Donna Moderna presents two days dedicated to beauty
Treatments, workshop, talks, all free and open to the public
Milan, 20 and 21 May, Bagni Misteriosi
Donna Moderna, the women’s weekly edited by Annalisa Monfreda, always sensitive to issues related to the world of women, has announced the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience, two days entirely dedicated to beauty; one of the topics of most interest to the magazine’s audience.
On 20 and 21 May, the Bagni Misteriosi (Via Carlo Botta 18, in Milan), will become an exclusive “beauty centre” and theatre of a range of activities organised with Garnier and Lancôme, involving all participants and free of charge.
“For years, Donna Moderna has promoted an idea of beauty that today is, finally, a trend: i.e. beauty as authenticity and the courage to be oneself, but also beauty as a commitment and care,” said Annalisa Monfreda. “To talk about and practice this philosophy, during a weekend open to all our readers, is an extraordinary opportunity. And I’m sure all those who come to our Beauty Experience will go home with a clear personal beauty mission in mind,” the editor concluded.
For this weekend in May, readers and users will be able to take part in more than 230 initiatives: including Beauty Bars, Beauty Workshops, Beauty Treatments, Beauty Talks and a Yoga Lounge.
Any revelations? At the beauty bars, instead of enjoying culinary delights, visitors can sample creams, facial beauty treatments, masks and hair care shampoos with Garnier and try perfumes and the latest make-up with Lancôme.
Expert make up artists will demonstrate how to enhance beauty thanks to the Lancôme make up school, in a number of meetings and workshops about skin, hair colouring and hair care with Garnier.
Having a direct experience, relaxing and trying new things are the keywords of the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience.
The Donna Moderna Beauty Experience will take care of ‘its women’ for two days, with innovative body and face remodelling treatments, but also a perfect hairstyle and a tint in the nuance that best suits each woman. By booking your ‘beauty moment’ online at, readers and users can ensure their free beauty appointment.
At the Bagni Misteriosi everyone will have the opportunity to attend the Beauty Talks in which Annalisa Monfreda will talk with exceptional guests about relevant issues related to the world of beauty. And during the day there will also be Mini Beauty Talks: briefings and short talks during which the partners of the initiative will look at issues such as authentic beauty and the links between food and beauty.
“We are delighted that the L’Oréal Group has joined this initiative that is so important for us,” said Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond. “The creation of great joint events, like the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience, is one of the evolutions of the role of today’s advertising companies. And “joint” means that this type of operation is the result of collaboration between publishers, advertising companies, clients and partners. And, not least, the advertisers. In fact, they are the ones who determine the success by participating and getting involved in the proposed activities. It is a paradigm shift that is giving us great satisfaction, and an area where we want to continue to work,” Mondo concluded.
Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading women’s publishing network, is an ecosystem which, through the magazine, web and social channels, embraces an audience of 11.2 million net contacts, between readers and users (Source: Audipress 2016/3 and Audiweb February 2017) able to expand and develop further thanks to this type of activity around the country. The magazine currently has some 4 million monthly readers with a circulation of 230,000 copies. Meanwhile, has 8.2 million unique users (Source – Audiweb View February 2017), 500,000 followers on Twitter and 580,000 fans on Facebook.
On 20 and 21 May, participants will also be able to take and receive a beauty snapshots, practice yoga, learn new relaxation techniques and watch a ‘real women’ fashion show. In addition, a photographic exhibition dedicated to the magazine’s cover protagonists, portraits of real women who represent the brand’s idea of beauty and a number of dance and music shows. In fact, with Donna Moderna you can also attend the live concerts of three musicians at Milano Piano City – the annual event that on the weekend of 19, 20 and 21 May will transform the city into a musical stage.
The hashtags for the initiative are: #dmbeautyexperience and #dmbex.
At, users can keep up to date with all the beauty appointments scheduled during the event, book their beauty appointments and find information on how to reach the location.
For those who will not be able to attend the event, there will be a chance to follow live coverage of some of the activities on Donna Moderna’s Facebook profile and on Twitter with live tweets on both days. All of the beauty tips will also be reported in the magazine feature dedicated to the event with photos, videos and stories by the title’s journalists.
The Donna Moderna Beauty Experience has been organised thanks to the support of the main sponsors Garnier and Lancôme and additional sponsors including: Instax Fujifilm, Acqua Mood and Natura Buona by Spumador, YogaEssential and Caffè Pellini.
The communication campaign in support of the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience has been organised by Hunbranded, and planned on print, web and social channels.
The event is organized by Adverteam.