New courses begin at the Sale&Pepe School of Cooking
From classes with nutritionists and experts to the first pastry course with World Champion Chocolatier Davide Comaschi

The Sale&Pepe School of Cooking, created on the experience of the magazine edited by Laura Maragliano, returns after the summer break in its new headquarters in the centre of Milan with a full calendar of courses and initiatives and numerous new features for adults, children and young people who want to try out their #talentoincucina (talent in the kitchen) in and innovative and technological location.
Wellbeing at the table
A cycle of 5 events will start on 28 September dedicated to health: dietician and nutritional scientist Carla Lertola, alongside chefs from the Sale&Pepe school, will demonstrate how to combine taste and healthy with balanced menus suitable for every occasion, from “Sunday lunch with the in-laws” to a “Sex & the City evening dinner party with friends”, with an eye on the nutritional value of ingredients and without overlooking the pleasures of the table.
Designer chocolate
Those with a sweet tooth can’t miss the classes, starting on 1 October, ABC Pastries: getting your hands in the flour like never before. A course in 5 step-by-step lessons to learn the basics of pastry cooking with an exceptional instructor: Davide Comaschi, Master Pastry Chef and World Champion Chocolatier at the World Chocolate Master. Perfect puff pastry, ultra-soft sponges, delicate bignè and the most delicious creams, concluding with the speciality of Davide Comaschi: food of the Gods, chocolate. Enthusiasm, sleeves rolled up, energy and attention to the advice of Davide Comaschi are all you need to learn to take your first steps in the world of pastry cooking and win over the sweetest tooth among you friends and family.
For a complete calendar of the events in the programme and full details about enrolment, please visit:
Sale&Pepe Scool of Cooking
at Ca’puccino, lower ground floor, Piazza Armando Diaz 5, 20123 Milano (M1/M3 Duomo)
tel: 02 75 42 33 00 –