st art. Art for all
From 13 June, a new cycle of exhibitions and encounters at Mondadori Megastore, Piazza Duomo, Milan

Mondadori Store is launching “st art. L’arte per tutti” (Art for all), a new calendar of exhibitions featuring pop art and a cycle of encounters between artists, curators and authors, organised by Angelo Crespi, with the aim of making contemporary art and its protagonists even more comprehensible and accessible, starting from the most pop dimension. In fact, today, one of the most interesting areas of contemporary art is street and pop art, an essentially democratic art, with a strong public connotation, able also to face up to and play with the world of media.
The first names on show include, Pao, Felipe Cardeña, Massimo Giacon and Mr. Savethewall.
“st art” was inaugurated with a collective public live performance of WIKI COLLAGE & PLOTTER TAKE AWAY, an enormous 8 metre-long collage of cut outs from the pop art of the first four artists featured in the new programme – Pao’s penguins, the flowers and Superman by Felipe Cardeña, Massimo Giacon’s figures and those by Mr. Savethewall.
The collage was produced directly by the public, supervised by a crew of young assistants, with the possibility of logging the posters by the artitists present nad take them home. Produced by the Mondadori Store with Cardeña Crew and Atelier Spazio Xpò, in collaboration with DeodatoArte.
13 June – 9 July: Pao / “penguin heroes”
11 July – 10 September: Mr. Savethewall / “stencil mood story”
12 September – 8 October: Giacon / “contemporary comics mix”
10 October – 12 November: Cardeña / “pop up flowers”
The first four artists on show at st art from 13 June, in the events area on the third floor of the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan, are among the best exemplars of street or pop art, starting with Pao who is the most recognisable having worked in both an urban context and more widely in the media. This will be followed in succession by Mr. Savethewall, Massimo Giacon, and Felipe Cardeña, each of whom represents this type of contemporary art in their own way. The shows will feature original works and the creation of multiples and gadgets, available to the public. There will also be a series of installations and performances, making the exhibition space also a focal point for shows and communication.
From 16 May, inside the Mondadori Megastore, a work by the Korean artist Jukhee Kwon, entitled Fromthebooktothespace” a word sculpture, will also be on display. The work, which is organised vertically, extending 12 metres from the third floor, reaching the first floor of the Megastore, is made up of “a book that – as the curator of the show Cinzia Chiari says – is a suspended sculpture made of old books, the publications of the kind of great authors who have made the history of literature; volumes, often abandoned and unused, that the Korean artists finds in bookshops across the world among rare editions. Jukhee inscribes each book by hand with the precision and patience that is part of his orentale background. The pages create sculpted scenes that open and fall as if they were a cascade of letters, and suggesting the need for words to come out of the books in order to be read. A eulogy to the printed book that, despite the advent of digital, remains a necessary, fundamental and irreplaceable support. The book opens up and expands, becoming an object that, in its new physical and metaphorical form, sublimates itself in a work of art.”
In June a cycle of conferences will begin with the “Understading Contemporay Art”, in which artists, curators and authors will have a chance to discuss, with book and catalogue presentations, the much discussed issue of how to approach contemporary art, alos in its more eccentric and surprising manifestations.
Initially conceived for the two Mondadori Megastores in Milan (Duomo and Marghera), the “st art”, project wants to involve the entire Mondadori Retail area, which now has some 600 outlets across Italy, as well as though online communication and e-commerce, points of excellence for the Group, by creating an new short circuit between books and pop art, physical and online exhibitions, original work and multiple copies, digital and traditional communication, to encourage and stimulate the dissemination and contamination of art and the public.
st art is an artistic project curated by Angelo Crespi.
st art has been made possible by the invaluable contribution of Sergio Pappalettera, visual artist and expert in marketing and communication strategies, who designed the logo and the integrated communications of the entire project.
st art is produced in partnership with Deodato Arte, a brand established in 2001 which, since 2012, has concentrated on communications and the on and offline sale, above all, of pop artists linked to street art.
st art. Art for all
Mondadori Megastore, Piazza Duomo Milan
Open: 9 am – 11 pm | Entrance: Free | #StartInStore