Confidenze presents the second edition of Confylab
A writing workshop that offers the possibility of getting your short story published

Confidenze, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Angelina Spinoni, presents the second edition of ConfyLab, a writing workshop that enables readers to publish their short stories in the magazine and in the blog, with the help of the editorial team and two coaches, authors of successful novels.
Every year the weekly publishes over 500 true stories, which are both the hear and the strength of the magazine and is why it is always on the lookout for new captivating stories to move and engage readers.
Readers can send in a story – of between 7,000 and 14,000 characters – the focus of which must be a secret: of love, family, something unconfessed or also something that, at a certain point, emerges. What is important is that the story is unpublished and personal.
To read and assess the stories received, Confidenze has enrolled the help of two writers – who are also “historic” contributors to the magazine : Annalucia Lomunno and Silvia Montemurro who will polish the texts, justifying request for changes to be made in order to make the stories stronger and more engaging.
Once the stories have been revised, the coaches, together with the editorial team, will judge whether to mark the story for publication and choose the Confidenze “writers”. Stories not published in the magazine may be selected for publication on the blog, where they will remain, signed by the authors, in the section ConfyLab.
Readers can send their stories – from 20 June to 31 August – to this email address: Submissions should be accompanied by an email address, name, surname and possibly a contact telephone number to be used by the editorial team.