Diversity & Inclusion
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Our uniqueness
We believe in a corporate culture that includes “diversity” of every kind –gender, generation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background and competences – as a decisive factor in driving innovation, open discussion and a widespread sense of responsibility, enabling each one of us to express their own uniqueness.
We favour inclusivity so that everyone feels free to express their thoughts and their talent, making a decisive personal contribution to the challenges that lie ahead.
We consider gender equality to be a fundamental business lever to make the company even more competitive. We are therefore committed to guaranteeing all our employees a fair architecture of opportunities that favours their professional and personal growth.
Initiatives and collaboration agreements
We set concrete objectives, constantly measuring the results of our actions, and we promote dialogue with our brands, which have always been attentive to the needs of a multi-faceted public.
Our books
Potere alle parole
Vera GhenoEinaudi
Il mondo scarlatto
Giada MaldottiMondadori Electa
Caroline Criado PerezEinaudi
Una vita da sirenetta
Benedetta De LucaSperling & Kupfer