“Interni” at Cersaie in Bologna 2024

The interiors and contemporary design magazine will take part in a Cafè della Stampa (Press Café) on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 3 p.m. entitled ‘The good city: for responsible and generous architecture’

Speaker: Alfonso Femia, architect and founder of Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia AF517

INTERNI is once again this year participating in a Press Café organised as part of Cersaie 2024 in Bologna (23–27 September), the international exhibition of ceramics for architecture and bathroom furnishings. For the occasion, Mondadori Group’s interiors and contemporary design magazine presents The good city: for responsible and generous architecture with speaker Alfonso Femia, an architect and founder of Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia AF517 with offices in Genoa, Milan and Paris. Much of his design and philosophical work is dedicated to water and the architecture of Mediterranean cities.

Along with journalist Patrizia Catalano, Alfonso Femia will speak about the importance of water, a resource that should be everyone’s right but which is often wasted on the well-being of a small part of the population while it is scarce in many countries around the world. The conversation will also highlight how collective awareness of the value of this supreme commodity can lead us to reconsider our values (even those we believe to be inalienable) and imagine new spaces and projects for cities that are made for everyone.

The good city: for responsible and generous architecture will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 24 September at 3 p.m. at the Press Café (Agorà dei Media – Mall 29/30). Gilda Bojardi, director of the INTERNI system will open the event.

The magazine is also celebrating its 70th anniversary with a special display in the Lounge Bar Gardens 25/26 customised with 70 covers. These will then be distributed in poster format at the INTERNI stand.

For information www.internimagazine.it


A monthly magazine with a circulation of 50,000 copies, publishing began in 1954 as the first Italian periodical dedicated to interior decoration. Today INTERNI is one of the main communication tools in contemporary Italian and international design, essential for professionals and design enthusiasts. In 2024 it will be celebrating its first seventy years, during which it has been fortunate enough to share in the fantastic and adventurous history of Italian furniture and interior design. It has closely followed the growth expressed by design through the intuition and work of brilliant cultural figures, capable and courageous architects, designers and entrepreneurs. In the early 1990s, the monthly magazine became part of Mondadori Group, Italy’s leading publishing group, and a system of parallel publications have developed over time under the editorship of Gilda Bojardi, transforming the magazine from elite media to mass media. Activities by INTERNI also include the development and coordination of events and exhibitions organised to foster interaction between the different people involved in design, production and distribution. The famous FuoriSalone, an urban event that enlivens the city of Milan during the week of Salone del Mobile, was organized by INTERNI in 1990. It celebrated its 30th edition in 2021 with the publication of Volume XXX-Y 30 anni di FuoriSalone | 1990-2020 Milano Design Stories (Electa). Following the start of publication of INTERNI in China (2015), the expansion of international editions is planned. INTERNI is a communications partner of the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka | The Ideal City.