Grazia a special Issue on newsstands: ‘Che mondo sarà’
Leading figures outline future scenarios
From Bill and Melinda Gates to Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, the Rector of Bocconi University to Cristina Comencini, Giuseppe Culicchia, Letizia Muratori, Vandana Shiva and many more
Across the world, the pandemic has faced us with a new normal, comprised of social distancing, and new rules to protect ourselves and others. But what will the coming months be like as we await the discovery of a vaccine? Grazia, the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, tries to offer its readers some answers with the help of a range of authoritative voices.
Starting with two of the world’s leading funders of research, Bill and Melinda Gates, who have donated an unprecedented sum to finding a vaccine against Covid-19 and become a global point of reference. But the couple is looking further ahead, and the philanthropists explain Grazia when we will overcome the emergency and which of the innovations of this period will help to protect us from future epidemics.
But Grazia is also fashion, so the designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana talk about the future that awaits Made in Italy and for which they are ready.
A new vision of the future of our school system comes from Gianmario Verona, economist and Rector of Milan’s Bocconi University who outlines how the pandemic has modernised Italian universities which are now planning the next step forward.
The Mondadori Group magazine has also collected opinions on the future of the arts and cinema. Film director Cristina Comencini tells Grazia that only when we can go back to cinemas, after months of watching films and series on TV, will we understand how much we have missed the big screen, Because, as she explains, sharing stories with others will have a new meaning. Above all if they are stories about how we have been reborn after the pandemic.
Other leading names include Giuseppe Culicchia who, for Grazia, a tomorrow of many unknowns and a certainty: that we will continue to look in books for what we miss in reality, because he is convinced that with the practice we’ve gained from the restrictions it will be as if we are in a maze in which each one of us will have to find our way and accept a new kind of normality.
Also Letizia Muratori says that our experience of home isolation has been like living in an eternal present and as the restrictions are lifted, the writer tells Grazia, we will have to discover how to live in a smaller and more protected reality, in which there will be Perspex panels and looking into the eyes of others will be a different experience.
Behind a world turned upside down and the spread of the coronavirus there is male domination. This is the view of the Indian environmentalist Vandana Shiva, who, in order to build a different future, asks for a handover of power: from men, accustomed to the unrestrained exploitation of nature, to a female balance that takes account of every aspect of creation.
This special issue of Grazia also features contributions from the influencer Marta Pozzan, music producer David Guetta, manager Luca Finardi as well as the managers of a number of international schools in Italy who are examining the positive experiences of their sister schools around the world.
Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, available around the world in 20 international editions and a voice for style and news, is on the frontline with a series of extraordinary issues that deal with big topics and the #facciamocisentire (#LetsMakeOurselvesHeard) campaign in favour of gender equality in a moment in which it is under threat. In fact, the magazine is strongly supporting the women who during the health and economic crisis are more than eve on the frontline and risk being forgotten, when they really need to be heard.