Donna Moderna launches “#Restart”: a collectors’ issue dedicated to restarting and women’s desires and plans
A special issue, based on a survey carried out by the brand in collaboration with Doxa, to inspire and assist women to reinvent their lives, find new stimuli and to realise their dreams
Featured on the cover Arisa, photographed in a symbolic pose reflected in a mirror

What do today’s women want, what are their dreams and plans? Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in the women’s segment, offers some answers to these questions in its new issue #Restart, on newsstands from tomorrow.
A collector’s issue that the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, that has always listened to its community – and today has over 9 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Data Fusion Mar 2021) – dedicates to what women would like and plan for themselves and for their future at this moment of rebirth.
The special issue is based on the results of a survey developed by Donna Moderna, in collaboration with Doxa, Mondadori Lab and the philosopher Ilaria Gasparri, from which new ideas emerged regarding female desires, including first of all a desire to feel good in one’s own skin and knowing how to take life more lightly.
“Women’s desires have changed profoundly in recent months. The survey gave us surprising answers: there is also a strong desire to know the world and for itinerant travel, to transform passions into work, and to recover time for oneself. A need for lightness. This wish list has been the guide for the construction of an issue that is both a practical guide and a collection of reflections,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.
Featured on the cover of this special issue is the singer Arisa chosen by Donna Moderna as an example of a woman who has made change one of her characteristics. Because Arisa gets along well with herself, knows how to transform any experience into music and always loves starting again, though never from scratch.
For the cover of this issue Donna Moderna has chosen a symbolic shot of the artist who, reflected in front of a mirror, invites all women to search for their own desires within themselves. An important message that the brand wants to share with the whole community also on social networks, asking users to post a photo of themselves using Donna Moderna’s special mirror effect Instagram filter.
The #Restart issue is divided into five sections dedicated to the five themes investigated in the survey. The common thread of each section is the stories of women and entrepreneurs who tell readers about their experience. Testimonials and interviews that will combine with practical advice and columns to inspire and help all women to reinvent their lives and make their dreams come true.
We start from the section dedicated to what women want to be: from the survey conducted by Donna Moderna it emerged that more than half of interviewees see themselves in a minimal style that allows them to enhance their beauty. The content of the section includes a beauty special dedicated to eyes, a detail of their appearance that, as highlighted by the research, more than 40% of women want to enhance. Among the most common new trends adopted by women is the kitten eye, followed by the new frontier of pro-aging, and grey power, the focus of an article dedicated to all the actresses who show off their very well-tended grey hair.
There is also a section dedicated to what women would like to be: in the survey more than one in three women said that she wants to feel well in her own skin and learn to enjoy the person that she is. A trend that combines with the desire to take better care of one’s body (55%), to which Donna Moderna dedicates a feature with beauty tools, practical advice and an in-depth study on supplements for self-care, without forgetting the importance of mental well-being.
In the third part of the special issue of Donna Moderna, women talk about their aspirations for both their jobs and their free time. In the first place is a desire to carve out time for themselves (52%), followed by the courage to cultivate their passions (39%), with almost a third of women who say they would like to feel appreciated at work (31%).
The survey also revealed a marked sense of gratitude among interviewees for their own lives (47%), even if in the last year and a half they have suffered from a lack of physical contact (30%). A result that is at the heart of the fourth section, where Donna Moderna looks at what women are committed to giving to future generations.
Here the stories include that of Luciana Littizzetto, who retraces her life as a former teacher and mother of two foster children.
The special issue concludes with a section dedicated to what women would like to receive from themselves and from others: more than 40% of interviewees would like to learn to take things more lightly, and to receive a bit of pampering and gratification from others.
In addition to the magazine, the storytelling of the issue will also be available digitally on the website and on the brand’s social media channels which already have over 2.2 million fans (Source: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). In particular, video stories and inspirational cards will be published on Instagram with stories about women who have managed to satisfy their desires.
The launch of the new special issue of Donna Moderna is supported by an advertising campaign developed by Casiraghi&Greco and planned on print media, radio, the web, social media and DOOH.
The positive trend in advertising continues for the special issues of Donna Moderna, up by around 30% compared with the special issues of last year.