Electa is presenting two exhibitions dedicated to Italo Calvino in Rome and Genoa
Respectively at the Scuderie del Quirinale and Palazzo Ducale, the two exhibition projects were created to celebrate the centenary of the writer’s birth
As part of the celebrations for the centenary of Italo Calvino’s birth, our publishing house Electa is presenting two exhibitions dedicated to the great writer, one in Rome and one in Genoa.

The Roman exhibition entitled “Favoloso Calvino. Il mondo come opera d’arte. Carpaccio, de Chirico, Gnoli, Melotti e gli altri” will open Oct. 13 at the Scuderie del Quirinale and will remain open to the public until Feb. 4, 2024. The exhibition, curated by Mario Barenghi in collaboration with Electa, thoroughly explores Calvino’s connection with the arts through more than 400 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings and first editions of the writer’s books. The exhibition, which began as a “visual” project, will enable not only Calvino lovers, but also new readers, to learn more about the life and literary production of one of the leading figures of twentieth-century literature.

Parallel to the exhibition in Rome, from October 15 2023, to April 7 2024, the exhibition project “Calvino cantafavole” curated by Eloisa Morra and Luca Scarlini opens at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, in the spaces of the Loggia degli Abati. The Genoese exhibition organized by Electa, in collaboration with the Scuderie del Quirinale, Teatro della Tosse and Lele Luzzati Foundation, is divided into six sections to give visitors a chance to explore Calvino’s relationship with the world of fairy tales in greater depth.
The exhibitions, part of the program for the centennial celebration of Calvin’s birth, will be accompanied by the publication of related catalogues:
In addition to the catalogues, Electa has also planned other publishing activities dedicated to Italo Calvino: a new edition of Idem by Giulio Paolini, a valuable and now unobtainable work; the volume Calvino A-Z, edited by Marco Belpoliti, for the Enciclopedie series; Il dubbio e il desiderio, a new title in the Oilà series edited by Silvia Bencivelli and dedicated to Eva Mameli Calvino, the writer’s mother.