Every day, through our projects and initiatives, we are committed to creating a company where the drive for innovation, open discussion and widespread responsibility prevail, enabling everyone to express their uniqueness.
Our gender equality policy

At the Mondadori Group, we consider gender equality to be a fundamental business lever to make the company even more competitive. We are therefore committed to guaranteeing all our employees a fair architecture of opportunities that favours their professional and personal growth.
Parenting manifesto and Parental kit

Our commitment to parenting is expressed through the promotion of open dialogue, constructive discussion and supportive tools. That's why we've created our six-point Parenting Manifesto, which defines our approach to parenting in an inclusive way that respects everyone's sensitivities.
Help for caregivers

Together with the association Atelier della Mente, we have launched a service to help all employees who are caring for a relative with suspected cognitive impairment. Through personalised guidance, colleagues will receive support and information to improve the quality of life of the whole family. The initiative is part of the Mondadori Care project, a set of services designed to support our employees in caring for themselves and their loved ones.
Webinars for an inclusive organisation

Great attention is paid to internal communication and training, through meetings, seminars, courses and discussion, to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion among the Group’s employees and management. Three webinars were organised to discuss sense of belonging, listening, engagement, meritocracy, respect and empowerment for everyone. During the live streaming events, guest speakers from other companies and organisations with a focus on diversity shared their experiences with us.
Participation in the Nudge Global Impact Challenge

The Mondadori Group has taken part in the Nudge Global Impact Challenge, an initiative that enhances and develops young corporate talents, since 2017. Nudge is an international program that identifies and educates future leaders in sustainability: every year, we select two colleagues under 33 and give them the opportunity to take part in a learning experience of meetings and workshops and to compare notes with 90 other young talents from around the world. During the program, each participant is asked to develop a project to be implemented in their own organisation, based on the sustainability issue chosen by Nudge for that particular year.
Participation in the Women's Empowerment Observatory

The European House - Ambrosetti decided to launch a permanent and independent Observatory on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the G20 countries and Spain, in partnership with some major international companies including the Mondadori Group. The study highlighted how the achievement of the gender equality and the advancement of the women's empowerment is not just a matter of rights, but it is also a key step toward a sustainable development in terms of social equality, economic growth and competitiveness of countries.