Happy birthday CasaFacile
On newsstands from 10 January a special issue with 70 pages dedicated to the ideal home
The CasaFacile brand confirms its success also on the advertising front: in fact, 2016 advertising sales were +6% on the previous year

CasaFacile is 20 years old, years well spent among creative ideas, before & afters, inspiration, smart solutions and background details that have made the title of Mondadori Group an authentic “magazine-community” that has grown along with its readers, both on and offline.
“It’s already 20 years since CasaFacile made its first appearance on newsstands: an in twenty years we have made some homes!” declared Giusi Silighini, editor of CasaFacile. “Since I became the editor of this monthly I have only had one thought in mind: to show not just dream corners and hyper-functional solutions, but to enable readers to change their homes, take them by the hand and explain the whys and wherefores of choosing furniture and the combinations of materials and colours. In other words, to enable them to reproduce what they see (and appreciate) every month as they flick through CasaFacile. We are, after all, an aspirational, but accessible monthly, with a touch of the unconventional,” concluded the editor.
The whole of 2017 will be a ‘celebr-active year: in which CasaFacile will organise ad hoc courses, new workshops and creative laboratories. There will be many opportunities to meet to share the passions that unite both the magazine’s staff and its readers: those of homes and their stories. Over the years the CasaFacile team has been enhanced: 24 young creative bloggers, over 100 CF style professionals (including architects and interiors stylists) across Italy who have all passed a casting and become available for those who need personalised advice: all at the service of the readers who every month buy the magazine and the more than 245,000 fans active every day on Facebook and the 75,000 followers on Instagram, a total audience (print and digital) of 1,486,422 monthly contacts (Source: elaboration by MCube based on Audipress 2016/II – Audiweb View October 2016),
The special initiatives start this week with a special collectors’ edition on newsstands: the CasaFacile stylists have designed and created the ideal home, one that responds to today’s dreams and needs, and in which everyone would like to live. Over 70 pages are dedicated to this “home of homes” that will also feature at the Fuorisalone 2017, in an exceptional location in the heart of Milan during this year’s Design Week.
And, of course, there will also be increasingly rich supplements and on and offline advice to find the most practical solutions to create your own style in a useable, smart and amusing way. There will also be new features on the web site casafacile.it, with new video-clips, curated by journalist and TV presenter Giorgio Tartaro, with accounts and explanations, in perfect ‘CF style’ on the icons of design.
The CasaFacile brand also confirms its success also on the advertising front: in fact, 2016 advertising sales were +6% on the previous year, a result achieved also thanks to the special initiatives organised in collaboration with important clients both within and outside the sector. The positive trend of the last two years continues in 2017: this first anniversary issue for celebrating magazine’s first 20 years, as with subsequent issues, will have an even more prestigious look and be fully bound.
A communication campaign to mark the first 20 years of CasaFacile has been organised by the agency Hi! Comunicazione and planned across various media: TV, print, web and social.
CasaFacile will be on newsstands from 10 January at a cost of €1.50.
Follow all of the anniversary events also on social networks: #casafacile20anni