Human resources

Among the top 3 companies where Italians would like to work

The Mondadori Group is among the companies who have won the Randstad Employer Brand 2017, the award given by Randstad – the world’s second largest player in the human resources services sector player – of the basis of the most complete and representative global survey on employer branding.

The result of the survey show that the Mondadori Group is Italy’s third most sought after company, and the only company included form the media, news and culture sector.

We are extremely proud to have received this award in a period when the Mondadori Group is growing, following an extraordinary year that marked a trunaround for the company,” commented Daniele Sacco, the Mondadori Group’s head of human resources and services.The two big acquisitions of 2016, of Rcs Libri and Banzai Media, have enabled the Group to consolidate its leadership in the core businesses, books and magazines. And this has led to the integration of additional know-how and new professional profiles, which have joined the excellent resources that already exist inside Mondadori,” Sacco underlined. “But, in a market in continuous transformation like that of publishing, it is essential to be constantly open to change. Our aim is to pursue excellence not only in business terms, but also in the HR area and there is still much to do. Mondadori will need to be increasingly able to attract and develop talent in order to go on creating an environment that is stimulating, enhancing and inclusive.”

The Randstad Employer Brand study, commissioned by the TNS research institute, was conducted independently – i.e. no company can put their own name forward for inclusion –  on a sample of over 160,000 people in 26 countries with an extensive analysis of almost 5,500 companies. The study measured the perceived attractiveness of Italian companies for potential employees. In Italy over 5,000 people, aged between 18 and 65,  were interviewed, between November and December 2016 a sample that included people in employment, students and unemployed who were asked, “Where would you like to work?” and given a list of 150 companies with over 1000 employees, based in Italy and operating in 17 different sectors.