Mondadori Group: put and call options over 10% of Adelphi

The options can be exercised from May 2027

Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group: “Adelphi is one of Italy’s true cultural assets and we are honoured that we have been given the chance to be a part of it”

The Mondadori Group reports that Mondadori Libri S.p.A. has signed mutual put and call options over a 10% stake in the share capital of Adelphi with Josephine Calasso – holder of a total shareholding of 23.88%.
The put/call options will be exercisable as of May 2027 at an exercise price reflecting an equity value for 100% of Adelphi of € 50 million.

“I chose the Mondadori Group because I care about the future of Adelphi, because it has proved to be a straightforward and transparent interlocutor, and because I truly believe that its proximity can make a valuable contribution to the evolution and growth of our publishing house, thanks to its skills, proven management expertise, size and, above all, the open manner of interaction and appreciation it has always shown towards publishing houses”, commented Josephine Calasso.
“I trust that this decision will be appreciated by the other shareholders, also with a view to restoring balance to the ownership structure, and am certain it will help make my dream for an Adelphi led by Roberto Calasso’s heirs, come true, as it looks forward to a bright future, worthy of its history, which can be seen in the extraordinary catalogue, my father’s legacy”, concluded Josephine Calasso.

“The agreement defined stems from a recognition and appreciation by the Mondadori Group of the extraordinary unique value of Adelphi, one of Italy’s true cultural assets. It is, for us, therefore a great honour to have been offered the chance to be part of its ownership structure in the future: we do so with the aim, together with all the other shareholders, of supporting its natural evolution and with a view to creating further value”, declared Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group. “All this while leveraging the fully shared vision, which sees the identity of the catalogue and the autonomy and independence of the publishing choices as the essential cornerstones in the development of a major, historic publishing house, in complete coherence with our philosophy whereby each publishing context is encouraged to preserve its identity and its own, specific characteristics”, Antonio Porro stressed. “Ultimately, we seek to make a contribution and share an inclusive path in due time with all those wishing to collaborate on the project for further enhancing the value of one of Italy’s most prestigious publishing houses”.