Donatella Di Pietrantonio’s Arminuta wins the Campiello Prize 2017
With 133 votes from the popular jury, Donatella Di Pietrantonio’s novel L’ Arminuta (Einaudi) wins the 55th edition of the Campiello Prize.
As on other occasions, the readers’ opinion has reversed the shortlist positions decreed by the technical jury, chaired this year by Ottavia Piccolo, of the prize for fiction promoted by Confindustria Veneto.
The novel by Donatella Di Pietrantonio has won over the works of Stefano Massini (Qualcosa sui Lehman, Mondadori, 99 votes), Mauro Covacich (La città interiore, La Nave di Teseo, 25 votes), Alessandra Sarchi (La notte ha la mia voce, Einaudi, 13 votes) and Laura Pugno (La ragazza selvaggia, Marsilio, 12 votes).