One of the cornerstones of our human resources management methods is to offer to everyone the same opportunities to develop personal skills and habits whilst avoiding all discrimination, whether in relation to ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or personal beliefs. This is also enshrined in our code of ethics.

With reference to gender equality, we encourage and promote equal working conditions between men and women.
Over the last thirty years, employment rates of women have remained at a constant 60%.
Our compensation model respects overall equality in terms of remuneration offered to male and female staff.

Workforce according to level

Workforce by grading and gender
2020% of totalof which Womenof which Men
Middle managers14%55%45%
Office workers71%66%34%

Female presence among the heads of titles

Our compensation model respects overall equality in terms of remuneration offered to male and female staff.

Remuneration women/men

Middle managers88%
Office workers95%

Remuneration considers the average annual gross salary as well as any MBO bonuses paid for specific gradings of employees at 31 December. It should also be noted that in order to calculate the ratio, the basic salary of part-time employees has been re-proportioned in such a way as to make it comparable to that of full-time employees.