Mondadori magazines on board the “ExpoExpress” with free meetings and activities to discover Expo Milano 2015

From 30 August to 12 December 2014, Donna Moderna, Grazia, TuStyle, Starbene and Sale&Pepe will take on board the ExpoExpress – an exhibition-train that will travel the length and breadth of the country to offer a preview of the many aspects of Expo Milano 2015 – a vast range of free meetings about fashion and cooking, nutrition and wellbeing, castings for protagonists of photo shoots, show cooking with big-name chefs and a women wall with the testimony of the public.
The train will visit twelve Italian cities and each stop will feature a rich variety of free events promoted by the Mondadori titles that, with their unique editorial assets and know-how in terms of content and the value of the brands involved.

On the Live Expo carriage it will possible to take part in Donna Moderna castings to become the protagonist of one of the magazine’s fashion services and receive beauty tips from BioNike image consultants. For mums and dads there will be “Family Railway” where nutritionists, educators and paediatricians will be available to advice on recipes and suggestions for child rearing. Donna Moderna will also bring to ExpoExpress a mobile journalism project called “Possible Dreams” – Italy’s first web series done exclusively on smartphones – which brings together the stories of Italians who have realised their ideas thanks to a new way of building networks and business. At each stop one of the protagonists will face the public, ready to offer opinions and suggestions. “Possible Dreams” will also be open to share desires and aspirations and those who climb on board the train will find an ad hoc workstation where they can contribute their dream. The best videos will then be posted on
Grazia will engage the public in a series of encounters with special guests, including authors, entrepreneurs and the Ambassadors of Expo Milano 2015 and WE-Women For Expo – the project developed by the Universal Exposition in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori – who, in interviews conducted by Chiara Lorenzutti, the R101 presenter (the radio partner of the initiative), will give their views on the values of Expo Milano 2015. The issues linked to WE-Women for Expo will also be dealt with by the other women’s titles involved in the initiative. In addition, Grazia, through film clips made by Anna Marconi, foodblogger of Taste of Runaway, will show how it is possible to transform fashion into fantastic recipes and to personally try out brand new combinations in order to mix style and cooking.
TuStyle will invite readers to share their experiences about work, the future , families and friendship with the “What women share” initiative. All of the contributions received will be uploaded, along with a photo of the contributors, to a digital wall on board the train. The gallery with all of the contributions will also be posted on and be sharable on social networks with the hashtag #WhatWomenShare.
Starbene, in line with the theme of Expo Milano 2015 “Feeding the Planet, energy for Life”, will organise events on the Live carriage dedicated to nutrition, in the sense of dietary life style and prevention. Plus, thanks to the participation of the magazine’s experts and specialists, including Giorgio Donegani, Carla Lertola, Filippo Ongaro and Attilio Speciani, visitors can find out how to choose tasty food that that is healthy and of good quality and also take part in the Food carriage in the preparation of light and healthy recipes to improve their style of life.

On the Food Expo carriage cooking will become entertainment thanks to a series of free Sale&Pepe events: an exciting and sensory journey for adults and children, led by outstanding interpreters of Italian gastronomy, though the flavours and recipes from around the country and the specialities of the countries of Expo Milano 2015. The carriage, fitted with Bosch kitchen equipment, will host a number of show cooking demonstrations with great chefs and food experts who will reveal the secrets of their dishes and present their books to the public. Included among these events at the various stops, taking part in the “La cucina d’autore di Sale&Pepe” will be Cristina Bowerman, Christian Milone, Paolo Marchi, Antonino Cannavacciuolo, Gianluca Biscalchin, Don Pasta, Gnam Box and Italian Burger. And among the activities organised by the magazine’s cookery school, at each stop, there will also be “cooking for wellbeing” show cooking events, complete with advice from nutritionists, dieticians and Starbene experts.
ExpoExpress is a project that will reach a broad range of the public, not only readers, but also users and enthusiasts, with a high level of engagement on social media and the sites of the titles involved. has created the site to bring together all of the information and updates about the activities of all of the Mondadori magazines during ExpoExpress. In addition, each stop on the tour will be covered live by two bloggers and can also be followed on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #expoexpress. A complete interactive calendar of ExpoExpress is available on which, thanks to a special widget, will make it possible to save the events in your diary and share them on social media.

A competition has also been launched on entitled #unaricettaperlavita which will make it possible to collect photos, video clips and social contributions that will become part of the lager collection of experiences and female habits put online by WE-Women for Expo. The aim of the project is to build a large archive of experiences, ideas and ingredients for life: a digital treasure trove of recipes gathered and shared in ten categories, from cooking with leftovers to conviviality, from travel memories to regional and traditional flavours. And thanks to the contribution of a maxi multimedia platform will be created to conserve the collective memory on cultures and traditions, relationships, opportunities and creativity to be shared on all of the social networks and which will find its natural expression during the six months of the Expo. The project will be presented on the Live carriage of the train.
ExpoExpress, which is promoted by Donna Moderna, Grazia, Tu Style, Starbene and Sale&Pepe, has bean realised in collaboration with Bosch appliances and with the support of BioNike.
Supporting partner of the initiative is Lega del Filo d’Oro, the association that gathers funds to support the deaf and blind and those suffering from sensory disabilities.