The Mondadori Group launches Rizzoli Electa and expands its illustrated publications business internationally
Mondadori Electa is set to launch its new Rizzoli Electa brand in the USA and worldwide in January 2018. The brand will specialise in the publication of art catalogues in English and the organisation of international exhibitions.
Following the buyout of Rizzoli Libri by Mondadori Group, headed by CEO Ernesto Mauri, in April 2016, Rizzoli’s international illustrated department is now to be integrated with Mondadori Electa, headed by CEO Antonio Porro.
With this new line up the Mondadori Group is ready to expand its illustrated books market internationally. The new organisation sees Mondadori Electa align with Rizzoli Illustrati Italia and well-known Rizzoli International Publications, including the Rizzoli New York brand, an off-shoot of Rizzoli’s iconic New York bookstore.
Stefano Peccatori is to head production for Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli publications aimed at the Italian and international markets, while Marco Ausenda will be in charge of publications for Rizzoli International and coordinating the Group’s expansion in the illustrated section towards emerging markets.
Rosanna Cappelli will continue to head the department dedicated to organising events and exhibitions, producing catalogues and museum services’ management in Italy, with the department also scheduled to spearhead new initiatives for developing exhibitions and catalogues for the international market.