Grazia on newsstands with a special Issue ‘A tutta natura’
Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world, and edited by Silvia Grilli, is out with a special issue A tutta natura, on newsstands from tomorrow, Thursday 6 May.
The pandemic has shown us that common effort and the sharing of knowledge, can help people to overcome the most difficult challenges: the special issue, thanks to its outstanding protagonists and their stories, becomes the voice for new ideas, advice, surveys, columns, for a green revolution that is more necessary than ever.
“The survival of our planet, and therefore our own, will depend on the virtuous behaviours we adopt. But individual responsibility will not be enough. We need innovation, a change in production methods, companies that invest in the protection of an environment that they previously exploited. With this special issue we want to examine useful ideas to save nature as soon as possible, but also to talk about the changes already underway, thanks to the green revolution, in our lifestyle. The speed with which humanity discovered Covid-19 vaccines gives us hope. There is only one planet that we can call home. With this extraordinary issue we want to show how dear it is to us”, said the editor Silvia Grilli.
A variety of testimonials enrich to make this issue special.
The singer Elisa, star of the cover and photographed by Grazia in nature, talks about her bond with the environment but also being a mother and daughter, and the importance of leaving a better planet for the generations to come. Prince Charles talks about Terra Carta, a kind of constitution to protect the planet, plants and animals. And also William the Duke of Cambridge outlines his Earthshot Prize, an award that he has financed to find solutions against climate change over the next 10 years. Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon talks about how his foundation, has brought water to three million people who previously has no access to it. In this special we also hear from the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolati, who explains the green revolution that the government will adopt to relaunch Italy after the pandemic. The writer Paolo Cognetti, who lives in the mountains, describes the emotions of those who savour unfiltered nature. While Kailand Morris, the son of Stevie Wonder, describes his generation’s battles on behalf of the planet.
The special also features Grazia surveys dedicated to green issues: the revolution of green collars, or rather, new jobs linked to ecology; regenerative nutrition for a world without waste; the new garden cities, from skyscrapers to green spaces that are reconquering cities.
This special issue also devotes significant space to fashion and beauty with 60 pages all focusing on sustainability.
On Friday 7 May at 7 pm, on Grazia’s Instagram profile, the editor Silvia Grilli talks to the singer Elisa.
A #GraziaLovesGreen challenge will also be launched on social networks, with the involvement of some influencers, in particular Silvia Stella Osella, the Factory21 sustainable fashion talent who will offer, through stories, some simple rules to follow in order to be green. Plus, to make the level of awareness on the topic visible, at a large G will turn green as users share using the hashtag #GraziaLovesGreen.
With this new initiative, Grazia confirms its role as a brand capable of constantly evolving, becoming a reference point for over 4 million users (Source: Data Fusion Nielsen Media November 2020) and 1.6 million fans (Source Shareablee + Pinterest and TikTok, April 2021).
Recognition of Grazia’s editorial quality is also demonstrated by the interest of the advertising market. Also for this special issue many clients have wanted to be present, resulting in over 100 advertising pages.