Donna Moderna Negev Adenture: five runners have been selected to run 80 km in the Israeli desert
The stage is set for the Donna Moderna Negev Adventure, the project developed by Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand leader in the women’s segment, along with Israel’s National Tourist Board and aimed at women who want to exceed their limits in running.
Donna Moderna has selected five runners, from more than 320 candidates, who at the end of October will fly to Israel to take part in an exciting 80 km run and discover the desert Negev Desret and some of the country’s wonders, along with the magazine’s editor Annalisa Monfreda and some of the journalistic team.
The runners chosen are: Elisa Adorni, Arianna Bianchini, Eleonora Suizzo, Francesca Valassi and Federica Verdoya.
“We aim to encourage women to exceed their limits and I am very happy to be able to test myself in this adventure and to discover the beautiful country that will host us,” commented the editor of Donna Moderna Annalisa Monfreda.
The run is in four stages, drawn up by Gianni Maccagni, race director at AdvTime, along with Federico Bertone, trail running instructor: from the north to the south of the Negev, a desert unspoiled for almost two million years and characterised by a very particular terrain of craters and erosion, with valleys and canyons that appear as if from nowhere.
The run will be interspersed with moment for relaxation and the discovery of some of the country’s tourist and cultural highlights.
“The desert will be an extraordinary and unexpected discovery for our runners; amazing, moving and fascinating them, and, above all, leaving a unforgettable memory of the colours of the landscape that will last a lifetime. We are extremely proud to have collaborated in this highly original project which, in addition to the splendour of the nature of the desert, will also highlight the multiplicity of women’s skills and how Israel is an exceptional place where everyone can take advantage of the many opportunities to realise themselves and their dreams,” declared Avital Kotzer Adari, director of Israel’s National Tourist Board.

The initiative, which was launched in June, has involved both beginners and experienced runners with a training programme promoted by Donna Moderna and based on targets assisted and advised by motivational coach Max Monaco, trail running instructor Federico Bertone and Lucia Rossi, a pharmacist and nutritionist.
Moreover, the meetings organised around the country – the “Corri con noi” events, put together with the support of Adverteam – involved a total of 1,800 participants in three Italian cities who were able to train in groups under the guidance of qualified trainers.
The ambassadors of the project were Daniel Fontana, triathlon Olympic champion, and the marathon runners Luisa Balsamo and Anna Incerti.
Max Monaco and Federico Bertone will also be protagonists, along with the editor of, Donna Moderna Annalisa Monfreda and the director of Israel’s National Tourist Board Avital Kotzer Adari, of a talk show that will be held every evening at 6.30 pm at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan.
The press, web and social media campaign has been run by Hunbranded.
The projects main partner is the Israeli National Tourist Board, that will allows us to discover the beauty of the Negev Desert and some of the country’s most fascinating locations.
Others partners include Nilit, the Israeli company that has patented the fibre Nylon 6.6 Sensil® Innergy and BV Sport, the French brand of technical sportswear made in Sensil® Innergy.
Gruppo Sodalis with the brands Beauty&Personal
Care BioNike, Biopoint and Lycia.
Equilibra, a world leader in natural supplements.