On newsstands from 25 February the new Confidenze tra amiche
High-impact layout and renewed columns and a new blog
Confidenze tra amiche, the Mondadori weekly edited by Susanna Barbaglia, will hit the newsstands in a completely new form on Wednesday 25 February.
For over 60 years the magazine has been a point of reference for its loyal readers with its confidential tone and complicit approach to subjects such as: news, fashion, beauty, wellbeing, psychology, DIY, cooking and homes.
The strong points of Confidenze tra amiche are the stories written by the readers themselves; stories about how love, careers, friendship and health have changed their lives. A wealth of content that for years has determined the magazine’s success and that has been preserved also after the redesign.

The review of the weekly, which will introduce change while maintaining continuity, can be seen across the magazine, and involves all of the columns and features.
Starting from the layout and the new logo, which is both more linear and simple, up to the various sections that animate the title, to make it even more readable.
With bigger images, a cleaner and cleaner typeface and a more open organisation of space, it is easier for the reader to flick through the magazines, starting from Stories and novels before coming to the Beauty or Fashion pages.
Also Heath and Wellbeing, Cooking, DIY, Gardens & Animals and Travel, are organised in such a way as to make it easier to identify the topics of greatest interest, thanks to highly visible straplines and clearly indicated suggestions by the editorial staff.
“The plus of the new Confidenze tra amiche is a unique formula that gives absolute preference to the direct experience of the protagonists, precisely to emphasise the magazine’s vocation of exchange and interaction on issues that affect women: from news to fiction and health, all of which are commented on by experts,” declared Susanna Barbaglia, editor of the weekly.
“And this is because our readers are used to spontaneously sharing reality and discussing everything, whether it be a recipe or and proposed new law, a beauty product or a story from the news. Consequently, it will be easy to move from the “salon” of the printed version to the immediacy of the debate in the online community. And, as a result, to evolve and make contemporary the magazine’s originality,” concluded Barbaglia.
In fact, from next week, Confidenze tra amiche, will inaugurate a new blog where the weekly’s journalists and bloggers can share posts with users. The title has a strong community of readers who are always active and active, not only on the web, but also around the country thanks to a series of events that the editorial staff organise in different cities around Italy.
To mark the new design, Confidenze tra amiche is launching a competition with Settemari, both on the pages of the magazine and on Facebook, with a chance to win an all-inclusive week for two people at the SettemariClub Marapunta Village in Greece and 10 discount vouchers worth €150 to use when booking at any SettemariClub.