Lots of news for 2021: the Designer’s Week in April, the exhibition-event Creative Connection in September and a media partnership with the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

INTERNI, the Mondadori Group’s interiors and contemporary design magazine, starts the year with an international issue dedicated to Phygital Design that combines physical and digital experiences. And there is a range of initiatives planned for the year: two events in Milan in April and September, and a media partnership with the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
INTERNI Phygital Design and the Index Design Guide
Completely in English, with translations of the text in Italian at the back of the magazine, this issue of the magazine develops the theme of communication in the chain of creativity.
“Communicate. Never before has this word taken on such a rich variety of a meaning,” declared Gilda Bojardi, editor of INTERNI. “The pandemic and physical distancing has obliged us to reinvent how we share ideas and plans and forced us to experiment with the possibilities offered by digital media in support of the physical. But we have also realised how important direct contact is in transmitting the immense combination of values from which the products of Italian design take shape. We therefore find ourselves at an important turning point in which we have to rethink the very essence of the act of communication, or rather the content of such communication, which, when we’re talking about design, must move, but also tell a story about identity, culture and values.”
To produce this new issue, INTERNI asked companies how the digital-real mix has changed the way in which they present themselves. We also carried out a survey among communication professionals to ask them about how they see the transformation that is underway. The picture that emerges is both dense and stimulating: year zero of the ‘phygital’ era it will lead to experimentation, to a breaking free of the consolidated approach to design communication, and the creation of new ways of talking about historical Italian know-how
As a supplement the new issue of INTERNI, Design Index Guide is a unique directory with over 8000 Italian design addresses: the producers and the products, where and what to buy, the designers, the photographers, the publicists, the publishers, the trainers, the organisers, the exhibitors.
Also available in a digital version and online on all mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) and on desktops at:
Events and special initiaitives
INTERNI, is a point of reference in design which, thanks to its creative strengths, has developed a system of parallel publications that have transformed it from a monthly magazine to a brand capable of creating events and initiatives, also abroad. In fact, during the year many initiatives aimed at reigniting the creative spirit of Milan and beyond.
Following the great success of the 1st edition of INTERNI Designer’s Week 2020 – which recorded a reach of 18 million users on the brand’s digital and social media channels and physical visits by over 60,000 people from Italy and abroad – from 12 to 23 April the magazine will launch the 2nd edition in Milan of this urban event dedicated to industrial and furniture design, with a focus on aspects of sustainability, the circular economy and mobility. With print and digital guide, on and off-line visibility will be given to the presentations of new product collections by the most important Italian and foreign companies will present at their respective flagship stores, showrooms and special locations.
From 4 al 19 September, for the FuoriSalone 2021, INTERNI will has planned an event-exhibition called Creative Connections. Staged in the courtyards of the University of Milan and inside the amazing Orto Botanico of Brera, the exhibition aims to establish a link between creativity, ideas and people from different cultures and countries.
And finally, to enhance with cultural and publishing activities and events, the project for the participation of Italy at the upcoming Universal Exposition, INTERNI will be the media partner of the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. A collaboration that will include events and publishing initiatives during the six-month long exhibition and the period leading up to Expo 2020 Dubai, which will begin on 1 October 2021.
INTERNI January-February will be on newsstands from Wednesday 20 January 2021.
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