Mondadori launches the Flipback
A new format for printed books that are read vertically
Thursday 8 May will see the publication of the first ten titles of the new Mondadori Flipback series, a project in line with the more than a hundred-year-old tradition of publishing innovation and an ideal support for the editorial renewal of previous series Gialli (1929), Medusa (1933), Urania (1952), Oscar (1965), Miti (1995) and NumeriPrimi (2011).
The Flipback is a book produced with the kind of care and quality that is increasingly rare in the current publishing panorama. The paper, printing, binding, layout: every detail has been designed and produced to ensure the creation of a book as a concrete object. In the age of the dematerialisation of the book, print returns to centre stage in the reading experience: pick up a Flipback, notice how the pages spread out when you open it, feel the consistency of the paper and the robust binding; an experience of real pleasure for book lovers.
But Flipback books are also handy, agile, quick, attractive and literally fit in your pocket: an innovative format that represents a genuinely contemporary feel, the perfect solution for those who continue to enjoy the pleasures of reading in print in the context of a necessarily dynamic lifestyle. But it is also an authentically popular project, as can be seen from the price: the majority of Flipback titles will cost between €9 and €12.
Here are just a few of the titles that will be published between May and September 2014: EL James, Cinquanta sfumature. La trilogia; Margaret Mazzantini, Splendore; Dan Brown, Inferno; Paolo Giordano, La solitudine dei numeri primi; Francesco Guccini, Dizionario completo delle cose perdute; George Orwell, 1984; Hunger Games. La trilogia; David Grossman, A un cerbiatto somiglia il mio amore; Robert Harris, L’ufficiale e la spia (new title in 2014).