, part of the “Alle Valli” shopping mal in Seriate (Bergamo).

With this opening, for the first time Mondadori Store will bring its offer to a large-scale retail outlet, with the format Mondadori Point format.

With a floor surface of 200 square metres, the bookstore, which will be directly managed by Mondadori Store, will employ four sales assistants and a rich offer to customers: from over 5,000 titles, including new titles, in fiction, non-fiction, classics and cartoons, as well as books for children and young readers and an assortment of stationery products. This will enhance the offer dedicated to the customers of the biggest Iper La grande i outlet in Italy, with more than 500 employees and 12,000 square meters of floorspace.

“To be a point of reference in culture and entertainment to satisfy the tastes of the broadest possible public: this is the philosophy that has always characterised Mondadori Store,” underlined Carmine Perna, the chief executive of Mondadori Retail. “Thanks to this partnership, which marks the debut of our brand in the large-scale retail sector, will also enable us to multiply our channels of relationships with customers. From the big cities to the smallest centres, our model is focused on the quality of the buying experience, multi-channel services and events, while always focusing on the needs of the customer/reader,” Perna concluded.

Customers will also be able to make use of all of the Mondadori Store services, such as the Pick Up Point, which allows the customer to pick up a book bought on from one of our stores, having chosen from a catalogue of 11 million titles; Order and Collect, ie the possibility of buying online and collecting from the store; Home delivery, having products ordered in the store delivered to the home.

On Sunday 13 October, at 4.30 pm, the Mondadori Point will welcome Geronimo Stilton, the celebrated journalist mouse, created from an idea by Elisabetta Dami and published in Italy by Edizioni Piemme, for a special encounter aimed at children and their families.

Geronimo Stilton will be present “in whiskers and fur” to talk about his adventure based on the book Il segreto di Leonardo (Leonardo’s Secret), dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci. After the show, Geronimo Stilton will be available to sign copies of the book and to take photographs with his many fans.


Iper La grande i is one of the leading operators in the large-scale retail sector in Italy, and one of the few to be entirely Italian-owned. With 21 outlets in 4, it is part of Gruppo Finiper, established in 1974 by Marco Brunelli. The mission of Gruppo Finiper is to make quality available to everyone. With an extensive assortment, quality, sustainability, fair pricing and its Italian-ness as the main inspirations chosen to guide the efforts of Iper La grande i.

Web site:


Iper – Centro Commerciale Alle Valli
Via Brusaporto, 41, 24068 Seriate (BG)
Orario: lun-ven 8.00 – 21.30; sab 8.00 – 21; dom 9 – 20


Mondadori Retail S.P.A.: Carmine Perna new Managing Director

The Mondadori Group announces that, effective today, Carmine Perna is the new managing director of Mondadori Retail S.p.A.

In his functions, Perna will work towards launching a new phase of development and transformation in a multi-channel perspective of the company that operates in the retail segment of the Mondadori Group, led by CEO Ernesto Mauri.

Mondadori Retail, chaired by Mario Resca, generated revenue of € 191.8 million in 2018 and manages the largest network of bookshops in Italy. The company operates across the Country through approximately 600 directly-managed or franchised points of sale and online with

Carmine Perna – 49, born in Serino (AV) and a graduate in business administration at the Bocconi University of Milan – joined the Mondadori Group in 2006 working in the Administration, Finance and Control Department, before holding positions of increasing responsibility. In 2007, he was appointed CFO of Mondadori France and, in 2010, Executive Director of Finance & Operations of the French subsidiary, before becoming General Managing Director in March 2013, a position he kept until completion of the sale.

Under his leadership, Mondadori France has strengthened its position as one of the top French magazine publishers: in recent years, Perna implemented a major transformation that led to the review and re-launch of all magazines and to a strong plan for brand diversification, including in the digital segment.

Prior to that, Perna worked with the SISAL Group, in H3G S.p.A. and for the Ventaglio Group, holding various roles in the finance area.

The Mondadori Group wishes to thank Pierluigi Bernasconi – who has decided to leave Mondadori Retail for personal reasons and in agreement with the company – for the valuable contribution and professionalism he has shown during his tenure.