Donna Moderna launches a special issue: “Talento Italiano”
Buy Italian, travel in Italy, but also get to know our country’s big little stories of tradition and innovation in order to support Made in Italy
In terms of advertising the issue has record an increase of 40% with over 60 adv pages

Donna Moderna will be on newsstands this week in a special edition entitled Talento Italiano (Italian Talent). In fact, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda has decided to support Made in Italy: buy Italian, travel in Italy, but also get to know our country’s big little stories of tradition and innovation as a new form of solidarity to offer concrete help to the country.
“In these strange times, marked by the health emergency, we have started to look more closely at what surrounds us,” explained the editor Annalisa Monfreda. “And we have discovered stories, flavours and colours in our neighbourhoods and cities. We have remembered that Italy is an exceptional country where you can travel for years without ever having to take the same road, where you can taste the outstanding food and wine of every province and find products that have become cults across the world. With this issue we want to celebrate the inexhaustible creativity of a country that derives its nourishment from its history to project itself into the future.”
The magazine
Each section of the special issue of Donna Moderna looks at a different aspect of Made in Italy. Starting from the “donne moderne” (modern women) of the week, three virtuous examples of female entrepreneurship: Maria Flora Monini, director of Comunicazione Monini, Carlotta Bevilacqua, CEO of Artemide, and Daniela Galetti, head of the management of supercomputer systems at the Consorzio Interuniversitario Cineca. Meanwhile, 9 women who symbolise Italian genius pose for an exceptional fashion feature, wearing only clothes and accessories of Italian brands. They include: Anna Fiscale, President and Founder of QUID, Viviana Varese, starred chef from the restaurant Viva, Antonella Bondi, creator of perfumes, Tiziana Aranzulla, one of the world’s top ten cardiologists, Carolina Vergnano, CEO of Vergnano, Vania Zoppé, ‘woodswoman’ and TV presenter, Grazia Di Franco, bar lady, Roberta Simone, producer of video clips, and Michela Cambiaghi, Serie A footballer of Sassuolo. In beauty, the feature Baci da…Cartoline dall’Italia, (Wish you were here… Postcards from Italy) presents beauty products that recall the colours and smells of 5 summer destinations, including Stromboli, Porto Cervo, Capri and Taormina. Then, of course, there are columns dedicated to cooking and the excellence of Italian food and wine with six female chefs who reinterpret some typical recipes. Then there is a section entitled La bella Italia dell’estate 2020 (Beautiful Italy in Summer 2020) with many suggestions of places to spend the holidays: from Liguria to Tuscany, from the South Tirol to Veneto and Umbria, as well as cruises in the Mediterranean. But we also talk about trends and lifestyle in furniture, Italian design icons that give our homes character and reinvented classics that have typified our way of living. Plus, there is a special survey on the Italian Silicon Valleys – with everything that is new in super-tech Made in Italy and technological hubs that are unique in the world – e and our universities that are climbing up the most prestigious international rankings thanks to the Polytechnics (of Milan and Turin), departments of outstanding excellence, the quality of research as well as the appreciation of our graduates by employers. The special issue ends with DM Like, a selection of small stories of innovation from around the country.
The issue’s storytelling continues also online: on the web site and on social media there are the interviews with the three ‘modern women’ of the week, video stories on travel and beauty products, suggestions from the six chefs about the mistakes not to make in the kitchen, while the nine models from the fashion feature take part in a #talentoitaliano challenge and reveal the adjectives which for them best represent Italy.
“Talento Italiano is just the first of three special issues of Donna Moderna, in a project that will continue in the autumn,” announced Andrea Santagata, General Manager of Mondadori Media. “An innovative way of doing the magazine that confirms the brand’s extraordinary capacity, as a point of reference in the women’s segment, to reach its audience with complete, circular and multi-channel communication.”
“We are extremely pleased with this idea, because the Talento Italiano initiative by Donna Moderna, in addition to the important editorial value that it offers, is also a great opportunity for many companies from around the country who have shown great interest and participation in the project,” commented Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond. In fact, the advertising sales for this issue have seen a 40% increase compared with a similar initiative last year, with over 60 adv. pages and numerous special productions on digital and social media, online from tomorrow, Thursday 9 July.
Thanks to its unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony and live daily coverage, Donna Moderna is always at the side of its readers and their needs, reaching a total audience (magazine and web) o 14 million net users each month (media impact data fusion December 2019 on Audiweb and Audipress figures), to which should be added over 2 million fans on social media with 1.4 million interactions per month (Source: Sensemakers May 2020).