GialloZafferano Day
An event marking the launch of the first book of recipes by food bloggers will take place at the same time in 13 different italian locations
On 25 November 2017 for the first time 20 leading food bloggers from Italy’s biggest community will take part in a showcooking event in collaboration with Mondadori Store

In bookshops now Le ricette dei nostri food blogger, the new book by GialloZafferano (published by Mondadori) brings together 180 recipes, conceived and realised by 20 of the best food bloggers on Italy’s most popular cooking site.
The protagonist will be the brand’s food blogging community – Italy’s largest – which, up and running since 2009, now boasts over 1,000 blogs, 320 new recipes every day and 9 million fans on Facebook.
The publication of this book is another element that testifies to the strength of the Mondadori Group brand, leader in the online coking segment – with 6 million unique users on the web (Source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, September 2017) and 5.4 million fans on Facebook – which in April this year also made its first appearance on newsstands with the monthly Giallo Zafferano.
To celebrate the publication of the book a Giallo Zafferano Day has been organised in collaboration with Mondadori Store, il Giallo Zafferano Day. It will take place on 25 November, at 13 locations across Italy, and the 20 food bloggers will participate in showcooking event during which they will prepare one of the featured recipes and sign copies of the book.
The event will take place at the following locations:
Forlì with Antonella Vergari (Noce Moscata food blog), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Grosseto with Valentina Donati (Cinque quarti d’arancia) and Maurizio Vanni (Piatti pronti in un attimo), at the il Caffè Carducci di Corso Carducci 18;
Imperia with Luisa Orizio (Allacciate il grembiule), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Marsala with Elena Laudicina (Cucina facile con Elena), at the Trattoria il Gallo Innamorato;
Milano with Sara Bonaccorsi (Cucina con Sara), Rossella Cosentino (Rossella in padella) and Ivana Ester Marra (Studenti ai fornelli), at the Mondadori Megastore in Via San Pietro all’Orto;
Modica with Stephanie Cabibbo (Mastercheffa), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Monselice with Francesca Del Vecchio (Dolci creazioni…e non solo…tatam), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Pinerolo with Rosella Errante (Nel tegame sul fuoco) at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Roma with Valeria Ciccotti (Vale Cucina e fantasia), at the Mondadori Bookstore in Via Tuscolana;
Salerno with Rossella Maraio (Rossella… Pane e cioccolato) and Tina Vinciguerra (Le ricette di Tina), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Taranto with Marisa Malomo (Il mio saper fare), Loredana Cavotta (La cucina di Loredana), Pasquale Schiavone (Forno e fornelli) at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Trento with Leyla Farella (Dulcisss in forno), at the Mondadori Bookstore;
Velletri with Vanessa Gizzi (La cucina di Vane) at the Mondadori Bookstore.
The official hashtag for the event is: #GZDay17.
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