“Io esco con la fantasia”: the Mondadori Group communication campaign on air now

The set could be the home of any one of us in these strange and repetitive days in which we spend hours and hours playing with our children, chatting incessantly with our friends and colleagues, making ourselves endless series of snacks just to pass the time, without, of course, losing sight of the latest news.
A new day-to-day domesticity which risks becoming monotonous and challenging, and from which we can only escape with our imagination, and the help of a good book.
This is the message, aimed at all Italian families, that the Mondadori Group wants to send with a communication campaign that shows how, in these tense days of forced isolation from our loved ones, our friends and our normal daily lives, the company is on the side of everyone.
At the heart of the video, on air from today on TV and social media, is the value, now more important than ever, of reading.
How, even in this period of emergency, books can offer everyone a way to relax and be entertained, and an opportunity for reflection, study and personal enhancement, while also contributing to the spread of ideas and culture.
The video Io esco con la fantasia (I’m going out with my imagination), conceived by the Mondadori Group, aims to remind us – using a positive tone and even provoking a smile – that reading enables us to grow and free our minds. In the pages of a book we can experience an infinite number of stories without leaving the house, as the hashtag for the project #IoEscoConLaFantasia suggests.
The campaign, curated by GittoBattaglia22, was launched today on the Mondadori Group’s social profiles and, at the same time, on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the companies publishing houses Mondadori, Einaudi, Rizzoli, Sperling&Kupfer, Mondadori Electa, Piemme, Electa, Mondadori Education and Rizzoli Education, the brands and Mondadori Store, with a total audience on all social networks of around 34 million people.
The TV commercial will be on air from today until 3 April on the Mediaset channels. The media plan foresees an articulated mix with a 30” format and a 15” cut, in the prime time, news and background bands.
Watch the video here.